USMB Coffee Shop IV

The monsoon is waiting for us to finish our move....... :eusa_whistle: the season is being skipped until next year...?

Sometimes it seems so. :) However, we did get a lovely shower with about a quarter inch of rain last night--that's a fair amount for us. Any more than that at a time and most runs off. But a quarter inch ever now and then rejuvenates things nicely.
Two O'clock and I can't bloody well sleep. I went to bed early at about ten pm, because I was tired, and woke up at 12 am and have been awake ever since.

I should be able to sleep as I have black satin sheets that my landlord gave me when he was renovating my flat.
You cannot get more comfortable than satin sheets. They are unashamed luxury.
Satin sheets are indeed decadent. Why can't you sleep, Dajjal?

Hi there, nice to hear from you. I just can't sleep. I tried for two hours but just laid awake. So I am surfing the web until I get tired.
We've been sleepless here for the last couple of weeks because many of us cannot sleep when bathed in sweat. Thank goodness the heat broke and we're back to normal temps again. How's the remodeled flat working out? Was it worth the upheaval?
Normal summer has arrived in Albuquerque so we are now into the high 90's each day--haven't reached 100 yet, But the heat is intense enough you don't want to stay out in it for very long. In the shade its always tolerable though. So far the monsoon rains have been mostly bust for us, but hope things will improve.
Same here, normal summer has arrived...for now. 15-20 degrees cooler, mid-60s, and that makes things lots more tolerable. You might not believe how difficult it is for lots of us to sleep up here when it's as hot as it was these past couple of weeks. And, the smoke has blown some other direction, so we don't have that to contend with, either.

We would suffer as you do without air conditioning. I don't know how folks coped before air conditioning but then we didn't have it as a kid growing up. But there was always a night breeze, and we could sleep with the doors and windows wide open in perfect safety. Sometimes if it was really hot we would make our beds outside.

I sometimes wonder what sort of lunacy led people to settle in hotter parts of the world before the invention of air conditioning. :p
True, I often imagine what it was like traveling across the Sonoran desert on horseback with a couple canteens of water.
Every time I take that trip between Vaughn and Roswell I imagine pioneers traveling across that landscape via wagon and on foot and thank God it's not me traveling that way back then......... Vaughn to Roswell is 96 miles of nothing, five minutes into the hour and fifteen minute drive I'm asking myself; "are we there yet, are we there yet, are we there yet?"

I agree and I have driven it so many times. It never got easier. And there are a few other stretches like that around the state too. But I just can't imagine what it would be to do that via wagon or even on horseback, let alone on foot. No water. No shade. Nothing out there. And yet there are pronghorn antelope herds and deer and all sort of wild life living out there on that land. But also there is ranching and cattle and that is probably providing water for wild life too. Before they settled in that area and dug wells, I don't know. It would have been tough.

Normal summer has arrived in Albuquerque so we are now into the high 90's each day--haven't reached 100 yet, But the heat is intense enough you don't want to stay out in it for very long. In the shade its always tolerable though. So far the monsoon rains have been mostly bust for us, but hope things will improve.
Same here, normal summer has arrived...for now. 15-20 degrees cooler, mid-60s, and that makes things lots more tolerable. You might not believe how difficult it is for lots of us to sleep up here when it's as hot as it was these past couple of weeks. And, the smoke has blown some other direction, so we don't have that to contend with, either.

We would suffer as you do without air conditioning. I don't know how folks coped before air conditioning but then we didn't have it as a kid growing up. But there was always a night breeze, and we could sleep with the doors and windows wide open in perfect safety. Sometimes if it was really hot we would make our beds outside.
We always enjoyed sleeping under the stars as kids, too. I was a big adventure to "camp" in the back yard and was certainly more pleasant than being indoors on the hot, sweltering nights.
Got one of these showing up for meals now. Hardly six weeks old I'd say.


not even that big yet.
You're a poppa! Congratulations! What are you going to do with the mite?

Normal summer has arrived in Albuquerque so we are now into the high 90's each day--haven't reached 100 yet, But the heat is intense enough you don't want to stay out in it for very long. In the shade its always tolerable though. So far the monsoon rains have been mostly bust for us, but hope things will improve.
Same here, normal summer has arrived...for now. 15-20 degrees cooler, mid-60s, and that makes things lots more tolerable. You might not believe how difficult it is for lots of us to sleep up here when it's as hot as it was these past couple of weeks. And, the smoke has blown some other direction, so we don't have that to contend with, either.

We would suffer as you do without air conditioning. I don't know how folks coped before air conditioning but then we didn't have it as a kid growing up. But there was always a night breeze, and we could sleep with the doors and windows wide open in perfect safety. Sometimes if it was really hot we would make our beds outside.

I sometimes wonder what sort of lunacy led people to settle in hotter parts of the world before the invention of air conditioning. :p

I think some thought went into it. Houses were designed so that the prevailing winds of the area would create breezes through windows and doors. The world was much safer so you could sleep with windows and doors open or outdoors safely. And again all things are relative. The human has an amazing capacity to adapt to its environment, maybe much moreso than most species on Earth. For us it just comes down to what we are used to.
Only cockroaches are better at adapting to their environment than homo Sapiens.
Good morning!
I seem to have become our company maintenance technician assigned to the new Amazon account. All four days this week I've been attending the aircraft while it is unloaded and re-loaded. Not a very stressful assignment, but important because it is a huge account, so the boss wants to make a good impression. I assure you, Amazon is giving both UPS and FedEx a run for their money up here in the air transport market.
Not sure if I mentioned it, but they moved my partner to an inpatient physical therapy/rehabilitation ward yesterday. He's been making good progress regaining use of his arm and leg but is still unable to stand up alone, let alone walk. He'll be getting speech therapy, as well, to help correct that slur left by the stroke. (Being moved to the new ward also indicates that the insurance has approved his treatment. This isn't going to be cheap.)
I'm going on my second weekend alone. It means I have to double down on the work around my place. I just hope I'm up to this. I will be granting myself this afternoon "off". I'll be getting home pretty late after the hospital visit and caring for a friend's greenhouse so I'll get the basic chores done and then collapse. Then it's up early tomorrow to tackle moving the last of the hay, improving two of my goat shed, spraying weed killer under the electric fences, and this weekend I have to geld goats, trim hooves, administer their immunizations, and de-worm them. The goats are usually a joint task and should have been done last weekend so it isn't something I can put off. I'm thinking I won't be able to work on cutting, splitting, and stacking firewood, but I have to try to work some of that out, too. Oh, and the house is a mess again 'cause there's so much else to do. I'll wait for a hot day to do inside work.
So, if I don't make it by to visit, y'all know why.
The monsoon is waiting for us to finish our move....... :eusa_whistle: the season is being skipped until next year...?

Sometimes it seems so. :) However, we did get a lovely shower with about a quarter inch of rain last night--that's a fair amount for us. Any more than that at a time and most runs off. But a quarter inch ever now and then rejuvenates things nicely.
Yeah but here we only had about 30 seconds of moderate rain before it hit you guys "up north"....... :D
Good morning!
I seem to have become our company maintenance technician assigned to the new Amazon account. All four days this week I've been attending the aircraft while it is unloaded and re-loaded. Not a very stressful assignment, but important because it is a huge account, so the boss wants to make a good impression. I assure you, Amazon is giving both UPS and FedEx a run for their money up here in the air transport market.
Not sure if I mentioned it, but they moved my partner to an inpatient physical therapy/rehabilitation ward yesterday. He's been making good progress regaining use of his arm and leg but is still unable to stand up alone, let alone walk. He'll be getting speech therapy, as well, to help correct that slur left by the stroke. (Being moved to the new ward also indicates that the insurance has approved his treatment. This isn't going to be cheap.)
I'm going on my second weekend alone. It means I have to double down on the work around my place. I just hope I'm up to this. I will be granting myself this afternoon "off". I'll be getting home pretty late after the hospital visit and caring for a friend's greenhouse so I'll get the basic chores done and then collapse. Then it's up early tomorrow to tackle moving the last of the hay, improving two of my goat shed, spraying weed killer under the electric fences, and this weekend I have to geld goats, trim hooves, administer their immunizations, and de-worm them. The goats are usually a joint task and should have been done last weekend so it isn't something I can put off. I'm thinking I won't be able to work on cutting, splitting, and stacking firewood, but I have to try to work some of that out, too. Oh, and the house is a mess again 'cause there's so much else to do. I'll wait for a hot day to do inside work.
So, if I don't make it by to visit, y'all know why.
I envy you, heck just with the day and a half of packing, taking things apart, distance driving, etc last week wore me out completely, basically two days of doing nothing but rest. Today I am able to get some things done but I'm keeping it light in preparation for the final move and cleaning next week.
Good morning!
I seem to have become our company maintenance technician assigned to the new Amazon account. All four days this week I've been attending the aircraft while it is unloaded and re-loaded. Not a very stressful assignment, but important because it is a huge account, so the boss wants to make a good impression. I assure you, Amazon is giving both UPS and FedEx a run for their money up here in the air transport market.
Not sure if I mentioned it, but they moved my partner to an inpatient physical therapy/rehabilitation ward yesterday. He's been making good progress regaining use of his arm and leg but is still unable to stand up alone, let alone walk. He'll be getting speech therapy, as well, to help correct that slur left by the stroke. (Being moved to the new ward also indicates that the insurance has approved his treatment. This isn't going to be cheap.)
I'm going on my second weekend alone. It means I have to double down on the work around my place. I just hope I'm up to this. I will be granting myself this afternoon "off". I'll be getting home pretty late after the hospital visit and caring for a friend's greenhouse so I'll get the basic chores done and then collapse. Then it's up early tomorrow to tackle moving the last of the hay, improving two of my goat shed, spraying weed killer under the electric fences, and this weekend I have to geld goats, trim hooves, administer their immunizations, and de-worm them. The goats are usually a joint task and should have been done last weekend so it isn't something I can put off. I'm thinking I won't be able to work on cutting, splitting, and stacking firewood, but I have to try to work some of that out, too. Oh, and the house is a mess again 'cause there's so much else to do. I'll wait for a hot day to do inside work.
So, if I don't make it by to visit, y'all know why.
I envy you, heck just with the day and a half of packing, taking things apart, distance driving, etc last week wore me out completely, basically two days of doing nothing but rest. Today I am able to get some things done but I'm keeping it light in preparation for the final move and cleaning next week.
I don't envy you, I hate moving. I figure if I ever leave my place in Willow permanently it will be in a box with my toes toward the sky. I'm not going to move again. I should use this opportunity to begin cleaning the hoarder mess at the house in town, though. And I do have a trailer load of (17) tires and wheels, an assortment of salvaged lumber and a few other odds and ends that I loaded that last day before the partner had his stroke. I do need to get that unloaded so I can load a bunch of debris and other junk to take to the municipal dump, but goats are a priority this weekend, and the hay is on someone else's trailer.
Keep your powder dry!
We've been sleepless here for the last couple of weeks because many of us cannot sleep when bathed in sweat. Thank goodness the heat broke and we're back to normal temps again. How's the remodeled flat working out? Was it worth the upheaval?

Hi yea, the flat is much brighter, and the work is finished until next year when they are going to do the kitchen.
A true oddity in nature, up here on the tree ranch....

View attachment 269336
Yes....And it's extremely rare three of them together like this...They're normally solitary or paired up with their lifetime mates.

Maybe they are youngsters looking for mates? We don't have loons in New Mexico though and I don't remember any in West Texas or Kansas. At any rate I don't know anything about loons.

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