USMB favorite Tulsi Gabbard at 1% as always


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2019
The Russia loving Tulsi Gabbard , favorite Democrat in the conservative message board USMB, never got a surge from the alleged first debate victory (Award verdict by reached USMB guys and Drudge).
QU Poll Release Detail
Tulsi has polled well in many, many polls. She's met the threshold over and over again. Over 26 polls, in fact.

It's just that the DNC refuses to recognize them. How convenient.

And people only know what they hear on their tv. It's not like the media is going to say, hey, she met the threshold again and again, our side just doesn't wanna recognize them.

She's likely the only one who would have forced Trump to try to debate like an adult.

It's the democrats' loss, in my view. Enjoy irrelevance and the same old tired talking points.

It's funny, really. It's like the dems don't even care about the process itself. Particularly the malfeasance which plagues it. Seems like they're mostly content to be pawns in a Romper Room type of reality show where the media/moderation spins the wheel and it lands on one of their preselected faces.
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Tulsi has polled well in many, many polls. She's met the threshold over and over again. Over 26 polls, in fact.

It's just that the DNC refuses to recognize them. How convenient.

And people only know what they hear on their tv. It's not like the media is going to say, hey, she met the threshold again and again, our side just doesn't wanna recognize them.

She's likely the only one who would have forced Trump to try to debate like an adult.

It's the democrats' loss, in my view. Enjoy irrelevance and the same old tired talking points.

It's not just a DNC thing.

The CFR, The Council on Foreign Relations, where all the government and corporate establishment press decide the nation's future meet to discuss who will be the future's leaders? If your ideas and persona don't pass approval there, you don't make it, and thus, the ruling class journalists won't propagandize the population toward their POV. It is there, that the corporate press decide what the American public will see on their TEE VEE's. Class Journalists.pdf
It's not just a DNC thing.

The CFR, The Council on Foreign Relations, where all the government and corporate establishment press decide the nation's future meet to discuss who will be the future's leaders? If your ideas and persona don't pass approval there, you don't make it, and thus, the ruling class journalists won't propagandize the population toward their POV. It is there, that the corporate press decide what the American public will see on their TEE VEE's. Class Journalists.pdf

Yeah. Still, though, when a half-wit like Robert O'Roarke is still in there, notwithstanding a lot of the other nobodys, you know they're just toying with people at that point.
The collective globalists in the DNC do not want someone in there they don't completely own.

Exactly, just another far left, egomaniac, partisan POLITICIAN.

I don't get why any self respecting conservative would want anything to do with her.

The only real conservatives left in America are the classical liberals. And, I, for one, am offended to have to accept an adjective in order to placate an ever-growing demograph of confused leftists who have taken it upon themselves to speak on behalf of conservatism these days.

I just had a conservative tell me that rights came from the federal government the other day. And that's only the tip of the iceberg, it gets worse.

Anyway. What's important here is the bastardization of the political process itself. Very few seem to care about that. It doesn't really matter who gets elected. The course of history needs changed, else the electorate will never have any say so in who gets nominated.
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After 'The Great 'Landslide' Bubble Pop' of 2016' and the 'Primary Fix' of 2016, anyone who still believes in these polls and any snowflake who believes they actually have a say in who wins the Socialist Democrat Party nomination is an idiot.
Just like 2016, the Democrats have already chosen their candidate for 2020. The debates are a sham.
Take away the pretty face and smooth demeanor (obama?) and you'll see Tulsi as I see her - just another leftist.

Exactly, just another far left, egomaniac, partisan POLITICIAN.

I don't get why any self respecting conservative would want anything to do with her.

The only real conservatives left in America are the classical liberals. And, I, for one, am offended to have to accept an adjective in order to placate an ever-growing demograph of confused leftists who have taken it upon themselves to speak for conservatism these days.
Define "real conservatives".... are paleo-conservatives real? what about the social conservatives ? is conservatism relative or is it absolute?

I don't consider myself a conservative at all and my philosophy draws heavily from classical liberalism.

I just had a conservative tell me that rights came from the federal government the other day. And that's only the tip of the iceberg, it gets worse.
In my experience, improper of understanding of rights, what they are and where they come from is VERY common among both "conservatives" and "liberals"... so I don't think it's a good marker of whether an individual is a "conservative" or a "liberal" or a <fill in ideology here>.

Anyway. What's important here is the bastardization of the political process itself. Very few seem to care about that. It doesn't really matter who gets elected. The course of history needs changed, else the electorate will never have any say so in who gets nominated.
Agreed, the American Political process is just BREAD & CIRCUSES.

"Scratch an egalitarian, and you will inevitably find a statist." -- Murray N. Rothbard
Take away the pretty face and smooth demeanor (obama?) and you'll see Tulsi as I see her - just another leftist.

Exactly, just another far left, egomaniac, partisan POLITICIAN.

I don't get why any self respecting conservative would want anything to do with her.

The only real conservatives left in America are the classical liberals. And, I, for one, am offended to have to accept an adjective in order to placate an ever-growing demograph of confused leftists who have taken it upon themselves to speak for conservatism these days.
Define "real conservatives".... are paleo-conservatives real? what about the social conservatives ? is conservatism relative or is it absolute?

I don't consider myself a conservative at all and my philosophy draws heavily from classical liberalism.

I just had a conservative tell me that rights came from the federal government the other day. And that's only the tip of the iceberg, it gets worse.
In my experience, improper of understanding of rights, what they are and where they come from is VERY common among both "conservatives" and "liberals"... so I don't think it's a good marker of whether an individual is a "conservative" or a "liberal" or a <fill in ideology here>.

Anyway. What's important here is the bastardization of the political process itself. Very few seem to care about that. It doesn't really matter who gets elected. The course of history needs changed, else the electorate will never have any say so in who gets nominated.
Agreed, the American Political process is just BREAD & CIRCUSES.

"Scratch an egalitarian, and you will inevitably find a statist." -- Murray N. Rothbard

Definitions have been totally scrambled by our Democrat Newspeak fans.

I too am liberal in the classic sense, yet I am erroneously termed conservative because I agree with some issues linked to that term, and because our "liberal in the modern sense" members have no fucking clue what constitutes classical liberalism.
Gabbard is a socialist. Anyone who actually studies her positions on the issues would figure that out in 30 seconds.

Only parroting dipshit retards think she's a conservative.
My favorite Democrat but she's only 38 and so I looked at 2020 as being only a practice run for her. Plus going up against an incumbent president in the general election is staging an uphill battle.
In my experience, improper of understanding of rights, what they are and where they come from is VERY common among both "conservatives" and "liberals"... so I don't think it's a good marker of whether an individual is a "conservative" or a "liberal" or a <fill in ideology here>.

Here's perhaps the best moment , in my own view, from the 2012 RNC debates. It's before the RNC changed the rules in order to steal Ron's delegates and deny him the oportunity to speak at the convention, even after he'd already won the right. Very similar to Gabbard's situation with the DNC.

It's a minute and a half. But it's a short, concise guide to how we could all be good conservatives. And it'll save me a bit of typing, so.

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In my experience, improper of understanding of rights, what they are and where they come from is VERY common among both "conservatives" and "liberals"... so I don't think it's a good marker of whether an individual is a "conservative" or a "liberal" or a <fill in ideology here>.

Here's perhaps the best moment , in my own view, from the 2012 RNC debates. It's before the RNC changed the rules in order to steal Ron's delegates and deny him the oportunity to speak at the convention, even after he' dalready won the right. Very similar to Gabard's situation with the DNC.

Thanks for sharing the video BUT you're comparing Tulsi Gabard to RON PAUL??? holy cow, Dr. Paul spent decades earning his libertarian street creds and being the lone voice of reason in Congress and he was snubbed by the establishment because he had earned those street creds and was waking A LOT of people up to libertarian ideas (especially young people) as an outsider. For example the Rally for the Republic in 2008 happened because Ron Paul was a libertarian icon who had constantly taken a beating from the establishment pinheads and come back swinging and people respected that.

Tulsi Gabard by comparison had one good moment in a debate and is possibly getting a bit of the shaft from the establishment rule makers because of it (big deal it's still early in the primary process), IMHO she isn't qualified to shine Ron Paul's shoes with respect to taking shit from the establishment and coming back fighting.

It's a minute and a half. But it's a short, concise guide to how we could all be good conservatives. And it'l save me a bit of typing, so
Thanks again but I have no interest in being a "good conservative", I find conservatives somewhat less irritating and intrusive than so called "liberals" but they're still irritating and intrusive. ;)

"You say that being left alone isn't a governing philosophy to which we say, yeah we know, that's why we like it" -- Tom Woods

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