US was warned about embassy attack

IF (a big if) the Administration HAD gotten prior warnings about the attacks on our embassies BEFORE 9/11/2012, but then they proceeded to do diddly shit about the safety of the consular offices and embassies, the President should be impeached.

And yes, I certainly DO fully well realize that no such thing will happen, and that it would be pointless anyway as long as the Senate is dominated by liberal Democrat hacks more interested in party fidelity than fidelity to the Republic.

Still, IF it happens to be true, the incompetent incumbent SHOULD get bounced.
Obama and Hillary were too busy apologizing for the 13 minute movie that insulted the Muslims, to worry about heeding the warnings.
The failed obama regime is now saying they didn't know a thing about it. Never got a warning.

The lies coming out of this failure is simply astounding. Simply astounding.
We were warned, Obama did nothing. FAIL!

I'm sure, however some Libturds will find a way to pin it all on Romney (or Bush).
The evidence is mounting that this failed regime did know what was going to happen. They had been warned as early as Sept 4. Their lies are disntegrating faster than toilet paper in the bowl.
And Bush was warned after inauguration, from George Tenet, about 9/11/01.
According to Richard Clarke, in "Against All Enemies", Paul Wolfowitz on Bin Laden:
“Well, I just don't understand why we are beginning by talking about this one man bin Laden,” Wolfowitz responded.

There are multiple news stories, going back to the 9/11 commission about "Bush knew".

There have been rumors that FDR knew or suspected that Japan was going to attack. And they DID attack on a minor scale, months before we nuked them. They called MacArthur and Truman's bluff.
Google Bly, Oregon, if you aren't familiar. Unit 731 from Japan had PLANS for the US.
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Bull Shit. No way they could have know that Al Qaeda was going to attack the Embassy. And the Ambassador was not even attacked in the Embassy. He was in another location. Just because Bush failed to do his job, you people want to blame Obama for something. Anything.
The evidence is mounting that this failed regime did know what was going to happen. They had been warned as early as Sept 4. Their lies are disntegrating faster than toilet paper in the bowl.

Link or shut the fuck up, :mad:

According to senior diplomatic sources, the US State Department had credible information 48 hours before mobs charged the consulate in Benghazi, and the embassy in Cairo, that American missions may be targeted, but no warnings were given for diplomats to go on high alert and "lockdown", under which movement is severely restricted.

This is not a warning, little bitch. Mob did not kill the Americans and were never targets except by Al Qaeda. Who were killed in Cairo any fucking way?
Obama and Hillary were too busy apologizing for the 13 minute movie that insulted the Muslims, to worry about heeding the warnings.

Really? Because if you look at the actual timeline, you'd see that Mittens fucked up pretty bad with his statement.

The statement released by the embassy worker was done in the morning.

6 hours later, 4 black SUV's with the black Muslim flag pulled up to the compound.

4 hours into the attack, and after the diplomat was killed, Mittens says that Obama "apologized".

You right wingers may wish to get your facts straight..........................

Additionally, the reason that the diplomat stationed HIMSELF in Benghazi instead of the main embassy in Tripoli, is because that is where all the rebels were who were fighting the regime. far as "knowing" an attack was coming? It's not the first time that the embassy in Benghazi was attacked. When the drone strike killed AQ's number 2, there was an attack in retaliation for his beng killed.

Oh yeah.................we also had intel that the next town up (starts with a "d"), was where the largest grouping of Taliban was in Libya. the Cairo demonstrations, nobody got hurt. In the attack on Benghazi? Locals who were interviewed stated there was no demonstrations before the attack, but afterwards, some of the locals started looting after the attack was over.
Four Americans are killed in Libya and 6000 killed in Iraq and for no apparent reason except oil we did not get. Not really because of stupid warmongering Right wingers.
3,000 killed in the 9-11 attack and there were severaly warnings and Bush ignored them all. Bush was warned about katrina and 1,836 died.
Keep it in reality people. They gets dozens of pieces of intel daily about potential threats.
General but not specific warning given...
US intelligence warned embassy in Egypt of concern about anti-Muslim film
September 14th, 2012 - Concerned about the reaction to an anti-Muslim film that was gaining attention online, the U.S. intelligence community sent a cable to the embassy in Egypt warning of the concern, a U.S. official told CNN. It was sent 48 hours before the protests in Cairo and Benghazi in Libya, the official said.
The cable did not discuss any specific threat, the official said. It warned instead about the existence of the movie being posted on the internet and the fact that it was gaining attention. A seven minute portion of the movie aired on an Egyptian TV talk show the weekend before the protests started, according to a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Bureau of Intelligence memo obtained by CNN on Thursday.

The cable was not sent to the embassy in Tripoli, Libya or the consulate in Benghazi. US officials have said there was no intelligence ahead of the attack in Benghazi, which intelligence officials still believe was not planned. The White House spokesman Jay Carney said Friday there was no "actionable intelligence" indicating an attack was being planned.

There are hundreds if not thousands of cables sent each day, the official said, and there was no specific threat attached to this one, because a specific threat was not known.


See also:

Anti-Muslim film promoter outspoken on Islam
Thursday, September 13, 2012 - The public face for the anti-Muslim film inflaming the Middle East is not the filmmaker, but an insurance agent and Vietnam War veteran whose unabashed and outspoken hatred of radical Muslims has drawn the attention of civil libertarians, who say he's a hate monger.
The public face for the anti-Muslim film inflaming the Middle East is not the filmmaker, but an insurance agent and Vietnam War veteran whose unabashed and outspoken hatred of radical Muslims has drawn the attention of civil libertarians, who say he's a hate monger. With the Coptic Christian filmmaker Nakoula Basseley Nakoula in hiding, film promoter Steve Klein has taken center stage in the unfolding international drama. He's given a stream of interviews about the film and the man he says he knew only as Sam Bacile, and is using the attention to talk about his own political views.

Nakoula, who used Bacile spelled multiple ways as a pseudonym, contacted Klein months ago for advice about the limits of American free speech and asked for help vetting the movie's script, Klein said in an interview with The Associated Press. The filmmaker asked the 61-year-old grandfather if he would act as a spokesman if the film "caught on," and he agreed. The role dovetailed with Klein's relentless pursuit of radical Muslims in America, an activity he says he began after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. It took on more meaning in 2007, when his son, then a 27-year-old Army staff sergeant, was seriously injured in Iraq. Matthew Klein, a medic, was awarded the Bronze Star for Valor and a Purple Heart for injuries he suffered in the attack by a suicide bomber, according to the Army Human Resources Command.

"What do I get out of this? I get to die one of these days hoping my granddaughters and my grandsons will be safe from these monsters," Klein said while sipping a beer on the front porch of his home. He claimed to have visited "every mosque in California" and identified "500 to 750 of these people who are future suicide bombers and murderers." "Those are the guys I'm looking for. I'm not interested in mom and pop running a pizza store or running a smoky shop, a hookah shop," he said.

Klein works with his wife as an insurance agent out of a small office on the second floor of a downtrodden business complex in Hemet, a small city in the shadows of the San Jacinto Mountains about 90 miles southeast of Los Angeles. He describes himself as a failed real estate investor who lost 20 properties in the recession. In 2002, he was the American Independent Party's candidate for state insurance commissioner, receiving 2 percent of the vote. The Southern Poverty Law Center says they have been tracking Klein for several years and have labeled two of the organizations he is affiliated with as hate groups.

The Libyan embassy was attacked just recently. There is no excuse for this atrocity. None.

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