USMB ideology test. Which way do you lean?

Generally speaking which way do you lean?

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This test is SHIT. Whomever developed this is over-employed. They assume everyone is fully indoctrinated and stupid, all the while they're incompetent. The test is probably agenda driven.

Look at the questions and limitations on answers. For example "The most important thing for children to learn is to accept discipline.". WTF kind of question is that? The correct answer is disagree, which no doubt means you're liberal. Horse shit.

How about this question? "Although the electronic age makes official surveillance easier, only wrongdoers need to be worried." Bet your ass Disagree gets you the liberal thumbs up. Talk about irony and hypocrisy.

I took it anyhow. Says I'm middle of the road, barely edging liberal (I threw up in my mouth) and authoritarian. After further review, this test was developed by liberals to tell you you're liberal. In Trump's words "very dishonest".
The problem you are having is that the labels use the definitions long accepted by political scientists, not the screwed up reactionary definitions employed by pundits and partisans. They have so muddied the waters with their extremely subjective and often dead wrong definitions of words that no one really knows what they are anymore. In your case you have demonstrated that practically everyone has liberal views when asked about individual issues. That's liberal as in the definition of the word used for a hundred years before some people tried to make it synonymous with every bad thing that has ever happened in the history of human governance.

Though I get much of your point, bet your bottom dollar this "test" was developed by liberals for liberal acceptance and recognition. In the above example "the most important thing is to learn and accept discipline". I take things literally, and their wording is trickery. In other terms, it's more important to accept your beating no matter the cause, second to nothing including rape, murder, treating others well, respect for your parents, breathing, etc. etc......You'd have to be pretty fucked up in the head or have a different interpretation of an unclear sentence to select agree. So what do they do? Disagree means you're liberal, agree means you're conservative. Oh look, more liberals than conservatives, how special.

That and some of their questions require more than a yes or no answer. They're incompetent as well.

I only needed look at the second topic for another: "I'd always support my country, whether it was right or wrong.".............How special. So, if we were to make like NAZIs, who would support that? According to this test, agree means you're conservative, disagree means you're liberal. Oh look, more liberals than conservatives. Those dirty fifthly conservatives.

Here's some fun "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."............Neat. Course someone with a brain might consider the enemy of their enemy is their enemy too, I know, crazy talk. Agree gets you conservative, disagree gets you liberal? Yeah probably. Maybe it's the other way around, but I doubt it. How'd they pull that out of their ass? Science nothing, these people need to start over.
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No it is NOT a legitimate question. It is a BULLSHIT QUESTION in absence of any evidence that Bernie wrote that article.
It was, and still is, on his site, it's what he was campaigning on, and the article is attributed to him by EVERY site that mentions the article.

on his site - so what? There is tons of not-written-by-Bernie material that is linked on there, compiled by his staffers probably for traffic sake.

It's IS NOT WHAT HE CAMPAIGNED ON, stop bullshitting.

Your right winger sites have as much say-so credibility as your own dummy self.

Quote Bernie or stfu already.
Yeah, it is. How many times did he talk about the wealth gap and closing it? Also, if it wasn't him, who was it?

Oh I see, so talking about income inequality = writing that article you say Bernie wrote.

But tell me genius, how did you manage to narrow it down between Ryan and Bernie?

A Deeper Look at Income Inequality - Report by Paul Ryan.
I always knew he was a leftist in disguise, thanks for the link!

Anyway, obviously because it was never attributed to him, and because that one wasn't on Bernie's site.

:rolleyes: no fixing that one.
So they are all socialists then? It's ok to admit there was a flaw in your logic it is rather apparent by now.
Not removing and actively supporting a thing are completely different. It's okay to admit there's a flaw in your logic, it's rather apparent by now.
And supporting small amounts of social programs is much different than complete government control. You made my point. Get it now?
It's different from supporting complete government control, but it doesn't prevent one from being called a Socialist. I've never completely agreed with anyone that has run, or become president, and being okay with those inherently garbage pieces of legislation is often one reason why.
The differences are exactly what prevents you from being able to accurately call somebody a socialist that isn't really a socialist. Even hard core capitalists and conservatives can support socialistic policies if they help our society advance and operate better. Without social security and Medicare what do you think would happen to the elderly in this country? Without tax payers paying for police and firefighters chaos would ensue. Many social policies are essential for civilized society. The existence of those programs aren't really in debate by anybody who is elected to lead in this country. Just how they are funded and operated.
Socialist policies DON'T help our society, and they aren't a Conservative if they support them.

The elderly would possibly be forced to take care of themselves or properly plan for the future instead of relying on handouts from our buffoon-riddled, incompetent government.

The police force and fire fighters should be privatized anyway.

You're mistaking Infrastructure for Socialism, but little is expected from you in the first place.

^^^ :cuckoo: ^^^
The reason I brought up Venezuela is because they managed to strike oil, and leftists, like yourself, started pointing at it and telling us "LOOK, SOCIALISM WORKS, IT TOTALLY, TOTALLY WORKS.

?? WHO exactly said that?
No doubt someone who knows how to properly quote a post.

How about answering the question?

You can't, so do the right thing and retract.
Fuck you. Like you do the right thing?


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