USA's end to Political Stupidity and Lib PC

why weren't GOPers ranting about socialism when W gave us his trillion dollar medicare Part D plan? or when he appeased Musharraf, or when gave us No Child Left Behind? or when he burdened small business with the Sarbanes-Oxley act? or when his Sec of State wanted to negotiate with the "moderate Taliban"?

Because those were not socialism...
The thread on Erik Holder "Going Rogue" on the Muslim PC Protective MARXIST that a Hoax ?????????
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USA's end to Political Stupidity and Lib PC.

The title of this analysis stems from the fact that the EXPOSURE of the Liberal Agenda and its poster boy Hussein Obami-Salami will avert America's Enlightened Capitalistic System, the best Economic System of the World, from being destroyed by a PC oriented Muslim-sensitive, Marxist-leaning Socialistic Agenda of the Dem Party led by the nose by the Extreme Leftist Libs in said Party.

There is no doubt that America's voters, as in any country, includes the inevitable number of ignorant political idiots who contribute to the destruction of a reasoned, positive, political result. Nowhere was this illustrated more than in the anecdotal scene yesterday on Fox News where some of our country's voters were asked who was our PRESENT vice President. Among the bizarre answers was Dick Cheney.

The Marxist/Socialist and the PC oriented Islam protective agenda of the present administration is being exposed by the Radio Talk shows, Fox News, and quite a few political pundits such as Ann Coulter.

The catastrophic effects of the present administration's Marxist/Socialist agenda can be divided into THREE main manifestations. And, of course, The BIZZARE PC oriented Islamic protective agenda. The absolutely predictable catastrophic results have not come to fruition but are as certain as the sun rising tomorrow in the morn : ( 1) Govt control of financial institutions such as Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac, banks, etc. Govtal Labor control thru Union backed corruption. (2) Govt Healthcare which will insidiously wipe out private choice and insurance competition a la European Socialistic Medicine, bankrupt our country with a Trillion Dollar Debt, insuring ony some 12 million hitherto uninsured of the touted 47 million. Some proposed Govt sponsored options including the insurance of established deadbeats and 12 million illegal immigrants (cleverly camouflaged with the Constitutional guarantee that once the Govt option is in spite of any provisions to the contrary,all the residents in America would have to be covered no matter what legislation is passed).....all this at the expense of our elderly who have already, and still, paying taxes for their coverage. (3) "Cap and Trade" i.e. the euphemism that will, in the best scenario in its favour, quadruple energy costs. The adjunct that's fattening Al Gore's personal fortune to over $100 million with his Greening and Global Warming BS. Finally, Hussein Obami-Salami's personal connection to Islam and the Liberal PC Agenda sheltering Islamofascistic Terrorism by outlawing the said term by Obami's Home Security's stooge Napolitano, and National Security Advisor James Jones who, separately, on National TV, anounced with great fanfare, that "Terrorist attacks" must be addressed as: "Man-caused Disasters". And, the "War on (Islamic) Terror" should henceforth be worded as: "Overseas Contingency Operations". These BIZARRE PC statements are backed up by establishing the requirment that the Terrorists undergo CRIMINAL prosecution giving them the rights of American citizens. Including Miranda. Instead of treating them as Terroristic Jihadist Murdering Fanatics waging WAR on America. Small wonder that Hussein Obami-Salami's almost first words was to reward the Fort Hood Massacre's victims and the families of the dead with the admonition "not to jump to conclusions" regarding the Islamic connection. Whilst the Liberal Media unanimously sympathized with the Islamic Terrorist Maj Hassan as a victim of harassment, suffering from Post Traumatic Stress, and a soldier like any other that simply "snapped" into aberrant behaviour.

I can see how you may disagree with the acknowledged speculatives percentages that follow. But a politically rational person will accept the hypothesis that they are realistic for the relevant "ball park" estimate that IMO underlies the inevitable conclusion. Naturally the Libtard will reject anything and everything that clearly spells out the end of their Muslim protective PC, Marxist Political Charlatan Hussein Obami-Salami.

The political scene in America, IMO, was divided (approx) in the following groups and sub groups of Dems and Reps during the presidential election, and shortly afterward:


7% political idiots. 15% hard-core Libs (Marxists). 10% soft-core Libs (Socialists).10% Moderate Dems....and 10% left-leaning independents = 52% of the Total Voters


1% political idiots. 15% hard core Bible-thumping Religious Fanatics. 10 % Hard-nosed Reps who are Extreme non-enlightened, govt-uncontrolled, Adam Smith type Calitalists. 15% Moderate Reps....and 7% right leaning independents = 48% ofthe Total Voters.

Needless to say, the above percentages in the Dem and Rep parties are a matter of reasoned SPECULATION.

The purpose of the various percentages illustrate the PROBABLE FACT that due to the exposure of the blatant Marxist/Socialistic and PC Muslim sensitive AGENDA of Hussein Obami-Salami's and the Extreme Left Libs' Pelosi/Reid, the possible demise of the Dems in the coming elections won't be as overwhelming as a reasonable person would expect in view of Hussein Obami-Salami and the Extreme Lib psychos Pelosi/Reid's idiotic political behaviour.

Consider this: Given a successful exposure of the Lib Agenda, and given a likely disparity in my breakdown of the percentages in the Dem and Rep Parties.......the stark fact is that the number of "political idiots" in both parties will probably remain the same. And, all the sub-group percentages EXCEPT FOR THE INDEPENDENT VOTERS will be approximately the same. THE ONLY PERCENTAGES OF THE INDEPENDENT VOTERS WILL CHANGE.

Fortunately, the politically idiotic agenda of the Marxist Hussein Obami-Salami and the Extreme Lefty Pelosi/Reid cabal is so catasrophic that it will soon be apparent that a switch of ONLY 3% of the left-leaning independents will secure the righteous annihilation of this Marxist/Socialistic and pro-Muslim PC Agenda of the contemptible Lefties that are presentably poised to destroy the Greatest Economic System of our Planet's History: The Enlightened Capitalistic System brought to an evolving Economic System constantly overseen by the protective safeguards embedded in our Constitution.

Forget your meds often? :cuckoo:

Libtards like Ringel always annoy me.

Now, I will be the first to appreciate a beautifully crafted "one liner" sparkling with ORIGINALITY and HUMOUR.

However, I am constantly annoyed with these brainless blobs of protoplasm like Ringel because I try to delude myself with the notion that people who post should realize that they must project a certain amount of intelligence before they voice their views in a Forum. Admittedly, the Libnut Ringel might feel that he is not only disagreeing with the post, but regaling us with his spontaneous and ORIGINAL sense of humour by yanking this tired expression out of some mouldy toilet bowl.

So, when Libtard idiots go on the Forum (and there are scores of them) and use these single line farts I get annoyed because, erroneously, I ALWAYS expect more from a sentient human being.

These human dildoes, should realize that they are nonenties (in the sense that no one knows them) who will be judged on their opinions (whatever their quality) on an honest effort they put in to substantiate their views, views that they would supposedly like to share with others eliciting a meaningful discussion. Otherwise it's pure ARROGANCE to assume that anyone will give it more credence than one would give for a rat's turd.

Yet, as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow in the morn, we will be CONTINUOUSLY bombarded by these senseless ejaculations by these human aberrations.

I know, I know.......the Libtard philosophers will come up with some meaningless predictable CRAP like:
"better an ounce of crap, than a ton of it."
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