USA Olympic uniforms have been outsourced to China......

So the REAL purpose of all this was to bash Romney, not that you all REALLY cared where these clothes were made..

you people are so transparent the same as Harry Reid

I don't know it if is so much about Bashing Romney, as pointing out how far his thinking has gotten us into trouble.

The fact is, I recognized this as a problem when the US army decided to replace all it's garrison caps (which had an amusing nickname in the service) with berets, and they couldn't find a company that could get a million of them made in time, so they had to get an exemption to buy them from China. This was back in 2000.

The fact that we could not do what we did in WWII, and ramp up our entire economy to production to arm the world against facism, should worry all of us.

But from Romney's point of view, Ralph Lauren made a big profit on $2000.00 uniforms by getting them made by Chinese peasents working for a pittance. So it's all good, right?

You people are full of petty CRAP

So the argument was beyond your comprehension, then? I could use smaller word.

Outsourcing bad.

Weakens the middle class.

Makes people more dependent on government.

Simple enough for you?
I don't know it if is so much about Bashing Romney, as pointing out how far his thinking has gotten us into trouble.

The fact is, I recognized this as a problem when the US army decided to replace all it's garrison caps (which had an amusing nickname in the service) with berets, and they couldn't find a company that could get a million of them made in time, so they had to get an exemption to buy them from China. This was back in 2000.

The fact that we could not do what we did in WWII, and ramp up our entire economy to production to arm the world against facism, should worry all of us.

But from Romney's point of view, Ralph Lauren made a big profit on $2000.00 uniforms by getting them made by Chinese peasents working for a pittance. So it's all good, right?

You people are full of petty CRAP

So the argument was beyond your comprehension, then? I could use smaller word.

Outsourcing bad.

Weakens the middle class.

Makes people more dependent on government.

Simple enough for you?

yeah well, you all should of been yelling about this starting back with CLINTON

yeah well, you all should of been yelling about this starting back with CLINTON

I've been yelling bout it since Carter, I've never thought outsourcing and multi-national corporations were a good thing.

But that said, you can't escape the hypocrisy. Of the five jobs I've worked since leaving the Army, three have been American companies, one a Japanese company and currently, I work for a British company.

The Japanese and Brit companies treated their employees far better.
You have to be a complete psychopath not to see Obama PURPOSELY sabotaging every aspect of country. You have to be even stupider to believe Mitt wouldn't do everything to bring business back especially with a super majority. You know who you are
You have to be a complete psychopath not to see Obama PURPOSELY sabotaging every aspect of country. You have to be even stupider to believe Mitt wouldn't do everything to bring business back especially with a super majority. You know who you are

ROmney isn't going to win, and he isn't going to get a "majority".

In fact, even though the GOP should have retaken the senate this year, they probably won't.

But the fact is, the interest of the plutocrats and the interests of working Americans aren't the same... and Romney is the candidate of the plutocrats.
You have to be even stupider to believe Mitt wouldn't do everything to bring business back especially with a super majority. You know who you are

Wow. We know who we are but do you know where you are? Let me help. Lala land.
The fact is, I recognized this as a problem when the US army decided to replace all it's garrison caps (which had an amusing nickname in the service) with berets, and they couldn't find a company that could get a million of them made in time, so they had to get an exemption to buy them from China. This was back in 2000.

In the late 1980's, GM was out sourcing jobs. The UAW was complaining bitterly. I live in what was once proudly call a "GM town". DELCO Products was started right here. Auto AC was invented right here.

Now there is not one GM plant left in town. No GM cars or trucks made here.

But there are a bunch of jobs in Mexico that used to be here.

Yea, some people have been concerned about sending jobs out of the country for a long time.

But it didn't do much good. Jobs are still gone and are not coming back.

Mittens is gonna fix that.

Quit laughing.
You have to be even stupider to believe Mitt wouldn't do everything to bring business back especially with a super majority. You know who you are

Wow. We know who we are but do you know where you are? Let me help. Lala land.

Lol why would Mitt want to finish us off after the worst president ever? (that's not just a shot at him all far left loons in DC are despicable traitors). Mitt is no idiot commie he will bring back the investors that hate tax and spend libs. Obamacare has scared thousands out of hiring millions of ppl
The fact is, I recognized this as a problem when the US army decided to replace all it's garrison caps (which had an amusing nickname in the service) with berets, and they couldn't find a company that could get a million of them made in time, so they had to get an exemption to buy them from China. This was back in 2000.

In the late 1980's, GM was out sourcing jobs. The UAW was complaining bitterly. I live in what was once proudly call a "GM town". DELCO Products was started right here. Auto AC was invented right here.

Now there is not one GM plant left in town. No GM cars or trucks made here.

But there are a bunch of jobs in Mexico that used to be here.

Yea, some people have been concerned about sending jobs out of the country for a long time.

But it didn't do much good. Jobs are still gone and are not coming back.

Mittens is gonna fix that.

Quit laughing.

well we are all laughing that for some reason obama hasn't FIXED THAT eh? or was that Bush's fault too?
you people are a joke
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Seems that our own Olympic committee is following in the steps of all the other outsourcers of American jobs.

All our Olympic uniforms were made in China.

Does that sound right to you?

The controversy surrounding Team USA's Chinese-made uniforms for the opening ceremony raged on Thursday as Washington politicians jumped into the fashion fray. They criticized the U.S. Olympic Committee for approving the uniforms.

Senator Harry Reid said the USOC should be "ashamed" that the blue blazers, white pants and berets that American athletes will wear are manufactured in China. "They should take all the uniforms, put them in a big pile and burn them," Reid said.

Other lawmakers were also critical of the apparel designed by Ralph Lauren. "You'd think they'd know better," House Speaker John Boehner said of the USOC.

Added Senator Bernie Sander (I-Vt.): "The Olympics are a time when Americans take great pride in our nation's top athletes as they strive for gold. At a time when millions of Americans are unemployed, there is no reason why U.S. Olympic uniforms are not being manufactured in the U.S."

Lawmakers furious over China-made U.S. Olympic uniform

To be honest I had thought this had already been going on for years. Its a shame we can't find an American company to suit us up.
Seems that our own Olympic committee is following in the steps of all the other outsourcers of American jobs.

All our Olympic uniforms were made in China.

Does that sound right to you?

The controversy surrounding Team USA's Chinese-made uniforms for the opening ceremony raged on Thursday as Washington politicians jumped into the fashion fray. They criticized the U.S. Olympic Committee for approving the uniforms.

Senator Harry Reid said the USOC should be "ashamed" that the blue blazers, white pants and berets that American athletes will wear are manufactured in China. "They should take all the uniforms, put them in a big pile and burn them," Reid said.

Other lawmakers were also critical of the apparel designed by Ralph Lauren. "You'd think they'd know better," House Speaker John Boehner said of the USOC.

Added Senator Bernie Sander (I-Vt.): "The Olympics are a time when Americans take great pride in our nation's top athletes as they strive for gold. At a time when millions of Americans are unemployed, there is no reason why U.S. Olympic uniforms are not being manufactured in the U.S."

Lawmakers furious over China-made U.S. Olympic uniform


Didn't ANYONE from the olympic committee have any SAY in what the finished products would be or look like?

BLAME those idiots..
You Grandparents taught me to buy American as much as I can, and even if it's more expensive to do so, if I have the money to do so, I will.

Matter of fact, my racing bicycle is made here in the USA.

I bought my shoes American Made. Red Wing brand. Their only american made oxford model... steel toed. Every other leather shoe and vinyl shoe I bought was just getting destroyed under the work conditions I put them through. I'm not even doing that heavy of work either. Just light warehouse style work for a non profit... lots of crouching, kneeling, lifting and stuff which seems to put a lot of stress on the crease area of shoes.

They've held up beautifully so far, even with the couple of deep cuts near the toe area I've acquired.

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