USMB ideology test. Which way do you lean?

Generally speaking which way do you lean?

  • Total voters
Perhaps, but it worked.
Yes, but you said that as if it's the only form of protest you like, as if nothing else either works/or is preferred.

Or am I misreading you?
It is the only form I like, protests should have some minimum of organization, clear goals, be very careful of it's public perception and hostile only to the anarchists and agent provocateurs they tend to attract, otherwise they fail. The point of a protest is not to preach to the choir or simply oppose the extremists on the other side but to gain broad support among people who normally would not give a shit. Look at this anti-fa thing, normally I am all over leftist political movements but I seriously do not like the anarchist element that seems to comprise the bulk of it. I liked Occupy when it came out but it devolved into some weird stoner camp-out.
How about answering the question?

You can't, so do the right thing and retract.
DarkFury already answered you. To add to that, Bernie, after, refused to answer any questions regarding Venezuela's failure.

After WHAT?

They became more Socialist over time, as with any Socialist Nation, and that hastened their collapse.

Quote BERNIE SANDERS himself.

That's the best you have? Nobody else could have written that, it's from his site, and it's his essay.

Close The Gaps: Disparities That Threaten America
Senator Bernie Sanders: “These days, the American dream is more apt to be realized in South America, in places such as Venezuela …” – InvestmentWatch

No one could've written an article for Valley News (where this was sourced from originally) except Sanders? You are an idiot, just like the people on the rw nutter sites you link to.
DarkFury already answered you. To add to that, Bernie, after, refused to answer any questions regarding Venezuela's failure.

After WHAT?

They became more Socialist over time, as with any Socialist Nation, and that hastened their collapse.

Quote BERNIE SANDERS himself.

That's the best you have? Nobody else could have written that, it's from his site, and it's his essay.

Close The Gaps: Disparities That Threaten America
Senator Bernie Sanders: “These days, the American dream is more apt to be realized in South America, in places such as Venezuela …” – InvestmentWatch

No one could've written an article for Valley News (where this was sourced from originally) except Sanders? You are an idiot

Not only is the page not found, but you're again neglecting to notice that it's on HIS site. Sanders also, rightfully so, never denied that it's his, and every site that covered it also attributed the article to him. If he didn't write it, who did?
After WHAT?

They became more Socialist over time, as with any Socialist Nation, and that hastened their collapse.

Quote BERNIE SANDERS himself.

That's the best you have? Nobody else could have written that, it's from his site, and it's his essay.

Close The Gaps: Disparities That Threaten America
Senator Bernie Sanders: “These days, the American dream is more apt to be realized in South America, in places such as Venezuela …” – InvestmentWatch

No one could've written an article for Valley News (where this was sourced from originally) except Sanders? You are an idiot

Not only is the page not found, but you're again neglecting to notice that it's on HIS site. Sanders also, rightfully so, never denied that it's his, and every site that covered it also attributed the article to him. If he didn't write it, who did?

Yep an idiot, with no brain of your own and inability to spot bullshit nutter sites form 10 miles away,

I rest my case.

They became more Socialist over time, as with any Socialist Nation, and that hastened their collapse.

Quote BERNIE SANDERS himself.

That's the best you have? Nobody else could have written that, it's from his site, and it's his essay.

Close The Gaps: Disparities That Threaten America
Senator Bernie Sanders: “These days, the American dream is more apt to be realized in South America, in places such as Venezuela …” – InvestmentWatch

No one could've written an article for Valley News (where this was sourced from originally) except Sanders? You are an idiot

Not only is the page not found, but you're again neglecting to notice that it's on HIS site. Sanders also, rightfully so, never denied that it's his, and every site that covered it also attributed the article to him. If he didn't write it, who did?

Yep an idiot, with no brain of your own and inability to spot bullshit nutter sites form 10 miles away,

I rest my case.

He says, unironically, without providing any evidence to support his case.

Going to tell me who REALLY(Totally, totally not Bernie) wrote it, or just deflect and run away?

No one could've written an article for Valley News (where this was sourced from originally) except Sanders? You are an idiot
Not only is the page not found, but you're again neglecting to notice that it's on HIS site. Sanders also, rightfully so, never denied that it's his, and every site that covered it also attributed the article to him. If he didn't write it, who did?

Yep an idiot, with no brain of your own and inability to spot bullshit nutter sites form 10 miles away,

I rest my case.
He says, unironically, without providing any evidence to support his case.

Going to tell me who REALLY(Totally, totally not Bernie) wrote it, or just deflect and run away?

That not how it works silly. It was YOU who claimed Bernie said this and there is ZERO evidence presented so far that he did. So get some evidence he said this or retract.

All you showed was a copy of an article from Valley News and a bunch of bs nutter sites who claim Bernie wrote that.

This while showed that Bernie called the head of government there at the time a Communist Dictator.

No one could've written an article for Valley News (where this was sourced from originally) except Sanders? You are an idiot
Not only is the page not found, but you're again neglecting to notice that it's on HIS site. Sanders also, rightfully so, never denied that it's his, and every site that covered it also attributed the article to him. If he didn't write it, who did?

Yep an idiot, with no brain of your own and inability to spot bullshit nutter sites form 10 miles away,

I rest my case.
He says, unironically, without providing any evidence to support his case.

Going to tell me who REALLY(Totally, totally not Bernie) wrote it, or just deflect and run away?

That not how it works silly. It was YOU who claimed Bernie said this and there is ZERO evidence presented so far that he did. So get some evidence he said this or retract.

All you showed was a copy of an article from Valley News and a bunch of bs nutter sites who claim Bernie wrote that.

This while showed that Bernie called the head of government there at the time a Communist Dictator.
Said "Communist Dictator" endorsed him. Also, who wrote it? It was on Bernie's personal site, and Valley News doesn't have the article on it.
No one could've written an article for Valley News (where this was sourced from originally) except Sanders? You are an idiot
Not only is the page not found, but you're again neglecting to notice that it's on HIS site. Sanders also, rightfully so, never denied that it's his, and every site that covered it also attributed the article to him. If he didn't write it, who did?

Yep an idiot, with no brain of your own and inability to spot bullshit nutter sites form 10 miles away,

I rest my case.
He says, unironically, without providing any evidence to support his case.

Going to tell me who REALLY(Totally, totally not Bernie) wrote it, or just deflect and run away?

That not how it works silly. It was YOU who claimed Bernie said this and there is ZERO evidence presented so far that he did. So get some evidence he said this or retract.

All you showed was a copy of an article from Valley News and a bunch of bs nutter sites who claim Bernie wrote that.

This while showed that Bernie called the head of government there at the time a Communist Dictator.
Said "Communist Dictator" endorsed him. Also, who wrote it? It was on Bernie's personal site, and Valley News doesn't have the article on it.

ok idiot, thanks, come back when you have an actual quote from Bernie.
Is that right? the government is stealing money now? Is life really that horrible after all this money is stolen from you? Do you have any concept about what it is like in other countries that don't have the kind of infrastructure and social programs that we have? Try spending some time in a third world country And maybe you will gain some appreciation for what we have built here
Infrastructure, sure, that would be a problem. Social programs, on the other hand, are hardly necessary. Try spending some time in Venezuela.
See your ignorance is showing now if you can't tell the difference between our country and places like Venezuela and Cuba. Be honest, who feeds you this stuff about privatizing our police and fire departments? Is it your parents?
My dad is a hardcore Socialist nutjob, and my mother pays zero attention to politics, so no, they are not where I get my political views from. The reason I brought up Venezuela is because they managed to strike oil, and leftists, like yourself, started pointing at it and telling us "LOOK, SOCIALISM WORKS, IT TOTALLY, TOTALLY WORKS. IGNORE ITS NUMEROUS FAILURES, AND LOOK AT THIS ONE SUPPOSED SUCCESS", and then as more Socialist policies were implemented, it squandered all potential it previously had, despite pretty much being handed first world status. One of many solid examples of Socialism being a failure of an ideal.
I dont support socialism at all. I dont think many who consider themselves liberals do either. By some warped definition and many false presumptions you like to label my views that way, but that just goes to my accusation that you don't know what you are talking about.
I always know what I'm talking about~ do you support single payer as well?
Not in its entirety, but given the clusterfuck that our healthcare system has become I would entertain a single payer system to cover catastrophic and accute care with private insurance to cover supplemental
Not only is the page not found, but you're again neglecting to notice that it's on HIS site. Sanders also, rightfully so, never denied that it's his, and every site that covered it also attributed the article to him. If he didn't write it, who did?

Yep an idiot, with no brain of your own and inability to spot bullshit nutter sites form 10 miles away,

I rest my case.
He says, unironically, without providing any evidence to support his case.

Going to tell me who REALLY(Totally, totally not Bernie) wrote it, or just deflect and run away?

That not how it works silly. It was YOU who claimed Bernie said this and there is ZERO evidence presented so far that he did. So get some evidence he said this or retract.

All you showed was a copy of an article from Valley News and a bunch of bs nutter sites who claim Bernie wrote that.

This while showed that Bernie called the head of government there at the time a Communist Dictator.
Said "Communist Dictator" endorsed him. Also, who wrote it? It was on Bernie's personal site, and Valley News doesn't have the article on it.

ok idiot, thanks, come back when you have an actual quote from Bernie.
Oooh, calling names, you're so creative and convincing! Try calling me a gaywad while you're at it, that'll definitely enforce the 'point' you're trying to make. So, who wrote the article?
Yep an idiot, with no brain of your own and inability to spot bullshit nutter sites form 10 miles away,

I rest my case.
He says, unironically, without providing any evidence to support his case.

Going to tell me who REALLY(Totally, totally not Bernie) wrote it, or just deflect and run away?

That not how it works silly. It was YOU who claimed Bernie said this and there is ZERO evidence presented so far that he did. So get some evidence he said this or retract.

All you showed was a copy of an article from Valley News and a bunch of bs nutter sites who claim Bernie wrote that.

This while showed that Bernie called the head of government there at the time a Communist Dictator.
Said "Communist Dictator" endorsed him. Also, who wrote it? It was on Bernie's personal site, and Valley News doesn't have the article on it.

ok idiot, thanks, come back when you have an actual quote from Bernie.
Oooh, calling names, you're so creative and convincing! Try calling me a gaywad while you're at it, that'll definitely enforce the 'point' you're trying to make. So, who wrote the article?

You say stupid nonsense and then get called an idiot. Yep, that's what happens. Want to fix that? No problem, stop posting stupid nonsense.

There is no indication that this Valley News article was written by Bernie. PERIOD.
He says, unironically, without providing any evidence to support his case.

Going to tell me who REALLY(Totally, totally not Bernie) wrote it, or just deflect and run away?

That not how it works silly. It was YOU who claimed Bernie said this and there is ZERO evidence presented so far that he did. So get some evidence he said this or retract.

All you showed was a copy of an article from Valley News and a bunch of bs nutter sites who claim Bernie wrote that.

This while showed that Bernie called the head of government there at the time a Communist Dictator.
Said "Communist Dictator" endorsed him. Also, who wrote it? It was on Bernie's personal site, and Valley News doesn't have the article on it.

ok idiot, thanks, come back when you have an actual quote from Bernie.
Oooh, calling names, you're so creative and convincing! Try calling me a gaywad while you're at it, that'll definitely enforce the 'point' you're trying to make. So, who wrote the article?

You say stupid nonsense and then get called an idiot. Yep, that's what happens. Want to fix that? No problem, stop posting stupid nonsense.

There is no indication that this Valley News article was written by Bernie. PERIOD.
Then who was it written by?
That not how it works silly. It was YOU who claimed Bernie said this and there is ZERO evidence presented so far that he did. So get some evidence he said this or retract.

All you showed was a copy of an article from Valley News and a bunch of bs nutter sites who claim Bernie wrote that.

This while showed that Bernie called the head of government there at the time a Communist Dictator.
Said "Communist Dictator" endorsed him. Also, who wrote it? It was on Bernie's personal site, and Valley News doesn't have the article on it.

ok idiot, thanks, come back when you have an actual quote from Bernie.
Oooh, calling names, you're so creative and convincing! Try calling me a gaywad while you're at it, that'll definitely enforce the 'point' you're trying to make. So, who wrote the article?

You say stupid nonsense and then get called an idiot. Yep, that's what happens. Want to fix that? No problem, stop posting stupid nonsense.

There is no indication that this Valley News article was written by Bernie. PERIOD.
Then who was it written by?

WTF is your malfunction????

SOMEONE ELSE PERHAPS. Or is that possibility too crazy to fathom for your little pea brain?
Aw, more insults. Do you have to be mean? We're just having a discussion, I think you need to calm down. It's a legitimate question.
Aw, more insults. Do you have to be mean? We're just having a discussion, I think you need to calm down. It's a legitimate question.

No it is NOT a legitimate question. It is a BULLSHIT QUESTION in absence of any evidence that Bernie wrote that article.

The fact that you don't understand that reveals a poorly functioning machinery between your ears.
Aw, more insults. Do you have to be mean? We're just having a discussion, I think you need to calm down. It's a legitimate question.

No it is NOT a legitimate question. It is a BULLSHIT QUESTION in absence of any evidence that Bernie wrote that article.
It was, and still is, on his site, it's what he was campaigning on, and the article is attributed to him by EVERY site that mentions the article.
Aw, more insults. Do you have to be mean? We're just having a discussion, I think you need to calm down. It's a legitimate question.

No it is NOT a legitimate question. It is a BULLSHIT QUESTION in absence of any evidence that Bernie wrote that article.
It was, and still is, on his site, it's what he was campaigning on, and the article is attributed to him by EVERY site that mentions the article.

on his site - so what? There is tons of not-written-by-Bernie material that is linked on there, compiled by his staffers probably for traffic sake.

It's IS NOT WHAT HE CAMPAIGNED ON, stop bullshitting.

Your right winger sites have as much say-so credibility as your own dummy self.

Quote Bernie or stfu already.
Aw, more insults. Do you have to be mean? We're just having a discussion, I think you need to calm down. It's a legitimate question.

No it is NOT a legitimate question. It is a BULLSHIT QUESTION in absence of any evidence that Bernie wrote that article.
It was, and still is, on his site, it's what he was campaigning on, and the article is attributed to him by EVERY site that mentions the article.

on his site - so what? There is tons of not-written-by-Bernie material that is linked on there, compiled by his staffers probably for traffic sake.

It's IS NOT WHAT HE CAMPAIGNED ON, stop bullshitting.

Your right winger sites have as much say-so credibility as your own dummy self.

Quote Bernie or stfu already.
Yeah, it is. How many times did he talk about the wealth gap and closing it? Also, if it wasn't him, who was it?
Aw, more insults. Do you have to be mean? We're just having a discussion, I think you need to calm down. It's a legitimate question.

No it is NOT a legitimate question. It is a BULLSHIT QUESTION in absence of any evidence that Bernie wrote that article.
It was, and still is, on his site, it's what he was campaigning on, and the article is attributed to him by EVERY site that mentions the article.

on his site - so what? There is tons of not-written-by-Bernie material that is linked on there, compiled by his staffers probably for traffic sake.

It's IS NOT WHAT HE CAMPAIGNED ON, stop bullshitting.

Your right winger sites have as much say-so credibility as your own dummy self.

Quote Bernie or stfu already.
Yeah, it is. How many times did he talk about the wealth gap and closing it? Also, if it wasn't him, who was it?

Oh I see, so talking about income inequality = writing that article you say Bernie wrote.

But tell me genius, how did you manage to narrow it down between Ryan and Bernie?

A Deeper Look at Income Inequality - Report by Paul Ryan.
Aw, more insults. Do you have to be mean? We're just having a discussion, I think you need to calm down. It's a legitimate question.

No it is NOT a legitimate question. It is a BULLSHIT QUESTION in absence of any evidence that Bernie wrote that article.
It was, and still is, on his site, it's what he was campaigning on, and the article is attributed to him by EVERY site that mentions the article.

on his site - so what? There is tons of not-written-by-Bernie material that is linked on there, compiled by his staffers probably for traffic sake.

It's IS NOT WHAT HE CAMPAIGNED ON, stop bullshitting.

Your right winger sites have as much say-so credibility as your own dummy self.

Quote Bernie or stfu already.
Yeah, it is. How many times did he talk about the wealth gap and closing it? Also, if it wasn't him, who was it?

Oh I see, so talking about income inequality = writing that article you say Bernie wrote.

But tell me genius, how did you manage to narrow it down between Ryan and Bernie?

A Deeper Look at Income Inequality - Report by Paul Ryan.
I always knew he was a leftist in disguise, thanks for the link!

Anyway, obviously because it was never attributed to him, and because that one wasn't on Bernie's site.

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