USMB Coffee Shop IV

Don't even get me started on people dying. They've been dropping around here like flies, including 3 that were neighbors.

I'm down to TWO old friends here, and I've lived here since 1988. I lose them and aside from acquaintances, all my good, hang out, best friend type friends will be all gone, and I have no immediate family here either. I don't know what I'll do. I'm 67 and hate the thought of not having a single person that would be able to look in on me. Son is 90 miles away, younger sister is 70 miles away. Getting old sucks, and watching all your friends die off isn't any better.
Don't even get me started on people dying. They've been dropping around here like flies, including 3 that were neighbors.

I'm down to TWO old friends here, and I've lived here since 1988. I lose them and aside from acquaintances, all my good, hang out, best friend type friends will be all gone, and I have no immediate family here either. I don't know what I'll do. I'm 67 and hate the thought of not having a single person that would be able to look in on me. Son is 90 miles away, younger sister is 70 miles away. Getting old sucks, and watching all your friends die off isn't any better.
All you say is true, but gee I'm happy to hear from you even if you are a bit grumpy today, friend. :) Have been wondering how you are. I know too well the syndrome of our world shrinking as we get older. I look at my Aunt Betty who will be 96 next month and she is the last living member of her large family. I think she might have two cousins left but not sure about that and they aren't in touch. She has one friend left who lives in Houston so of course visiting back and forth isn't in the cards. Hombre and I look at our respective class lists and more of our high school classmates are gone than are still with us.

But life is still good if stressful at times, and we can choose to be happy most of the time I think. I hope you're well and looking forward to the glorious fall colors in your locale.
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The Hearing is done. 60 days to the decision.

The Hearing was brutal. They lied, early and often. When one lie failed, they tried another one, all while calling ME a liar. I expected this from my Landlord. He is the most dishonest person I've ever had the misfortune of dealing with. I expected better from his lawyer.

When the Adjudicator questioned their lies, and asked for particulars and dates they were denied entry to make repairs, they couldn't come up with one date where they had even asked for entry, so then they said the workmen were refusing to work in the unit, because of my behaviour. The Adjudicator asked which is it, you haven't complied with the orders because you can't get in, or you haven't complied with the orders because your workers are refusing to go in. It can't be both.

They made wild claims that I had called all kinds of people and slandered the landlord and the property, including calling the Landlord's bank. I never called the landlord's bank, and I told the Adjudicator that.

They said I had refused entry on multiple occasions to multiple people. I said I refused entry on the night I came home from the hospital and that was the only time. The didn't have dates, or who I refused entry to. Or proof they'd contacted me to ask for entry.

The people who accuse you of lying are themselves liars. I didn't call them liars. I simply said "I never called Royal Bank". They made so many claims that I had called all kinds of government authorities, and finally the Adjudicator said to me. Who did you call? The Electrical Safety Authority - who issued an order. The Fire Marshall, who ordered the inspections which lead to the County Order, and Enbridge Gas, who shut off my furnace. Just those three.
The Hearing is done. 60 days to the decision.

The Hearing was brutal. They lied, early and often. When one lie failed, they tried another one, all while calling ME a liar. I expected this from my Landlord. He is the most dishonest person I've ever had the misfortune of dealing with. I expected better from his lawyer.

When the Adjudicator questioned their lies, and asked for particulars and dates they were denied entry to make repairs, they couldn't come up with one date where they had even asked for entry, so then they said the workmen were refusing to work in the unit, because of my behaviour. The Adjudicator asked which is it, you haven't complied with the orders because you can't get in, or you haven't complied with the orders because your workers are refusing to go in. It can't be both.

They made wild claims that I had called all kinds of people and slandered the landlord and the property, including calling the Landlord's bank. I never called the landlord's bank, and I told the Adjudicator that.

They said I had refused entry on multiple occasions to multiple people. I said I refused entry on the night I came home from the hospital and that was the only time. The didn't have dates, or who I refused entry to. Or proof they'd contacted me to ask for entry.

The people who accuse you of lying are themselves liars. I didn't call them liars. I simply said "I never called Royal Bank". They made so many claims that I had called all kinds of government authorities, and finally the Adjudicator said to me. Who did you call? The Electrical Safety Authority - who issued an order. The Fire Marshall, who ordered the inspections which lead to the County Order, and Enbridge Gas, who shut off my furnace. Just those three.
Sheesh. So what happens next?
Sheesh. So what happens next?

We wait for the Adjudicator's verdict. I don't think that the lies went over well Foxfyre. This is a video hearing and I was paying attention to the adjudicator. He was giving the Landlord's lawyer "side eye" on his claims.

I made the comment that Mr. Lawyer had never met me, never spoken to me, and to the best of my knowledge, had never set foot on the property. For him to call me a "malicious liar", and to say conditions aren't that bad is ridiculous. The work orders and inspection reports speak for themselves. If LL had maintained the property there wouldn't have been any work orders.

The Adjudicator asked me if I had filed a T2 - a Tenant's claim of harassment and abuse by the Landlord, and I said "No. I wanted to focus on the health and safety issues here." I said that my main concern was gas leaks. Heating season is coming and I'm afraid what happens when we all turn on our gas furnaces.

I also had a paper trail, which I started last August with my Notice letter to the Landlord of his illegal rent increases, harassment, and repairs needed, some of which I had been asking for since before I moved it. He asked how I sent the letter - overnight express post, signature required.

They made wild claims that I had called "everyone" and badmouthed the landlord, lying about him. I told them I called the ESA and they issued a work order over the wiring, which has been fixed, the gas company - and they issued an order for the furnace, and the Fire Marshall, to get a copy of the report on the gas leak from January, 2021. The Fire Marshall issued the complaint that resulted in 4 carloads of inspectors descending on the building, based on the property record. Three calls and work orders were issued by all three governmental bodies.

They said I was lying about the complaint to the County. I filed it. Why would the Fire Marshall file a complaint? And then he said that the idea of 4 carloads of inspectors coming to the building was "preposterous". The County wouldn't send all of the inspectors they had to the building. But they did, and why would I lie about this???

They claimed they couldn't do the work because I wouldn't let anyone in. The Adjudicator asked for the dates and times I refused entry, and who I wouldn't let in, and they immediately started saying I was "mentally unstable", and workers were quitting and refusing to go into my unit because I yelled at them. At one point the Adjudicator said "Are you saying that the work orders haven't been complied with because she's refusing you access to the unit, or because the workers won't go into her unit because she's mentally unstable". It can't be both.

I said nobody's asked for access. No calls, no knock on the door. Nothing. At no time in refuting their lies did I call them "liars".

They said that I didn't show up for the Appeal Hearing for the County Work Order. I was the complainant and I didn't show up. This proves I'm not serious about the repairs. I showed the Adjudicator my notes of that conversation wherein I confirmed that date and time of the Hearing at July 14th at 1:00 p.m. The Hearing was at 11:00. I showed up - 2 hours late.

I'm told that neither the Building Inspector nor the Fire Marshall showed up either. I wonder if they were told the correct time. I was also told that I would have no standing at the Hearing, but I could attend. The Landlord claimed that Order was amended to just a bit of painting, and repairs to the stairs. When the Adjudicator asked to see the Amended Order, they didn't have one.

He mocked the idea that "someone like her" had a high end Sony TV costing $3000 and demanded receipts. I don't have receipts for something I bought in 2010 and which stopped working in five years ago. I had no way of knowing I'd need them again. But I after the hearing I did find a picture of my cat watching tennis on the Sony TV taken in my living room. The Sony logo is clearly visible. The Kliptsch home theatre system ($1500) sitting right underneath it.

This isn't the first time this By-law officer has helped the Landlord. I was shocked there were only 4 items on the WO, but they were big items. But on July 14th, the By-Law officer told me that he's not going to enforce that order. Go to the Tribunal, I'm done. In the past two weeks the landlord has been busy slapping paint on everything. I showed you the repairs he made to the stairs. Those are supposed to be replaced according to the order.

I'm figuring the By-law officer cut some deal with Delbert. There's a lot of stuff the Building Inspector told me would be on the order, that isn't there. Just the four items. They held a Hearing and kept all of us away, and I'll bet money that afterwards the BLO said "You get her out, do a bit of painting, and I'll lift the order".

So Tuesday night I had a lovely chat with my local councillor. I showed him around the property, and the work that Delbert has done. We have a lovely chat about his Aunt Betty, who was a dear friend of mine, and one of the first people I met when we moved here. We share the same knee surgeon.
My new friend Bernie, the County Councillor has already contacted the Mayor. Bernie was in no way surprised by my suspicious about the By-Law Officer, which I thought was telling. He's going to ensure the County enforces compliance of the original order. The compliance date is September 12th.

It was brutal to sit there an be lied about and attacked in that way. I still haven't fully calmed down. Clearly this lawyer has seriously underestimated me, who I am, and who I know. I'm don't talk about who I am or what I have done in my life, because as one of my friends once said "I'd write a book about your life but no one would believe it".

Any woman who raises an issue an issue and won't back down is "mentally unstable". I had previously complained about their characterizations of me as "malicious" and a "liar" saying that the inspectors and work orders spoke for themselves. Original County Work Order will cost him at least $75,000 so there's now enough money involved that the gloves have come off. When they upped the ante to "mentally unstable" I called their tactics "shameful".
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We wait for the Adjudicator's verdict. I don't think that the lies went over well Foxfyre. This is a video hearing and I was paying attention to the adjudicator. He was giving the Landlord's lawyer "side eye" on his claims.

I made the comment that Mr. Lawyer had never met me, never spoken to me, and to the best of my knowledge, had never set foot on the property. For him to call me a "malicious liar", and to say conditions aren't that bad is ridiculous. The work orders and inspection reports speak for themselves. If LL had maintained the property there wouldn't have been any work orders.

The Adjudicator asked me if I had filed a T2 - a Tenant's claim of harassment and abuse by the Landlord, and I said "No. I wanted to focus on the health and safety issues here." I said that my main concern was gas leaks. Heating season is coming and I'm afraid what happens when we all turn on our gas furnaces.

I also had a paper trail, which I started last August with my Notice letter to the Landlord of his illegal rent increases, harassment, and repairs needed, some of which I had been asking for since before I moved it. He asked how I sent the letter - overnight express post, signature required.

They made wild claims that I had called "everyone" and badmouthed the landlord, lying about him. I told them I called the ESA and they issued a work order over the wiring, which has been fixed, the gas company - and they issued an order for the furnace, and the Fire Marshall, to get a copy of the report on the gas leak from January, 2021. The Fire Marshall issued the complaint that resulted in 4 carloads of inspectors descending on the building, based on the property record. Three calls and work orders were issued by all three governmental bodies.

They said I was lying about the complaint to the County. I filed it. Why would the Fire Marshall file a complaint? And then he said that the idea of 4 carloads of inspectors coming to the building was "preposterous". The County wouldn't send all of the inspectors they had to the building. But they did, and why would I lie about this???

They claimed they couldn't do the work because I wouldn't let anyone in. The Adjudicator asked for the dates and times I refused entry, and who I wouldn't let in, and they immediately started saying I was "mentally unstable", and workers were quitting and refusing to go into my unit because I yelled at them. At one point the Adjudicator said "Are you saying that the work orders haven't been complied with because she's refusing you access to the unit, or because the workers won't go into her unit because she's mentally unstable". It can't be both.

I said nobody's asked for access. No calls, no knock on the door. Nothing. At no time in refuting their lies did I call them "liars".

They said that I didn't show up for the Appeal Hearing for the County Work Order. I was the complainant and I didn't show up. This proves I'm not serious about the repairs. I showed the Adjudicator my notes of that conversation wherein I confirmed that date and time of the Hearing at July 14th at 1:00 p.m. The Hearing was at 11:00. I showed up - 2 hours late.

I'm told that neither the Building Inspector nor the Fire Marshall showed up either. I wonder if they were told the correct time. I was also told that I would have no standing at the Hearing, but I could attend. The Landlord claimed that Order was amended to just a bit of painting, and repairs to the stairs. When the Adjudicator asked to see the Amended Order, they didn't have one.

He mocked the idea that "someone like her" had a high end Sony TV costing $3000 and demanded receipts. I don't have receipts for something I bought in 2010 and which stopped working in five years ago. I had no way of knowing I'd need them again. But I after the hearing I did find a picture of my cat watching tennis on the Sony TV taken in my living room. The Sony logo is clearly visible. The Kliptsch home theatre system ($1500) sitting right underneath it.

This isn't the first time this By-law officer has helped the Landlord. I was shocked there were only 4 items on the WO, but they were big items. But on July 14th, the By-Law officer told me that he's not going to enforce that order. Go to the Tribunal, I'm done. In the past two weeks the landlord has been busy slapping paint on everything. I showed you the repairs he made to the stairs. Those are supposed to be replaced according to the order.

I'm figuring the By-law officer cut some deal with Delbert. There's a lot of stuff the Building Inspector told me would be on the order, that isn't there. Just the four items. They held a Hearing and kept all of us away, and I'll bet money that afterwards the BLO said "You get her out, do a bit of painting, and I'll lift the order".

So Tuesday night I had a lovely chat with my local councillor. I showed him around the property, and the work that Delbert has done. We have a lovely chat about his Aunt Betty, who was a dear friend of mine, and one of the first people I met when we moved here. We share the same knee surgeon.
My new friend Bernie, the County Councillor has already contacted the Mayor. Bernie was in no way surprised by my suspicious about the By-Law Officer, which I thought was telling. He's going to ensure the County enforces compliance of the original order. The compliance date is September 12th.

It was brutal to sit there an be lied about and attacked in that way. I still haven't fully calmed down. Clearly this lawyer has seriously underestimated me, who I am, and who I know. I'm don't talk about who I am or what I have done in my life, because as one of my friends once said "I'd write a book about your life but no one would believe it".

Any woman who raises an issue an issue and won't back down is "mentally unstable". I had previously complained about their characterizations of me as "malicious" and a "liar" saying that the inspectors and work orders spoke for themselves. Original County Work Order will cost him at least $75,000 so there's now enough money involved that the gloves have come off. When they upped the ante to "mentally unstable" I called their tactics "shameful".
For sure it is tough having people tell lies about you and what you have or have not done. Been there. Am there with one addicted loved one. And its doubly hard when it's your word against theirs and you just hope and pray that your reputation will gain you at least benefit of the doubt. You are so smart to have all the documentation in this case. I hope you win on every point and force this jerk to do right by his tenants. And then I hope you find someplace you love and want to live and move.
For sure it is tough having people tell lies about you and what you have or have not done. Been there. Am there with one addicted loved one. And its doubly hard when it's your word against theirs and you just hope and pray that your reputation will gain you at least benefit of the doubt. You are so smart to have all the documentation in this case. I hope you win on every point and force this jerk to do right by his tenants. And then I hope you find someplace you love and want to live and move.

Your kindness really means a lot, especially today. I was really shaken up by the attacks yesterday. I remind myself that they're attacking ME because they have no facts on their side.

I expected an attack on the basis of credibility. He rents to down and out people on the comeback, recovering drug addicts, welfare recipients - the Island of Misfit Toys. These are people who don't know their rights, or how to enforce them, and who can easily be discredited if they try.

I'm a total outlier, in that I am none of these things. I have always lived well below my income level because when things go wrong, you can tough it out for a while. This is a nice sized apartment, all wood and tile floors which is good for my allergies, in a nice quiet neighbourhood. With ensuite laundry. The only problem is the landlord hasn't fixed anything in 20 years. And the laundry doesn't work.

Today I gathered up pictures of all of the stuff the Landlord's lawyer that "someone like me" would never own. I took a picture of the 4 sewing machines, 3 laptops, and 1 HP Pavillion Tower, some living, some dead - $8000 in total, "appliance row" in the kitchen $1000. Should I include the Royal Daulton China and Czekovslovakian crystal? I'm guessing he thinks people like me don't have anything like that either. I'm venting. I probably won't send anything.

It's just smarter to let him continue to underestimate me.
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Your kindness really means a lot, especially today. I was really shaken up by the attacks yesterday. I remind myself that they're attacking ME because they have no facts on their side.

I expected an attack on the basis of credibility. He rents to down and out people on the comeback, recovering drug addicts, welfare recipients - the Island of Misfit Toys. These are people who don't know their rights, or how to enforce them, and who can easily be discredited if they try.

I'm a total outlier, in that I am none of these things. I have always lived well below my income level because when things go wrong, you can tough it out for a while. This is a nice sized apartment, all wood and tile floors which is good for my allergies, in a nice quiet neighbourhood. With ensuite laundry. The only problem is the landlord hasn't fixed anything in 20 years. And the laundry doesn't work.
You are most welcome. We've never met, but my gut tells me that everything you are reporting here is true. And I know it helps to know folks have my back and I hope you know that at least in spirit, I (and probably lots of us here) have yours.

And I know you love where you are or you would have left long ago. Which is why when your work there is done, I hope you find something just as suitable and that you love just as much so you can move. :)

(Immodestly perhaps, I pride myself on being a pretty good judge of character.)
No. Still here. Manager where I was going to move turned out to be a flake. So now I await Placerville. Up in the mountains, cooler, trees. Its a 1 to 3 year wait so I sit here and stew in my depression.
Prayers up for you, Gracie. I hope something good comes your way soon, and in the meantime, May the road rise up to meet you, the wind be always at your back, and God hold you in his hands always.
We wait for the Adjudicator's verdict. I don't think that the lies went over well Foxfyre. This is a video hearing and I was paying attention to the adjudicator. He was giving the Landlord's lawyer "side eye" on his claims.

I made the comment that Mr. Lawyer had never met me, never spoken to me, and to the best of my knowledge, had never set foot on the property. For him to call me a "malicious liar", and to say conditions aren't that bad is ridiculous. The work orders and inspection reports speak for themselves. If LL had maintained the property there wouldn't have been any work orders.

The Adjudicator asked me if I had filed a T2 - a Tenant's claim of harassment and abuse by the Landlord, and I said "No. I wanted to focus on the health and safety issues here." I said that my main concern was gas leaks. Heating season is coming and I'm afraid what happens when we all turn on our gas furnaces.

I also had a paper trail, which I started last August with my Notice letter to the Landlord of his illegal rent increases, harassment, and repairs needed, some of which I had been asking for since before I moved it. He asked how I sent the letter - overnight express post, signature required.

They made wild claims that I had called "everyone" and badmouthed the landlord, lying about him. I told them I called the ESA and they issued a work order over the wiring, which has been fixed, the gas company - and they issued an order for the furnace, and the Fire Marshall, to get a copy of the report on the gas leak from January, 2021. The Fire Marshall issued the complaint that resulted in 4 carloads of inspectors descending on the building, based on the property record. Three calls and work orders were issued by all three governmental bodies.

They said I was lying about the complaint to the County. I filed it. Why would the Fire Marshall file a complaint? And then he said that the idea of 4 carloads of inspectors coming to the building was "preposterous". The County wouldn't send all of the inspectors they had to the building. But they did, and why would I lie about this???

They claimed they couldn't do the work because I wouldn't let anyone in. The Adjudicator asked for the dates and times I refused entry, and who I wouldn't let in, and they immediately started saying I was "mentally unstable", and workers were quitting and refusing to go into my unit because I yelled at them. At one point the Adjudicator said "Are you saying that the work orders haven't been complied with because she's refusing you access to the unit, or because the workers won't go into her unit because she's mentally unstable". It can't be both.

I said nobody's asked for access. No calls, no knock on the door. Nothing. At no time in refuting their lies did I call them "liars".

They said that I didn't show up for the Appeal Hearing for the County Work Order. I was the complainant and I didn't show up. This proves I'm not serious about the repairs. I showed the Adjudicator my notes of that conversation wherein I confirmed that date and time of the Hearing at July 14th at 1:00 p.m. The Hearing was at 11:00. I showed up - 2 hours late.

I'm told that neither the Building Inspector nor the Fire Marshall showed up either. I wonder if they were told the correct time. I was also told that I would have no standing at the Hearing, but I could attend. The Landlord claimed that Order was amended to just a bit of painting, and repairs to the stairs. When the Adjudicator asked to see the Amended Order, they didn't have one.

He mocked the idea that "someone like her" had a high end Sony TV costing $3000 and demanded receipts. I don't have receipts for something I bought in 2010 and which stopped working in five years ago. I had no way of knowing I'd need them again. But I after the hearing I did find a picture of my cat watching tennis on the Sony TV taken in my living room. The Sony logo is clearly visible. The Kliptsch home theatre system ($1500) sitting right underneath it.

This isn't the first time this By-law officer has helped the Landlord. I was shocked there were only 4 items on the WO, but they were big items. But on July 14th, the By-Law officer told me that he's not going to enforce that order. Go to the Tribunal, I'm done. In the past two weeks the landlord has been busy slapping paint on everything. I showed you the repairs he made to the stairs. Those are supposed to be replaced according to the order.

I'm figuring the By-law officer cut some deal with Delbert. There's a lot of stuff the Building Inspector told me would be on the order, that isn't there. Just the four items. They held a Hearing and kept all of us away, and I'll bet money that afterwards the BLO said "You get her out, do a bit of painting, and I'll lift the order".

So Tuesday night I had a lovely chat with my local councillor. I showed him around the property, and the work that Delbert has done. We have a lovely chat about his Aunt Betty, who was a dear friend of mine, and one of the first people I met when we moved here. We share the same knee surgeon.
My new friend Bernie, the County Councillor has already contacted the Mayor. Bernie was in no way surprised by my suspicious about the By-Law Officer, which I thought was telling. He's going to ensure the County enforces compliance of the original order. The compliance date is September 12th.

It was brutal to sit there an be lied about and attacked in that way. I still haven't fully calmed down. Clearly this lawyer has seriously underestimated me, who I am, and who I know. I'm don't talk about who I am or what I have done in my life, because as one of my friends once said "I'd write a book about your life but no one would believe it".

Any woman who raises an issue an issue and won't back down is "mentally unstable". I had previously complained about their characterizations of me as "malicious" and a "liar" saying that the inspectors and work orders spoke for themselves. Original County Work Order will cost him at least $75,000 so there's now enough money involved that the gloves have come off. When they upped the ante to "mentally unstable" I called their tactics "shameful".
Oh, Dragonlady, I'm so sorry to hear of this. I hope things go in your favor. I'm glad you wrote notes as things happened. Bless you for your bravery against some truly unpleasant people. Prayers up that you will get justice and win your case. :hands:
I can feel for DragonLady's problem. Going thru the same thing here, but here is different because it is HUD. So when they don't fix stuff here..I just call HUD and make a complaint. Still, nothing is being done according to HUD standards and its a slow process, but nothing like what she is going thru. And they don't fuck with me much, since they know I know what they know and more due to my past experience in property management in larger places than this dump. I just await Placerville to call..but unfortunately, there is a fire burning in Auburn and Placerville is in the same neck of the woods. Its only a matter of time before Placerville gets what Paradise got.
I have been mentally and financially preparing to leaving here, since last summer, but there's nowhere to move to that I can afford, which means I won't have a space for my business, which is 1/4 of my income, and makes me less able to afford decent housing. Rents have doubled here in the past 5 years - since I retired. I rented this place because I could afford it and its rent controlled.

He's trying to get rid of me so he can double the rent. Not once ever in the Hearing did he so much as mention the health or safety of the tenants. When the Adjudicator asked me why I hadn't filed a T2 - claim of harassment or abuse, against the landlord, I said it was because I wanted to focus on the Health and safety issues.

When he asked what I wanted, I said I wanted someone competent to look at ALL of the furnaces in the building to make sure that when everyone turns their heat next month, we don't have more gas leaks. I told him about standing on the side walk waiting for the Fire Department to get there, praying the place didn't blow up or burn down before they got there. Wondering if we were too close to the building if it did.

Not once ever did I call the landlord names. I didn't even call him a liar. I just said "I never called the Royal Bank." The landlord and his lawyer said I called "everyone", badmouthing the LL and they said I was lying about not calling the bank. I said "No, I didn't". The Adjudicator asked who I did call. The Electrical Safety Authority, The Gas Company, The County. That's it. All three did inspections and all three issued work orders. I didn't even badmouth the Landlord at the Tribunal.

I may not have called the Royal Bank before, but this is a job for Legge and Legge. John Legge's best friend is the head legal counsel for the Royal Bank of Canada. The people I know or have connections with because of my time working on Bay Street, sometimes amaze even me.

I really do try to live my values. I'm not a "heart on my sleeve" evangelical, Christian. It goes against my nature to cause this stupid, stubborn old man financial hardship, but if he's allowed to get rid of me, and the work orders disappear under the waves, he'll just find another Misfit Toy to rent to until the building blows up or burns down and he kills somebody.

The gas wall furnaces have a life expectancy of 15 years. The Landlord was told 20 years ago that they needed to be replaced. They're all suffering catastrophic failure and when they fail, we get gas leaks. Then the Landlord sends the sketchy furnace guy around, to fix them, and he does a shitty job with parts he makes himself, and we get more gas leaks. The Landlord is supposed to maintain things so we don't have catastrophic failures, especially those which can lead to explosions, or killing tenants while they sleep.

This should not be this hard!!
Don't even get me started on people dying. They've been dropping around here like flies, including 3 that were neighbors.

I'm down to TWO old friends here, and I've lived here since 1988. I lose them and aside from acquaintances, all my good, hang out, best friend type friends will be all gone, and I have no immediate family here either. I don't know what I'll do. I'm 67 and hate the thought of not having a single person that would be able to look in on me. Son is 90 miles away, younger sister is 70 miles away. Getting old sucks, and watching all your friends die off isn't any better.
Hey, 007. It's great to see you here again. Hope you keep coming back, because you have a lot of friends here. :yes_text12:

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