USDA Records Sponsoring U.S. Food Stamp Program for Illegal Aliens


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
April 25, 2013

How much more does the current administration want to do to encourage Mexicans to illegally enter this country?

Documents Reveal that Mexican Government Encourages Maximum Participation in U.S.-Funded Program

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today released documents detailing how the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is working with the Mexican government to promote participation by illegal aliens in the U.S. food stamp program.

The promotion of the food stamp program, now known as “SNAP” (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), includes a Spanish-language flyer provided to the Mexican Embassy by the USDA with a statement advising Mexicans in the U.S. that they do not need to declare their immigration status in order to receive financial assistance. Emphasized in bold and underlined, the statement reads, “You need not divulge information regarding your immigration status in seeking this benefit for your children.”

Read more @ Judicial Watch Uncovers USDA Records Sponsoring U.S. Food Stamp Program for Illegal Aliens | Judicial Watch
Apparently, things like this don’t matter anymore. The new and current generation, and the current administration they voted for, have acquired the attitude that if you can get away with breaking a law long enough or in mass numbers, that makes things acceptable. THAT seems to be the new improved political and social ideal, paradigm or whatever passes for common sense American youth have adopted. I am told to get "Used to it". I won’t because it’s silly, but, there you go, the youth of America have spoken, and boy, are they going to learn with the wisdom of age how wrong they were.
"Removing the incentives that cause immigrants to come and stay here illegally will not cost governments and will in fact increase revenues." Link

Just one more magnet for illegal aliens to latch onto the U.S. and never let go they love the government teat. The government is whipping a good horse to death, the average American taxpayer. All the while the super wealthy get to keep their profits and are never phased.

I have an idea why don’t we tax anyone making or who is worth over $2 million dollars, 80% of their income, namely celebrities, CEO’s and politicians that should put a sock into some liberal pie holes.

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"Removing the incentives that cause immigrants to come and stay here illegally will not cost governments and will in fact increase revenues." Link

Just one more magnet for illegal aliens to latch onto the U.S. and never let go they love the government teat. The government is whipping a good horse to death, the average American taxpayer. All the while the super wealthy get to keep their profits and are never phased.

I have an idea why don’t we tax anyone making or who is worth over $2 million dollars, 80% of their income, namely celebrities, CEO’s and politicians that should put a sock into some liberal pie holes.


I live among illegal aliens. They have the gall to tell me what is acceptable and what isn’t. They tell us, and we listen. Apparently the tail wags the dog, now. That is the new version of fair and the body politic seems to agree. I feel like Alice in wonderland, and the Mexicans are the Mad Hatters. Happy cinco de Mayo. Merry unbirthday to you! You want the blue pill or the red one? Madness. I lost my faith in the American political system long ago, and you will too.
"Removing the incentives that cause immigrants to come and stay here illegally will not cost governments and will in fact increase revenues." Link

Just one more magnet for illegal aliens to latch onto the U.S. and never let go they love the government teat. The government is whipping a good horse to death, the average American taxpayer. All the while the super wealthy get to keep their profits and are never phased.

I have an idea why don’t we tax anyone making or who is worth over $2 million dollars, 80% of their income, namely celebrities, CEO’s and politicians that should put a sock into some liberal pie holes.


I live among illegal aliens. They have the gall to tell me what is acceptable and what isn’t. They tell us, and we listen. Apparently the tail wags the dog, now. That is the new version of fair and the body politic seems to agree. I feel like Alice in wonderland, and the Mexicans are the Mad Hatters. Happy cinco de Mayo. Merry unbirthday to you! You want the blue pill or the red one? Madness. I lost my faith in the American political system long ago, and you will too.

I understand your predicament and I hope things get better for you real soon. I feel assaulted every time I pick up the local newspaper and an illegal alien has raped, murdered or robbed another American victim. We CANNOT give in or give up, that’s what the illegal alien supporters and the liberal government wants us to do. So, we have to do the exact opposite and be a thorn in their sides! Just remember there are a lot more of us than there are of them, we just have to act!
The illegal aliens have been sucking the taxpayers dry for years! :evil:

1997 -- An illegal alien parent receives welfare benefits on behalf of his or her U.S. citizen child. Regardless of the parents immigration status may receive welfare and other benefits. When such a child receives assistance, the aid also helps support the child’s entire family.

SOURCE: Illegal Aliens Extent of Welfare Benefits, Page 1.


In fiscal year 1995, about $1.1 billion in AFDC and Food Stamp benefits were provided to household with an illegal alien parent.



2010 -- There are 4 million Anchor Babies in America. There are 1.1 million children who came across the border illegally. Most are on welfare and in the public school systems sucking the life out of both programs. We need to end Birthright Citizenship and close the border with Mexico. We simply can’t afford it as a nation. If we are to survive we will have to cut off these people, or ourselves, or end foreign aid to all other nations.

SOURCE: Unauthorized Immigrants and Their U.S. - Born Children Page 1.

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