US womens soccer star declines to join US womens national team over pandering to homosexuals

Really my friend...I never took you for a and let live do realise your addiction to Hillary could have been weird to some who think like you...I didn't because I understood...Look Hoss,if you told me you were Gay,it would make no difference to me at all BUT if you asked me to have a threesome with Hillary I would only agree if you took the back end...LOL..steve
No one should be forced to wear shit that is repugnant to them...
So you wearing a pink shirt would then be a problem to you,for you to comprehend,up until 1923 all male Babies were dressed in pink and femmes in are too old to change,you should go to a country that stones and murders Gay idiot like the rest are already half way there.

Do you think The Greeks empowered and forwarded civilization?????????? OF COURSE YOU DO......….well they were much into incest and homosexuality

Your attitude is drawn through ignorance of course,all those Bible Bashing Christians had arrested your development or were you touched up(kiddie fiddled)as a young boy.
Does thinking of me as male give you a boner? I thought so.

Now is the time to point and laugh.

Chuckle on,as a 71 year old female,I suspect you read far too many Porno Mags...."Thinking of you as a man,gives me a Boner" WTF are you smoking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yet you said I was a boy and it tickled you didn't it. Or were you thinking of boys?

Don't do that. Not here.
Are you wearing that strap on again...LOL
So you admit you have no cogent response.

This is your cue to run off at the mouth. And yes I am goading you into meltdown.
Methinks you think too much of your ability,your "supposed GOADING" is about as good as your artwork,ugly and revolting and banal
But you keep coming back for more.

Have you ever been beaten by a woman? Did you like it? You are the type.
No,not really but I might like it....I'm more of the "TYPE" of man that gives women Multiple Orgasms,as I always say the Lady...…….. comes...……. first,second and third...Now does that make you Wet,Tipsy...if so I'm the Man for You...I do love a screamer
Oh my my my. No no I only like inflicting pain. Emotional, mental, physical any kind of pain.
So what is your Pussy Price these days
I don't like sex but I do like blood. How much are you offering to have your naked ass beat with a leather belt until blood runs down the crack?

I knew you were a submissive right off.
Nope that's not it at all. She refuses to wear the "pride jersey" the national team has. I don't blame her. Its advocating something SHE does not believe in. Simple as that.
She refuses to be assimilated and becoming a borg.

So, immigrants have to assimilate, but the locals shouldn't assimilate?
Assimilate into what? Accepting a lifestyle they don't want to be part of? Why do gays DEMAND people accept what they do in the damn bedroom? Its personal. Private. Nobodys business. Period.

Gay people don't demand that you accept what they do in the bedroom.

They demand that you treat them equally.
They are the only ones that want displays of acceptance. No one else, no other group forces others to wear clothing proving loyalty to their cause. No one else demands decals on police cars. That's not equality and they will never get equality because they are perverts.
Naughty,Naughty Tipsy...What about all those Lemmings wearing Trump T Shirts claiming Trump is God,NOW THAT IS GROSS PERVERSION ,are you a Trumpite Tipsy
Nope that's not it at all. She refuses to wear the "pride jersey" the national team has. I don't blame her. Its advocating something SHE does not believe in. Simple as that.
She refuses to be assimilated and becoming a borg.

So, immigrants have to assimilate, but the locals shouldn't assimilate?
Assimilate into what? Accepting a lifestyle they don't want to be part of? Why do gays DEMAND people accept what they do in the damn bedroom? Its personal. Private. Nobodys business. Period.

Gay people don't demand that you accept what they do in the bedroom.

They demand that you treat them equally.
They are the only ones that want displays of acceptance. No one else, no other group forces others to wear clothing proving loyalty to their cause. No one else demands decals on police cars. That's not equality and they will never get equality because they are perverts.

That's complete rubbish.

You call them perverts because your silly religion has decided something natural is perverted. Hmm....
Methinks you think too much of your ability,your "supposed GOADING" is about as good as your artwork,ugly and revolting and banal
But you keep coming back for more.

Have you ever been beaten by a woman? Did you like it? You are the type.
No,not really but I might like it....I'm more of the "TYPE" of man that gives women Multiple Orgasms,as I always say the Lady...…….. comes...……. first,second and third...Now does that make you Wet,Tipsy...if so I'm the Man for You...I do love a screamer
Oh my my my. No no I only like inflicting pain. Emotional, mental, physical any kind of pain.
So what is your Pussy Price these days
I don't like sex but I do like blood. How much are you offering to have your naked ass beat with a leather belt until blood runs down the crack?

I knew you were a submissive right off.
Never take a persons personal BENT as submissive,now BEND DOWN LOW,let me show you what I know...dunno about paying for a good lashing Tipsy,that does not sound very lady like to me

But come join me here, I will be gentle but will flow BLOOD
Last edited:
Methinks you think too much of your ability,your "supposed GOADING" is about as good as your artwork,ugly and revolting and banal
But you keep coming back for more.

Have you ever been beaten by a woman? Did you like it? You are the type.
No,not really but I might like it....I'm more of the "TYPE" of man that gives women Multiple Orgasms,as I always say the Lady...…….. comes...……. first,second and third...Now does that make you Wet,Tipsy...if so I'm the Man for You...I do love a screamer
Oh my my my. No no I only like inflicting pain. Emotional, mental, physical any kind of pain.
So what is your Pussy Price these days
I don't like sex but I do like blood. How much are you offering to have your naked ass beat with a leather belt until blood runs down the crack?

I knew you were a submissive right off.

So you don't like sex, so no one else should either?
She refuses to be assimilated and becoming a borg.

So, immigrants have to assimilate, but the locals shouldn't assimilate?
Assimilate into what? Accepting a lifestyle they don't want to be part of? Why do gays DEMAND people accept what they do in the damn bedroom? Its personal. Private. Nobodys business. Period.

Gay people don't demand that you accept what they do in the bedroom.

They demand that you treat them equally.
They are the only ones that want displays of acceptance. No one else, no other group forces others to wear clothing proving loyalty to their cause. No one else demands decals on police cars. That's not equality and they will never get equality because they are perverts.

That's complete rubbish.

You call them perverts because your silly religion has decided something natural is perverted. Hmm....
Why do you keep bringing up religion? Do you need it? Have you ever examined why you need religion?

Many things are natural yet not normal. It is natural for some animals to eat their young. It's just not normal. Homosexuality is an aberration. It is deviant like bestiality, necrophilia, pedophilia and objectophilia. All are natural because they occur naturally. They are also abnormal responses to sexual stimuli.
But you keep coming back for more.

Have you ever been beaten by a woman? Did you like it? You are the type.
No,not really but I might like it....I'm more of the "TYPE" of man that gives women Multiple Orgasms,as I always say the Lady...…….. comes...……. first,second and third...Now does that make you Wet,Tipsy...if so I'm the Man for You...I do love a screamer
Oh my my my. No no I only like inflicting pain. Emotional, mental, physical any kind of pain.
So what is your Pussy Price these days
I don't like sex but I do like blood. How much are you offering to have your naked ass beat with a leather belt until blood runs down the crack?

I knew you were a submissive right off.

So you don't like sex, so no one else should either?

Like whatever kind of sex you want just don't expect acceptance, tolerance, approval or pride from others.
But you keep coming back for more.

Have you ever been beaten by a woman? Did you like it? You are the type.
No,not really but I might like it....I'm more of the "TYPE" of man that gives women Multiple Orgasms,as I always say the Lady...…….. comes...……. first,second and third...Now does that make you Wet,Tipsy...if so I'm the Man for You...I do love a screamer
Oh my my my. No no I only like inflicting pain. Emotional, mental, physical any kind of pain.
So what is your Pussy Price these days
I don't like sex but I do like blood. How much are you offering to have your naked ass beat with a leather belt until blood runs down the crack?

I knew you were a submissive right off.
Never take a persons personal BENT as submissive,now BEND DOWN LOW,let me show you what I know...dunno about paying for a good lashing Tipsy,that does not sound very lady like to me

But come join me here, I will be gentle but will flow BLOOD

You would benefit from a cat. With metal tips on all 9 tails. Start at the upper back, then chest, working down saving penis and scrotum for last. I allow no safe words, never did. Trusting me is part of the thrill.
So, immigrants have to assimilate, but the locals shouldn't assimilate?
Assimilate into what? Accepting a lifestyle they don't want to be part of? Why do gays DEMAND people accept what they do in the damn bedroom? Its personal. Private. Nobodys business. Period.

Gay people don't demand that you accept what they do in the bedroom.

They demand that you treat them equally.
They are the only ones that want displays of acceptance. No one else, no other group forces others to wear clothing proving loyalty to their cause. No one else demands decals on police cars. That's not equality and they will never get equality because they are perverts.

That's complete rubbish.

You call them perverts because your silly religion has decided something natural is perverted. Hmm....
Why do you keep bringing up religion? Do you need it? Have you ever examined why you need religion?

Many things are natural yet not normal. It is natural for some animals to eat their young. It's just not normal. Homosexuality is an aberration. It is deviant like bestiality, necrophilia, pedophilia and objectophilia. All are natural because they occur naturally. They are also abnormal responses to sexual stimuli.

You really want to know why I bring up religion in terms of sex?

Because the ONLY people who have a problem with sex are religious people.

Non-religious people just accept sex as a normal part of life.

All animals do it. It's a basic function of being an animal to reproduce. Dogs don't get all crazy about fucking. They just do it. They don't stop others doing it, they just do it.

So, religions say sex is bad.

Do you know why Christianity says sex is bad? It's because the religion they took over from had sex as a normal thing, in fact a spiritual thing. Christians changed this. Then you had people like Augustine who hated sex telling others that sex is bad.

How can sex be bad?

I don't care whether something is normal or not. Sex is normal. More people have sex than do other things which you wouldn't batter an eyelid at.
No,not really but I might like it....I'm more of the "TYPE" of man that gives women Multiple Orgasms,as I always say the Lady...…….. comes...……. first,second and third...Now does that make you Wet,Tipsy...if so I'm the Man for You...I do love a screamer
Oh my my my. No no I only like inflicting pain. Emotional, mental, physical any kind of pain.
So what is your Pussy Price these days
I don't like sex but I do like blood. How much are you offering to have your naked ass beat with a leather belt until blood runs down the crack?

I knew you were a submissive right off.

So you don't like sex, so no one else should either?

Like whatever kind of sex you want just don't expect acceptance, tolerance, approval or pride from others.

I shouldn't need to have acceptance, tolerance, approval from you anyway. Like you said, it's none of your business. Who the fuck I fuck is none of your business.

So don't tell me who to marry, don't tell me that my sex is deviant, disgusting. In fact, don't think about it.

If gay people were EQUAL, if gay people didn't have religious people thinking about their sex all the time, then gay people wouldn't need pride events, they wouldn't need to promote equality and acceptance, and then you wouldn't have to watch gay porn all night.
Now the Pittsburgh Police had to put a $350.00 decal on all police cruisers to satisfy the demands of the liberal faggot community to celebrate Faggot Pride Month. Read the article.

PATHETIC: Pittsburgh Police Get Huge New Decals On All Cruisers To Appease Liberals [Video]

View attachment 196555
Really my friend...I never took you for a and let live do realise your addiction to Hillary could have been weird to some who think like you...I didn't because I understood...Look Hoss,if you told me you were Gay,it would make no difference to me at all BUT if you asked me to have a threesome with Hillary I would only agree if you took the back end...LOL..steve
No one should be forced to wear shit that is repugnant to them...
So you wearing a pink shirt would then be a problem to you,for you to comprehend,up until 1923 all male Babies were dressed in pink and femmes in are too old to change,you should go to a country that stones and murders Gay idiot like the rest are already half way there.

Do you think The Greeks empowered and forwarded civilization?????????? OF COURSE YOU DO......….well they were much into incest and homosexuality

Your attitude is drawn through ignorance of course,all those Bible Bashing Christians had arrested your development or were you touched up(kiddie fiddled)as a young boy.
Still have not answered my question, what is the purpose of forcing someone to wear something that is repugnant to them?
Assimilate into what? Accepting a lifestyle they don't want to be part of? Why do gays DEMAND people accept what they do in the damn bedroom? Its personal. Private. Nobodys business. Period.

Gay people don't demand that you accept what they do in the bedroom.

They demand that you treat them equally.
They are the only ones that want displays of acceptance. No one else, no other group forces others to wear clothing proving loyalty to their cause. No one else demands decals on police cars. That's not equality and they will never get equality because they are perverts.

That's complete rubbish.

You call them perverts because your silly religion has decided something natural is perverted. Hmm....
Why do you keep bringing up religion? Do you need it? Have you ever examined why you need religion?

Many things are natural yet not normal. It is natural for some animals to eat their young. It's just not normal. Homosexuality is an aberration. It is deviant like bestiality, necrophilia, pedophilia and objectophilia. All are natural because they occur naturally. They are also abnormal responses to sexual stimuli.

You really want to know why I bring up religion in terms of sex?

Because the ONLY people who have a problem with sex are religious people.

Non-religious people just accept sex as a normal part of life.

All animals do it. It's a basic function of being an animal to reproduce. Dogs don't get all crazy about fucking. They just do it. They don't stop others doing it, they just do it.

So, religions say sex is bad.

Do you know why Christianity says sex is bad? It's because the religion they took over from had sex as a normal thing, in fact a spiritual thing. Christians changed this. Then you had people like Augustine who hated sex telling others that sex is bad.

How can sex be bad?

I don't care whether something is normal or not. Sex is normal. More people have sex than do other things which you wouldn't batter an eyelid at.
Christianity is not a religion, it’s a faith... shit for brains
Oh my my my. No no I only like inflicting pain. Emotional, mental, physical any kind of pain.
So what is your Pussy Price these days
I don't like sex but I do like blood. How much are you offering to have your naked ass beat with a leather belt until blood runs down the crack?

I knew you were a submissive right off.

So you don't like sex, so no one else should either?

Like whatever kind of sex you want just don't expect acceptance, tolerance, approval or pride from others.

I shouldn't need to have acceptance, tolerance, approval from you anyway. Like you said, it's none of your business. Who the fuck I fuck is none of your business.

So don't tell me who to marry, don't tell me that my sex is deviant, disgusting. In fact, don't think about it.

If gay people were EQUAL, if gay people didn't have religious people thinking about their sex all the time, then gay people wouldn't need pride events, they wouldn't need to promote equality and acceptance, and then you wouldn't have to watch gay porn all night.
Then don't make other people wear your stupid shirt saying you accept it either. If it's none of our business why do we have to be accepting on your lifestyle?
Assimilate into what? Accepting a lifestyle they don't want to be part of? Why do gays DEMAND people accept what they do in the damn bedroom? Its personal. Private. Nobodys business. Period.

Gay people don't demand that you accept what they do in the bedroom.

They demand that you treat them equally.
They are the only ones that want displays of acceptance. No one else, no other group forces others to wear clothing proving loyalty to their cause. No one else demands decals on police cars. That's not equality and they will never get equality because they are perverts.

That's complete rubbish.

You call them perverts because your silly religion has decided something natural is perverted. Hmm....
Why do you keep bringing up religion? Do you need it? Have you ever examined why you need religion?

Many things are natural yet not normal. It is natural for some animals to eat their young. It's just not normal. Homosexuality is an aberration. It is deviant like bestiality, necrophilia, pedophilia and objectophilia. All are natural because they occur naturally. They are also abnormal responses to sexual stimuli.

You really want to know why I bring up religion in terms of sex?

Because the ONLY people who have a problem with sex are religious people.

Non-religious people just accept sex as a normal part of life.

All animals do it. It's a basic function of being an animal to reproduce. Dogs don't get all crazy about fucking. They just do it. They don't stop others doing it, they just do it.

So, religions say sex is bad.

Do you know why Christianity says sex is bad? It's because the religion they took over from had sex as a normal thing, in fact a spiritual thing. Christians changed this. Then you had people like Augustine who hated sex telling others that sex is bad.

How can sex be bad?

I don't care whether something is normal or not. Sex is normal. More people have sex than do other things which you wouldn't batter an eyelid at.
Sex is normal. There are certain forms of response to sexual stimuli that are abnormal and perverted. Most of the time, the perverts conduct their little bits of nonsense without concern.

As far as perversions go, I have seen it all and done about half.

I don't like death porn where a woman in high heels stomps small animals to death. I'll strap on a pair of white stilettos and squash crickets or roaches but that's as far as I will go.

It is not the sex gays have that I object to. Frankly it is against my understanding of religion to call their activities a sin which is why I never bring up religion.

What I object to is suing business people who don't want to participate. I was sued and won, and I still don't like it. I object to pride month, pride anything and forcing someone who doesn't want to be part of the program to fly flags, wear shirts or stick on decals. I object to torturing every blessed show into having gay love plotlines where they clearly don't fit.

Gays are about 4% of the population. Leave others alone. Hand me a gay pride shirt and I would shove it down the gifters throat and pinch their nose shut.
Gay people don't demand that you accept what they do in the bedroom.

They demand that you treat them equally.
They are the only ones that want displays of acceptance. No one else, no other group forces others to wear clothing proving loyalty to their cause. No one else demands decals on police cars. That's not equality and they will never get equality because they are perverts.

That's complete rubbish.

You call them perverts because your silly religion has decided something natural is perverted. Hmm....
Why do you keep bringing up religion? Do you need it? Have you ever examined why you need religion?

Many things are natural yet not normal. It is natural for some animals to eat their young. It's just not normal. Homosexuality is an aberration. It is deviant like bestiality, necrophilia, pedophilia and objectophilia. All are natural because they occur naturally. They are also abnormal responses to sexual stimuli.

You really want to know why I bring up religion in terms of sex?

Because the ONLY people who have a problem with sex are religious people.

Non-religious people just accept sex as a normal part of life.

All animals do it. It's a basic function of being an animal to reproduce. Dogs don't get all crazy about fucking. They just do it. They don't stop others doing it, they just do it.

So, religions say sex is bad.

Do you know why Christianity says sex is bad? It's because the religion they took over from had sex as a normal thing, in fact a spiritual thing. Christians changed this. Then you had people like Augustine who hated sex telling others that sex is bad.

How can sex be bad?

I don't care whether something is normal or not. Sex is normal. More people have sex than do other things which you wouldn't batter an eyelid at.
Sex is normal. There are certain forms of response to sexual stimuli that are abnormal and perverted. Most of the time, the perverts conduct their little bits of nonsense without concern.

As far as perversions go, I have seen it all and done about half.

I don't like death porn where a woman in high heels stomps small animals to death. I'll strap on a pair of white stilettos and squash crickets or roaches but that's as far as I will go.

It is not the sex gays have that I object to. Frankly it is against my understanding of religion to call their activities a sin which is why I never bring up religion.

What I object to is suing business people who don't want to participate. I was sued and won, and I still don't like it. I object to pride month, pride anything and forcing someone who doesn't want to be part of the program to fly flags, wear shirts or stick on decals. I object to torturing every blessed show into having gay love plotlines where they clearly don't fit.

Gays are about 4% of the population. Leave others alone. Hand me a gay pride shirt and I would shove it down the gifters throat and pinch their nose shut.
Pretty funny response from an artist,considering a lot of folk in the ARTS are tell us of your perversions,maybe we could put you in the perverted side of normal,wearing a pair of white stillettos is a little weird,no doubt to see the splatters of blood on the shoes,your mind is from a different ignorant epoch
So what is your Pussy Price these days
I don't like sex but I do like blood. How much are you offering to have your naked ass beat with a leather belt until blood runs down the crack?

I knew you were a submissive right off.

So you don't like sex, so no one else should either?

Like whatever kind of sex you want just don't expect acceptance, tolerance, approval or pride from others.

I shouldn't need to have acceptance, tolerance, approval from you anyway. Like you said, it's none of your business. Who the fuck I fuck is none of your business.

So don't tell me who to marry, don't tell me that my sex is deviant, disgusting. In fact, don't think about it.

If gay people were EQUAL, if gay people didn't have religious people thinking about their sex all the time, then gay people wouldn't need pride events, they wouldn't need to promote equality and acceptance, and then you wouldn't have to watch gay porn all night.
Then don't make other people wear your stupid shirt saying you accept it either. If it's none of our business why do we have to be accepting on your lifestyle?

The problem here is that you pound on them, and so they're fighting back.

Stop pounding on them, and they have no reason to seek anything.

Gay people don't demand that you accept what they do in the bedroom.

They demand that you treat them equally.
They are the only ones that want displays of acceptance. No one else, no other group forces others to wear clothing proving loyalty to their cause. No one else demands decals on police cars. That's not equality and they will never get equality because they are perverts.

That's complete rubbish.

You call them perverts because your silly religion has decided something natural is perverted. Hmm....
Why do you keep bringing up religion? Do you need it? Have you ever examined why you need religion?

Many things are natural yet not normal. It is natural for some animals to eat their young. It's just not normal. Homosexuality is an aberration. It is deviant like bestiality, necrophilia, pedophilia and objectophilia. All are natural because they occur naturally. They are also abnormal responses to sexual stimuli.

You really want to know why I bring up religion in terms of sex?

Because the ONLY people who have a problem with sex are religious people.

Non-religious people just accept sex as a normal part of life.

All animals do it. It's a basic function of being an animal to reproduce. Dogs don't get all crazy about fucking. They just do it. They don't stop others doing it, they just do it.

So, religions say sex is bad.

Do you know why Christianity says sex is bad? It's because the religion they took over from had sex as a normal thing, in fact a spiritual thing. Christians changed this. Then you had people like Augustine who hated sex telling others that sex is bad.

How can sex be bad?

I don't care whether something is normal or not. Sex is normal. More people have sex than do other things which you wouldn't batter an eyelid at.
Sex is normal. There are certain forms of response to sexual stimuli that are abnormal and perverted. Most of the time, the perverts conduct their little bits of nonsense without concern.

As far as perversions go, I have seen it all and done about half.

I don't like death porn where a woman in high heels stomps small animals to death. I'll strap on a pair of white stilettos and squash crickets or roaches but that's as far as I will go.

It is not the sex gays have that I object to. Frankly it is against my understanding of religion to call their activities a sin which is why I never bring up religion.

What I object to is suing business people who don't want to participate. I was sued and won, and I still don't like it. I object to pride month, pride anything and forcing someone who doesn't want to be part of the program to fly flags, wear shirts or stick on decals. I object to torturing every blessed show into having gay love plotlines where they clearly don't fit.

Gays are about 4% of the population. Leave others alone. Hand me a gay pride shirt and I would shove it down the gifters throat and pinch their nose shut.

Okay, you think that some people respond differently to sex, that difference you consider perverted, even though, if you believe in God, God created this "perversion".

Go figure.
Now the Pittsburgh Police had to put a $350.00 decal on all police cruisers to satisfy the demands of the liberal faggot community to celebrate Faggot Pride Month. Read the article.

PATHETIC: Pittsburgh Police Get Huge New Decals On All Cruisers To Appease Liberals [Video]

View attachment 196555
Really my friend...I never took you for a and let live do realise your addiction to Hillary could have been weird to some who think like you...I didn't because I understood...Look Hoss,if you told me you were Gay,it would make no difference to me at all BUT if you asked me to have a threesome with Hillary I would only agree if you took the back end...LOL..steve
No one should be forced to wear shit that is repugnant to them...
So you wearing a pink shirt would then be a problem to you,for you to comprehend,up until 1923 all male Babies were dressed in pink and femmes in are too old to change,you should go to a country that stones and murders Gay idiot like the rest are already half way there.

Do you think The Greeks empowered and forwarded civilization?????????? OF COURSE YOU DO......….well they were much into incest and homosexuality

Your attitude is drawn through ignorance of course,all those Bible Bashing Christians had arrested your development or were you touched up(kiddie fiddled)as a young boy.
Still have not answered my question, what is the purpose of forcing someone to wear something that is repugnant to them?

you wear what you like,who give a thought about someone like you
They are the only ones that want displays of acceptance. No one else, no other group forces others to wear clothing proving loyalty to their cause. No one else demands decals on police cars. That's not equality and they will never get equality because they are perverts.

That's complete rubbish.

You call them perverts because your silly religion has decided something natural is perverted. Hmm....
Why do you keep bringing up religion? Do you need it? Have you ever examined why you need religion?

Many things are natural yet not normal. It is natural for some animals to eat their young. It's just not normal. Homosexuality is an aberration. It is deviant like bestiality, necrophilia, pedophilia and objectophilia. All are natural because they occur naturally. They are also abnormal responses to sexual stimuli.

You really want to know why I bring up religion in terms of sex?

Because the ONLY people who have a problem with sex are religious people.

Non-religious people just accept sex as a normal part of life.

All animals do it. It's a basic function of being an animal to reproduce. Dogs don't get all crazy about fucking. They just do it. They don't stop others doing it, they just do it.

So, religions say sex is bad.

Do you know why Christianity says sex is bad? It's because the religion they took over from had sex as a normal thing, in fact a spiritual thing. Christians changed this. Then you had people like Augustine who hated sex telling others that sex is bad.

How can sex be bad?

I don't care whether something is normal or not. Sex is normal. More people have sex than do other things which you wouldn't batter an eyelid at.
Sex is normal. There are certain forms of response to sexual stimuli that are abnormal and perverted. Most of the time, the perverts conduct their little bits of nonsense without concern.

As far as perversions go, I have seen it all and done about half.

I don't like death porn where a woman in high heels stomps small animals to death. I'll strap on a pair of white stilettos and squash crickets or roaches but that's as far as I will go.

It is not the sex gays have that I object to. Frankly it is against my understanding of religion to call their activities a sin which is why I never bring up religion.

What I object to is suing business people who don't want to participate. I was sued and won, and I still don't like it. I object to pride month, pride anything and forcing someone who doesn't want to be part of the program to fly flags, wear shirts or stick on decals. I object to torturing every blessed show into having gay love plotlines where they clearly don't fit.

Gays are about 4% of the population. Leave others alone. Hand me a gay pride shirt and I would shove it down the gifters throat and pinch their nose shut.

Okay, you think that some people respond differently to sex, that difference you consider perverted, even though, if you believe in God, God created this "perversion".

Go figure.
Do you think that God created serial killers, pedophiles, animal abusers, torturers, and cannibals because He so loves them and wants us to love them too? Nooo of course not. We are supposed to use our free will and not engage in sensory perversions or compulsions. Jeffrey Dahmer in speaking to his mother felt that God must have wanted him to kill and eat his lovers or he would not have wanted it so much.

Sadly and unfortunately people have no problem in twisting an understanding of The Lord to justify just about anything they want to do. God must have wanted Billy to be an alcoholic because he craves liquor so badly. God created Jane as a 600 pound glutton. She will eat an entire chocolate cake as doing His Will.

Gays will have anonymous sex with many many men satisfying a compulsion, separate and apart from any stable relationship. Lesbians change partners to a lesser degree.

Aberrations and what people go through to satisfy them is an engrossing study.

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