USMB GOP want proof that conservative confederates joined the GOP in the middle 60's



We know that in the middle 60's, the confederate conservatives fled the Democratic Party when the blacks joined and swelled the ranks of the Republican Party which is why the GOP is 90% white today.

Just the same way they try to steal credit from Obama for taking out Bin Laden, again and again, they insist it was Democrats who started the KKK and Republicans that ended slavery. We know it was Confederate Conservatives that started the KKK and it was Confederate Conservatives who we fought against to end slavery. Only at the time, they called themselves "Democrats".

This isn't some fantastic conspiracy. It's "recent history". How can people who sit in front of the Internet deny recent history? And something of this magnitude? Something we all know. It's why the GOP today is 90% white.
There's no crazy like Rdean Crazy

Every single post has the word "Republican" and only 6% don't mention race
We know that in the middle 60's, the confederate conservatives fled the Democratic Party when the blacks joined and swelled the ranks of the Republican Party which is why the GOP is 90% white today.

Just the same way they try to steal credit from Obama for taking out Bin Laden, again and again, they insist it was Democrats who started the KKK and Republicans that ended slavery. We know it was Confederate Conservatives that started the KKK and it was Confederate Conservatives who we fought against to end slavery. Only at the time, they called themselves "Democrats".

This isn't some fantastic conspiracy. It's "recent history". How can people who sit in front of the Internet deny recent history? And something of this magnitude? Something we all know. It's why the GOP today is 90% white.

Let's see, the alleged confederates must have been a part of the democrat party if it is alleged that they fled the DNC during the 60's. More importantly the vacuum in the democrat party was filled with anarchist terrorists and communists while the poor Black people were led to believe that government funding was their new salvation. How did LBJ's "great society" work after it spent billions to tear Black families apart? An example of the 60's democrat party legacy is unrepentant domestic terrorist Bill Ayers propped up as a symbol of democrat party politics in Chicago. You almost gotta laugh that the DNC is still playing poverty plantation politics with the incredible claim that (minorities) Black people are still too ignorant to obtain a photo I.D.
There's no crazy like Rdean Crazy

Every single post has the word "Republican" and only 6% don't mention race

Unfortunately for the Republicans, there isn't a single manmade disaster suffered by the country for the last 20 years that didn't start with Republicans. And then natural disasters, like Katrina, they only made worse. There is nothing they touched they didn't damage. If I'm wrong, give me an example.
We know that in the middle 60's, the confederate conservatives fled the Democratic Party when the blacks joined and swelled the ranks of the Republican Party which is why the GOP is 90% white today.

Just the same way they try to steal credit from Obama for taking out Bin Laden, again and again, they insist it was Democrats who started the KKK and Republicans that ended slavery. We know it was Confederate Conservatives that started the KKK and it was Confederate Conservatives who we fought against to end slavery. Only at the time, they called themselves "Democrats".

This isn't some fantastic conspiracy. It's "recent history". How can people who sit in front of the Internet deny recent history? And something of this magnitude? Something we all know. It's why the GOP today is 90% white.

Let's see, the alleged confederates must have been a part of the democrat party if it is alleged that they fled the DNC during the 60's. More importantly the vacuum in the democrat party was filled with anarchist terrorists and communists while the poor Black people were led to believe that government funding was their new salvation. How did LBJ's "great society" work after it spent billions to tear Black families apart? An example of the 60's democrat party legacy is unrepentant domestic terrorist Bill Ayers propped up as a symbol of democrat party politics in Chicago. You almost gotta laugh that the DNC is still playing poverty plantation politics with the incredible claim that (minorities) Black people are still too ignorant to obtain a photo I.D.

Alleged? Oh, there's still plenty of Confederates. Only now they call themselves Republican. It can't be denied.
Pretty overconfident. I expected to actually see "evidence" when I clicked this, because of the title.
Why does the left consider endless repeats of opinion/narrative to be "history or an argument...?

Why is the GOP 90% white and full of confederates today? Does that sound like "Lincoln"? I've posted plenty of links in the past, but even "common sense" should tell you something.
Pretty overconfident. I expected to actually see "evidence" when I clicked this, because of the title.
Why does the left consider endless repeats of opinion/narrative to be "history or an argument...?

Why is the GOP 90% white and full of confederates today? Does that sound like "Lincoln"? I've posted plenty of links in the past, but even "common sense" should tell you something.
It's certainly true. I was raised in the South, among Conservative Democrats. Most all of them switched to Republican after LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act [he predicted that they would]. I have an elderly cousin, in the South, who is still a Democrat, but votes straight Republican.
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I don't know about anyone else, but I don't want any PROOF you have to please don't bother..thanks
I don't know about anyone else, but I don't want any PROOF you have to please don't bother..thanks

You don't really need "proof" Stephococcus, the "facts" speak for themselves.
LBJ "I'll have them ******* voting Democrat fr the next 200 years" was "Conservative"??


Do you understand how badly Deany broke from reality
You almost gotta laugh at the length the radical left will go to twist history into a pretzel. The democrat party is the party of slavery and segregation. KKK recruiter and democrat senator Robert Byrd never left the party. Al Gore's father senator Gore never left the democrat party, he merely pretended he was rehabilitated. Democrats destroyed the Black family with the "great society" that put Black families on a new plantation run by the DNC. Once they got used to depending on the federal government they turned into pets supported by poverty pimps and fat cat democrats who promised them a free ride. Courageous Blacks like Dr. Condie Rice and Clarence Thomas who escaped the democrat plantation were ridiculed and called "Uncle Tom" (Justice Thomas) and were portrayed with disgusting racist cartoons (Dr. Rice). You almost gotta laugh that the democrat party gets away with the profound bigotry of claiming that Black people in the 21st century are unable to obtain anything as basic as a photo I.D.
You almost gotta laugh at the length the radical left will go to twist history into a pretzel. The democrat party is the party of slavery and segregation. KKK recruiter and democrat senator Robert Byrd never left the party. Al Gore's father senator Gore never left the democrat party, he merely pretended he was rehabilitated. Democrats destroyed the Black family with the "great society" that put Black families on a new plantation run by the DNC. Once they got used to depending on the federal government they turned into pets supported by poverty pimps and fat cat democrats who promised them a free ride. Courageous Blacks like Dr. Condie Rice and Clarence Thomas who escaped the democrat plantation were ridiculed and called "Uncle Tom" (Justice Thomas) and were portrayed with disgusting racist cartoons (Dr. Rice). You almost gotta laugh that the democrat party gets away with the profound bigotry of claiming that Black people in the 21st century are unable to obtain anything as basic as a photo I.D.

So you are saying Lincoln was a "confederate"?
I can't get USMB Republicans to answer the question. Was Lincoln a "confederate"?
There's no crazy like Rdean Crazy

Every single post has the word "Republican" and only 6% don't mention race

Unfortunately for the Republicans, there isn't a single manmade disaster suffered by the country for the last 20 years that didn't start with Republicans. And then natural disasters, like Katrina, they only made worse. There is nothing they touched they didn't damage. If I'm wrong, give me an example.


Bush's fault Nagin left the buses in Chocolate City

Bush's fault

has to be
Pretty overconfident. I expected to actually see "evidence" when I clicked this, because of the title.
Why does the left consider endless repeats of opinion/narrative to be "history or an argument...?

(pssst. Deany is certifiable. He's genuinely cracked pottery. Here's how all his posts go:

Topic: Any

Rdean: Republicans Hate or have destroyed the above.

Don't let him know I told you he's nuts, it might hurt his feeling. Keep it secret, OK?)

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