USMB Coffee Shop IV

A true oddity in nature, up here on the tree ranch....

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Yes....And it's extremely rare three of them together like this...They're normally solitary or paired up with their lifetime mates.
Gotcha! I did not know that. Now that I think of it, I've only seen them one or two at a time. I love to hear them calling. Such a lonesome sound.

And Oddball got me curious so I read up somewhat on loons. Interesting birds.
About Loons - Northland College
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Question, guys.
There are many of us right now who are sharing difficulties with wives, husbands, partners, etc. While one partner undergoes difficulties, the other must power through and be the pillar of strength for both. Does the strength to do this come from the "pillar"? I'm wondering because I am feeling a bit depressed and overwhelmed by my situation right now. And the partner is focused on me handling some of those things his medical issues have incurred. Knowing that if I give in to the feelings that flow through me means we will both fail does make me more determined to do what has to be done, but it doesn't make it easier.
Sorry about being a downer right now. I have to call a few more banks. My partner seems to have been very free with credit. Now, we have no idea how long he'll be off work, or if he'll ever be able to go back to a job. Our finances have been separate but now I find myself faced with covering his bills as well as mine.
Got one of these showing up for meals now. Hardly six weeks old I'd say.


not even that big yet.
You're a poppa! Congratulations! What are you going to do with the mite?

Food and milk bowls are filled and cat shelter in the winter.
Question, guys.
There are many of us right now who are sharing difficulties with wives, husbands, partners, etc. While one partner undergoes difficulties, the other must power through and be the pillar of strength for both. Does the strength to do this come from the "pillar"? I'm wondering because I am feeling a bit depressed and overwhelmed by my situation right now. And the partner is focused on me handling some of those things his medical issues have incurred. Knowing that if I give in to the feelings that flow through me means we will both fail does make me more determined to do what has to be done, but it doesn't make it easier.
Sorry about being a downer right now. I have to call a few more banks. My partner seems to have been very free with credit. Now, we have no idea how long he'll be off work, or if he'll ever be able to go back to a job. Our finances have been separate but now I find myself faced with covering his bills as well as mine.
It's part of the process, almost like the grieving process yet with these type situations it can repeat itself from time to time. There are times I still get scared, depressed, angry and overwhelmed but I just have to pull myself up, push through it and trust in God. Don't worry about being a "downer" we all understand.
Welp, back down in Roswell to finish packing and hopefully cleaning. Of course I'm resting up from the drive and waiting for the house to cool down, have it set on 85 when we're not here and it's 102 outside.
Welp, back down in Roswell to finish packing and hopefully cleaning. Of course I'm resting up from the drive and waiting for the house to cool down, have it set on 85 when we're not here and it's 102 outside.

So this is the last trip?
Yes. Should have most everything done by tomorrow night, pick up the truck and car carrier then the guys load it Thursday morning. Drop off the Plateau Fiber equipment, load up the car at Uhaul then on the road home.
The landlord is taking care of switching the utilities back in his name so that's one less thing to worry about.
Welp, back down in Roswell to finish packing and hopefully cleaning. Of course I'm resting up from the drive and waiting for the house to cool down, have it set on 85 when we're not here and it's 102 outside.

So this is the last trip?
Yes. Should have most everything done by tomorrow night, pick up the truck and car carrier then the guys load it Thursday morning. Drop off the Plateau Fiber equipment, load up the car at Uhaul then on the road home.
The landlord is taking care of switching the utilities back in his name so that's one less thing to worry about.

Well still sending strengthening thoughts, prayers, positive vibes, whatever. I suspect this has been one of the toughest moves for you by far. Maybe there won't need to be any more.
Welp, back down in Roswell to finish packing and hopefully cleaning. Of course I'm resting up from the drive and waiting for the house to cool down, have it set on 85 when we're not here and it's 102 outside.

So this is the last trip?
Yes. Should have most everything done by tomorrow night, pick up the truck and car carrier then the guys load it Thursday morning. Drop off the Plateau Fiber equipment, load up the car at Uhaul then on the road home.
The landlord is taking care of switching the utilities back in his name so that's one less thing to worry about.

Well still sending strengthening thoughts, prayers, positive vibes, whatever. I suspect this has been one of the toughest moves for you by far. Maybe there won't need to be any more.
I hope not, at least not for quite a while, the "final" move....... Of course this is just moving things out of the rental, we still have to organize, unpack, make storage in the house, try to get rid of more stuff and I still have painting to do and baseboard to put in not to mention at least 5 other priority projects. It will take at least another month for the first three I mentioned.
Just gave away some frozen meats/etc and a few other things I've been lugging around to my neighbor, he's going to come over tomorrow and help me clear out all the trash and hopefully disassemble a couple of items.
Question, guys.
There are many of us right now who are sharing difficulties with wives, husbands, partners, etc. While one partner undergoes difficulties, the other must power through and be the pillar of strength for both. Does the strength to do this come from the "pillar"? I'm wondering because I am feeling a bit depressed and overwhelmed by my situation right now. And the partner is focused on me handling some of those things his medical issues have incurred. Knowing that if I give in to the feelings that flow through me means we will both fail does make me more determined to do what has to be done, but it doesn't make it easier.
Sorry about being a downer right now. I have to call a few more banks. My partner seems to have been very free with credit. Now, we have no idea how long he'll be off work, or if he'll ever be able to go back to a job. Our finances have been separate but now I find myself faced with covering his bills as well as mine.

I just saw this GW. And so wish there was more to do than just send positive thoughts and encouragement. We are dealing too with a friend who is a chronic hoarder. A person of considerable means, this person has completely exhausted all liquid assets--hundreds of thousands of dollars--and run up a tremendous crushing debt ordering, ordering ordering stuff from Amazon, or QVC, or Ebay, or whatever is advertised on TV or that pops up on the computer or is offered at any sites people frequent. And due to the very real mental illness that causes this syndrome, this person is incapable of seeing that home is nothing but a path through piles of mostly unopened shipping boxes mixed in with a lot of useless crap that will not be parted with. The person is incapable of seeing how this is a problem or stopping the behavior until credit is so shot there is no way to continue it. I don't know what happens then.

I am a certified counselor in addictions trained to help mostly co-dependent people. But this kind of problem is way over my head. I don't have a clue how to approach it.

Gracie ran into this kind of thing with a landlord in Paradise too.

One thing I would strongly counsel is get whatever help you can while he is laid up to make sure you are not encumbered by any of your partner's debt. I appreciate that you feel you need to pay his bills, but that might not be the way to go if he just continues to accrue debt. He will break you both.

Also be kind and gentle with yourself. Unrelenting stress certainly triggers depression in me. I suppose it does for most people. So understand it but do what you need to do to not let it get to you to the point you are seriously damaged. And I figure you know that. Sometimes we just need to give ourselves permission to do the prudent thing. :)

Okay enough dutch aunt lecturing from Mama Fox and just hoping all this soon passes for you.
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Question, guys.
There are many of us right now who are sharing difficulties with wives, husbands, partners, etc. While one partner undergoes difficulties, the other must power through and be the pillar of strength for both. Does the strength to do this come from the "pillar"? I'm wondering because I am feeling a bit depressed and overwhelmed by my situation right now. And the partner is focused on me handling some of those things his medical issues have incurred. Knowing that if I give in to the feelings that flow through me means we will both fail does make me more determined to do what has to be done, but it doesn't make it easier.
Sorry about being a downer right now. I have to call a few more banks. My partner seems to have been very free with credit. Now, we have no idea how long he'll be off work, or if he'll ever be able to go back to a job. Our finances have been separate but now I find myself faced with covering his bills as well as mine.

I just saw this GW. And so wish there was more to do than just send positive thoughts and encouragement. We are dealing too with a friend who is a chronic hoarder. A person of considerable means, this person has completely exhausted all liquid assets--hundreds of thousands of dollars--and run up a tremendous crushing debt ordering, ordering ordering stuff from Amazon, or QVC, or Ebay, or whatever is advertised on TV or that pops up on the computer or is offered at any sites people frequent. And due to the very real mental illness that causes this syndrome, this person is incapable of seeing that home is nothing but a path through piles of mostly unopened shipping boxes mixed in with a lot of useless crap that will not be parted with. The person is incapable of seeing how this is a problem or stopping the behavior until credit is so shot there is no way to continue it. I don't know what happens then.

I am a certified counselor in addictions trained to help mostly co-dependent people. But this kind of problem is way over my head. I don't have a clue how to approach it.

Gracie ran into this kind of thing with a landlord in Paradise too.

One thing I would strongly counsel is get whatever help you can while he is laid up to make sure you are not encumbered by any of your partner's debt. I appreciate that you feel you need to pay his bills, but that might not be the way to go if he just continues to accrue debt. He will break you both.

Also be kind and gentle with yourself. Unrelenting stress certainly triggers depression in me. I suppose it does for most people. So understand it but do what you need to do to not let it get to you to the point you are seriously damaged. And I figure you know that. Sometimes we just need to give ourselves permission to do the prudent thing. :)

Okay enough dutch aunt lecturing from Mama Fox and just hoping all this soon passes for you.
Generally it takes people with extensive psych backgrounds who specialize in that specific area. If one gets rid of the horder's "stuff" without addressing the underlying cause the horder simply continues hording. Usually it's to fill and emotional need that's not being met.
Question, guys.
There are many of us right now who are sharing difficulties with wives, husbands, partners, etc. While one partner undergoes difficulties, the other must power through and be the pillar of strength for both. Does the strength to do this come from the "pillar"? I'm wondering because I am feeling a bit depressed and overwhelmed by my situation right now. And the partner is focused on me handling some of those things his medical issues have incurred. Knowing that if I give in to the feelings that flow through me means we will both fail does make me more determined to do what has to be done, but it doesn't make it easier.
Sorry about being a downer right now. I have to call a few more banks. My partner seems to have been very free with credit. Now, we have no idea how long he'll be off work, or if he'll ever be able to go back to a job. Our finances have been separate but now I find myself faced with covering his bills as well as mine.

I just saw this GW. And so wish there was more to do than just send positive thoughts and encouragement. We are dealing too with a friend who is a chronic hoarder. A person of considerable means, this person has completely exhausted all liquid assets--hundreds of thousands of dollars--and run up a tremendous crushing debt ordering, ordering ordering stuff from Amazon, or QVC, or Ebay, or whatever is advertised on TV or that pops up on the computer or is offered at any sites people frequent. And due to the very real mental illness that causes this syndrome, this person is incapable of seeing that home is nothing but a path through piles of mostly unopened shipping boxes mixed in with a lot of useless crap that will not be parted with. The person is incapable of seeing how this is a problem or stopping the behavior until credit is so shot there is no way to continue it. I don't know what happens then.

I am a certified counselor in addictions trained to help mostly co-dependent people. But this kind of problem is way over my head. I don't have a clue how to approach it.

Gracie ran into this kind of thing with a landlord in Paradise too.

One thing I would strongly counsel is get whatever help you can while he is laid up to make sure you are not encumbered by any of your partner's debt. I appreciate that you feel you need to pay his bills, but that might not be the way to go if he just continues to accrue debt. He will break you both.

Also be kind and gentle with yourself. Unrelenting stress certainly triggers depression in me. I suppose it does for most people. So understand it but do what you need to do to not let it get to you to the point you are seriously damaged. And I figure you know that. Sometimes we just need to give ourselves permission to do the prudent thing. :)

Okay enough dutch aunt lecturing from Mama Fox and just hoping all this soon passes for you.
Generally it takes people with extensive psych backgrounds who specialize in that specific area. If one gets rid of the horder's "stuff" without addressing the underlying cause the horder simply continues hording. Usually it's to fill and emotional need that's not being met.

Yes. From what little I know about it, it is one of the most difficult addictions or OCD behavior or however it is classified to deal with. Alcoholism, drug addiction and such dependencies are also devastating to people, often deadly, and it creates its own kind of psychosis or mental illness, but many can and do find the personal resources to break the addiction and get sober. Also a lot of people are able to escape from compulsive gambling and such. But the dynamics in hoarding is a different kind of mental illness. And from what I've read, the prognosis for recovery is not impossible, but doesn't have a very high success rate either. And again, I wouldn't know where to even start to help somebody with that problem.
Question, guys.
There are many of us right now who are sharing difficulties with wives, husbands, partners, etc. While one partner undergoes difficulties, the other must power through and be the pillar of strength for both. Does the strength to do this come from the "pillar"? I'm wondering because I am feeling a bit depressed and overwhelmed by my situation right now. And the partner is focused on me handling some of those things his medical issues have incurred. Knowing that if I give in to the feelings that flow through me means we will both fail does make me more determined to do what has to be done, but it doesn't make it easier.
Sorry about being a downer right now. I have to call a few more banks. My partner seems to have been very free with credit. Now, we have no idea how long he'll be off work, or if he'll ever be able to go back to a job. Our finances have been separate but now I find myself faced with covering his bills as well as mine.

It does get overwhelming and easily get depressed from the pressures. Hang in there, it will get better. I think everyone has 'been there, done that' to some extent or another. It's ok to give in to those feelings, as women know, we just have a good cry to get it out, then start picking up the pieces & move on.

Instead of you paying his bills......can you talk with him to see about selling some of his stuff to pay his own? It may not go over well with him to part with anything, but if he understands HIS financial responsibilities, he might relent. Don't offer to pay his bills, but keep the finances separate......if you possibly can. It may seem harsh right now in his situation, but you don't want to set yourself up to enable his hoarding in the future....or any other kind of financial dependence. Does that make sense?
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.
And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Montrovant for continued progress in his transition.
JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Gracie & Mr. G in difficult transition and for positive trend to continue.
Seagal and Mr. Seagal.
Peach for healing
Ringel for healing and Mrs. R facing serious health challenges in difficult transition
Beautress for wellness
Kat for wellness
GallantWarrior for pain relief and healing in advance of surgery.
Rod, GW's partner for recovery and help for GW dealing with that.
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so that those who have been away can find their way back.

Tonight's full moon is the Full Buck Moon as the deer are begtinning to regrow their antlers, and also known as the Thunder Moon because of the prevalent thunderstorms across the land. The two brightest 'stars' to the right of the full moon are Saturn and Jupiter. If you have a good telescope, Saturn is close enough to see Saturn's rings.

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