USA loses $150 billion a year through illegal immigrant remitances.

Then stop their employment, yet, no one wants to do that, not even Trump...
Upon what do you base the statement that Trump does not want to stop immigrants' employment ?

And if no one wants to do that, why don't Democrats want to do that, with all their pious posturing as saviors of the US working class ?
Yet another reason we have to gain control of the Southern border. We were close to getting it under control during the Trump administration. Now with Biden, the welcome sign is lit, the wall has holes, the border agents have conflicting orders. Yeah it's waaaaaaay fucked up, just the way the Democrats want it.

It hides the true inflation rate...Think about it.
Then stop their employment, yet, no one wants to do that, not even Trump...
Upon what do you base the statement that Trump does not want to stop immigrants' employment ?

And if no one wants to do that, why don't Democrats want to do that, with all their pious posturing as saviors of the US working class ?
When did Trump try to change it? When did he make companies do checks to see if they were legal or not?
The black market would never let that happen they have too much invested in keeping illegal immigration active and so do companies that hire them. If they had no jobs they wouldn't stay here.
FALSE! A very high % of illegal aliens have no job, and they just collect welfare. They get more $$ in welfare than native-born US citizens do. Now Biden proposes to give them more, in Medicaid.
When did Trump try to change it? When did he make companies do checks to see if they were legal or not?
He tried to change it by building the wall, keeping asylum seekers in Mexico, deporting more illegals, in his first 100 days there was 40 percent more Enforcement and Removal Operations compared to the same time he previous year, arrests of convicted criminal aliens climbed by nearly 20 percent in this time compared to the same time the year before. In fiscal year 2017, ICE has removed 2,798 criminal gang members, compared to 2,057 criminal gang members in all of fiscal year 2016. ICE specifically targeted MS-13 criminal gang members, for removal on immigration violations. Hired 5,000 additional Border Patrol agents and 10,000 ICE agents. Supported the passage of the No Sanctuary for Criminals Act (H.R. 3003). supported and pushed "Kate's Law". etc ,etc

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The black market would never let that happen they have too much invested in keeping illegal immigration active and so do companies that hire them. If they had no jobs they wouldn't stay here.
FALSE! A very high % of illegal aliens have no job, and they just collect welfare. They get more $$ in welfare than native-born US citizens do. Now Biden proposes to give them more, in Medicaid.
By law only citizens and some Immigrants can get federal welfare benefits, undocumented can't.
Well... Healthy economies generally want their money recycled within it's own economy. If instead of sending cash to Mexico for example, you went on a vacation within the US you have helped pay the wages of all those people you bought goods/services for during that vacation. Thus supporting the economy in which the wealth was derived.

If you give that wealth to outside workers, then you strengthen that economy, rather than your own. Unless of course that money is used in another country to buy US goods. Then it could be a wash. Possibly.
If we had more cash their would be higher inflation and lower value of the currency.
You're confusing the mechanics of the money supply with growth from spending.

When government prints more money, that causes inflation.

When the money supply increases from adding production and value, that does not cause inflation, because the increase in money represents an increase in economic value (GDP more or less).

Now, it is true that the cost of goods and services can rise when illegal labor isn't available, but the wage depression caused by illegal labor erodes most of the gains from cheaper labor, unless you have a robust system by which citizen laborers can learn new skills and obtain employment in jobs that aren't typically affected by illegal labor.
The black market would never let that happen they have too much invested in keeping illegal immigration active and so do companies that hire them. If they had no jobs they wouldn't stay here.
FALSE! A very high % of illegal aliens have no job, and they just collect welfare. They get more $$ in welfare than native-born US citizens do. Now Biden proposes to give them more, in Medicaid.
By law only citizens and some Immigrants can get federal welfare benefits, undocumented can't.
That would depend on if the undocumented immigrant has a child born here. If an undocumented person gives birth to a citizen here, then she will have access to some benefits.

There are also illegal means by which undocumented immigrants can receive benefits (like through using a citizen's SSN).
this is not how economics works...far more wealth than 150 billion, to the critical point, that never would have been created had immigrants never been allowed to work here in the first place , is created in labor demand surplus to American employers. American employers don't just give them 150 billion for nothing, it's becasue the labor supplied is worth much more than that. Also more money sent back is an incentive to keep people left at home in their home countries to stay there. If you dislike lots of immigrants coming to America, you should love remitances because it gives an economic incentive for them to stay where they are.
I am white and have been getting hired to do jobs in masonry for the past 35 years and I still do to this day.
I didn't know trespassers went to the state of Misery.
I've done it in several states over the years..
You're an Illegal?
I actually don't exist.
You're Perry Masonry?
Put that troll on ignore.
How does the US lose it?
Is that a serious question?
Well... Healthy economies generally want their money recycled within it's own economy. If instead of sending cash to Mexico for example, you went on a vacation within the US you have helped pay the wages of all those people you bought goods/services for during that vacation. Thus supporting the economy in which the wealth was derived.

If you give that wealth to outside workers, then you strengthen that economy, rather than your own. Unless of course that money is used in another country to buy US goods. Then it could be a wash. Possibly.
Makes you wonder why more conserve-hate-ives are not ragging on Teddy Cruz for going to Cancun instead of Aspen or Breckenridge. Especially since the US Hospitality sector is hurting so badly.
Cruz is the new orange man bad for you low iq idiots. Cancun is the most popular destination down there for Americans followed by DR/Punta Cana.
How does the US lose it?
Is that a serious question?
Well... Healthy economies generally want their money recycled within it's own economy. If instead of sending cash to Mexico for example, you went on a vacation within the US you have helped pay the wages of all those people you bought goods/services for during that vacation. Thus supporting the economy in which the wealth was derived.

If you give that wealth to outside workers, then you strengthen that economy, rather than your own. Unless of course that money is used in another country to buy US goods. Then it could be a wash. Possibly.
Makes you wonder why more conserve-hate-ives are not ragging on Teddy Cruz for going to Cancun instead of Aspen or Breckenridge. Especially since the US Hospitality sector is hurting so badly.
Cruz is the new orange man bad for you low iq idiots. Cancun is the most popular destination down there for Americans followed by DR/Punta Cana.
Good to see you support his proping up the Mexican economy more than the hurting American economy. Remember back when you used to be a patriot? Yeah, me neither.
How does the US lose it?
Is that a serious question?
Well... Healthy economies generally want their money recycled within it's own economy. If instead of sending cash to Mexico for example, you went on a vacation within the US you have helped pay the wages of all those people you bought goods/services for during that vacation. Thus supporting the economy in which the wealth was derived.

If you give that wealth to outside workers, then you strengthen that economy, rather than your own. Unless of course that money is used in another country to buy US goods. Then it could be a wash. Possibly.
Makes you wonder why more conserve-hate-ives are not ragging on Teddy Cruz for going to Cancun instead of Aspen or Breckenridge. Especially since the US Hospitality sector is hurting so badly.
Cruz is the new orange man bad for you low iq idiots. Cancun is the most popular destination down there for Americans followed by DR/Punta Cana.
Good to see you support his proping up the Mexican economy more than the hurting American economy. Remember back when you used to be a patriot? Yeah, me neither.
There is nothing patriotic or non patriotic about taking a vacation outside of the USA. This is something you made up. Really stupid stuff congrats.
How does the US lose it?
Here is the truth. Illegals are one of the reasons why the gap between rich and rest of us got wider.

In the past when the rich needed a carpenter or landscaper they hired a middle class American company to do the job. By hiring.illegals rich people actually save over $1 billion dollars a year. That means they are costing the middle class 1 billion dollars a year
If they are illegals and are undocumented how would they know their immigration status when they send remittance? They don't ask you at Western Union...
Do you realize you said they 5 times?

What is send remittance?
Sure why not? Isn't it a fav of yours also?
No I mean I don’t know who you are referring to.

How would who know ?
How does the US lose it?
Here is the truth. Illegals are one of the reasons why the gap between rich and rest of us got wider.

In the past when the rich needed a carpenter or landscaper they hired a middle class American company to do the job. By hiring.illegals rich people actually save over $1 billion dollars a year. That means they are costing the middle class 1 billion dollars a year
If they are illegals and are undocumented how would they know their immigration status when they send remittance? They don't ask you at Western Union...
Do you realize you said they 5 times?

What is send remittance?
Sure why not? Isn't it a fav of yours also?
No I mean I don’t know who you are referring to.

How would who know ?
Hey,don't demand pronouns from me! I suppose I was assuming too much.
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A wall will not stop a person from entering the US on a visitor pass and then they don't go back where they originally came from.
But it will (an does) stop many others. (especially women, children, and overweight or out of shape men). :biggrin:
By law only citizens and some Immigrants can get federal welfare benefits, undocumented can't.
Typical ignorant liberal mindset. For decades, illegals have been coming here with a young woman in pregnancy. When the baby is born it (incorrectly) becomes a citizen, and the whole family helps itself to a lifetime of benefits$$$$. Gee, CNN forgot to mention that part, huh ? Ha ha

Also, there is no such thing as "undocumented", Everyone has documents of all sorts including illegal aliens, who have company photo ID cards, library cards, bank cards, etc
I am white and have been getting hired to do jobs in masonry for the past 35 years and I still do to this day.
I didn't know trespassers went to the state of Misery.
I've done it in several states over the years..
You're an Illegal?
I actually don't exist.
You're Perry Masonry?
Put that troll on ignore.
If you notice, I don’t respond to the overtly pointless remarks.
MG lost it when Trump became President.

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