USMB ideology test. Which way do you lean?

Generally speaking which way do you lean?

  • Total voters
Upon further consideration, I upgraded to left.
Its just that the current Democratic party isn't left enough, but a good bit of the things they do that end up being considered "left" isn't my idea of left.
But personally, my political leanings are left.
LOL not left enough? They are full of nut jobs
I've found that most people who consider themselves center or center left are ULTRA far left~
Ive found that people are are moderate liberals get labeled as ULTRA far left without reason. Far left is socialism and communism. People like you grossly over use those words. You call people who support government programs in a capitalistic Republic as Far Left, but do you recognize the difference between that and full blown Socialism? Complete government control over commerce... Bernie who is a pretty good example of solid Left progressive isn't even at that level. So if you call people like Bernie or Hillary or Obama ULTRA far left then where do you go for the true Socialists and Communists?
All three are Socialists, which is ultra far left. It's not without reason, because it's what they are. Crazy Bernie, the nutjob, Sanders even said that he didn't think a 90% corporate tax rate wasn't too high.
Do you know what socialism is? Do you know the difference between socialists and democratic socialists like Bernie?
Calling all three socialists shows how naive you are, but I'll give you a chance to try and explain yourself
Upon further consideration, I upgraded to left.
Its just that the current Democratic party isn't left enough, but a good bit of the things they do that end up being considered "left" isn't my idea of left.
But personally, my political leanings are left.
LOL not left enough? They are full of nut jobs
I've found that most people who consider themselves center or center left are ULTRA far left~
Ive found that people are are moderate liberals get labeled as ULTRA far left without reason. Far left is socialism and communism. People like you grossly over use those words. You call people who support government programs in a capitalistic Republic as Far Left, but do you recognize the difference between that and full blown Socialism? Complete government control over commerce... Bernie who is a pretty good example of solid Left progressive isn't even at that level. So if you call people like Bernie or Hillary or Obama ULTRA far left then where do you go for the true Socialists and Communists?
All three are Socialists, which is ultra far left. It's not without reason, because it's what they are. Crazy Bernie, the nutjob, Sanders even said that he didn't think a 90% corporate tax rate wasn't too high.
Do you know what socialism is? Do you know the difference between socialists and democratic socialists like Bernie?
Calling all three socialists shows how naive you are, but I'll give you a chance to try and explain yourself
Of course I know what Socialism is, of course people who support it don't, otherwise they wouldn't. Social control of the means of production and equity. I'd also like to point out that Democratic Socialism is a completely pointless 'distinction', as Social control encompasses that 'brand' of Socialism.
LOL not left enough? They are full of nut jobs
I've found that most people who consider themselves center or center left are ULTRA far left~
Ive found that people are are moderate liberals get labeled as ULTRA far left without reason. Far left is socialism and communism. People like you grossly over use those words. You call people who support government programs in a capitalistic Republic as Far Left, but do you recognize the difference between that and full blown Socialism? Complete government control over commerce... Bernie who is a pretty good example of solid Left progressive isn't even at that level. So if you call people like Bernie or Hillary or Obama ULTRA far left then where do you go for the true Socialists and Communists?
All three are Socialists, which is ultra far left. It's not without reason, because it's what they are. Crazy Bernie, the nutjob, Sanders even said that he didn't think a 90% corporate tax rate wasn't too high.
Do you know what socialism is? Do you know the difference between socialists and democratic socialists like Bernie?
Calling all three socialists shows how naive you are, but I'll give you a chance to try and explain yourself
Of course I know what Socialism is, of course people who support it don't, otherwise they wouldn't. Social control of the means of production and equity. I'd also like to point out that Democratic Socialism is a completely pointless 'distinction', as Social control encompasses that 'brand' of Socialism.
So would you say that if you support social security and Medicare you are a socialist?
I've found that most people who consider themselves center or center left are ULTRA far left~
Ive found that people are are moderate liberals get labeled as ULTRA far left without reason. Far left is socialism and communism. People like you grossly over use those words. You call people who support government programs in a capitalistic Republic as Far Left, but do you recognize the difference between that and full blown Socialism? Complete government control over commerce... Bernie who is a pretty good example of solid Left progressive isn't even at that level. So if you call people like Bernie or Hillary or Obama ULTRA far left then where do you go for the true Socialists and Communists?
All three are Socialists, which is ultra far left. It's not without reason, because it's what they are. Crazy Bernie, the nutjob, Sanders even said that he didn't think a 90% corporate tax rate wasn't too high.
Do you know what socialism is? Do you know the difference between socialists and democratic socialists like Bernie?
Calling all three socialists shows how naive you are, but I'll give you a chance to try and explain yourself
Of course I know what Socialism is, of course people who support it don't, otherwise they wouldn't. Social control of the means of production and equity. I'd also like to point out that Democratic Socialism is a completely pointless 'distinction', as Social control encompasses that 'brand' of Socialism.
So would you say that if you support social security and Medicare you are a socialist?
It's say both are Socialist in nature, as it's redistribution of wealth. I'd also probably call any nutroll that supports those things Socialist.
Were I to declare how I lean politically, I would most likely say that on some matters, I sometimes lean very conservative, on others I fall somewhere in the middle, and on others I lean very liberal.

I'm not a "party man," and I don't actually have any well defined political ideology to which I adhere. I merely look at a matter and determine what I think is the best way to handle it at any given point in time. For instance:
  • Consider the matter of gun control/rights. One hundred years ago, roughly, given what I understand about American culture then and now, I would not have cottoned to notions of gun control. Americans' character, cultural and ethical values, etc. have changed; thus in the 21st century, I certainly don't out of hand oppose gun control proposals. If/when Americans' character changes again, depending on the nature of change(s), I may or may not be willing to countenance gun control proposals.
  • China is governed by the its own theories of socialist communism and has been ever since Mao overthrew the Chinese nationalists. Now no matter what one thinks of democratic forms of government, the fact remains that when Mao assumed primacy in China's government, the Chinese citizenry were not at all sufficiently well educated and informed enough to make sound, or even likely sound, government policy choices that they necessarily would have had to make were Mao to have implemented a direct or republican form of democracy.

    Only somewhat recently, for instance, has it come to fruition that the majority of Chinese citizens have high school degrees, but that certainly was not the case in Mao's day (mid-twentieth century). On the contrary, back then, most Chinamen were peasant farmers. Now that doesn't mean they were stupid, only that they were ignorant (through no obvious fault of their own, but ignorant nonetheless) of a "ton of stuff" that one needs to know to make sage decisions in the modern world.

    Accordingly, the command approach to governance that Mao and his successors implemented was a better choice for China than was implementing a wayward democracy of some sort. I mean really. Just how much sense does it make to have literally a billion people having but adolescent levels of critical thinking skills "running the show?" One'd doesn't typically let their kids run their household, yet giving the power of democracy to the Chinamen of the mid-20th-century would have been tantamount to doing exactly that but with a nation.

    Now I'm not a fan of socialistic communism, but neither am I an ideologically myopic opponent of it who's unwilling to consider it on its merits and demerits in the situation where it's been applied or eschewed. It, like many things, has times and places in which it's a better governing system than is democracy, and it has times and places whereby it's worse system of governing than is democracy.
  • Another example is found in my thoughts about libertarianism. As a political philosophy, there's not much about libertarianism with which I disagree. I do, however, take ethical/moral exception with the anarchical implications intrinsic to libertarianism, and those exceptions are why I am not a libertarian. Were humanity's ethical constitution markedly less rife with avarice and its "green-eyed sibling," I might well attest to being a libertarian.

    Be that as it may, human nature is what it is, and comprised in part as it is by the two traits I noted, it is the countervailing factor that, for me, makes libertarianism both unimplementable and unconscionable. Unlike our current POTUS, I will not deliberately attach my name to anything that I find unethical, unimplementable, purblind, etc. (Aspects of human nature also make communism unimplementable, but, unlike, libertarianism, communism also is grossly inefficient when applied on the scale of nations having the size and core cultural heterogeneity the U.S. does.)
From the above multidimensional overview -- one that provides the examples of a specific issue, governance and political philosophy -- of one aspect of my mindset, one should glean that I'm a person who does not see that which is different from what I'd choose for myself as being necessarily bad/inferior merely because it is different. In short, one should conclude that I'm not ideological; therefore simplistic labels like "right," "left," "conservative," "liberal," etc. do not apply at the level they must for me to accurately answer the thread's poll question.

Principles aren't what one chooses to think and do. They guide how one arrives at the decision to choose and think the things one does.
-- Xelor​
would you say your views shifted since 2008 or was it the shifting of the spectrum that attributed to the change?
The shifting of the spectrum definitely.
That is very interesting so you see the political spectrum having shifted Right over the past 8 years? I've heard many on the Right say that it has shifted Left. This could be an interesting debate.
I attribute it to the rise of the tea party. This dramatically shifted the rightwing ideology. Bush by today's standards, was a centrist/moderate but at the time he was considered rightwing.

The rightwing like\ to think Obama was far left which is why they would believe the spectrum had shifted left, but the reality is that he was more moderate.

Interesting answer.

Would you clarify for me, please, why my post is quoted in association with it? I don't know what I wrote that correlates to the ideas you've expressed, and I presume you think something I wrote does tie into your noted ideas. I just want to understand what be the connection.
Haha I meant to give you a separate reply but i goofed up.

I was hoping you would elaborate more on your "very conservative" views though. I know you touched on it a little, but I'm interested in your range on that.
As this thread isn't about my views, I don't care to here provide a comprehensive exposition of the those that are conservative or liberal. I would be considered very conservative on economic policy matters whereof I'm almost a pure positivist.

The most informative thing in my post is this statement...
one should conclude that I'm not ideological
...along with the concluding quote. If from those things, or some other remarks in my post, you have specific questions, I can answer them. Depending on what they are and how they are phrased, I may or may not in fact answer them. To wit, I almost certainly won't provide a substantive answer to leading/loaded questions.
You seem a little hostile. I'm not sure why. I was just curious. I would say it is warranted for you to elaborate on your views. I'm sure Slade would appreciate it. If you don't want to elaborate, it's cool. I was just curious.

But how do you feel about more socialist policies. I'll ask since you are open to specific questions.
Ive found that people are are moderate liberals get labeled as ULTRA far left without reason. Far left is socialism and communism. People like you grossly over use those words. You call people who support government programs in a capitalistic Republic as Far Left, but do you recognize the difference between that and full blown Socialism? Complete government control over commerce... Bernie who is a pretty good example of solid Left progressive isn't even at that level. So if you call people like Bernie or Hillary or Obama ULTRA far left then where do you go for the true Socialists and Communists?
All three are Socialists, which is ultra far left. It's not without reason, because it's what they are. Crazy Bernie, the nutjob, Sanders even said that he didn't think a 90% corporate tax rate wasn't too high.
Do you know what socialism is? Do you know the difference between socialists and democratic socialists like Bernie?
Calling all three socialists shows how naive you are, but I'll give you a chance to try and explain yourself
Of course I know what Socialism is, of course people who support it don't, otherwise they wouldn't. Social control of the means of production and equity. I'd also like to point out that Democratic Socialism is a completely pointless 'distinction', as Social control encompasses that 'brand' of Socialism.
So would you say that if you support social security and Medicare you are a socialist?
It's say both are Socialist in nature, as it's redistribution of wealth. I'd also probably call any nutroll that supports those things Socialist.
So when trump promised not to touch Medicaid or Medicare or social security was he proving that he was a socialist?
All three are Socialists, which is ultra far left. It's not without reason, because it's what they are. Crazy Bernie, the nutjob, Sanders even said that he didn't think a 90% corporate tax rate wasn't too high.
Do you know what socialism is? Do you know the difference between socialists and democratic socialists like Bernie?
Calling all three socialists shows how naive you are, but I'll give you a chance to try and explain yourself
Of course I know what Socialism is, of course people who support it don't, otherwise they wouldn't. Social control of the means of production and equity. I'd also like to point out that Democratic Socialism is a completely pointless 'distinction', as Social control encompasses that 'brand' of Socialism.
So would you say that if you support social security and Medicare you are a socialist?
It's say both are Socialist in nature, as it's redistribution of wealth. I'd also probably call any nutroll that supports those things Socialist.
So when trump promised not to touch Medicaid or Medicare or social security was he proving that he was a socialist?
Definitely annoyed me, but I'm pretty sure he was just trying not to lose all of Bernie's 3-12 year old supporters.
Ive found that people are are moderate liberals get labeled as ULTRA far left without reason. Far left is socialism and communism. People like you grossly over use those words. You call people who support government programs in a capitalistic Republic as Far Left, but do you recognize the difference between that and full blown Socialism? Complete government control over commerce... Bernie who is a pretty good example of solid Left progressive isn't even at that level. So if you call people like Bernie or Hillary or Obama ULTRA far left then where do you go for the true Socialists and Communists?
All three are Socialists, which is ultra far left. It's not without reason, because it's what they are. Crazy Bernie, the nutjob, Sanders even said that he didn't think a 90% corporate tax rate wasn't too high.
Do you know what socialism is? Do you know the difference between socialists and democratic socialists like Bernie?
Calling all three socialists shows how naive you are, but I'll give you a chance to try and explain yourself
Of course I know what Socialism is, of course people who support it don't, otherwise they wouldn't. Social control of the means of production and equity. I'd also like to point out that Democratic Socialism is a completely pointless 'distinction', as Social control encompasses that 'brand' of Socialism.
So would you say that if you support social security and Medicare you are a socialist?
It's say both are Socialist in nature, as it's redistribution of wealth. I'd also probably call any nutroll that supports those things Socialist.
Show me one elected official that supports abolishing Medicare medicaid and social security. Just one... since their are none, are you claiming that they are all socialists?
All three are Socialists, which is ultra far left. It's not without reason, because it's what they are. Crazy Bernie, the nutjob, Sanders even said that he didn't think a 90% corporate tax rate wasn't too high.
Do you know what socialism is? Do you know the difference between socialists and democratic socialists like Bernie?
Calling all three socialists shows how naive you are, but I'll give you a chance to try and explain yourself
Of course I know what Socialism is, of course people who support it don't, otherwise they wouldn't. Social control of the means of production and equity. I'd also like to point out that Democratic Socialism is a completely pointless 'distinction', as Social control encompasses that 'brand' of Socialism.
So would you say that if you support social security and Medicare you are a socialist?
It's say both are Socialist in nature, as it's redistribution of wealth. I'd also probably call any nutroll that supports those things Socialist.
Show me one elected official that supports abolishing Medicare medicaid and social security. Just one... since their are none, are you claiming that they are all socialists?

The closest one that position might be Rand Paul but I cannot say for certain.
Do you know what socialism is? Do you know the difference between socialists and democratic socialists like Bernie?
Calling all three socialists shows how naive you are, but I'll give you a chance to try and explain yourself
Of course I know what Socialism is, of course people who support it don't, otherwise they wouldn't. Social control of the means of production and equity. I'd also like to point out that Democratic Socialism is a completely pointless 'distinction', as Social control encompasses that 'brand' of Socialism.
So would you say that if you support social security and Medicare you are a socialist?
It's say both are Socialist in nature, as it's redistribution of wealth. I'd also probably call any nutroll that supports those things Socialist.
Show me one elected official that supports abolishing Medicare medicaid and social security. Just one... since their are none, are you claiming that they are all socialists?

The closest one that position might be Rand Paul but I cannot say for certain.
You're right, Rand is a pretty strict small government libertarian but still even he doesn't support abolishing SS and Medicare. The thing young pumpkin seems to fail to understand is the fact that a healthy capitalistic democracy can exist with social elements involved. Just because you support a social program does not make you a socialist. There are varying degrees which make up ones ideology. she doesn't seem able to distinguish between the varying degrees.
All three are Socialists, which is ultra far left. It's not without reason, because it's what they are. Crazy Bernie, the nutjob, Sanders even said that he didn't think a 90% corporate tax rate wasn't too high.
Do you know what socialism is? Do you know the difference between socialists and democratic socialists like Bernie?
Calling all three socialists shows how naive you are, but I'll give you a chance to try and explain yourself
Of course I know what Socialism is, of course people who support it don't, otherwise they wouldn't. Social control of the means of production and equity. I'd also like to point out that Democratic Socialism is a completely pointless 'distinction', as Social control encompasses that 'brand' of Socialism.
So would you say that if you support social security and Medicare you are a socialist?
It's say both are Socialist in nature, as it's redistribution of wealth. I'd also probably call any nutroll that supports those things Socialist.
Show me one elected official that supports abolishing Medicare medicaid and social security. Just one
You know, there really aren't that many politicians who aren't Establishment lapdogs, and even fewer who are willing to tell everyone they want to take away their entitlements.
Of course I know what Socialism is, of course people who support it don't, otherwise they wouldn't. Social control of the means of production and equity. I'd also like to point out that Democratic Socialism is a completely pointless 'distinction', as Social control encompasses that 'brand' of Socialism.
So would you say that if you support social security and Medicare you are a socialist?
It's say both are Socialist in nature, as it's redistribution of wealth. I'd also probably call any nutroll that supports those things Socialist.
Show me one elected official that supports abolishing Medicare medicaid and social security. Just one... since their are none, are you claiming that they are all socialists?

The closest one that position might be Rand Paul but I cannot say for certain.
You're right, Rand is a pretty strict small government libertarian but still even he doesn't support abolishing SS and Medicare. The thing young pumpkin seems to fail to understand is the fact that a healthy capitalistic democracy can exist with social elements involved. Just because you support a social program does not make you a socialist. There are varying degrees which make up ones ideology. she doesn't seem able to distinguish between the varying degrees.

In general I agree. I am a conservative on most issues, but not all. Example, while I have problems with unions in certain cases I am not as anti union as most conservatives, but not nearly as pro union as most Democrats if you can grasp where I am coming from.
Do you know what socialism is? Do you know the difference between socialists and democratic socialists like Bernie?
Calling all three socialists shows how naive you are, but I'll give you a chance to try and explain yourself
Of course I know what Socialism is, of course people who support it don't, otherwise they wouldn't. Social control of the means of production and equity. I'd also like to point out that Democratic Socialism is a completely pointless 'distinction', as Social control encompasses that 'brand' of Socialism.
So would you say that if you support social security and Medicare you are a socialist?
It's say both are Socialist in nature, as it's redistribution of wealth. I'd also probably call any nutroll that supports those things Socialist.
Show me one elected official that supports abolishing Medicare medicaid and social security. Just one
You know, there really aren't that many politicians who aren't Establishment lapdogs, and even fewer who are willing to tell everyone they want to take away their entitlements.
So they are all socialists then? It's ok to admit there was a flaw in your logic it is rather apparent by now.
So would you say that if you support social security and Medicare you are a socialist?
It's say both are Socialist in nature, as it's redistribution of wealth. I'd also probably call any nutroll that supports those things Socialist.
Show me one elected official that supports abolishing Medicare medicaid and social security. Just one... since their are none, are you claiming that they are all socialists?

The closest one that position might be Rand Paul but I cannot say for certain.
You're right, Rand is a pretty strict small government libertarian but still even he doesn't support abolishing SS and Medicare. The thing young pumpkin seems to fail to understand is the fact that a healthy capitalistic democracy can exist with social elements involved. Just because you support a social program does not make you a socialist. There are varying degrees which make up ones ideology. she doesn't seem able to distinguish between the varying degrees.

In general I agree. I am a conservative on most issues, but not all. Example, while I have problems with unions in certain cases I am not as anti union as most conservatives, but not nearly as pro union as most Democrats if you can grasp where I am coming from.
I totally get it and wish more people would consider that in their discourse. The thoughtless demonization and polarization that many do in there debate is so dishonest and destructive. The reality is even the most conservative of people should be able to see the benefit in smart regulation and social programs. And the most progressive of people should be able to appreciate fiscal responsibility. The discussions shouldn't be an all or nothing thing, we should be discussing the degrees and effects of proposed policies.
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The Political Compass

Anyone ever notice the majority, possibly all haven't researched it. But every ideology test I remember is from a left wing poster. It's like they have a need to quantify your position on things based on if you think like them or not. Or maybe they are so insecure in their own positions they need to clarify who to side with on a basic level other than taking one topic at a time. These tests are pretty much finding who is a kindred spirit that won't fuck with your safe space and who you should automatically hate because they don't think like you do.
It's say both are Socialist in nature, as it's redistribution of wealth. I'd also probably call any nutroll that supports those things Socialist.
Show me one elected official that supports abolishing Medicare medicaid and social security. Just one... since their are none, are you claiming that they are all socialists?

The closest one that position might be Rand Paul but I cannot say for certain.
You're right, Rand is a pretty strict small government libertarian but still even he doesn't support abolishing SS and Medicare. The thing young pumpkin seems to fail to understand is the fact that a healthy capitalistic democracy can exist with social elements involved. Just because you support a social program does not make you a socialist. There are varying degrees which make up ones ideology. she doesn't seem able to distinguish between the varying degrees.

In general I agree. I am a conservative on most issues, but not all. Example, while I have problems with unions in certain cases I am not as anti union as most conservatives, but not nearly as pro union as most Democrats if you can grasp where I am coming from.
I totally get it and wish more people would consider that in their discourse. The thoughtless demonization and polarization that many do in there debate is so dishonest and destructive. The reality is even the most conservative of people should be able to see the benefit in smart regulation and social programs. The discussions shouldn't be an all or nothing thing, we should be discussing the degrees and effects of proposed policies.

I will give you another one, health care. I have no use for the single payer system most Democrats are backing. That being said I have posted a plan a couple of weeks ago which divided health care into 2 parts, insurance and maintenance. The insurance part would cover direct life threating situations and major rehab, That part would be covered under what I describe as macro payer system. Maintenance would be your normal once or twice a year check ups, out patient procedures such sprains, cuts and such. That part would be paid by the consumer in part on a scale decided by income. a 1 to 10 percent deductible. Insurance companies would bid for services across state lines and the consumer would choose their plan after reviewing relevant information. That is it in a nut shell. What would not be covered by this plan is elective procedures. You pay for that yourself or buy a insurance plan yourself that covers it.

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