USMB ideology test. Which way do you lean?

Generally speaking which way do you lean?

  • Total voters
So would you say that if you support social security and Medicare you are a socialist?
It's say both are Socialist in nature, as it's redistribution of wealth. I'd also probably call any nutroll that supports those things Socialist.
Show me one elected official that supports abolishing Medicare medicaid and social security. Just one
You know, there really aren't that many politicians who aren't Establishment lapdogs, and even fewer who are willing to tell everyone they want to take away their entitlements.
So they are all socialists then? It's ok to admit there was a flaw in your logic it is rather apparent by now.
Not removing and actively supporting a thing are completely different. It's okay to admit there's a flaw in your logic, it's rather apparent by now.
And supporting small amounts of social programs is much different than complete government control. You made my point. Get it now?
It's say both are Socialist in nature, as it's redistribution of wealth. I'd also probably call any nutroll that supports those things Socialist.
Show me one elected official that supports abolishing Medicare medicaid and social security. Just one
You know, there really aren't that many politicians who aren't Establishment lapdogs, and even fewer who are willing to tell everyone they want to take away their entitlements.
So they are all socialists then? It's ok to admit there was a flaw in your logic it is rather apparent by now.
Not removing and actively supporting a thing are completely different. It's okay to admit there's a flaw in your logic, it's rather apparent by now.
And supporting small amounts of social programs is much different than complete government control. You made my point. Get it now?
It's different from supporting complete government control, but it doesn't prevent one from being called a Socialist. I've never completely agreed with anyone that has run, or become president, and being okay with those inherently garbage pieces of legislation is often one reason why.
I voted "left" but my political opinions are somewhat more complicated. I'm more like a libertarian without the absolutist shit and the racist shit and the social Darwinism shit.

The government should pretty much leave people alone if they want that but it should also do whatever it can to promote stability and keep misery to minimum.

I do not take taxes personally nor do I subscribe to a particular economic philosophy, just do what works be it socialist or free market.

I do not support gun control but at the same time despise the paranoid gun nuts who make that their only voting issue.

I support freedom of religion, any religion, but people should keep their superstition out of politics and out of my life.

I fully support the right to protest but no one has really gotten it right since MLK was killed. The man was a genius and people love him but rarely follow his very successful methods.

Above all else, I have no time for anyone right or left who tells me what to be angry about or to be afraid of. No thoughtful political opinion can possibly be based on negativity alone.
What's wrong with firearm ownership being the dominant voting issue?

It's wrong because it's not an issue. You fuckers have been hoodwinked. Nobody wants your guns.
Well, these childish motherfuckers should quit pushing for more frivolous gun laws.
They are absolutely unnecessary And they will not save one single life you clueless motherfucker. Lol

You speak as though you know what you are saying.

What frivolous gun laws are you talking about?
Show me one elected official that supports abolishing Medicare medicaid and social security. Just one
You know, there really aren't that many politicians who aren't Establishment lapdogs, and even fewer who are willing to tell everyone they want to take away their entitlements.
So they are all socialists then? It's ok to admit there was a flaw in your logic it is rather apparent by now.
Not removing and actively supporting a thing are completely different. It's okay to admit there's a flaw in your logic, it's rather apparent by now.
And supporting small amounts of social programs is much different than complete government control. You made my point. Get it now?
It's different from supporting complete government control, but it doesn't prevent one from being called a Socialist. I've never completely agreed with anyone that has run, or become president, and being okay with those inherently garbage pieces of legislation is often one reason why.
The differences are exactly what prevents you from being able to accurately call somebody a socialist that isn't really a socialist. Even hard core capitalists and conservatives can support socialistic policies if they help our society advance and operate better. Without social security and Medicare what do you think would happen to the elderly in this country? Without tax payers paying for police and firefighters chaos would ensue. Many social policies are essential for civilized society. The existence of those programs aren't really in debate by anybody who is elected to lead in this country. Just how they are funded and operated.
You know, there really aren't that many politicians who aren't Establishment lapdogs, and even fewer who are willing to tell everyone they want to take away their entitlements.
So they are all socialists then? It's ok to admit there was a flaw in your logic it is rather apparent by now.
Not removing and actively supporting a thing are completely different. It's okay to admit there's a flaw in your logic, it's rather apparent by now.
And supporting small amounts of social programs is much different than complete government control. You made my point. Get it now?
It's different from supporting complete government control, but it doesn't prevent one from being called a Socialist. I've never completely agreed with anyone that has run, or become president, and being okay with those inherently garbage pieces of legislation is often one reason why.
The differences are exactly what prevents you from being able to accurately call somebody a socialist that isn't really a socialist. Even hard core capitalists and conservatives can support socialistic policies if they help our society advance and operate better. Without social security and Medicare what do you think would happen to the elderly in this country? Without tax payers paying for police and firefighters chaos would ensue. Many social policies are essential for civilized society. The existence of those programs aren't really in debate by anybody who is elected to lead in this country. Just how they are funded and operated.
Socialist policies DON'T help our society, and they aren't a Conservative if they support them.

The elderly would possibly be forced to take care of themselves or properly plan for the future instead of relying on handouts from our buffoon-riddled, incompetent government.

The police force and fire fighters should be privatized anyway.

You're mistaking Infrastructure for Socialism, but little is expected from you in the first place.
So they are all socialists then? It's ok to admit there was a flaw in your logic it is rather apparent by now.
Not removing and actively supporting a thing are completely different. It's okay to admit there's a flaw in your logic, it's rather apparent by now.
And supporting small amounts of social programs is much different than complete government control. You made my point. Get it now?
It's different from supporting complete government control, but it doesn't prevent one from being called a Socialist. I've never completely agreed with anyone that has run, or become president, and being okay with those inherently garbage pieces of legislation is often one reason why.
The differences are exactly what prevents you from being able to accurately call somebody a socialist that isn't really a socialist. Even hard core capitalists and conservatives can support socialistic policies if they help our society advance and operate better. Without social security and Medicare what do you think would happen to the elderly in this country? Without tax payers paying for police and firefighters chaos would ensue. Many social policies are essential for civilized society. The existence of those programs aren't really in debate by anybody who is elected to lead in this country. Just how they are funded and operated.
Socialist policies DON'T help our society, and they aren't a Conservative if they support them.

The elderly would possibly be forced to take care of themselves or properly plan for the future instead of relying on handouts from our buffoon-riddled, incompetent government.

The police force and fire fighters should be privatized anyway.

You're mistaking Infrastructure for Socialism, but little is expected from you in the first place.
You sound like an indoctrinated child with little life experience.

You don't think Medicare or social security helps our society? They don't literally save lives and take care of our elderly? You see those programs as as just giving handouts? You have no concept of how they operate do you? Go do some homework then come back to the conversation
Not removing and actively supporting a thing are completely different. It's okay to admit there's a flaw in your logic, it's rather apparent by now.
And supporting small amounts of social programs is much different than complete government control. You made my point. Get it now?
It's different from supporting complete government control, but it doesn't prevent one from being called a Socialist. I've never completely agreed with anyone that has run, or become president, and being okay with those inherently garbage pieces of legislation is often one reason why.
The differences are exactly what prevents you from being able to accurately call somebody a socialist that isn't really a socialist. Even hard core capitalists and conservatives can support socialistic policies if they help our society advance and operate better. Without social security and Medicare what do you think would happen to the elderly in this country? Without tax payers paying for police and firefighters chaos would ensue. Many social policies are essential for civilized society. The existence of those programs aren't really in debate by anybody who is elected to lead in this country. Just how they are funded and operated.
Socialist policies DON'T help our society, and they aren't a Conservative if they support them.

The elderly would possibly be forced to take care of themselves or properly plan for the future instead of relying on handouts from our buffoon-riddled, incompetent government.

The police force and fire fighters should be privatized anyway.

You're mistaking Infrastructure for Socialism, but little is expected from you in the first place.
You sound like an indoctrinated child with little life experience.

You don't think Medicare or social security helps our society? They don't literally save lives and take care of our elderly? You see those programs as as just giving handouts? You have no concept of how they operate do you? Go do some homework then come back to the conversation
And you sound like an old fool with little life experience.

They do not. The government steals more money from everyone through their lives, because they think they're too stupid to properly spend it themselves.
And supporting small amounts of social programs is much different than complete government control. You made my point. Get it now?
It's different from supporting complete government control, but it doesn't prevent one from being called a Socialist. I've never completely agreed with anyone that has run, or become president, and being okay with those inherently garbage pieces of legislation is often one reason why.
The differences are exactly what prevents you from being able to accurately call somebody a socialist that isn't really a socialist. Even hard core capitalists and conservatives can support socialistic policies if they help our society advance and operate better. Without social security and Medicare what do you think would happen to the elderly in this country? Without tax payers paying for police and firefighters chaos would ensue. Many social policies are essential for civilized society. The existence of those programs aren't really in debate by anybody who is elected to lead in this country. Just how they are funded and operated.
Socialist policies DON'T help our society, and they aren't a Conservative if they support them.

The elderly would possibly be forced to take care of themselves or properly plan for the future instead of relying on handouts from our buffoon-riddled, incompetent government.

The police force and fire fighters should be privatized anyway.

You're mistaking Infrastructure for Socialism, but little is expected from you in the first place.
You sound like an indoctrinated child with little life experience.

You don't think Medicare or social security helps our society? They don't literally save lives and take care of our elderly? You see those programs as as just giving handouts? You have no concept of how they operate do you? Go do some homework then come back to the conversation
And you sound like an old fool with little life experience.

They do not. The government steals more money from everyone through their lives, because they think they're too stupid to properly spend it themselves.
Is that right? the government is stealing money now? Is life really that horrible after all this money is stolen from you? Do you have any concept about what it is like in other countries that don't have the kind of infrastructure and social programs that we have? Try spending some time in a third world country And maybe you will gain some appreciation for what we have built here
It's different from supporting complete government control, but it doesn't prevent one from being called a Socialist. I've never completely agreed with anyone that has run, or become president, and being okay with those inherently garbage pieces of legislation is often one reason why.
The differences are exactly what prevents you from being able to accurately call somebody a socialist that isn't really a socialist. Even hard core capitalists and conservatives can support socialistic policies if they help our society advance and operate better. Without social security and Medicare what do you think would happen to the elderly in this country? Without tax payers paying for police and firefighters chaos would ensue. Many social policies are essential for civilized society. The existence of those programs aren't really in debate by anybody who is elected to lead in this country. Just how they are funded and operated.
Socialist policies DON'T help our society, and they aren't a Conservative if they support them.

The elderly would possibly be forced to take care of themselves or properly plan for the future instead of relying on handouts from our buffoon-riddled, incompetent government.

The police force and fire fighters should be privatized anyway.

You're mistaking Infrastructure for Socialism, but little is expected from you in the first place.
You sound like an indoctrinated child with little life experience.

You don't think Medicare or social security helps our society? They don't literally save lives and take care of our elderly? You see those programs as as just giving handouts? You have no concept of how they operate do you? Go do some homework then come back to the conversation
And you sound like an old fool with little life experience.

They do not. The government steals more money from everyone through their lives, because they think they're too stupid to properly spend it themselves.
Is that right? the government is stealing money now? Is life really that horrible after all this money is stolen from you? Do you have any concept about what it is like in other countries that don't have the kind of infrastructure and social programs that we have? Try spending some time in a third world country And maybe you will gain some appreciation for what we have built here
Infrastructure, sure, that would be a problem. Social programs, on the other hand, are hardly necessary. Try spending some time in Venezuela.
I wouid love to know who were the 4 members who identified as "center". If you see this post, please identify yourselves.
Just click the 'view results' and then click the vote totals to see who voted for what.
ThoughtCrimes and Moonglow. That's adorable, they think they're center. TNHarley is hard to place, Bruce_T_Laney probably picked it because Libertarian wasn't an option, and I know Etherion well enough to know where he stands. No idea who My2Cents is.
So would you say that if you support social security and Medicare you are a socialist?
It's say both are Socialist in nature, as it's redistribution of wealth. I'd also probably call any nutroll that supports those things Socialist.
Show me one elected official that supports abolishing Medicare medicaid and social security. Just one... since their are none, are you claiming that they are all socialists?

The closest one that position might be Rand Paul but I cannot say for certain.
You're right, Rand is a pretty strict small government libertarian but still even he doesn't support abolishing SS and Medicare. The thing young pumpkin seems to fail to understand is the fact that a healthy capitalistic democracy can exist with social elements involved. Just because you support a social program does not make you a socialist. There are varying degrees which make up ones ideology. she doesn't seem able to distinguish between the varying degrees.

In general I agree. I am a conservative on most issues, but not all. Example, while I have problems with unions in certain cases I am not as anti union as most conservatives, but not nearly as pro union as most Democrats if you can grasp where I am coming from.
Well, that is interesting. I'm conservative and I am vehemently opposed to public unions, but indifferent to private unions as they have the right of free speech and association.
I wouid love to know who were the 4 members who identified as "center". If you see this post, please identify yourselves.
Just click the 'view results' and then click the vote totals to see who voted for what.
ThoughtCrimes and Moonglow. That's adorable, they think they're center. TNHarley is hard to place, Bruce_T_Laney probably picked it because Libertarian wasn't an option, and I know Etherion well enough to know where he stands. No idea who My2Cents is.
I would actually count TNHarley as a centrist. He says things I think are right, and then he will say things that get My eyes rolling. lol

As for the others, with the exception of Moonglow who is definitely out in left field, I don't' know enough about the others to make a valuation with regard to where they stand.
The differences are exactly what prevents you from being able to accurately call somebody a socialist that isn't really a socialist. Even hard core capitalists and conservatives can support socialistic policies if they help our society advance and operate better. Without social security and Medicare what do you think would happen to the elderly in this country? Without tax payers paying for police and firefighters chaos would ensue. Many social policies are essential for civilized society. The existence of those programs aren't really in debate by anybody who is elected to lead in this country. Just how they are funded and operated.
Socialist policies DON'T help our society, and they aren't a Conservative if they support them.

The elderly would possibly be forced to take care of themselves or properly plan for the future instead of relying on handouts from our buffoon-riddled, incompetent government.

The police force and fire fighters should be privatized anyway.

You're mistaking Infrastructure for Socialism, but little is expected from you in the first place.
You sound like an indoctrinated child with little life experience.

You don't think Medicare or social security helps our society? They don't literally save lives and take care of our elderly? You see those programs as as just giving handouts? You have no concept of how they operate do you? Go do some homework then come back to the conversation
And you sound like an old fool with little life experience.

They do not. The government steals more money from everyone through their lives, because they think they're too stupid to properly spend it themselves.
Is that right? the government is stealing money now? Is life really that horrible after all this money is stolen from you? Do you have any concept about what it is like in other countries that don't have the kind of infrastructure and social programs that we have? Try spending some time in a third world country And maybe you will gain some appreciation for what we have built here
Infrastructure, sure, that would be a problem. Social programs, on the other hand, are hardly necessary. Try spending some time in Venezuela.
See your ignorance is showing now if you can't tell the difference between our country and places like Venezuela and Cuba. Be honest, who feeds you this stuff about privatizing our police and fire departments? Is it your parents?
I wouid love to know who were the 4 members who identified as "center". If you see this post, please identify yourselves.
Just click the 'view results' and then click the vote totals to see who voted for what.
ThoughtCrimes and Moonglow. That's adorable, they think they're center. TNHarley is hard to place, Bruce_T_Laney probably picked it because Libertarian wasn't an option, and I know Etherion well enough to know where he stands. No idea who My2Cents is.
I would actually count TNHarley as a centrist. He says things I think are right, and then he will say things that get My eyes rolling. lol

As for the others, with the exception of Moonglow who is definitely out in left field, I don't' know enough about the others to make a valuation with regard to where they stand.

ThoughtCrimes is hardcore left, way further left than MoonGlow could ever be in his wildest dreams(Though MoonGlow is a really nice guy, you should get to know him~). The guy is basically a leftist stereotype, and if you're lucky, you'll never meet him.

It's hard for me to decide how I feel about TNHarley. He seems like a really smart guy sometimes, but I pretty much wrote him off the moment he disagreed with me regarding Socialism. For me, that places you at the bottom of my list of people to take seriously.

Etherion is great, you should meet him, too. He looks pretty Conservative to me, but I'd be hard pressed to disagree with him if he considers himself centrist. Maybe that's just what common sense looks like?

Bruce_T_Laney, I'm fairly certain, is a Libertarian, and he has said a lot I disagree with, but I've also agreed with him from time to time. Perhaps he's a true centrist also? Hard to tell in a lot of cases.
Socialist policies DON'T help our society, and they aren't a Conservative if they support them.

The elderly would possibly be forced to take care of themselves or properly plan for the future instead of relying on handouts from our buffoon-riddled, incompetent government.

The police force and fire fighters should be privatized anyway.

You're mistaking Infrastructure for Socialism, but little is expected from you in the first place.
You sound like an indoctrinated child with little life experience.

You don't think Medicare or social security helps our society? They don't literally save lives and take care of our elderly? You see those programs as as just giving handouts? You have no concept of how they operate do you? Go do some homework then come back to the conversation
And you sound like an old fool with little life experience.

They do not. The government steals more money from everyone through their lives, because they think they're too stupid to properly spend it themselves.
Is that right? the government is stealing money now? Is life really that horrible after all this money is stolen from you? Do you have any concept about what it is like in other countries that don't have the kind of infrastructure and social programs that we have? Try spending some time in a third world country And maybe you will gain some appreciation for what we have built here
Infrastructure, sure, that would be a problem. Social programs, on the other hand, are hardly necessary. Try spending some time in Venezuela.
See your ignorance is showing now if you can't tell the difference between our country and places like Venezuela and Cuba. Be honest, who feeds you this stuff about privatizing our police and fire departments? Is it your parents?
My dad is a hardcore Socialist nutjob, and my mother pays zero attention to politics, so no, they are not where I get my political views from. The reason I brought up Venezuela is because they managed to strike oil, and leftists, like yourself, started pointing at it and telling us "LOOK, SOCIALISM WORKS, IT TOTALLY, TOTALLY WORKS. IGNORE ITS NUMEROUS FAILURES, AND LOOK AT THIS ONE SUPPOSED SUCCESS", and then as more Socialist policies were implemented, it squandered all potential it previously had, despite pretty much being handed first world status. One of many solid examples of Socialism being a failure of an ideal.

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