USA! Who want's to see it gone?

I find the whole concept to be extremely juvenile and naive.

Likewise, I find the concept of statism to be juvenile and naive.


Justify your overwhelming idiocy. I dare you to think for yourself.

I do think for myself which is why I know that some pie in the sky ideology would never come to fruition nor would it be able to function in today's world.
You have a poor recollection of history. The United States has always been shit. Maybe you are just complacent with shit? Maybe you are just a brainwashed idiot? Probably the latter.
And you know this based on 18 years of experience? LOL
Okay, that's enough of you retards for today.


Enjoy state slavery!
The Pol Pots of the world have always thought that their vision "for the people" was something more pure than the system they wanted to replace, yet I think they always have an underlying anger and superiority complex that will end up in the deaths of millions. Notice how this guy like to call everyone else stupid? I'm sure if we took a resident poll inside an average insane asylum, there would also be a consensus that everyone else is the problem.
Yes, but I chalk it up to youthful immaturity and inexperience. Good thing most of'em outgrow such ideas. Who wants to end up like these guys?


They look happy
The Pol Pots of the world have always thought that their vision "for the people" was something more pure than the system they wanted to replace, yet I think they always have an underlying anger and superiority complex that will end up in the deaths of millions. Notice how this guy like to call everyone else stupid? I'm sure if we took a resident poll inside an average insane asylum, there would also be a consensus that everyone else is the problem.
Yes, but I chalk it up to youthful immaturity and inexperience. Good thing most of'em outgrow such ideas. Who wants to end up like these guys?


They look happy
All due to government welfare checks and "medicinal" marijuana AKA Liberal Utopia.
I believe the United States of America should be dissolved. Anyone else not a fan of the patriotic claptrap, lying politicians, thuggish police, imperialist military, and glorified elites?
What do you propose in its place, comrade?
That's how pathetic these nutters are. They have a mental breakdown whenever someone criticizes their beloved political empire. What a bunch of cooks!
Maybe this will cheer you up.

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It has only gotten shittier over the past 8 years or so. Before that, it was not the best, but much better than what the progressive is going to leave us, and even that is much, much better than any vision you would have.

We're going to find out if a place holder really is better than the outgoing loser.

I don't like progressives. The US is shit no matter who is in charge. It is shitty at its very core.
I believe the United States of America should be dissolved. Anyone else not a fan of the patriotic claptrap, lying politicians, thuggish police, imperialist military, and glorified elites?

You don't have to dissolve the country, all you have to do is take away much of the federal powers over the states.

If liberal states want to enact liberal policies, have at it. And if conservative states want to enact conservative policies, they should be able to do so as well.

We have had enough of one man trying to dictate to one side or the other. The Founding Fathers never wanted that anyway.

Support the Article V movement. There is too much power that has been centralized, which only means that much more corruption must follow.
Even if in theory the U.S. were to split into more than one nation, what makes you think the new ones wouldn't ultimately turn out the same way?

They very well might. I am not advocating for seperatism. I am promoting total dissolution.

Societies that are subjected to power hiearchies are inferior in every way compared to societies where human beings govern together as equals. Power hierarchies are exemplified in the United States, which is the explanation for why it is so shitty. But like I also said earlier, the shit show is global.
Occupy! Occupy! Occupy! Occupy! Occupy! Occupy!

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