USMB Coffee Shop IV

Dangit JustAnotherNut now I want a big bowl of Wonton mein and some spring rolls...


Cool but I would prefer some Mongolian BBQ..........
Dangit JustAnotherNut now I want a big bowl of Wonton mein and some spring rolls...



Oh, I didn't include that on my list to Unkotare. I also do like a like of Asian cuisine, especially Chinese and Japanese. Just not curry. But my goodness that does look good.

You should try Japanese curry. It tastes different than Indian. You might like it.
Well, darn it, another one bites the dust, and now I remember why I quit taking it a few years back. My miracle cure prescription? Well, I had leg cramps all night long last night, so I looked up side effects of Meloxicam. A few people get leg cramps or seizures. Lucky me, I'm one of them. Well, I was waiting until I got over the bronchitis to tke another perscription that is supposed to kill Arthritis pain with few side effects, and I have two bottles of Living Well, "Heal and Soothe. I'm going to start that as soon as I have a night with no leg cramps. lol Next time you pray, thank the man upstairs you're not allergic to everything you touch almost. And in addition to all that medicine I can't take, I'm allergic to tap water, too, even country tap water--it's not limited to town municipal water system, although some are more horrific than others, because the internal and external blisters start sooner. Move over if you're in the distilled water aisle at Wal Mart, 'cause I'm coming to stock up once a week. :iyfyus.jpg: Geeze, very little sleep tonight. Four hours, and my day and night wrists are now brilliant red vs. freckles cream. Another side effect of Meloxicam is sensitivity to sun in the extreme. I even have blisters on my eyelids. lol Y'all have a good day. Like I said, be thankful you're not me. :D

Leg cramps MAY be from low potassium levels, so try eating a banana or two, or other high potassium food

Osteoarthritis pain can be relieved by anti-inflammatory foods such as green leafy vegetables, celery, beets (also high in magnesium), chili peppers or powders with capsaicin, turmeric, etc...……..also applying hot & cold packs alternately or just use ice packs to reduce swelling.

It's easy to just add some of those seasonings to any recipe to get the effects from them and doesn't have to be a specific dish. I dehydrate many greens such as lettuces, kale, beet greens, spinach, etc, then run them thru a blender to make a powder. I'll add a bit of that 'miracle' powder and/or turmeric and/or chili or cayanne powder to just about any recipe to get the benefits from it without overpowering the flavors. May not be 100% cure all, but definitely helps to manage the pain without the nasty side effects or costs.

I have 2 hot water bottles, one for hot water and the other kept in the freezer. Just be careful not to use too hot of water and to wrap the bottle to prevent burns. Alternate the hot/cold packs about every 15 minutes...…. I now only use the hot water bottle when the pain is extreme and that's because I had been cooking myself with it too hot and causing blisters, so now I just use the one from the freezer to put on my lower back in the evenings while sitting in my chair.......aaaahhhhh that does feel gooooood. I have been known it wear a heavy jacket while enjoying the ice pack

I hope these suggestions help, but as a disclaimer always check with your DR first before trying anything new
I've been using turmeric/curcumin and collagen and that has been very helpful for the pain of osteoarthritis, better than ibuprofen and the anti-inflammatory prescribed by my orthopedic surgeon.

Eating a lot of curry? Sounds good.

I know it makes me the odd person out, but I've never developed a taste for curry. It is a rare curry dish that I like. Maybe I need to experiment more?

I don't think I'm much of a curry fan, either. :)
Well, darn it, another one bites the dust, and now I remember why I quit taking it a few years back. My miracle cure prescription? Well, I had leg cramps all night long last night, so I looked up side effects of Meloxicam. A few people get leg cramps or seizures. Lucky me, I'm one of them. Well, I was waiting until I got over the bronchitis to tke another perscription that is supposed to kill Arthritis pain with few side effects, and I have two bottles of Living Well, "Heal and Soothe. I'm going to start that as soon as I have a night with no leg cramps. lol Next time you pray, thank the man upstairs you're not allergic to everything you touch almost. And in addition to all that medicine I can't take, I'm allergic to tap water, too, even country tap water--it's not limited to town municipal water system, although some are more horrific than others, because the internal and external blisters start sooner. Move over if you're in the distilled water aisle at Wal Mart, 'cause I'm coming to stock up once a week. :iyfyus.jpg: Geeze, very little sleep tonight. Four hours, and my day and night wrists are now brilliant red vs. freckles cream. Another side effect of Meloxicam is sensitivity to sun in the extreme. I even have blisters on my eyelids. lol Y'all have a good day. Like I said, be thankful you're not me. :D

Leg cramps MAY be from low potassium levels, so try eating a banana or two, or other high potassium food

Osteoarthritis pain can be relieved by anti-inflammatory foods such as green leafy vegetables, celery, beets (also high in magnesium), chili peppers or powders with capsaicin, turmeric, etc...……..also applying hot & cold packs alternately or just use ice packs to reduce swelling.

It's easy to just add some of those seasonings to any recipe to get the effects from them and doesn't have to be a specific dish. I dehydrate many greens such as lettuces, kale, beet greens, spinach, etc, then run them thru a blender to make a powder. I'll add a bit of that 'miracle' powder and/or turmeric and/or chili or cayanne powder to just about any recipe to get the benefits from it without overpowering the flavors. May not be 100% cure all, but definitely helps to manage the pain without the nasty side effects or costs.

I have 2 hot water bottles, one for hot water and the other kept in the freezer. Just be careful not to use too hot of water and to wrap the bottle to prevent burns. Alternate the hot/cold packs about every 15 minutes...…. I now only use the hot water bottle when the pain is extreme and that's because I had been cooking myself with it too hot and causing blisters, so now I just use the one from the freezer to put on my lower back in the evenings while sitting in my chair.......aaaahhhhh that does feel gooooood. I have been known it wear a heavy jacket while enjoying the ice pack

I hope these suggestions help, but as a disclaimer always check with your DR first before trying anything new
I've been using turmeric/curcumin and collagen and that has been very helpful for the pain of osteoarthritis, better than ibuprofen and the anti-inflammatory prescribed by my orthopedic surgeon.

Eating a lot of curry? Sounds good.

I know it makes me the odd person out, but I've never developed a taste for curry. It is a rare curry dish that I like. Maybe I need to experiment more?

I don't think I'm much of a curry fan, either. :)

You aren't a big fan of a whole lot of things Montro. :) But when you come to lunch or dinner at my house, I'll just add you as one more person to make happy in the science project. :)
Picked up the trailer this morning, the guys loaded it up and I was on the road by noon. Made it home around 3:30 and unloaded the book shelves from the back of the truck, hot, sweaty and tired....... Getting ready to take a shower.
Well, darn it, another one bites the dust, and now I remember why I quit taking it a few years back. My miracle cure prescription? Well, I had leg cramps all night long last night, so I looked up side effects of Meloxicam. A few people get leg cramps or seizures. Lucky me, I'm one of them. Well, I was waiting until I got over the bronchitis to tke another perscription that is supposed to kill Arthritis pain with few side effects, and I have two bottles of Living Well, "Heal and Soothe. I'm going to start that as soon as I have a night with no leg cramps. lol Next time you pray, thank the man upstairs you're not allergic to everything you touch almost. And in addition to all that medicine I can't take, I'm allergic to tap water, too, even country tap water--it's not limited to town municipal water system, although some are more horrific than others, because the internal and external blisters start sooner. Move over if you're in the distilled water aisle at Wal Mart, 'cause I'm coming to stock up once a week. :iyfyus.jpg: Geeze, very little sleep tonight. Four hours, and my day and night wrists are now brilliant red vs. freckles cream. Another side effect of Meloxicam is sensitivity to sun in the extreme. I even have blisters on my eyelids. lol Y'all have a good day. Like I said, be thankful you're not me. :D

Leg cramps MAY be from low potassium levels, so try eating a banana or two, or other high potassium food

Osteoarthritis pain can be relieved by anti-inflammatory foods such as green leafy vegetables, celery, beets (also high in magnesium), chili peppers or powders with capsaicin, turmeric, etc...……..also applying hot & cold packs alternately or just use ice packs to reduce swelling.

It's easy to just add some of those seasonings to any recipe to get the effects from them and doesn't have to be a specific dish. I dehydrate many greens such as lettuces, kale, beet greens, spinach, etc, then run them thru a blender to make a powder. I'll add a bit of that 'miracle' powder and/or turmeric and/or chili or cayanne powder to just about any recipe to get the benefits from it without overpowering the flavors. May not be 100% cure all, but definitely helps to manage the pain without the nasty side effects or costs.

I have 2 hot water bottles, one for hot water and the other kept in the freezer. Just be careful not to use too hot of water and to wrap the bottle to prevent burns. Alternate the hot/cold packs about every 15 minutes...…. I now only use the hot water bottle when the pain is extreme and that's because I had been cooking myself with it too hot and causing blisters, so now I just use the one from the freezer to put on my lower back in the evenings while sitting in my chair.......aaaahhhhh that does feel gooooood. I have been known it wear a heavy jacket while enjoying the ice pack

I hope these suggestions help, but as a disclaimer always check with your DR first before trying anything new
I've been using turmeric/curcumin and collagen and that has been very helpful for the pain of osteoarthritis, better than ibuprofen and the anti-inflammatory prescribed by my orthopedic surgeon.

Eating a lot of curry? Sounds good.
Some of the most wicked hot curry I ever ate was made the a friend of mine's mother. They were Pakistani and oh, boy did they use a lot of turmeric. The whole house, their clothes, the cars, everything smelled like that. But great food! You just had to like it spicy.
Well, darn it, another one bites the dust, and now I remember why I quit taking it a few years back. My miracle cure prescription? Well, I had leg cramps all night long last night, so I looked up side effects of Meloxicam. A few people get leg cramps or seizures. Lucky me, I'm one of them. Well, I was waiting until I got over the bronchitis to tke another perscription that is supposed to kill Arthritis pain with few side effects, and I have two bottles of Living Well, "Heal and Soothe. I'm going to start that as soon as I have a night with no leg cramps. lol Next time you pray, thank the man upstairs you're not allergic to everything you touch almost. And in addition to all that medicine I can't take, I'm allergic to tap water, too, even country tap water--it's not limited to town municipal water system, although some are more horrific than others, because the internal and external blisters start sooner. Move over if you're in the distilled water aisle at Wal Mart, 'cause I'm coming to stock up once a week. :iyfyus.jpg: Geeze, very little sleep tonight. Four hours, and my day and night wrists are now brilliant red vs. freckles cream. Another side effect of Meloxicam is sensitivity to sun in the extreme. I even have blisters on my eyelids. lol Y'all have a good day. Like I said, be thankful you're not me. :D

Leg cramps MAY be from low potassium levels, so try eating a banana or two, or other high potassium food

Osteoarthritis pain can be relieved by anti-inflammatory foods such as green leafy vegetables, celery, beets (also high in magnesium), chili peppers or powders with capsaicin, turmeric, etc...……..also applying hot & cold packs alternately or just use ice packs to reduce swelling.

It's easy to just add some of those seasonings to any recipe to get the effects from them and doesn't have to be a specific dish. I dehydrate many greens such as lettuces, kale, beet greens, spinach, etc, then run them thru a blender to make a powder. I'll add a bit of that 'miracle' powder and/or turmeric and/or chili or cayanne powder to just about any recipe to get the benefits from it without overpowering the flavors. May not be 100% cure all, but definitely helps to manage the pain without the nasty side effects or costs.

I have 2 hot water bottles, one for hot water and the other kept in the freezer. Just be careful not to use too hot of water and to wrap the bottle to prevent burns. Alternate the hot/cold packs about every 15 minutes...…. I now only use the hot water bottle when the pain is extreme and that's because I had been cooking myself with it too hot and causing blisters, so now I just use the one from the freezer to put on my lower back in the evenings while sitting in my chair.......aaaahhhhh that does feel gooooood. I have been known it wear a heavy jacket while enjoying the ice pack

I hope these suggestions help, but as a disclaimer always check with your DR first before trying anything new
I've been using turmeric/curcumin and collagen and that has been very helpful for the pain of osteoarthritis, better than ibuprofen and the anti-inflammatory prescribed by my orthopedic surgeon.

Eating a lot of curry? Sounds good.

I know it makes me the odd person out, but I've never developed a taste for curry. It is a rare curry dish that I like. Maybe I need to experiment more?
Curry is kind of like chili or spaghetti sauce. There are some basic spices used but in many different combinations. Then there are different curries based on origin, Thai curry, Chinese, Indian, Pakistani, and many others. Turmeric is one of the basic ingredients for most of them, though.
I've been using turmeric/curcumin and collagen and that has been very helpful for the pain of osteoarthritis, better than ibuprofen and the anti-inflammatory prescribed by my orthopedic surgeon.

Do you make your own bone broth??? That has lots of good stuff including collagen.

Almost forgot to mention, carrot tops are another good 'green' to add to the mix
I don't currently make my own bone broth, I don't have much time. But buying bone broth collagen is EXPENSIVE, so I might have to start making my own. With the changes I must inevitably make now, I might find a few extra bones to work with after I butcher a few goats.
I found some limited success using turmeric but until I added collagen to my supplement regimen I did not experience the pain relief I have now. I know I have to eventually have hip replacement surgery but I have some relief right now.

I've never used goat bones for broth, but I'm sure the process is still the same as with beef or chicken...….most any bones will work, but marrow bones and the feet are best.

roast the bones in the oven @ 450, along with some onion, celery, garlic, bay leaves, carrots or whatever vegetables you choose to impart flavor and a splash of apple cider vinegar. Then add it all to a big pot & cover with water, bring to a boil, then turn down to simmer...…...the longer it cooks, the more goodies are leached from the bones. I do mine anywhere from 2 to 4 days, depending on the amounts of ingredients I have available and if I'm going to can it up or use it right away. It should reduce down about half to get a good concentration.

I started chicken the other day & is still sitting on the stove waiting for me to get my butt in gear to can it up...….ok this conversation is the motivation I needed to git r done
By feet, do you mean the hooves, or the bone and meat inside the hooves?
Goat bones will have to do 'cause that's what I'll have.

Darn good question about the feet/hooves. I am lucky enough to have a local grocery store that sometimes sells 'beef feet'. Which look like the hooves that have been cut in half or pieces & cleaned. It's also possible they've been peeled, similar to chicken feet, since they look white-ish, similar to cartilage. IDK, maybe it is bone but is shaped like hooves. :dunno:

I'm sure goat broth will work just as well
Hooves are actually the keratin cover for the feet, like fingernails. You can pull the hooves off and it leaves a bone with some meat and cartilage on it. I imagine that is what you would cook for bone broth. You also want to use the large marrow bones for bone broth, too. You have to crack them so you can cook the marrow out of them.
I've been meaning to drop by the lounge, and since I can't sleep so this would be as good a time as any. So we've had an unusually 'cool' spring that kept our temps well below 100 on into June. Anything that shortens the blazing summer in Tucson is welcome. The older I get the less I like it, but as I've always said we have 4 months of bad weather (hot as Hades) and 8 months of nice weather. Also no snow and ice to deal with, as I did where I grew up back East.

But good news! The weather girl says our monsoon pattern is firing up and we will get rain this weekend Whoopee! There is something almost biblical about the first rains of the monsoon. There is a smell in the air that is just so great, hard to describe but desert people know what I'm talking about. We also have a deck where we can sit out and watch the storms as they roll in usually up from Mexico. The lightning is often spectacular and really fun to watch. Really looking forward to watching the first storm, probably Friday it looks like. Night all.
Well, thank you for the hot weather! We've been regularly breaking high temp records. The weather finally broke yesterday, temps falling about 20 degrees. This afternoon, pouring rain, thunder and lightening. Thunder and lightening are rare in this part of the state, and lightening is a constant threat for wildfires. Even though its raining like a cow pissing on a flat rock, it certainly isn't enough to mitigate the fire danger. I do agree about the smell of impending rain. I love that smell.
I am so glad cooler weather has come back. I had those 100 bales of hay to unload and stack. I got most of them done yesterday and will have to wait to unload the last 20 or so. Of course, we got thunder/lightening storms this afternoon. Rain started just as I was getting my chores done and I didn't want to hang outside with lightening in the offing. Now, my little pocket pooch is missing. I though she had followed me to the house, but apparently she went another way. I went searching for her, got soaked to the skin. No luck. I just hope she comes home when the rain slows down. Hell, she probably can't hear me calling with this gully washer going on. And she doesn't like the thunder, either.

Went by to visit the partner. His physical therapist had him up and "walking". He's pretty upbeat and determined to recover fully. Guy's a workaholic. He's signed a power of attorney assigning me as his agent for just about everything. I just hope I don't have to exercise that PoA. He's flirting with all the nurses (gals) and is pretty immodest. Lots of guys from work are visiting him and I believe that's helping keep his spirits up. I really do hope he gets better.
Japan and some other other curry-cook areas enjoy cancer-free lives on account of their diets. Vegetables and spices make health a good thing..

Americans have a 30% chance of developing cancer and a 11.2% chance of dying from it by the age of 75 compared to a 20.4% chance of developing cancer and a 9.7% chance of dying from it in Japan. The only common forms of cancer that are more prevalent in Japan are pancreatic, liver, colorectal, and stomach cancer. Interestingly enough, Japan has one of the lowest cancer rates in the developed world despite a relatively high percentage of Japanese being regular smokers.

The disparities in cancer rates are one of the major reasons life expectancy is almost five years higher in Japan than the United States (82.9 vs 78.1).

Cancer Rates In The USA Compared To Japan
You should try Japanese curry. It tastes different than Indian. You might like it.

Its true... There needs to be a warning re: Indian Curry Dishes...
Japan and some other other curry-cook areas enjoy cancer-free lives on account of their diets. Vegetables and spices make health a good thing..
Since my wife had a bout with breast cancer we've added a lot of curry and turmeric to our usual food. From all we read there definitely seems like there is support for the cancer fighting properties of those spices.

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