USMB Coffee Shop IV

Dangit JustAnotherNut now I want a big bowl of Wonton mein and some spring rolls...



Soooooooo guess what I had for supper tonight?????

Homemade War Won Ton soup....minus the spring rolls. I wasn't that energetic.
Dangit JustAnotherNut now I want a big bowl of Wonton mein and some spring rolls...



Soooooooo guess what I had for supper tonight?????

Homemade War Won Ton soup....minus the spring rolls. I wasn't that energetic.

Last night on our way home from our weekly 42 game, we stopped at a little hole-in-the-wall restaurant called Jades and picked up sweet and sour and a couple of spring rolls to take home. So so sweet & sour but great spring rolls requiring no energy at all. :)
They moved the partner to the inpatient therapy ward today. I take that to be a good sign. He has been improving but now they will have all the requisite devices of torture to encourage his further improvement. He was looking a little discouraged when I left the hospital this morning because they had him sitting on the edge of the bed and he toppled over on his side. It must be totally frustrating to not be able to fully control your body.

On another subject: for those interested in using herbals supplements, I found a very tasty and interesting product (at Walmart) that no doubt can be very helpful. It's Ludy's Ginger Juice with Calamansi. It's a crystal product intended to be mixed with hot water for a beverage. It's very strongly ginger flavored and as most of you may know, ginger is very good for digestive issues, among other things.
Well, darn it, another one bites the dust, and now I remember why I quit taking it a few years back. My miracle cure prescription? Well, I had leg cramps all night long last night, so I looked up side effects of Meloxicam. A few people get leg cramps or seizures. Lucky me, I'm one of them. Well, I was waiting until I got over the bronchitis to tke another perscription that is supposed to kill Arthritis pain with few side effects, and I have two bottles of Living Well, "Heal and Soothe. I'm going to start that as soon as I have a night with no leg cramps. lol Next time you pray, thank the man upstairs you're not allergic to everything you touch almost. And in addition to all that medicine I can't take, I'm allergic to tap water, too, even country tap water--it's not limited to town municipal water system, although some are more horrific than others, because the internal and external blisters start sooner. Move over if you're in the distilled water aisle at Wal Mart, 'cause I'm coming to stock up once a week. :iyfyus.jpg: Geeze, very little sleep tonight. Four hours, and my day and night wrists are now brilliant red vs. freckles cream. Another side effect of Meloxicam is sensitivity to sun in the extreme. I even have blisters on my eyelids. lol Y'all have a good day. Like I said, be thankful you're not me. :D

Leg cramps MAY be from low potassium levels, so try eating a banana or two, or other high potassium food

Osteoarthritis pain can be relieved by anti-inflammatory foods such as green leafy vegetables, celery, beets (also high in magnesium), chili peppers or powders with capsaicin, turmeric, etc...……..also applying hot & cold packs alternately or just use ice packs to reduce swelling.

It's easy to just add some of those seasonings to any recipe to get the effects from them and doesn't have to be a specific dish. I dehydrate many greens such as lettuces, kale, beet greens, spinach, etc, then run them thru a blender to make a powder. I'll add a bit of that 'miracle' powder and/or turmeric and/or chili or cayanne powder to just about any recipe to get the benefits from it without overpowering the flavors. May not be 100% cure all, but definitely helps to manage the pain without the nasty side effects or costs.

I have 2 hot water bottles, one for hot water and the other kept in the freezer. Just be careful not to use too hot of water and to wrap the bottle to prevent burns. Alternate the hot/cold packs about every 15 minutes...…. I now only use the hot water bottle when the pain is extreme and that's because I had been cooking myself with it too hot and causing blisters, so now I just use the one from the freezer to put on my lower back in the evenings while sitting in my chair.......aaaahhhhh that does feel gooooood. I have been known it wear a heavy jacket while enjoying the ice pack

I hope these suggestions help, but as a disclaimer always check with your DR first before trying anything new
I've been using turmeric/curcumin and collagen and that has been very helpful for the pain of osteoarthritis, better than ibuprofen and the anti-inflammatory prescribed by my orthopedic surgeon.

Eating a lot of curry? Sounds good.
Some of the most wicked hot curry I ever ate was made the a friend of mine's mother. They were Pakistani and oh, boy did they use a lot of turmeric. The whole house, their clothes, the cars, everything smelled like that. But great food! You just had to like it spicy.

It isn't that I don't like hot and spicy but it doesn't like me at this stage of my life.
Dangit JustAnotherNut now I want a big bowl of Wonton mein and some spring rolls...



Soooooooo guess what I had for supper tonight?????

Homemade War Won Ton soup....minus the spring rolls. I wasn't that energetic.

Last night on our way home from our weekly 42 game, we stopped at a little hole-in-the-wall restaurant called Jades and picked up sweet and sour and a couple of spring rolls to take home. So so sweet & sour but great spring rolls requiring no energy at all. :)

Them little hole in the walls can usually put out some darned good food

Normal summer has arrived in Albuquerque so we are now into the high 90's each day--haven't reached 100 yet, But the heat is intense enough you don't want to stay out in it for very long. In the shade its always tolerable though. So far the monsoon rains have been mostly bust for us, but hope things will improve.

Normal summer has arrived in Albuquerque so we are now into the high 90's each day--haven't reached 100 yet, But the heat is intense enough you don't want to stay out in it for very long. In the shade its always tolerable though. So far the monsoon rains have been mostly bust for us, but hope things will improve.
Ditto in Tucson. The weather girl was wrong, no monsoon yet here either! It was at least nice and cloudy yesterday when I played golf. Kind of surprising it was still 102 but it was quite comfortable without the sun beating down. I see nothing but a few wimpy clouds over the mountains. Phooey.

Normal summer has arrived in Albuquerque so we are now into the high 90's each day--haven't reached 100 yet, But the heat is intense enough you don't want to stay out in it for very long. In the shade its always tolerable though. So far the monsoon rains have been mostly bust for us, but hope things will improve.
The monsoon is waiting for us to finish our move....... :eusa_whistle:

Normal summer has arrived in Albuquerque so we are now into the high 90's each day--haven't reached 100 yet, But the heat is intense enough you don't want to stay out in it for very long. In the shade its always tolerable though. So far the monsoon rains have been mostly bust for us, but hope things will improve.
The monsoon is waiting for us to finish our move....... :eusa_whistle:
Well hurry up! My cactus is starting to melt.

Normal summer has arrived in Albuquerque so we are now into the high 90's each day--haven't reached 100 yet, But the heat is intense enough you don't want to stay out in it for very long. In the shade its always tolerable though. So far the monsoon rains have been mostly bust for us, but hope things will improve.
The monsoon is waiting for us to finish our move....... :eusa_whistle:
Well hurry up! My cactus is starting to melt.
Drink beer, piss....... problem solved....... :D
Wow, I have been exhausted the last two days, all this must have caught up with me. Looks like I need to rest and recoup before heading back down next week for the final move out, too bad, have lots to get done here also.

Normal summer has arrived in Albuquerque so we are now into the high 90's each day--haven't reached 100 yet, But the heat is intense enough you don't want to stay out in it for very long. In the shade its always tolerable though. So far the monsoon rains have been mostly bust for us, but hope things will improve.
Same here, normal summer has arrived...for now. 15-20 degrees cooler, mid-60s, and that makes things lots more tolerable. You might not believe how difficult it is for lots of us to sleep up here when it's as hot as it was these past couple of weeks. And, the smoke has blown some other direction, so we don't have that to contend with, either.

Normal summer has arrived in Albuquerque so we are now into the high 90's each day--haven't reached 100 yet, But the heat is intense enough you don't want to stay out in it for very long. In the shade its always tolerable though. So far the monsoon rains have been mostly bust for us, but hope things will improve.
The monsoon is waiting for us to finish our move....... :eusa_whistle:
You hope!
Wow, I have been exhausted the last two days, all this must have caught up with me. Looks like I need to rest and recoup before heading back down next week for the final move out, too bad, have lots to get done here also.
Confucius say "Moving really sucks big one".
Yeah, we've moved 6 times since 2012.......... This should be it for quite a while as we're no longer chasing jobs.

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