Use AI for your needs and wants

John Edgar Slow Horses

Diamond Member
Apr 11, 2023
AI isn't about replacing humans. It's about enabling every human to do more-- to take on work or realize creative visions they'd never have been able to before.
Always wished you could read every bill before Congress and make up your own mind? Give AI your criteria and turn it loose.
Want to make more meals at home? Have it make you shopping lists and meal plans.
Want to start a Facebook group? Moderate it with an AI bot.

What would you use AI for?

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Harvard Business Review…

When AI Becomes a Part of Our Daily Lives - Harvard …WebMay 23, 2019 · Insight Center Interacting with AI How humans and machines will work together. Consider the example of banking. Free from …​


The 10 Best Examples Of How AI Is Already Used In Our …

That type of reliance on technology is dangerous, this is a new frontier, where technology starts thinking for humans, which likely cannot end well for humanity, knowing how evil mankind is.
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That is an opinion, odanny. I am finding that (1) I am learning to ask better questions and (2) I am fact checking more than ever.

Now, if you use it to ask "what does Trump or AOC think about this?" and can go no further, you have a point.
AI isn't about replacing humans. It's about enabling every human to do more-- to take on work or realize creative visions they'd never have been able to before.
Always wished you could read every bill before Congress and make up your own mind? Give AI your criteria and turn it loose.
Want to make more meals at home? Have it make you shopping lists and meal plans.
Want to start a Facebook group? Moderate it with an AI bot.

What would you use AI for?

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Harvard Business Review…

When AI Becomes a Part of Our Daily Lives - Harvard …WebMay 23, 2019 · Insight Center Interacting with AI How humans and machines will work together. Consider the example of banking. Free from …​


The 10 Best Examples Of How AI Is Already Used In Our …

There is no stopping it. AI is going to take over. And some evil government is going to design dangerous AI. Even domestic terrorists.
That type of reliance on technology is dangerous, this is a new frontier, where technology starts thinking for humans, which likely cannot end well for humanity, knowing how evil mankind is.
I kind of have to agree. A part of me wishing I could be around to see where we go in the next 100 years and a part of me says I want to go out before the apocalypse. I worry for my nephews most.
AI isn't about replacing humans. It's about enabling every human to do more-- to take on work or realize creative visions they'd never have been able to before.
Always wished you could read every bill before Congress and make up your own mind? Give AI your criteria and turn it loose.
Want to make more meals at home? Have it make you shopping lists and meal plans.
Want to start a Facebook group? Moderate it with an AI bot.

What would you use AI for?

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Harvard Business Review…

When AI Becomes a Part of Our Daily Lives - Harvard …WebMay 23, 2019 · Insight Center Interacting with AI How humans and machines will work together. Consider the example of banking. Free from …​


The 10 Best Examples Of How AI Is Already Used In Our …

I'm still trying to figure out what wants and need I have that I need AI to take care of for me.

There is not one I can come up with as I am more than capable of deciding which books to read or what movies to watch
I'm still trying to figure out what wants and need I have that I need AI to take care of for me.

There is not one I can come up with as I am more than capable of deciding which books to read or what movies to watch
Hey sirrie craft a text for me, change the channel, call mom, turn the bathtub to how I like it, talk dirty to me I’m jacking off, play that song I like, some of the lyrics are….

It will be even better with virtual reality goggles. I’ll be sitting in the woods not my living room. And sirrie will be with me. She’s hot
Hey sirrie craft a text for me, change the channel, call mom, turn the bathtub to how I like it, talk dirty to me I’m jacking off, play that song I like, some of the lyrics are….

It will be even better with virtual reality goggles. I’ll be sitting in the woods not my living room. And sirrie will be with me. She’s hot
Yeah I don't use Siri or Alexa because i don't need anyone listening to everything I say in my own house.

I am more than capable of playing a song, or changing a channel on the TV all by myself.

Did you ever think that maybe you could do something about all the things you whine about if you weren't jerking off to a computer generated voice all the time?

I kind of have to agree. A part of me wishing I could be around to see where we go in the next 100 years and a part of me says I want to go out before the apocalypse. I worry for my nephews most.
Yes, that's true. The same issue exists with the results of splitting the atom. We deal with it, or we die. No going back.
I'm still trying to figure out what wants and need I have that I need AI to take care of for me.

There is not one I can come up with as I am more than capable of deciding which books to read or what movies to watch
Sure, if that is all your about.
Yeah I don't use Siri or Alexa because i don't need anyone listening to everything I say in my own house.

I am more than capable of playing a song, or changing a channel on the TV all by myself.

Did you ever think that maybe you could do something about all the things you whine about if you weren't jerking off to a computer generated voice all the time?
Oh a purist. So don’t use talk to text. Bet you still use a type writer and rotary phone.
I'm still trying to figure out what wants and need I have that I need AI to take care of for me.

There is not one I can come up with as I am more than capable of deciding which books to read or what movies to watch
I’m hearing more and more young men don’t want a wife and kid. I’d take a AI girlfriend. Lays in my bed waiting for me to get home. Or I wait for her to get back from walking my dog when I don’t feel like doing it. Dog doesn’t know she’s ai.

One night someone raped my doll. Oh well. I just took her in for a deep cleaning.
Always wished you could read every bill before Congress and make up your own mind? Give AI your criteria and turn it loose.
I'm warming up to the idea of AI.

Based on very limited knowledge, I would say that Google Bard is better for that than Chat GPT.

Asking "What are the arguments against voting for Byron Donalds for Speaker of the House, Chat GPT responded:

As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, Byron Donalds was serving as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Florida. However, it's important to note that the Speaker of the House is typically chosen from the majority party in the House of Representatives, and the decision is made by members of that party.

Without specific information on developments or events that occurred after my last update, I cannot provide the latest information on Byron Donalds or whether he is a current candidate for Speaker of the House.

If there are arguments against voting for Byron Donalds for Speaker of the House, they might be related to his policy positions, voting record, or any controversies or criticisms that have arisen during his time in office. To find the most up-to-date and accurate information, I recommend checking recent news sources or the official website of the U.S. House of Representatives for the latest developments in the current legislative session.

Google Bard gave a much more informed answer:

Here are some good reasons not to vote for Byron Donalds as Speaker of the House:
  • He is a member of the far-right wing of the Republican Party. Donalds is a close ally of former President Donald Trump and has supported many of Trump's most controversial policies, including the January 6th attack on the Capitol. He has also made a number of inflammatory statements, such as comparing Democrats to Nazis and Islamists.
  • He is inexperienced in leadership positions. Donalds has only served in the House of Representatives since 2021. He has never held a leadership position in the House, and he has no experience in chairing committees or managing complex legislation.
  • He is a partisan figure. Donalds is known for his willingness to attack Democrats and other Republicans who disagree with him. He is unlikely to be able to build consensus or work effectively with Democrats if he is elected Speaker.
  • He has supported policies that would harm many Americans. Donalds has voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act, cut taxes for the wealthy, and reduce funding for social programs. He also supports policies that would restrict abortion access and voting rights.
In addition to these general concerns, there are a number of specific reasons why some people might not want to vote for Donalds as Speaker. For example, Donalds has been criticized for his support of the QAnon conspiracy theory and his opposition to COVID-19 vaccine mandates. He has also been criticized for his close ties to special interests, such as the fossil fuel industry.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to vote for Byron Donalds as Speaker of the House is a personal one. However, it is important to be aware of the concerns that have been raised about his qualifications and his positions on the issues.

Asked the opposite question, it did pretty good also:

Here are some good reasons to vote for Byron Donalds for Speaker of the House:
  • He is a strong conservative leader. Donalds is a member of the far-right wing of the Republican Party, and he is known for his staunchly conservative views. He is a vocal supporter of former President Donald Trump and his policies.
  • He is an advocate for limited government. Donalds believes that the government should be as small and limited as possible. He is a strong supporter of free markets and individual liberty.
  • He is a fiscal conservative. Donalds believes in balanced budgets and limited government spending. He has voted against many of the big-spending bills that have been passed by Congress in recent years.
  • He is a social conservative. Donalds is opposed to abortion and same-sex marriage. He is also a strong supporter of gun rights.
  • He is a fresh face in Washington. Donalds is only 44 years old, and he has only served in the House of Representatives since 2021. He is not part of the old guard in Washington, and he is seen by some as a reformer.
Of course, these are just some of the reasons why some people might want to vote for Byron Donalds as Speaker of the House. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to vote for him is a personal one.

My concern is that these type forums will become an AI vs. AI arena, with lazy humans using it to "PWN" people they disagree with.
I’m curious…what happens when we get to the ability to have the internet beamed right into your head. Right now, you can learn just about anything you want through the internet, but what does society look like when you can just have information access just by thinking about it, when everyone knows everything they want to know, instantaneously?
I’m curious…what happens when we get to the ability to have the internet beamed right into your head. Right now, you can learn just about anything you want through the internet, but what does society look like when you can just have information access just by thinking about it, when everyone knows everything they want to know, instantaneously?

That's nothing I will ever sign up for.

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