USA! Who want's to see it gone?

Logical people can think that Dismantling the entire structure of our country will cause more harm than benefit.

The entire structure of the United States is harmful. Where is the positive? It certainly isn't in the military or police.

You people are caught within a web of lies, and what really needs to be dismantled is the conditioning that made you into such dumbasses in the first place.

Anarchism is the short time between civilization and people being dominated by marauding bands.

That's uneduducated bullshit coming from an uneducated bullshitter. There have been anarchic societies that have lasted twice as long as the Roman Empire.

States have a very short shelf life. How many thousands of states have been obliterated in pointless conflicts? The world is already overrun by marauding bands, except we call them army platoons.

There are literally no greater idiots than you people.
I think you should turn around and bend over so I can shove my boot up your ass.

That's what you let your political masters do everyday.

You are not free. You are the state's submissive bitch. The political elites laugh their asses off watching you mindless drones repeat the pledge of allegiance and lick soldier boy boots.
Sorry, dude, but the uneducated morons are those who believe an organization larger than a tribe or village can function without leaders.

Anarchism does not oppose leadership. It opposes the institution of rulers. Your feeble mind cannot distinguish the difference.

You are vastly uneducated. Please keep talking about shit you do not understand. It only makes you look like more of a dipshit.

You guys are so stupid that you do not even understand that your description of anarchism is the modern reality of statism.

This planet is controlled by legitimized cartels. Maybe when the first world parasite economy dries up, you morons will see the light.
Anarchist like this never think that far ahead, but you know they would blame someone else for the horrid aftermath.

Thinking far ahead? Looking at the shithole that you incompetent fools created, I highly doubt the world is going to survive another hundred years.

You people are taking the world into the next dark ages. The only logical and non-idiotic position is to oppose you self-destructive morons.

The state that you worship offers nothing of value. It only produces harm. If you people were not such mindless drones, you would understand this.

Could it just be that you are feeling arrogant in your aire of self superiority? As if other people don't realize the world and our country have problems right? If you get mold under your kitchen sink are you going to get a can of gasoline and burn your house down? Like wise, Logical people can think that Dismantling the entire structure of our country will cause more harm than benefit. There are two sides to the coin my friend, this anarchy is not the answer except to make a few people feel good. And really, this is all a mental exercize cause it aint gonna happen.

Bravo! Great post. :)
...You are vastly uneducated. Please keep talking about shit you do not understand. It only makes you look like more of a dipshit.
....You are not free. You are the state's submissive bitch. The political elites laugh their asses off watching you mindless drones repeat the pledge of allegiance and lick soldier boy boots.
Says the kid who posted "You incompetent fools created" and "you self-destructive morons."

Accurate assessments of your character. You guys more than earned every insult.
LOL. Thanks for affirming my post about you, young man.
You guys are so stupid that you do not even understand.....
I understand human nature, kid. You might try studying it yourself before advocating social systems that will ultimately fail. It's more than just recognizing that systems like anarchism and socialism will fail, but to fully understand why they fail.
I think you should turn around and bend over so I can shove my boot up your ass.

That's what you let your political masters do everyday.

You are not free. You are the state's submissive bitch. The political elites laugh their asses off watching you mindless drones repeat the pledge of allegiance and lick soldier boy boots.
I stopped reciting the pledge of allegiance in grade school in the 60s.
I served my country and retired have moved on to serving my country as a civilian.
Because of my life in the military, I have deployed to dozens of countries and have discovered that you are full of shit.
This is the most free developed country in the world. However, total freedom usually brings chaos. People need the controls of a society to prevent them from becoming self-serving animals. If you want total freedom you might have to move into a hut covered with plastic bags to keep the rain out....begging for food from one of the countries you despise so much. This is what some parts of Somalia are like today.
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I think you should turn around and bend over so I can shove my boot up your ass.

That's what you let your political masters do everyday.

You are not free. You are the state's submissive bitch. The political elites laugh their asses off watching you mindless drones repeat the pledge of allegiance and lick soldier boy boots.
I stopped reciting the pledge of allegiance in grade school in the 60s.
I served my country and retired have moved on to serving my country as a civilian.
Because of my life in the military, I have deployed to dozens of countries and have discovered that you are full of shit.
This is the most free developed country in the world. However, total freedom usually brings chaos. People need the controls of a society to prevent them from becoming self-serving animals. If you want total freedom you might have to move into a hut covered with plastic bags to keep the rain out....begging for food from one of the countries you despise so much. This is what some parts of Somalia are like today.
Well said and agreed. It appears the best form of government under current levels of human development is a Constitutional Republic with regulated capitalism as its economic system. Tacked onto this is a socialist safety net to help those who have fallen down (not a permanent crutch), the elderly, the infirm and minors.
Anarchism is the short time between civilization and people being dominated by marauding bands.

That's uneduducated bullshit coming from an uneducated bullshitter. There have been anarchic societies that have lasted twice as long as the Roman Empire.

States have a very short shelf life. How many thousands of states have been obliterated in pointless conflicts? The world is already overrun by marauding bands, except we call them army platoons.

There are literally no greater idiots than you people.

And your mistake is believing that devolving the US into some type of anarchist state would bring peace, the rest of the world would have the same players and they would jump into whatever void was left by the lack of our influence. Dont expect Iran or N Korea to agree with you and follow your lead
Logical people can think that Dismantling the entire structure of our country will cause more harm than benefit.

The entire structure of the United States is harmful. Where is the positive? It certainly isn't in the military or police.

You people are caught within a web of lies, and what really needs to be dismantled is the conditioning that made you into such dumbasses in the first place.

Maybe your Yin and Yang are just off. You only see one side of things obviously and if by chance you were any type of ruler, you've got all the makings of a dictator from what I can see.
Logical people can think that Dismantling the entire structure of our country will cause more harm than benefit.

The entire structure of the United States is harmful. Where is the positive? It certainly isn't in the military or police.

You people are caught within a web of lies, and what really needs to be dismantled is the conditioning that made you into such dumbasses in the first place.
Maybe your Yin and Yang are just off. You only see one side of things obviously and if by chance you were any type of ruler, you've got all the makings of a dictator from what I can see.
Off, yes. Dictator? No, but someone who would set us up for one due to naiveté.
Logical people can think that Dismantling the entire structure of our country will cause more harm than benefit.

The entire structure of the United States is harmful. Where is the positive? It certainly isn't in the military or police.

You people are caught within a web of lies, and what really needs to be dismantled is the conditioning that made you into such dumbasses in the first place.
Maybe your Yin and Yang are just off. You only see one side of things obviously and if by chance you were any type of ruler, you've got all the makings of a dictator from what I can see.
Off, yes. Dictator? No, but someone who would set us up for one due to naiveté.

The Pol Pots of the world have always thought that their vision "for the people" was something more pure than the system they wanted to replace, yet I think they always have an underlying anger and superiority complex that will end up in the deaths of millions. Notice how this guy like to call everyone else stupid? I'm sure if we took a resident poll inside an average insane asylum, there would also be a consensus that everyone else is the problem.
The Pol Pots of the world have always thought that their vision "for the people" was something more pure than the system they wanted to replace, yet I think they always have an underlying anger and superiority complex that will end up in the deaths of millions. Notice how this guy like to call everyone else stupid? I'm sure if we took a resident poll inside an average insane asylum, there would also be a consensus that everyone else is the problem.
Yes, but I chalk it up to youthful immaturity and inexperience. Good thing most of'em outgrow such ideas. Who wants to end up like these guys?

And your mistake is believing that devolving the US into some type of anarchist state would bring peace,

There is no such thing as an 'anarchist state,' dumbass. Anarchism opposes the existence of states.

You are obviously an uneducated retard.

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