USA abandoned Afghani girls, education is coming nonetheless


Silver Member
Aug 9, 2005

some of the reopened Girls' schools

Kabul Girls's High-School

Kandahar Girls' High-School
Well, the Afganis abandoned their own people by not fighting the Taliban.

If you install some clowns masquerading as "Afghan Government" you do everything possible so that they get the job done.
You fight your own wars or you stay the fuck at home and a generation of Afghani women is spared the taste of unachievable freedoms the USA drops from B-52.
Please spare the world from lecturing human rights whilst you've left behind the girls to the sharks !
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USA was retreating so fast it left its own citizens behind and world-population saw people dropping-off from US planes helplessly clinging on transport-plane tires. Prime-time news !
In past decades TV-channels would air Rambo Afghanistan movies portraying the American as kind of super-soldier or 13 horse-riding Americans conquering Afghanistan !
By decades of US propaganda we were led to believe USA is the last man standing.
Turned out that was not the case.
If you install some clowns masquerading as "Afghan Government" you do everything possible so that they get the job done.
You fight your own wars or you stay the fuck at home and a generation of Afghani women is spared the taste of unachievable freedoms the USA drops from B-52.
Please spare the world from lecturing human rights whilst you've left behind the girls to the sharks !

Well, that'd all be nice if I were the US government, but I'm not.

The US messed up by putting in a puppet government that just wanted to enrich itself. Then the inevitable happened. The US struggles to run its own country, let alone others. A lesson to all.

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