US womens soccer star declines to join US womens national team over pandering to homosexuals

Hinkle's refusal to play for USWNT over Pride Month jersey offers opportunity for different kinds of understanding

Looking on twitter she is being attacked by the leftists with their usual whining. Its hilarious to read. So I got a question would you rather her have taken the spot and then complained about the jersey or should she have taken it and just shut the hell up about her views? Obviously she did right thing in not taking a spot that someone else can get but may not be as good as she is and well that's the slippery slope this cultural marxism drags us down! The best and brightest get pushed out in favor of those willing to shut the hell up and toe the libtard line.


^^^^ This is Jaelene McKenzie Hinkle, she is an American football sportswoman and a practising Christian who is now being subjected to bullying and discrimination because she refuses to wear an LGBTQ shirt, never heard of her until this thread, but she has my respect and full support for exercising her RIGHT to not do something and promote something she does not support, she is now going to be Followed on Twitter by as many as we can summon, some might have to abandon the Twitter Ongoing Boycott to join Twitter to follow her. As someone is this thread already commented if she was a Muslim the SAME crowd who are bullying her would be silent, they accept that Islam is Anti-LGBTQ, to the Pro-LGBTQ Fanatics they totally accept and are okay with Muslims hating LGBTQ and advocating throwing gays off rooftops etc which illustrates how fucked in the membrane the Pro-LGBTQ Fanatics are.
Everyone has the right to be the way they feel naturally to be, up to the famous point of impinging on others. Whatever sexual preference one wishes to hold, alone or with another of similar disposition, should be without censure, especially of legal kind.
Expecting others to make efforts to promote those preferences is absurd. Everyone should have the maximum liberty possible. The so-called 'LGB...etc." group is made up of people, and they are equally entitled to the maximum liberty. I will demonstrate and struggle for liberty. I will not demonstrate and struggle for this special, very small minority to have what is essentially its ego stroked.
I will do this for our sisters, the women, the great percentage of the population that is severely handicapped by societal idiocy.

No problem. You don't have to. Plenty of others will.
Yes, they are free to do so, and I defend that right. I defend the right of people also to use such efforts for greater problems.
There already exist civil rights in America and these rights are protected by law. They need to be applied to all. There is no need to go item by item down some list of special groups.

As long as religious nuts in business to serve the public continue trying to refuse service to LGBTQ people, everybody isn't receiving their civil rights.
If someone has religious problems with public accommodations laws, they should address those laws. In the meantime, law is law and liberty is for all. Some of us would do the utmost to uphold liberty for all. Some of us will do nothing for this tiny, special interest being discussed here until the much larger issues are settled.
You are the one demanding that everyone follow the dictates of the Old Testament. So do you? Read the Old Testament sometime. Moreover, millions of people do not follow the bible, or if they do, do not believe in inerrancy and infallibility of this compendium of writings by unknown authors.
Are you sane? I never mentioned the Bible or the Old Testament. You did. Possibly you need the straw man Bible because that's where all your talking points are. Back up and make your case without the Bible.

But you are repeating this idiotic crap over and over. If it isn't from the bible, where do you get your crap from? Are you sane?

Your assertion in #178 that "Gay folks, being different than any other folks have to be handled with care. Everyone has to be proud of gay. They need that shoved down their throats along with their pride shirts shows your violent nature.
The point is that the bible condemns adultery but you and your kind vote it into office. Thats hypocrisy.
You are selective in what you hate and I suspect that you may have had a bad experience somewhere.
sorry snooks, bigoted lowlives have no business imposing their hate on others.

and bigotry isn't moral. no matter how much you wackjobs delude yourselves.

Leave people alone or throwing gays off rooftops will gain a whole new popularity.

There you go again with the violence. Nobody has demanded that you do anything, moron. Nobody is demanding that you stand for the national anthem or anything else. I haven't heard of any LGBTs presenting a list of "demands." Go back to your world of dildos and your preoccupation with somebody's butt. The only person who seems to be discussing their "preferred sexual proclivities" in public seems to be you. Pretty much it is a custom for people of all sexual orientations not to discuss their intimate activities in public. I've had LGBT friends and work colleagues for decades, and none has ever discussed intimate sexual details with me, and I, in turn, do not discuss mine and do not ask anyone about their's.

Why don't you clean up your act and go back to watching your favorite porn.
You have some fondness for the gay lifestyle. Keep it to yourself. Don't demand decals or shirts or anything else. Leave people alone.

Gays are in the same category as those who fuck children, goats, dead bodies and toasters. It's a perversion. A depravity. In a much better time it was and still is a mental illness.

Nobody is demanding anything. If you can't stand your neighbors-move. You are one sick puppy. Go experiment with your dildo, and don't run out of batteries.
Dildos have their purpose. With a little tinkering it would make a great lesbian gift. One that delivers a real "charge" if you know what I mean.

If my neighbors told me to fly their flag, they would only do it one time.

Asshole, nobody's telling you to fly any flag. Once again, you speak of violence. What is your immediate problem? You have a very filthy mouth most of the time. Uncivilized people like you are the ones sending the U.S. down the toilet.
What if she doesn't believe that black people should be on the national team?

But then again she's allowed to be a fucking moron. It's her choice. And she can be a fucking moron who doesn't play for the national team which represents THE COUNTRY which includes gay people.

Maybe she should move to a country that doesn't have gay people. Like fucking Antarctica.

Or maybe they can wear soccer jerseys that don't attempt to send a message that has nothing to do with playing soccer ... :dunno:


Doesn't have anything to do with playing soccer?

Actually has a lot to do with playing soccer.

Meet the 14 openly gay or bisexual soccer stars at the Women's World Cup

Meet the 14 openly gay or bisexual soccer stars at the Women's World Cup"

So, at the 2015 women's soccer world cup, there were 14 gay players. Megan Rapione and Abby Wambach are the only two who represented the USA.

There were 24 teams at this tournament. Germany, Sweden, Norway, USA, England, New Zealand, Australia and Canada are the only teams represented.

So, all of them are First World countries, three are not European but have massive European heritage. What about the rest?

Where were the gay players from Catholic countries like Columbia, Mexico, Spain, Costa Rica, Ecuador? Is there a coincidence that none of them had an openly gay player?

What about African countries? Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Nigeria?

How many people in this World Cup were gay, but afraid to come out? Afraid to be who they are?

Openly-gay English soccer player reveals 20 players waiting to come out

Openly-gay English soccer player reveals 20 players waiting to come out"

This one player, who plays non-league football (there are 92 league clubs), says 20 players want to come out but are basically afraid of doing so. This is men's soccer in the UK.

"There are currently no out-gay soccer players in the English Premier League."

There are 20 clubs in the Premier League and not one single player there has dared to come out. Why?

Soccer is a team sport. It's also a sport where fans can get on your back and make your life hell. Coming out could destroy you career.

So..... there's a very good reason why soccer teams are tackling homophobia in the sport, along with racism.
Assimilate into what? Accepting a lifestyle they don't want to be part of? Why do gays DEMAND people accept what they do in the damn bedroom? Its personal. Private. Nobodys business. Period.

Gay people don't demand that you accept what they do in the bedroom.

They demand that you treat them equally.
They are the only ones that want displays of acceptance. No one else, no other group forces others to wear clothing proving loyalty to their cause. No one else demands decals on police cars. That's not equality and they will never get equality because they are perverts.

That's complete rubbish.

You call them perverts because your silly religion has decided something natural is perverted. Hmm....
It has nothing to do with religion in most situations. A man poking his dick into another mans anus while fondling his balls is NOT natural any more than a man sticking his dick into a womans anus. Its a hole for SHIT to come out of. Thats its purpose. So saying its a natural thing is perverted on your part.

In all situations. The reason why gay is seen as bad is because of religions and nothing else.

Oh, so, it's not natural for a man to stick his dick in someone's ass.

Is it natural for humans to drive around in cars? Is it natural for humans to fly in airplanes?

No. Do you attack all people who did this and demand they can't partake in marriage (a human invention which is not natural)???
What else would you do with a car or an Airplane?
Ass is meant to shit. Shit is disgusting. Need I go on?
Everyone has the right to be the way they feel naturally to be, up to the famous point of impinging on others. Whatever sexual preference one wishes to hold, alone or with another of similar disposition, should be without censure, especially of legal kind.
Expecting others to make efforts to promote those preferences is absurd. Everyone should have the maximum liberty possible. The so-called 'LGB...etc." group is made up of people, and they are equally entitled to the maximum liberty. I will demonstrate and struggle for liberty. I will not demonstrate and struggle for this special, very small minority to have what is essentially its ego stroked.
I will do this for our sisters, the women, the great percentage of the population that is severely handicapped by societal idiocy.
But you shouldn't have the right to force those who don't want to, to advertise them by forcing them to wear the adverts to play a sport.
Everyone has the right to be the way they feel naturally to be, up to the famous point of impinging on others. Whatever sexual preference one wishes to hold, alone or with another of similar disposition, should be without censure, especially of legal kind.
Expecting others to make efforts to promote those preferences is absurd. Everyone should have the maximum liberty possible. The so-called 'LGB...etc." group is made up of people, and they are equally entitled to the maximum liberty. I will demonstrate and struggle for liberty. I will not demonstrate and struggle for this special, very small minority to have what is essentially its ego stroked.
I will do this for our sisters, the women, the great percentage of the population that is severely handicapped by societal idiocy.

No problem. You don't have to. Plenty of others will.
Yes, they are free to do so, and I defend that right. I defend the right of people also to use such efforts for greater problems.
There already exist civil rights in America and these rights are protected by law. They need to be applied to all. There is no need to go item by item down some list of special groups.

As long as religious nuts in business to serve the public continue trying to refuse service to LGBTQ people, everybody isn't receiving their civil rights.
Fine, go protest a Muslim bakery shop for not serving the gays.
Why do you assume that the message has nothing to do with playing fooball ?
... Blah-Blah-Blah.

What part of the soccer rule book refers to required sexual orientation and social engineering?


Saying that all are welcome somehow involves sexual orientation and "social engineering"? This woman was specifically invited to join, clearly showing that she was meant to be included. Of course the message being communicated has something to do with playing soccer, as sports leagues are public activities and there have been efforts in the past to exclude part of the public from these activities. That she opted-out of "all in" is her choice.

My own mother, of Russian background, used to tell me about rooting for Jackie Robinson and Roy Campanella in the 1940's, when the exclusion of African-Americans from participation in major-league baseball ended.
hmmm Changing clothes in a dressing room in front of those, who think you are hot and would love to have sex with you, would be weird regardless whether they are male or female.
Saying that all are welcome somehow involves sexual orientation and "social engineering"?

... Blah-Blah-Blah

That's not what I said at all ... I said playing soccer doesn't require people to wear LGBT jerseys.

Some people, like you, want to suggest that's not true.
I'll ask you again ... What part of the Official Soccer Rulebook covers required sexual orientation, desired social engineering or wearing LGBT jerseys?

Saying that all are welcome somehow involves sexual orientation and "social engineering"?

... Blah-Blah-Blah

That's not what I said at all ... I said playing soccer doesn't require people to wear LGBT jerseys.

Some people, like you, want to suggest that's not true.
I'll ask you again ... What part of the Official Soccer Rulebook covers required sexual orientation, desired social engineering or wearing LGBT jerseys?


It is NOT an "LGBT jersey.," numbskull. That's the point. It signifies that we are all in this together regardless of who we are. What's wrong with recognizing our diverse backgrounds when we all come together as one nation with one national team, which plays for the entire nation.

That this woman can't handle this simple concept, that's her thing. Let her stay where she is.
Hinkle's refusal to play for USWNT over Pride Month jersey offers opportunity for different kinds of understanding

Looking on twitter she is being attacked by the leftists with their usual whining. Its hilarious to read. So I got a question would you rather her have taken the spot and then complained about the jersey or should she have taken it and just shut the hell up about her views? Obviously she did right thing in not taking a spot that someone else can get but may not be as good as she is and well that's the slippery slope this cultural marxism drags us down! The best and brightest get pushed out in favor of those willing to shut the hell up and toe the libtard line.

She plays in a team.

Team work is all about working with people who are different. In soccer you have strikers, defenders, midfielders, goalkeepers.

Now all of a sudden she can't cope playing with people who are different?

Then fuck her.
obviously she's been playing with them for awhile now, so it must not bother her.

but she said "pandering to the base" and isn't it? hell cops in pittsburg are now putting rainbow gay support stickers on the police vehicles.

i support the gay community. go be gay and fun with it and best of luck in your relationships.

but stop making me hear about it 24x7.
Gay people don't demand that you accept what they do in the bedroom.

They demand that you treat them equally.
They are the only ones that want displays of acceptance. No one else, no other group forces others to wear clothing proving loyalty to their cause. No one else demands decals on police cars. That's not equality and they will never get equality because they are perverts.

That's complete rubbish.

You call them perverts because your silly religion has decided something natural is perverted. Hmm....
It has nothing to do with religion in most situations. A man poking his dick into another mans anus while fondling his balls is NOT natural any more than a man sticking his dick into a womans anus. Its a hole for SHIT to come out of. Thats its purpose. So saying its a natural thing is perverted on your part.

In all situations. The reason why gay is seen as bad is because of religions and nothing else.

Oh, so, it's not natural for a man to stick his dick in someone's ass.

Is it natural for humans to drive around in cars? Is it natural for humans to fly in airplanes?

No. Do you attack all people who did this and demand they can't partake in marriage (a human invention which is not natural)???
What else would you do with a car or an Airplane?
Ass is meant to shit. Shit is disgusting. Need I go on?

Ass is meant to shit, which is why do many people get pleasure from the ass then?

With Pleasure: A View of Whole Sexual Anatomy for Every Body

"The nerves and muscles within and around the perianal area play a part in the genital sensations of sex even if no one is engaging in any kind of anal or perianal sexual stimulation or sex whatsoever."

"Like the vagina, most of those nerve endings are concentrated around the opening and just inside the rectum. The anus is unlike the vagina in that it does not self-lubricate."
Saying that all are welcome somehow involves sexual orientation and "social engineering"?

... Blah-Blah-Blah

That's not what I said at all ... I said playing soccer doesn't require people to wear LGBT jerseys.

Some people, like you, want to suggest that's not true.
I'll ask you again ... What part of the Official Soccer Rulebook covers required sexual orientation, desired social engineering or wearing LGBT jerseys?


It is NOT an "LGBT jersey.," numbskull. That's the point. It signifies that we are all in this together regardless of who we are. What's wrong with recognizing our diverse backgrounds when we all come together as one nation with one national team, which plays for the entire nation.

That this woman can't handle this simple concept, that's her thing. Let her stay where she is.
so - can we now put a cross on there? other symbols of other beliefs? will their jerseys now look like NASCAR so everyone can be happy?

so - let's put a jesus symbol or 2 on there. let's slap on some buddhist logos, put on a swastika, pepe the frog and hell, logo that bad boy up. i mean, we're recognizing our diverse backgrounds, right?

so you should have no problem at all with what everyone now whats to put on the jersey. you said the criteria is recognition of diverse backgrounds. let's get 'em all on there so no one feels left out.
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Hinkle's refusal to play for USWNT over Pride Month jersey offers opportunity for different kinds of understanding

Looking on twitter she is being attacked by the leftists with their usual whining. Its hilarious to read. So I got a question would you rather her have taken the spot and then complained about the jersey or should she have taken it and just shut the hell up about her views? Obviously she did right thing in not taking a spot that someone else can get but may not be as good as she is and well that's the slippery slope this cultural marxism drags us down! The best and brightest get pushed out in favor of those willing to shut the hell up and toe the libtard line.

She plays in a team.

Team work is all about working with people who are different. In soccer you have strikers, defenders, midfielders, goalkeepers.

Now all of a sudden she can't cope playing with people who are different?

Then fuck her.
She has no problem playing on a team with different people. She won't advertise being gay by wearing a gay friendly jersey.

Good for her. It is time that nomal people stood up for themselves. She's not gay and should not be forced into advertising that this is something she approves of.

So what happens if one of her teammates is gay?

How's that going to work?
She doesn't have to be proud of a teammates gayness. She is refusing to wear a gay pride jersey. She would be forced to advertise that she is proud of homosexuality when she clearly is not. Even as bad and as corrupt as our courts are, I doubt if they would demand someone take such a personal way of advertising an approval they don't have.

I can't envision black people demanding that white players wear a jersey that says proud to be black when they clearly aren't.

Okay, so, the right think that football players should be FORCED to stand for the national anthem, but don't think soccer players should be forced to wear the team jersey..... Is that about right?

The shirt doesn't say the player is proud to be gay. The shirt looks like this


It has a rainbow on it. Oh, wow.

That's the colors of the shirt.
the "team" should not be picking out one "minority" over others.

where's the cross? where's an ankh? where's the fist in the air? hell, since we're now in total support mode, where's the swasitka?

if you're going to force people to wear this shirt then you are forcing your viewpoints upon them - and i know based on experience - you would not allow that. you would go ape-shit-batty if you were forced to wear something you didn't believe in and stage some protest to run people over in the streets in rage.
Saying that all are welcome somehow involves sexual orientation and "social engineering"?

... Blah-Blah-Blah

That's not what I said at all ... I said playing soccer doesn't require people to wear LGBT jerseys.

Some people, like you, want to suggest that's not true.
I'll ask you again ... What part of the Official Soccer Rulebook covers required sexual orientation, desired social engineering or wearing LGBT jerseys?


It is NOT an "LGBT jersey.," numbskull. That's the point. It signifies that we are all in this together regardless of who we are. What's wrong with recognizing our diverse backgrounds when we all come together as one nation with one national team, which plays for the entire nation.

That this woman can't handle this simple concept, that's her thing. Let her stay where she is.
Really so it has AARP on it? If not they are alienating a huge segment of the population. What about BLM, or ANTIFADA while your at it. I know KKK throw them on it too, you want to be all inclusive.
Take the shit off of the uniform, there is no good reason for it to be there...
It is NOT an "LGBT jersey.," numbskull. That's the point. It signifies that we are all in this together regardless of who we are. What's wrong with recognizing our diverse backgrounds when we all come together as one nation with one national team, which plays for the entire nation.

That this woman can't handle this simple concept, that's her thing. Let her stay where she is.

In other words ... You don't have to wear a LGBT jersey to play soccer.
You can say that without adding a bunch of social engineering garbage ... :thup:

I don't really care who you hate ... Or what you cannot handle.
It's fine to recognize diversity over equality if you feel the need.

None of that is necessary to play the game.
Your petty desires to co-op the popularity of one thing in attempts to promote something unnecessary and irrelevant ...
Is your problem ... Don't try and suggest it should be mine.

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