USMB ideology test. Which way do you lean?

Generally speaking which way do you lean?

  • Total voters
The reason I brought up Venezuela is because they managed to strike oil, and leftists, like yourself, started pointing at it and telling us "LOOK, SOCIALISM WORKS, IT TOTALLY, TOTALLY WORKS.

?? WHO exactly said that?
No doubt someone who knows how to properly quote a post.

How about answering the question?

You can't, so do the right thing and retract.
Fuck you. Like you do the right thing?
The reason I brought up Venezuela is because they managed to strike oil, and leftists, like yourself, started pointing at it and telling us "LOOK, SOCIALISM WORKS, IT TOTALLY, TOTALLY WORKS.

?? WHO exactly said that?
No doubt someone who knows how to properly quote a post.

How about answering the question?

You can't, so do the right thing and retract.
DarkFury already answered you. To add to that, Bernie, after, refused to answer any questions regarding Venezuela's failure.
I voted "left" but my political opinions are somewhat more complicated. I'm more like a libertarian without the absolutist shit and the racist shit and the social Darwinism shit.

The government should pretty much leave people alone if they want that but it should also do whatever it can to promote stability and keep misery to minimum.

I do not take taxes personally nor do I subscribe to a particular economic philosophy, just do what works be it socialist or free market.

I do not support gun control but at the same time despise the paranoid gun nuts who make that their only voting issue.

I support freedom of religion, any religion, but people should keep their superstition out of politics and out of my life.

I fully support the right to protest but no one has really gotten it right since MLK was killed. The man was a genius and people love him but rarely follow his very successful methods.

Above all else, I have no time for anyone right or left who tells me what to be angry about or to be afraid of. No thoughtful political opinion can possibly be based on negativity alone.
What's wrong with firearm ownership being the dominant voting issue?

It's wrong because it's not an issue. You fuckers have been hoodwinked. Nobody wants your guns.
Well, these childish motherfuckers should quit pushing for more frivolous gun laws.
They are absolutely unnecessary And they will not save one single life you clueless motherfucker. Lol

You speak as though you know what you are saying.

What frivolous gun laws are you talking about?
Why universal background checks won't work
The reason I brought up Venezuela is because they managed to strike oil, and leftists, like yourself, started pointing at it and telling us "LOOK, SOCIALISM WORKS, IT TOTALLY, TOTALLY WORKS.

?? WHO exactly said that?
No doubt someone who knows how to properly quote a post.

How about answering the question?

You can't, so do the right thing and retract.
DarkFury already answered you. To add to that, Bernie, after, refused to answer any questions regarding Venezuela's failure.

After WHAT?
The reason I brought up Venezuela is because they managed to strike oil, and leftists, like yourself, started pointing at it and telling us "LOOK, SOCIALISM WORKS, IT TOTALLY, TOTALLY WORKS.

?? WHO exactly said that?
No doubt someone who knows how to properly quote a post.

How about answering the question?

You can't, so do the right thing and retract.
Fuck you. Like you do the right thing?

Yea I do. When I'm wrong, I'm wrong and I hate being wrong so I'm careful about what I say unlike you wing nutter yahoos.
You sound like an indoctrinated child with little life experience.

You don't think Medicare or social security helps our society? They don't literally save lives and take care of our elderly? You see those programs as as just giving handouts? You have no concept of how they operate do you? Go do some homework then come back to the conversation
And you sound like an old fool with little life experience.

They do not. The government steals more money from everyone through their lives, because they think they're too stupid to properly spend it themselves.
Is that right? the government is stealing money now? Is life really that horrible after all this money is stolen from you? Do you have any concept about what it is like in other countries that don't have the kind of infrastructure and social programs that we have? Try spending some time in a third world country And maybe you will gain some appreciation for what we have built here
Infrastructure, sure, that would be a problem. Social programs, on the other hand, are hardly necessary. Try spending some time in Venezuela.
See your ignorance is showing now if you can't tell the difference between our country and places like Venezuela and Cuba. Be honest, who feeds you this stuff about privatizing our police and fire departments? Is it your parents?
My dad is a hardcore Socialist nutjob, and my mother pays zero attention to politics, so no, they are not where I get my political views from. The reason I brought up Venezuela is because they managed to strike oil, and leftists, like yourself, started pointing at it and telling us "LOOK, SOCIALISM WORKS, IT TOTALLY, TOTALLY WORKS. IGNORE ITS NUMEROUS FAILURES, AND LOOK AT THIS ONE SUPPOSED SUCCESS", and then as more Socialist policies were implemented, it squandered all potential it previously had, despite pretty much being handed first world status. One of many solid examples of Socialism being a failure of an ideal.
I dont support socialism at all. I dont think many who consider themselves liberals do either. By some warped definition and many false presumptions you like to label my views that way, but that just goes to my accusation that you don't know what you are talking about.

This test is SHIT. Whomever developed this is over-employed. They assume everyone is fully indoctrinated and stupid, all the while they're incompetent. The test is probably agenda driven.

Look at the questions and limitations on answers. For example "The most important thing for children to learn is to accept discipline.". WTF kind of question is that? The correct answer is disagree, which no doubt means you're liberal. Horse shit.

How about this question? "Although the electronic age makes official surveillance easier, only wrongdoers need to be worried." Bet your ass Disagree gets you the liberal thumbs up. Talk about irony and hypocrisy.

I took it anyhow. Says I'm middle of the road, barely edging liberal (I threw up in my mouth) and authoritarian. After further review, this test was developed by liberals to tell you you're liberal. In Trump's words "very dishonest".
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This test is SHIT. Whomever developed this is over-employed. They assume everyone is fully indoctrinated and stupid, all the while they're incompetent. The test is probably agenda driven.

Look at the questions and limitations on answers. For example "The most important thing for children to learn is to accept discipline.". WTF kind of question is that? The correct answer is disagree, which no doubt means you're liberal. Horse shit.

How about this question? "Although the electronic age makes official surveillance easier, only wrongdoers need to be worried." Bet your ass Disagree gets you the liberal thumbs up. Talk about irony and hypocrisy.

I took it anyhow. Says I'm middle of the road, barely edging liberal (I threw up in my mouth) and authoritarian.
Welcome to the dark side my friend! Blue looks good on you!

Looks like I'm one with Ghandi

The Political Compass

^^^^ Hippy :funnyface:
It's say both are Socialist in nature, as it's redistribution of wealth. I'd also probably call any nutroll that supports those things Socialist.
Show me one elected official that supports abolishing Medicare medicaid and social security. Just one... since their are none, are you claiming that they are all socialists?

The closest one that position might be Rand Paul but I cannot say for certain.
You're right, Rand is a pretty strict small government libertarian but still even he doesn't support abolishing SS and Medicare. The thing young pumpkin seems to fail to understand is the fact that a healthy capitalistic democracy can exist with social elements involved. Just because you support a social program does not make you a socialist. There are varying degrees which make up ones ideology. she doesn't seem able to distinguish between the varying degrees.

In general I agree. I am a conservative on most issues, but not all. Example, while I have problems with unions in certain cases I am not as anti union as most conservatives, but not nearly as pro union as most Democrats if you can grasp where I am coming from.
I totally get it and wish more people would consider that in their discourse. The thoughtless demonization and polarization that many do in there debate is so dishonest and destructive. The reality is even the most conservative of people should be able to see the benefit in smart regulation and social programs. And the most progressive of people should be able to appreciate fiscal responsibility. The discussions shouldn't be an all or nothing thing, we should be discussing the degrees and effects of proposed policies.

Re. Venezuela, I think some time ago Venezuela stopped being Socialist, I think they now are an Authoritarian Neo-Marxist Dictatorship, these past months what's been happening has been completely in line historically with that type of Regime.
The reason I brought up Venezuela is because they managed to strike oil, and leftists, like yourself, started pointing at it and telling us "LOOK, SOCIALISM WORKS, IT TOTALLY, TOTALLY WORKS.

?? WHO exactly said that?
No doubt someone who knows how to properly quote a post.

How about answering the question?

You can't, so do the right thing and retract.
DarkFury already answered you. To add to that, Bernie, after, refused to answer any questions regarding Venezuela's failure.

After WHAT?

They became more Socialist over time, as with any Socialist Nation, and that hastened their collapse.
And you sound like an old fool with little life experience.

They do not. The government steals more money from everyone through their lives, because they think they're too stupid to properly spend it themselves.
Is that right? the government is stealing money now? Is life really that horrible after all this money is stolen from you? Do you have any concept about what it is like in other countries that don't have the kind of infrastructure and social programs that we have? Try spending some time in a third world country And maybe you will gain some appreciation for what we have built here
Infrastructure, sure, that would be a problem. Social programs, on the other hand, are hardly necessary. Try spending some time in Venezuela.
See your ignorance is showing now if you can't tell the difference between our country and places like Venezuela and Cuba. Be honest, who feeds you this stuff about privatizing our police and fire departments? Is it your parents?
My dad is a hardcore Socialist nutjob, and my mother pays zero attention to politics, so no, they are not where I get my political views from. The reason I brought up Venezuela is because they managed to strike oil, and leftists, like yourself, started pointing at it and telling us "LOOK, SOCIALISM WORKS, IT TOTALLY, TOTALLY WORKS. IGNORE ITS NUMEROUS FAILURES, AND LOOK AT THIS ONE SUPPOSED SUCCESS", and then as more Socialist policies were implemented, it squandered all potential it previously had, despite pretty much being handed first world status. One of many solid examples of Socialism being a failure of an ideal.
I dont support socialism at all. I dont think many who consider themselves liberals do either. By some warped definition and many false presumptions you like to label my views that way, but that just goes to my accusation that you don't know what you are talking about.
I always know what I'm talking about~ do you support single payer as well?
Perhaps, but it worked.
Yes, but you said that as if it's the only form of protest you like, as if nothing else either works/or is preferred.

Or am I misreading you?
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This test is SHIT. Whomever developed this is over-employed. They assume everyone is fully indoctrinated and stupid, all the while they're incompetent. The test is probably agenda driven.

Look at the questions and limitations on answers. For example "The most important thing for children to learn is to accept discipline.". WTF kind of question is that? The correct answer is disagree, which no doubt means you're liberal. Horse shit.

How about this question? "Although the electronic age makes official surveillance easier, only wrongdoers need to be worried." Bet your ass Disagree gets you the liberal thumbs up. Talk about irony and hypocrisy.

I took it anyhow. Says I'm middle of the road, barely edging liberal (I threw up in my mouth) and authoritarian. After further review, this test was developed by liberals to tell you you're liberal. In Trump's words "very dishonest".
The problem you are having is that the labels use the definitions long accepted by political scientists, not the screwed up reactionary definitions employed by pundits and partisans. They have so muddied the waters with their extremely subjective and often dead wrong definitions of words that no one really knows what they are anymore. In your case you have demonstrated that practically everyone has liberal views when asked about individual issues. That's liberal as in the definition of the word used for a hundred years before some people tried to make it synonymous with every bad thing that has ever happened in the history of human governance.
?? WHO exactly said that?
No doubt someone who knows how to properly quote a post.

How about answering the question?

You can't, so do the right thing and retract.
DarkFury already answered you. To add to that, Bernie, after, refused to answer any questions regarding Venezuela's failure.

After WHAT?

They became more Socialist over time, as with any Socialist Nation, and that hastened their collapse.

Quote BERNIE SANDERS himself praising Venezuela as a success in socialism.

Here is a quote for you where Bernie described Chavez:

“Yesterday, one of Hillary Clinton’s most prominent Super PACs attacked our campaign pretty viciously…They suggested I’d be friendly with Middle East terrorist organizations, and even tried to link me to a dead communist dictator,” Sanders wrote.
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No doubt someone who knows how to properly quote a post.

How about answering the question?

You can't, so do the right thing and retract.
DarkFury already answered you. To add to that, Bernie, after, refused to answer any questions regarding Venezuela's failure.

After WHAT?

They became more Socialist over time, as with any Socialist Nation, and that hastened their collapse.

Quote BERNIE SANDERS himself.

That's the best you have? Nobody else could have written that, it's from his site, and it's his essay.

Close The Gaps: Disparities That Threaten America
Senator Bernie Sanders: “These days, the American dream is more apt to be realized in South America, in places such as Venezuela …” – InvestmentWatch

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