USMB Coffee Shop IV

Hello, everyone!
Winter is still hanging on here. Snowing again today and it's almost April! At least it's warmer.
The bosses just decided to up the ante at work. Now, if we sign off on an aircraft log book we are being paid a $50 premium for each one. That's a really significant pay increase for many of us.
I had to get a new laptop because my old one gave up the ghost, finally. It was such a pain to deal with and when I ended bringing it to the shop for a tune-up the tech's response was...dire.
Hope the change of seasons bring more than just sunshine and warmth and you all find good health and happiness, as well.
So how the hell has everyone been?
Hey, 007! How have you been? Long time, no see.
Been having a couple minor issues but, I was trying to self medicate and avoid the covid creepy crud, so I started taking extra vitamin D and C. Well, come to find out, too much vitamin D can be detrimental. It can cause irritability, stomach pain, nausea and constipation, all of which I experienced. So I laid off the D and started to feel better within days. I also had to lay off the coffee. I grind my own beans and love the stuff, but alas, I think it's the cause of the anxiety I was having once and awhile. I haven't had any coffee for awhile and no anxiety. So right now I'm back on my gym, lovin' life and feelin' great.
Sometimes, trial and error help define what works best for each of us. I am doing loads better since I sent the partner packing and had my hip surgery. Work is actually a lot more fun now. And, I lost enough to buy myself a new pair of work pants for my birthday, I'm down from a 38 to a 34 sized pant. Even though we now have a Duluth Trading Company outlet here, I had to order them. I'm pretty jazzed about losing that much weight and many inches.
Well hot damn brother, that's awesome. In the past 15 years I've been on a slow weight gain. When I came back to Wisconsin from Nevada I was about 195 lbs and wore 36" waist pants. Now I'm around 213 and wearing a 38". Last year I got up to 221 lbs and was so disgusted I dieted down to 202. I was back in my 36" waist jeans and loving it. Planned on keep going back down under 200 but, couldn't keep up the dedication. Now I'm back up to around 213, but I've been hitting the gym pretty hard for a good year and half now and have packed on some muscle, and muscle weighs more than fat. Still got too much around the middle but, IDK... I eat very healthy food, I work out daily, so I'd say regardless of few extra pounds, I'm pretty dang healthy. Nurse took my blood pressure the other day at the clinic and it was 124/78. Can't beat that. Summer is almost here though and I always lose weight because I'm outside busting it. I get the tractor on the 9th and I have two or three projects lined up waiting for it, and even with the tractor I'll be humpin' it. I love it though. Working up a sweat where it's just pouring off you makes me feel great. Have to remember to take my wallet out though, otherwise that gets soaked.
I've been trying to lose weight for years now. But when it looked like the 38's were going to have to become 40's I started a low carb lifestyle. I can still have such things a chips and bread as a treat but they are no longer staples. Plus, I stopped drinking beer a week before my hip surgery and haven't started drinking is again since. A "no beer" diet, I guess. I miss my beer but the changes are significant. I went from around 190 and am now down to about 150, and is shows. No more blood pressure issues and I feel so much better. I'm not doing so badly for my age, either. I just wish so many of our friends here in the CS could be doing better, as well. Cheers up!
Hombre andI got our first shot of the COVID vaccine today. So far so good. Zero side effects noted. No hair growing on our toes or anything. I wavered getting it reading so many alarming things on social media, but honestly many many of our friends and kin have now had the shots with no problems whatsoever. And since we are first in line as caretaker for my 94-year-old aunt and our heart transplant friend, and our weekly 42 partners are among the extremely high risk group, so we decided we would get the shots just in case they actually work. One more defense not to infect any of the high risk people.
The VA is pushing the vaccine, I have no idea which one, to all us veterans, but it's a HARD PASS for me.

Leaked Documents Reveal Major Concerns About Early Batches Of Pfizer mRNA Vaccine - The True Reporter

Reading some of those illustrious offerings from your source, I can offer this bit of advice: Don't believe everything you read.

I think most of us think pretty critically on these things, and I don't fault anybody for being cautious. I have read all the downsides reported from wherever and also the upsides being reported wherever, and made a calculated decision that the risk was less getting the vaccine than not getting it for me. That may or may not be true for others though.

But anyway, welcome to the Coffee Shop odanny. Be sure to read over the OP to see what we're all about here and then keep right on joining in. First timers to the Coffee Shop receive a complimentary beverage:

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I envy people who can take virus shots. The last 2 flu shots I took gave me the flu, and when I took the pneumonia shot, I went into shock for several hours in the er, plus I had full blown pneumonia 5 times in a row for several months. When I read up on the shots given that year, the pneumonia shot contained 6 variations of pneumonia, so I figured I got all 6 of them in a one after another basis for all those months. This year, no shots but I have constant asthma for over the last 10 months. I had an attack of asthma the year before, but it went away after the live oaks pollen disappeared. And I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.

I don't think I am going for any more flulike shots including the covid vaccine. I did all the charity work I could for the last 50 years, so I'm ready to meet my maker should if wearing a mask in public fail to keep me safe. I just hope He will be forgiving of any unknown errors I may have unwittingly made in my life of hard work and long retirement falls, too. It's getting late. Hope everyone has a lovely weekend and good health ahead. :huddle:
I have similar difficulties with various vaccines and have decided to opt out of this one, too. As far as masking is concerned, if I was intended to suck down that much CO2, I'd sprout leaves in a few weeks. Plus, I get headaches if I wear a mask more than a few minutes.
You have a great week and good health.
The CDC already said that the statistical difference everyone wearing a mask has made is less than 1%. It's been virtually irrelevant. I don't wear a mask anywhere, ever.

It's a hard pass on the biolab DNA altering mRNA shot for me too. It'll be interesting to see what happens a year, two years, three, etc, to those that got it. Can't be good... just my thoughts.
I'm watching developments, too. I'm wondering how things will be next year. I'm planning on a two-week trip to Germany with my brothers next Fall.
So how the hell has everyone been?
Hey, 007! How have you been? Long time, no see.
Been having a couple minor issues but, I was trying to self medicate and avoid the covid creepy crud, so I started taking extra vitamin D and C. Well, come to find out, too much vitamin D can be detrimental. It can cause irritability, stomach pain, nausea and constipation, all of which I experienced. So I laid off the D and started to feel better within days. I also had to lay off the coffee. I grind my own beans and love the stuff, but alas, I think it's the cause of the anxiety I was having once and awhile. I haven't had any coffee for awhile and no anxiety. So right now I'm back on my gym, lovin' life and feelin' great.
Sometimes, trial and error help define what works best for each of us. I am doing loads better since I sent the partner packing and had my hip surgery. Work is actually a lot more fun now. And, I lost enough to buy myself a new pair of work pants for my birthday, I'm down from a 38 to a 34 sized pant. Even though we now have a Duluth Trading Company outlet here, I had to order them. I'm pretty jazzed about losing that much weight and many inches.
Well hot damn brother, that's awesome. In the past 15 years I've been on a slow weight gain. When I came back to Wisconsin from Nevada I was about 195 lbs and wore 36" waist pants. Now I'm around 213 and wearing a 38". Last year I got up to 221 lbs and was so disgusted I dieted down to 202. I was back in my 36" waist jeans and loving it. Planned on keep going back down under 200 but, couldn't keep up the dedication. Now I'm back up to around 213, but I've been hitting the gym pretty hard for a good year and half now and have packed on some muscle, and muscle weighs more than fat. Still got too much around the middle but, IDK... I eat very healthy food, I work out daily, so I'd say regardless of few extra pounds, I'm pretty dang healthy. Nurse took my blood pressure the other day at the clinic and it was 124/78. Can't beat that. Summer is almost here though and I always lose weight because I'm outside busting it. I get the tractor on the 9th and I have two or three projects lined up waiting for it, and even with the tractor I'll be humpin' it. I love it though. Working up a sweat where it's just pouring off you makes me feel great. Have to remember to take my wallet out though, otherwise that gets soaked.
I've been trying to lose weight for years now. But when it looked like the 38's were going to have to become 40's I started a low carb lifestyle. I can still have such things a chips and bread as a treat but they are no longer staples. Plus, I stopped drinking beer a week before my hip surgery and haven't started drinking is again since. A "no beer" diet, I guess. I miss my beer but the changes are significant. I went from around 190 and am now down to about 150, and is shows. No more blood pressure issues and I feel so much better. I'm not doing so badly for my age, either. I just wish so many of our friends here in the CS could be doing better, as well. Cheers up!
How 'bout that... I quit drinking too. I had been slowing down quit a bit since new years before last, and on my birthday in July I only had a couple beers, and that was it. I just quit drinking. No fan fare, no big commitment stuff, just quit. Quit the occasional smoking too, and quit the oxycodone. What I enjoy is not feeling like I'm going to die with a horrible hangover and not wasting 2 or 3 days of my life laying around recovering. 60 somethings shouldn't be partying it up like they're 25. I've had three good friends, including my neighbor, all very close in age to me, die just recently within the last year. Kind of a wake up call. Knock off the funny business while I still have a semblance of good health. I take no daily medicines at all, and I want to keep it that way for as long as I possibly can, and since I live alone, that's part of the reason I have the gym. I have to be able to look after myself, so staying fit is very important to me.
The new high end 2 channel system in the gym room... McIntosh C47 Audio Preamplifier, Rotel RB-1590 Stereo Amplifier, (an 84 lb behemoth), and streaming digital HD and ultra HD music from a Dell XPS desktop, all plugged into a Panamax M5400-PM Voltage Regulator/Conditioner, which is plugged into a 20 amp dedicated circuit, and assorted high end Audioquest cables, powering my Bowers & Wilkins CM-10's and an SVS PB-2000 subwoofer. The sound is incredible. This old audiophile is very happy. First time I've ever owned any McIntosh component. They are world class...

Now if I only understood the language of binary evaporators........ Oh wait, that was Star Wars......... :)
The new high end 2 channel system in the gym room... McIntosh C47 Audio Preamplifier, Rotel RB-1590 Stereo Amplifier, (an 84 lb behemoth), and streaming digital HD and ultra HD music from a Dell XPS desktop, all plugged into a Panamax M5400-PM Voltage Regulator/Conditioner, which is plugged into a 20 amp dedicated circuit, and assorted high end Audioquest cables, powering my Bowers & Wilkins CM-10's and an SVS PB-2000 subwoofer. The sound is incredible. This old audiophile is very happy. First time I've ever owned any McIntosh component. They are world class...


Be sure to load this tape/CD or whatever into it. Best workout tape ever.

I appreciate the thought Foxy, but there's no CD or tape player. It's purely a digital streaming setup, at this point. I have Amazon Music Unlimited because they have one of the largest music libraries of anyone, and some of the highest bitrates for outstanding sound. You get a little discount if you already have Prime, which I do. I had Spotify for years but they're just lagging way behind others with their pathetic slow bitrates, and when you get equipment like I have, the difference in SD and ultra HD streaming can be dramatic.

Also, my gym is a Body Solid P2 Powerline universal gym. I love it. I don't work out on it to get all huge. I just want to stay healthy and keep what I've got. At 65 pushing 66 in a couple months, that's about all I can do. But they say that resistance training is excellent for older people, even more so than cardio, because it can slow down the aging process. You won't become feeble as fast.


Well, I'm pretty sure Amazon Prime can stream "Maniac." :)

No video though... ;)

True, but I find music that pushes me is far more important than visual during a workout. :)

Not sure I know what that means... :eusa_shifty:

It's just that some music inspires us to work harder or feel more or experience more depth of feeling. When I work out to "Maniac" I'm not watching the video but just moving with the beat. You can keep up aerobics a lot longer to music usually.

I didn't know you worked out... COOL.

But I agree with you there. That's why I have my big stereo in the gym room. Mondays are always nice because the new "Discovery Mix" is up. I'm listening to that and working out on the gym right now. Working on the "core" today.

Warm but windy day in store up nort' here in Podunk, WI. Could see wind gusts to 50 mph they're saying.

Welllllllll, I used to actually work out. Work out at my age is a few arm pumps with light weights and maybe a mile or two on the treadmill or dribbling the HUGE ball around the house when the treadmill is on the fritz which it is right now. But when I was younger, I led some of the beginner aerobics classes, speed walking and such and "Maniac" offers really good motivational music. :)
Good morning darlinks. I really do love you guys. May the Coffee Shop always be a virtual family for those who need or enjoy one here. Meanwhile we pray or send positive vibes or keep vigil for:

Harper, the inspiration for the vigil list.
Kat for wellness
JustAnotherNut for wellness
Mindful and healing for her shoulder.
Good results for Nosmo King 's step nephew dealing with difficult surgeries.
Ringel, Peach, Gracie, everybody dealing with depression and adjustment.
Mindful's daughter diagnosed with cancer.
Ollie's brother recovering from major surgery.
Beautress for wellness
Nosmo King for healing and health

And we keep the light on so others who have been away can find their way back and we hope they do.

Happy Saint Patrick's Day everybody!!!
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Back in our partying days, Hombre & I enjoyed Irish Coffee made with Baileys around Saint Patty's Day and it is still a yummy good drink. But for those of us who don't drink these days, or never did, a non-alcoholic version is pretty darn good:


  • 2/3 cup strong black coffee (157 ml)
  • 2 teaspoons light brown sugar
  • ¼ teaspoon rum extract
  • ½ cup heavy whipping cream (60 ml)
  • 2 teaspoons cocoa powder, for garnish (optional)
  1. Fill a glass mug with ⅔ cup of hot coffee. Add the sugar and rum extract and stir until dissolved. Let the cup stand still until the mixture has completely stopped swirling.
  2. Meanwhile, beat the cream in a medium bowl until it's thick and airy, but still pourable. Pour it into a jug with a spout.
  3. Pour the cream over the back of a spoon right in the center of each mug.
  4. If desired, dust the cream with cocoa powder using a stencil, and serve immediately.
I beg to differ, unless you use Irish whisky, it isn't Irish coffee. No rum!

Um Baileys is Irish Whiskey smoothed a bit with a touch of cream and cocoa if I remember right. It's been a looong time since I had Irish Coffee.
Well...i havent done a pencil drawing in over 40 years. This was supposed to be a rough sketch, but Unexpected Journey Hobbit movie came on and i just kept sketching. I finished when the movie ended so i told myself that it took that long to draw, oh HAYELL no would i attempt to paint all those wrinkles. Nope nope triple nope.
However, i am pleased with the results and will frame/hang it cuz its the last pencil drawing. Killed me fingers/wrist and gave me a headache to boot. Nam vet here printed it out for me after scanning the smaller original so its about 13x18 frame i found.


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I would like to visit those places before I get too much older.

I want a road trip through all those mid west states (and others). Covid permitting.

Most Americans I think would consider Wyoming west rather than midwest, but on the eastern edge of the west. But yes, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico all on the eastern edge of the west offer some stunning scenery and a lot of history and fun things to see and do. Some of the best climate in the USA as well.
I spent 35 years of my adult life in Wyoming, and we referred to it as the Rocky Mountains, and considering a historic bar on Center Street was frequented occasionally by cowboys on a spirited horse that older people remembered and artists painted it to recall it as a special part of the Rocky Mountain West.

The best thing about Wyoming was the wonderful, sturdy people who celebrated helping each other out in deadly winter conditions, not to mention their love for animals and deep respect for others, whose wise ways saved lives in blinding snowstorms and search parties in wooded mountainsides if kids got lost at a summer picnic attended by many, or just being a good neighbor when the nearest house could be a couple of miles down the Platte River.

Enough nnostalgia. Hope everyone had a taste of Irish potatoes, corned beef and cabbage this week and are going to have a lovely weekend coming up. :thup:
Your depiction of Wyoming of the past greatly resembles where I live now. Most people don't look like much, but we are all helpful and tough. Winters here are nothing to scoff at and we all love animals. Willow is considered the dog mushing capital of the country, if not the world. My little bit of road has been kept clear this summer by a neighbor and his Cat4 bulldozer.
The day I stop loving my dear friends in the Equality State will be the day I die. :thup:
Hombre andI got our first shot of the COVID vaccine today. So far so good. Zero side effects noted. No hair growing on our toes or anything. I wavered getting it reading so many alarming things on social media, but honestly many many of our friends and kin have now had the shots with no problems whatsoever. And since we are first in line as caretaker for my 94-year-old aunt and our heart transplant friend, and our weekly 42 partners are among the extremely high risk group, so we decided we would get the shots just in case they actually work. One more defense not to infect any of the high risk people.
The VA is pushing the vaccine, I have no idea which one, to all us veterans, but it's a HARD PASS for me.

Leaked Documents Reveal Major Concerns About Early Batches Of Pfizer mRNA Vaccine - The True Reporter

Reading some of those illustrious offerings from your source, I can offer this bit of advice: Don't believe everything you read.

I think most of us think pretty critically on these things, and I don't fault anybody for being cautious. I have read all the downsides reported from wherever and also the upsides being reported wherever, and made a calculated decision that the risk was less getting the vaccine than not getting it for me. That may or may not be true for others though.

But anyway, welcome to the Coffee Shop odanny. Be sure to read over the OP to see what we're all about here and then keep right on joining in. First timers to the Coffee Shop receive a complimentary beverage:

View attachment 471373
I envy people who can take virus shots. The last 2 flu shots I took gave me the flu, and when I took the pneumonia shot, I went into shock for several hours in the er, plus I had full blown pneumonia 5 times in a row for several months. When I read up on the shots given that year, the pneumonia shot contained 6 variations of pneumonia, so I figured I got all 6 of them in a one after another basis for all those months. This year, no shots but I have constant asthma for over the last 10 months. I had an attack of asthma the year before, but it went away after the live oaks pollen disappeared. And I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.

I don't think I am going for any more flulike shots including the covid vaccine. I did all the charity work I could for the last 50 years, so I'm ready to meet my maker should if wearing a mask in public fail to keep me safe. I just hope He will be forgiving of any unknown errors I may have unwittingly made in my life of hard work and long retirement falls, too. It's getting late. Hope everyone has a lovely weekend and good health ahead. :huddle:
I have similar difficulties with various vaccines and have decided to opt out of this one, too. As far as masking is concerned, if I was intended to suck down that much CO2, I'd sprout leaves in a few weeks. Plus, I get headaches if I wear a mask more than a few minutes.
You have a great week and good health.
The CDC already said that the statistical difference everyone wearing a mask has made is less than 1%. It's been virtually irrelevant. I don't wear a mask anywhere, ever.

It's a hard pass on the biolab DNA altering mRNA shot for me too. It'll be interesting to see what happens a year, two years, three, etc, to those that got it. Can't be good... just my thoughts.
When I'm wearing a mask my asthma symptoms calm a little. It has been almost relentless lately.
Well...i havent done a pencil drawing in over 40 years. This was supposed to be a rough sketch, but Unexpected Journey Hobbit movie came on and i just kept sketching. I finished when the movie ended so i told myself that it took that long to draw, oh HAYELL no would i attempt to paint all those wrinkles. Nope nope triple nope.
However, i am pleased with the results and will frame/hang it cuz its the last pencil drawing. Killed me fingers/wrist and gave me a headache to boot. Nam vet here printed it out for me after scanning the smaller original so its about 13x18 frame i found.
It's beautiful Gracie. Move over, Michelangelo. ♡♡♡♡♡
Well...i havent done a pencil drawing in over 40 years. This was supposed to be a rough sketch, but Unexpected Journey Hobbit movie came on and i just kept sketching. I finished when the movie ended so i told myself that it took that long to draw, oh HAYELL no would i attempt to paint all those wrinkles. Nope nope triple nope.
However, i am pleased with the results and will frame/hang it cuz its the last pencil drawing. Killed me fingers/wrist and gave me a headache to boot. Nam vet here printed it out for me after scanning the smaller original so its about 13x18 frame i found.

Well I'm sorry it's physically painful, but my goodness you have such a gift Gracie. I draw all the time but I just draw. You create art.
Got my 2nd China Virus vaccine yesterday. the only reaction was a sore arm. Glad of that. Took my brother to the hospital today for a planned out patient procedure, they weren't even checking temps at the door.
And let me not forget that today is the 29th anniversary of my 39th Birthday.

We get our second shots late next month. But Happy Birthday Ollie. I need to rebuild our birthday list as I let it pretty well lapse over a year ago.
Hombre andI got our first shot of the COVID vaccine today. So far so good. Zero side effects noted. No hair growing on our toes or anything. I wavered getting it reading so many alarming things on social media, but honestly many many of our friends and kin have now had the shots with no problems whatsoever. And since we are first in line as caretaker for my 94-year-old aunt and our heart transplant friend, and our weekly 42 partners are among the extremely high risk group, so we decided we would get the shots just in case they actually work. One more defense not to infect any of the high risk people.
The VA is pushing the vaccine, I have no idea which one, to all us veterans, but it's a HARD PASS for me.

Leaked Documents Reveal Major Concerns About Early Batches Of Pfizer mRNA Vaccine - The True Reporter

Reading some of those illustrious offerings from your source, I can offer this bit of advice: Don't believe everything you read.

I think most of us think pretty critically on these things, and I don't fault anybody for being cautious. I have read all the downsides reported from wherever and also the upsides being reported wherever, and made a calculated decision that the risk was less getting the vaccine than not getting it for me. That may or may not be true for others though.

But anyway, welcome to the Coffee Shop odanny. Be sure to read over the OP to see what we're all about here and then keep right on joining in. First timers to the Coffee Shop receive a complimentary beverage:

View attachment 471373
I envy people who can take virus shots. The last 2 flu shots I took gave me the flu, and when I took the pneumonia shot, I went into shock for several hours in the er, plus I had full blown pneumonia 5 times in a row for several months. When I read up on the shots given that year, the pneumonia shot contained 6 variations of pneumonia, so I figured I got all 6 of them in a one after another basis for all those months. This year, no shots but I have constant asthma for over the last 10 months. I had an attack of asthma the year before, but it went away after the live oaks pollen disappeared. And I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.

I don't think I am going for any more flulike shots including the covid vaccine. I did all the charity work I could for the last 50 years, so I'm ready to meet my maker should if wearing a mask in public fail to keep me safe. I just hope He will be forgiving of any unknown errors I may have unwittingly made in my life of hard work and long retirement falls, too. It's getting late. Hope everyone has a lovely weekend and good health ahead. :huddle:
I have similar difficulties with various vaccines and have decided to opt out of this one, too. As far as masking is concerned, if I was intended to suck down that much CO2, I'd sprout leaves in a few weeks. Plus, I get headaches if I wear a mask more than a few minutes.
You have a great week and good health.
The CDC already said that the statistical difference everyone wearing a mask has made is less than 1%. It's been virtually irrelevant. I don't wear a mask anywhere, ever.

It's a hard pass on the biolab DNA altering mRNA shot for me too. It'll be interesting to see what happens a year, two years, three, etc, to those that got it. Can't be good... just my thoughts.
When I'm wearing a mask my asthma symptoms calm a little. It has been almost relentless lately.

I have a type of asthma that is exercise induced. The attacks don't last long and are abated just by being still for a minute or two. But the masks tend to trigger them somewhat--I find myself gasping for air in situations it doesn't happen if I don't wear a mask.
Got my 2nd China Virus vaccine yesterday. the only reaction was a sore arm. Glad of that. Took my brother to the hospital today for a planned out patient procedure, they weren't even checking temps at the door.
And let me not forget that today is the 29th anniversary of my 39th Birthday.
Oh' SFC Ollie--a belated Happy Birthday. Today would have been my late husband's 79th birthday. It has been 5 years since I celebrated the date of his last living birthday. Like your out-of-the-park Homers in helping military families find their dead warrior's remains and giving them closure, he dedicated his time to safety meetings so he would never have to knock on an employee's door and inform a wife of her widowhood due to the accidental electrocution of her spouse repairing a high wire because of a massive power outage in below zero weather in the arctic desert that the Equality State of Wyoming usually is in midwinter. He changed the usual every two years' death announcement to a family to zero for his 25-year safety campaign as head of the electrical lineman department.

I love people who put the well being of others as the most important agenda in their service to the community. That's why I enjoy the coffee house here that Foxy welcomes USMB members regardless of political views and prays for all having stuff that needs healing and the wonderful spirited people who come here over a morning cuppa day or night too. :huddle:
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Got my 2nd China Virus vaccine yesterday. the only reaction was a sore arm. Glad of that. Took my brother to the hospital today for a planned out patient procedure, they weren't even checking temps at the door.
And let me not forget that today is the 29th anniversary of my 39th Birthday.
Yeah I had to go to the VA West Clinic the other day and they checked temps at the door also.

Happy late birthday bro. Hope you had a fine day.
Hombre andI got our first shot of the COVID vaccine today. So far so good. Zero side effects noted. No hair growing on our toes or anything. I wavered getting it reading so many alarming things on social media, but honestly many many of our friends and kin have now had the shots with no problems whatsoever. And since we are first in line as caretaker for my 94-year-old aunt and our heart transplant friend, and our weekly 42 partners are among the extremely high risk group, so we decided we would get the shots just in case they actually work. One more defense not to infect any of the high risk people.
The VA is pushing the vaccine, I have no idea which one, to all us veterans, but it's a HARD PASS for me.

Leaked Documents Reveal Major Concerns About Early Batches Of Pfizer mRNA Vaccine - The True Reporter

Reading some of those illustrious offerings from your source, I can offer this bit of advice: Don't believe everything you read.

I think most of us think pretty critically on these things, and I don't fault anybody for being cautious. I have read all the downsides reported from wherever and also the upsides being reported wherever, and made a calculated decision that the risk was less getting the vaccine than not getting it for me. That may or may not be true for others though.

But anyway, welcome to the Coffee Shop odanny. Be sure to read over the OP to see what we're all about here and then keep right on joining in. First timers to the Coffee Shop receive a complimentary beverage:

View attachment 471373
I envy people who can take virus shots. The last 2 flu shots I took gave me the flu, and when I took the pneumonia shot, I went into shock for several hours in the er, plus I had full blown pneumonia 5 times in a row for several months. When I read up on the shots given that year, the pneumonia shot contained 6 variations of pneumonia, so I figured I got all 6 of them in a one after another basis for all those months. This year, no shots but I have constant asthma for over the last 10 months. I had an attack of asthma the year before, but it went away after the live oaks pollen disappeared. And I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.

I don't think I am going for any more flulike shots including the covid vaccine. I did all the charity work I could for the last 50 years, so I'm ready to meet my maker should if wearing a mask in public fail to keep me safe. I just hope He will be forgiving of any unknown errors I may have unwittingly made in my life of hard work and long retirement falls, too. It's getting late. Hope everyone has a lovely weekend and good health ahead. :huddle:
I have similar difficulties with various vaccines and have decided to opt out of this one, too. As far as masking is concerned, if I was intended to suck down that much CO2, I'd sprout leaves in a few weeks. Plus, I get headaches if I wear a mask more than a few minutes.
You have a great week and good health.
The CDC already said that the statistical difference everyone wearing a mask has made is less than 1%. It's been virtually irrelevant. I don't wear a mask anywhere, ever.

It's a hard pass on the biolab DNA altering mRNA shot for me too. It'll be interesting to see what happens a year, two years, three, etc, to those that got it. Can't be good... just my thoughts.
When I'm wearing a mask my asthma symptoms calm a little. It has been almost relentless lately.

I have a type of asthma that is exercise induced. The attacks don't last long and are abated just by being still for a minute or two. But the masks tend to trigger them somewhat--I find myself gasping for air in situations it doesn't happen if I don't wear a mask.
I wear the mask so those hearing my Chest's loud wheezing and coughing are spared a modicum of assurance they will not get covid which I do not have anyway.
Over 70's can now get the jab in Ontario!!! In my district, our PCP's are calling all their patients to schedule our shots. My 80 year old friend gets her second shot next week. The clinic is the next town over, and she's promised me a ride for whenever I'm scheduled. I'd ride my bike if I had to.

I don't work out, per se, but I don't own a car. I ride my bike everywhere in summer, and through most of the winter too. If there's ice or snow on the roads, I walk, but winters are so much milder than when I was a kid, it's only a few weeks out of the year when riding isn't possible.

The one exercise I still love is swimming. I will do laps by the hour. I was a competitive swimmer as a kid, and there is something so peaceful about getting in the water with just the sound of your own breathing, as you go back and forth. I used to swim a mile of breast stroke every morning, at the Earlybirds' Practice. Today, I can still easily swim a mile of breast stroke, but it takes me three times as long to do it, and I'll be going for a nap right after I finish.

My specialty stroke was the Butterfly. I came within a hair's breadth of setting a Canadian record in the 100 metre butterfly, when I was 11 years old. It takes a LOT of energy to swim butterfly - like doing jumping jacks on dry land non-stop for 90 seconds. But I was really, really good at it - long arms, skinny as a stick - I flew through the water. A few years ago I decided to swim 25 metres of butterfly - 1/4 of my racing distance, and time it. I did a racing dive, into the water, and it still took me 30 seconds to cover the 25 metres. When I arrived at the other end of the pool, I just clung to the side of the pool panting desperately for about 10 minutes. I haven't tried it since.

Also dancing. My ex and I used to go dancing every weekend. Last week I had my earbuds on and I let Siri pick my music. Apple Music is the best $10.99 I spend every month. I loves me my iTunes. On the weekend, I was cleaning up my kitchen with the ear buds on and Siri was picking GOOD tunes. I started dancing round my kitchen, until something popped in my knee. It'll be fine in another day or two.

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