US unblocks $500 million in aid to Palestinians

And the US is doing that for Israel so the PA can keep their mouths shut for another year about Israel's occupation. This has nothing to do with the Palestinians. It's just meant to control them and to block Arabic countries from sending money to them rather than the US monitoring it and preventing any aid going to them.
So all the bitching about Sequestration and the damage to this country was all bullshit.
Looks like we have plenty of money to go around.

What say you Libs?
Your question is predicated on the idea that our government, our politicians, have a conscience...

But yeah, doesn't seem to make a lot of sense. Mayhaps cuts due to the sequester could have started with foreign aid rather than domestic spending?
Libs? Does it make a difference whether its republicans or democrats? Can you god damned people for once realize its in your interests to keep your money for your people and forget the damn politics in it?
Let them all suffer until they realize that their religion is the problem.... or let them exterminate each other.

I think the government needs to understand that we are trying to conserve.
The U.S. is trying to help both sides find a solution and you have to keep both sides happy. Israel gets a huge amount of aid from the U.S. This is absolutely miniscule in comparison.
The U.S. is trying to help both sides find a solution and you have to keep both sides happy. Israel gets a huge amount of aid from the U.S. This is absolutely miniscule in comparison.

Not the responsibility of the United States to keep both sides happy. Yes, Israel gets a huge amount of aid, about 3 Billion dollars a year, Im against that too. Two wrongs don't make it right. The US government needs to use that money within our borders. Their priority should be America First.

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