USMB ideology test. Which way do you lean?

Generally speaking which way do you lean?

  • Total voters
Gingrich's budgets produced a booming economy and a budget surplus

W's budgets produced a trillion dollar deficit, a depression, and Obama.
The future? Hardly...


Gov. Haslam signs gas tax plan into law

Gov. Bill Haslam announced Wednesday afternoon that he has signed Tennessee's gas tax plan into law.

The plan, formally known as the IMPROVE Act, calls for increasing the tax on regular gasoline in Tennessee by 6 cents and diesel fuel by 10 cents incrementally over the next three years.
Yep. We had the second lowest(?) gas tax in the nation. He wanted that to pay for infrastructure. He also made a few cuts to make up for it.Like grocery tax. Next fail?
Also, AFTER THE FACT has nothing to do with what he ran on. You using that as some sort of "gotcha" is pathetic. And stupid.
i say i am center left.... not left central. i have voted for both (D)s & (R)s. i agree with certain issues that are traditionally considered both 'liberal' & 'conservative'.

People who are Centrists have no actual political opinion on anything, they sit the fence and make no commitment to anything and are prone to drifting whatever way the wind is blowing.
I gotta disagree there. Just because somebody is moderate or centrists it doesn't mean they can't be passionate about issues. One can be fiscally conservative in favor of cutting government waste, which would be considered right leaning... but also be for personal liberty in support of LGBT issues and women's rights etc. One could be very passionate about their politics but not subscribe to everything that one side supports.

You do make a good point.
whats the differences?

Gingrich as Speaker forced the GOP Congress to send Clinton budgets that CUT BOTH SPENDING AND TAXES.

W as President SOCIALIZED SENIOR DRUGS and outspent LBJ.

But if your preacher and Fox News don't point that out, you won't notice it...
Reagan did amnesty, armed terrorists and put illegal drugs in the street. You are right, big differences.
And AGAIN, i dont have a preacher. Are you even reading my responses?
Since there appears to be disagreement on what the poll choices mean, perhaps the OP would consider defining the terms of his poll. That is, if he actually intended for his poll be something other than a troll thread.
I had considered that but I just wanted a simple self identification poll. Since we are already 8 pages deep i'll let this one settle them will try another in the future with more definitive terms: Socialist, Progressive, Liberal, Democrat, Moderate, Libertarian, Republican, Alt-Right... Would you suggest any revisions to the list?
That is simply using different words for the choices. As I said before, define the choices. That is, if you are polling rather than just looking for an argument.
Reagan was for amnesty. Reagan did not allow Israel's murder of 250 Marines in Lebanon to trigger a US war on Hezbo, but he is down for chickening out on retaliating by blowing Israel off the map. Reagan was for the "War on Drugs," a huge failure, but he didn't socialize senior drugs like W did, which has flooded our high schools with cheap taxpayer funded OxyContin, Lore Tab, Perkoset and the like.

Reagan wasn't perfect, but he wasn't a disaster like W. Reagan also had a Dem Congress, run by Crook Jim Wright and Klansman King of Pork Robert Byrd.
It's my experience that most of those who claim to be center are really lefties
i say i am center left.... not left central. i have voted for both (D)s & (R)s. i agree with certain issues that are traditionally considered both 'liberal' & 'conservative'.

People who are Centrists have no actual political opinion on anything, they sit the fence and make no commitment to anything and are prone to drifting whatever way the wind is blowing.
I gotta disagree there. Just because somebody is moderate or centrists it doesn't mean they can't be passionate about issues. One can be fiscally conservative in favor of cutting government waste, which would be considered right leaning... but also be for personal liberty in support of LGBT issues and women's rights etc. One could be very passionate about their politics but not subscribe to everything that one side supports.

I myself hold some positions which traditionally most on the Right would be seen as opposing. I support a Welfare System, a society should be judged on how it treats it's most vulnerable citizens, the elderly, those with mental health issues, those who are in actual poverty, these people need a Welfare System to support them.

Of course I only support a Welfare System for those type of people, it's not for those who are lazy and able bodied, who should be forced into some type of work and not expect taxpayers to pay them for sitting on their buttocks 24/7.

I'm anti-Abortion with the exceptions of rape, incest and where the life of the mother is concerned, I don't support Abortion being used as a means of contraception.
Since there appears to be disagreement on what the poll choices mean, perhaps the OP would consider defining the terms of his poll. That is, if he actually intended for his poll be something other than a troll thread.
I had considered that but I just wanted a simple self identification poll. Since we are already 8 pages deep i'll let this one settle them will try another in the future with more definitive terms: Socialist, Progressive, Liberal, Democrat, Moderate, Libertarian, Republican, Alt-Right... Would you suggest any revisions to the list?
That is simply using different words for the choices. As I said before, define the choices. That is, if you are polling rather than just looking for an argument.
Im not looking for an argument at all. The "different words" that I suggested include specific definitions for the ideologies behind the words. This poll is very generally using left, right, center... Isn't that what you were asking for? You must know by now that anything posted on this board is going to lead to an argument. Don't believe me? Start a thread and just write "Poop" in it... I bet an argument will follow.
Since there appears to be disagreement on what the poll choices mean, perhaps the OP would consider defining the terms of his poll. That is, if he actually intended for his poll be something other than a troll thread.
I had considered that but I just wanted a simple self identification poll. Since we are already 8 pages deep i'll let this one settle them will try another in the future with more definitive terms: Socialist, Progressive, Liberal, Democrat, Moderate, Libertarian, Republican, Alt-Right... Would you suggest any revisions to the list?
That is simply using different words for the choices. As I said before, define the choices. That is, if you are polling rather than just looking for an argument.
Im not looking for an argument at all. The "different words" that I suggested include specific definitions for the ideologies behind the words. This poll is very generally using left, right, center... Isn't that what you were asking for? You must know by now that anything posted on this board is going to lead to an argument. Don't believe me? Start a thread and just write "Poop" in it... I bet an argument will follow.
You asked my opinion, dear. You're welcome.
Surely people have their own definitions and this is what it's all about!

W and Newt Gingrich both self IDed as "conservative."

One was a true fiscal conservative and a patriot of the US.

The other was a big spending socialist disaster and a traitor.

To you, they are the same.

To me, they are 180 degrees apart...

Oh, so you're telling me what I think? Happens far too often on forums like this.

Today, "right" means for socializing senior drugs and invading Iran without any reason, and "left" means calling everyone not black a "racist."

Indeed, what is liberal and conservative. The Dems are NOT LIBERAL and the GOP is certainly NOT CONSERVATIVE.

For the record, I dumped the GOP in 04 and went Libertarian....
Reagan was for amnesty. Reagan did not allow Israel's murder of 250 Marines in Lebanon to trigger a US war on Hezbo, but he is down for chickening out on retaliating by blowing Israel off the map. Reagan was for the "War on Drugs," a huge failure, but he didn't socialize senior drugs like W did, which has flooded our high schools with cheap taxpayer funded OxyContin, Lore Tab, Perkoset and the like.

Reagan wasn't perfect, but he wasn't a disaster like W. Reagan also had a Dem Congress, run by Crook Jim Wright and Klansman King of Pork Robert Byrd.
Like when he did the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act?
Since there appears to be disagreement on what the poll choices mean, perhaps the OP would consider defining the terms of his poll. That is, if he actually intended for his poll be something other than a troll thread.
I had considered that but I just wanted a simple self identification poll. Since we are already 8 pages deep i'll let this one settle them will try another in the future with more definitive terms: Socialist, Progressive, Liberal, Democrat, Moderate, Libertarian, Republican, Alt-Right... Would you suggest any revisions to the list?
That is simply using different words for the choices. As I said before, define the choices. That is, if you are polling rather than just looking for an argument.
Im not looking for an argument at all. The "different words" that I suggested include specific definitions for the ideologies behind the words. This poll is very generally using left, right, center... Isn't that what you were asking for? You must know by now that anything posted on this board is going to lead to an argument. Don't believe me? Start a thread and just write "Poop" in it... I bet an argument will follow.

I think your poll is okay, I think it's up to each individual to elaborate where on the Right or the Left or whatever they are, which is what I did, some more elaboration is that I'm also a Paleoconservative.
Keeping this one simple. Just want to gauge which direction members of this site lean.
Sometimes the political spectrum is confusing. The center of it has shifted over the years. I would say given the political landscape of today's America I would be "left", but before the 2008 election, i would have said "center left".
I am a small government Liberal minded individual...

What does that mean?

You want gay marriage, abortions and so on then fine but do not ask me to pay for it.

Too much waste in the Defense Budget and Infrastructure Budgets are mostly pork barrel waste for pet projects for House and Senate members.

I did not vote for Trump or Hillary and Trump won Texas by a wide margin, so my vote for Johnson did not hurt Hillary.

Most that claim they are Conservative are Social Conservite and on the Fiscal issues they become blind.

Social Liberals or those that claim they are usually are close minded and believe their way is the only way and believe Big Brother is the only option to get what they want and not leaving it to local and state governments...

So for me it is simple do what you want but stay out of ny pocket when you need money for you pet projects in life...

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