USA and Turkey to provide aid to Syrians


Silver Member
Aug 9, 2005


The two leaders held a joint press conference after their nearly 90-minute meeting. Obama said the political developments in Syria dominated the agenda of the meeting and that Ankara and Washington would continue to work together on the crisis in Syria. Erdoğan also said his Iran visit this week would mostly focus on Syria.

“It was a very fruitful meeting,” Erdoğan said. “We had a chance to evaluate the situation in Syria. It made us happy to see that our opinions are similar on the matter.”

Washington has said several times that it is looking at providing non-lethal aid to Syrian rebels battling the regime of President Bashar al-Assad, whom the United States says should step down.

The White House has said it does not favor arming the rebels, arguing that further “militarizing” the conflict would worsen civilian bloodshed. In the talks with Erdoğan, Obama said the U.S. and Turkey agreed that “there should be a process” of transition to a “legitimate government” in Syria.

POLITICS - Turkey, US join hands on Iran, Syria and PKK fight
Syria's divided opposition groups are due to meet in Turkey to try to draw up a "national pact" how to unseat President Bashar al-Assad's government.

The main opposition movement, the Syrian National Council (SNC), says all other anti-Assad groups have been invited to the gathering in Istanbul.

The opposition has been weakened by internal disputes, losing support of many Syrians fighting the government.
BBC News - Syria unrest: Divided opposition seeks 'national pact'
Turkish buffer zone... :doubt:


Turkey urged its nationals to leave Syria yesterday amid growing signs that it is considering mounting a cross border military operation to enforce a buffer zone

Turkey urges nationals to leave Syria as it considers buffer zone - Telegraph

PKK Commander: If Turkey Invades Syria, All of Kurdistan Is a Warzone -- News from


Turkish 'Buffer Zone' Plans Could Spark a Wider War

The commander, Murat Karayllan, announced that “if the Turkish state intervenes against our people in western Kurdistan, all of Kurdistan will turn into a war zone.” The PKK and Turkey have been fighting a war off and on for decades, and the prospect of a “humanitarian buffer zone” in Syria turning into another theater of their war with the PKK will change its entire character.

The buffer zone is not about Syria and helping the refugees. It's about killing the Kurds when the next wartime appears.
Turkey has a vested interest in not having refugees continue to flood across the border. They have enough work to do to help their own populace

Ropey is just mad because the Turk's allowed the humanitarian aid ships to Gaza sail from Turkey aren't you Ropey?
Turkey has a vested interest in not having refugees continue to flood across the border. They have enough work to do to help their own populace

Ropey is just mad because the Turk's allowed the humanitarian aid ships to Gaza sail from Turkey aren't you Ropey?

See how well that worked out? Mad? Look at the result of that 'humanitarian aid' ship from Turkey. Since then Turkey hasn't sent another 'humanitarian aid' ship.

BBC News - Q&A: Israeli deadly raid on aid flotilla

Nine people were killed, and dozens wounded, when Israeli troops boarded a flotilla of ships carrying aid for Gaza on 31 May 2010. It was the ninth attempt since 2008 to break an Israeli and Egyptian blockade of the Gaza Strip by sea, but the first that resulted in bloodshed. The findings of a UN inquiry on the raid

Who started the violence?
This is disputed. The activists say the commandos started shooting as soon as they hit the deck. Israeli officials say the commandos opened fire only after being attacked with clubs, knives and a gun which was taken from them. Video released by the Israeli military stops just before the shooting begins. A UN inquiry was apparently unable to determine at exactly which point the commandos used live fire.

Where were the dead activists from?
They were all Turkish, including one who had a dual Turkish-US nationality. All were travelling on the large lead ship in the flotilla, the Mavi Marmara.



Turkey provides education for Syrian refugee children
[ame=]Turkey provides education for Syrian refugee children - YouTube[/ame]

Syrian Children Find Shelter in Turkey Camp
Syrian Children Find Shelter in Turkey Camp | Middle East | English
[ame=]Syrian Children Find Shelter in Turkey Camp - YouTube[/ame]
Turkey is basically the 'adult in the room' in that area of the world.
Turkey is basically the 'adult in the room' in that area of the world.

How are those adult turkeys doing in turkey? Not so well, after all.
In an annual report released on Thursday, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), the top judicial body to rule on human rights violations in Europe, found that Turkey is by far the worst violator of human rights among the 47 signatory states of the European Convention on Human Rights.

Human rights violations in Turkey « European Court of Human Rights
Turkey is basically the 'adult in the room' in that area of the world.

Well I wouldn't go that far as to call Turkey the "adult" in the room, maybe just the biggest kid in the daycare.

Well, in fairness to the turkeys, only adults could perpetrate the mass slaughter of over 1 million Armenians.

Oh, that's right, the turkeys deny the Armenian Genocide, so, maybe, they're children, after all.

US condemns Turkey for Turks' role in genocide of 1 million Armenians and Turkey's denial of the Armenian holocaust
Over Turkish protests, House panel calls killing of Armenians 'genocide'
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Turkey is basically the 'adult in the room' in that area of the world.

Well I wouldn't go that far as to call Turkey the "adult" in the room, maybe just the biggest kid in the daycare.

Well, in fairness to the turkeys, only adults could perpetrate the mass slaughter of over 1 million Armenians.

Oh, that's right, the turkeys deny the Armenian Genocide, so, maybe, they're children, after all.

US condemns Turkey for Turks' role in genocide of 1 million Armenians and Turkey's denial of the Armenian holocaust
Over Turkish protests, House panel calls killing of Armenians 'genocide'

According to the goat fucker ekrem the Armenians were simply relocated.
Well I wouldn't go that far as to call Turkey the "adult" in the room, maybe just the biggest kid in the daycare.

Well, in fairness to the turkeys, only adults could perpetrate the mass slaughter of over 1 million Armenians.

Oh, that's right, the turkeys deny the Armenian Genocide, so, maybe, they're children, after all.

US condemns Turkey for Turks' role in genocide of 1 million Armenians and Turkey's denial of the Armenian holocaust
Over Turkish protests, House panel calls killing of Armenians 'genocide'

According to the goat fucker ekrem the Armenians were simply relocated.

muslimes have a penchant for denying holocausts on one hand and committing them with the other hand allahu akbar

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