USMB ideology test. Which way do you lean?

Generally speaking which way do you lean?

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So far there are no lefties on this site, HAHAHAHA.
Proves what we've been saying all-along, USMB is a bastion of far rightwing radicals that are embarrassed to call themselves Republicans ever since Bush II soiled himself...and their name in the process.

Today, "right" means for socializing senior drugs and invading Iran without any reason, and "left" means calling everyone not black a "racist."

Indeed, what is liberal and conservative. The Dems are NOT LIBERAL and the GOP is certainly NOT CONSERVATIVE.

For the record, I dumped the GOP in 04 and went Libertarian....
I thought about drilling down to the ideologies. Progressive, liberal, Rubes, Conservatives etc. But I didn't want to get too complicated for this one... I just want to see simple self identification.

Today, "right" means for socializing senior drugs and invading Iran without any reason, and "left" means calling everyone not black a "racist."

Indeed, what is liberal and conservative. The Dems are NOT LIBERAL and the GOP is certainly NOT CONSERVATIVE.

For the record, I dumped the GOP in 04 and went Libertarian....

Surely people have their own definitions and this is what it's all about!
So far there are no lefties on this site, HAHAHAHA.
Proves what we've been saying all-along, USMB is a bastion of far rightwing radicals that are embarrassed to call themselves Republicans ever since Bush II soiled himself...and their name in the process.
Looks to me like the righties are perfectly fine with admitting they're righties.
Are there any lefties yet?
Surely people have their own definitions and this is what it's all about!

W and Newt Gingrich both self IDed as "conservative."

One was a true fiscal conservative and a patriot of the US.

The other was a big spending socialist disaster and a traitor.

To you, they are the same.

To me, they are 180 degrees apart...
Marc is straight up commie.
So is frigid.

Though I think maybe they think their felon status precludes them from admitting it. Might put them on a watch list.
Keeping this one simple. Just want to gauge which direction members of this site lean.
Impossible to do. Each lefty has multiple accounts, and they lie anyway.
Just like Trump you are trying to discredit the results before they are even in, huh? Setting up the scapegoat, calling out another Leftie conspiracy? You see the writing on the wall because you just claimed in another thread that this board is full of Lefties. I'll post your previous statement which inspired me to create this poll: (Keep searching for reality, some day you might find it)

That is your subjective perception, based on the fact that you have accepted the fake reality that the media peddles. In reality, you pretend this board leans to the right based on your astonishment that right wingers on this board are allowed any voice at ALL.

Because you live in an alternate reality, where rightwing voices have been systematically quelled and removed from the narrative, you believe that if ANY rightwinger is allowed a voice, it indicates "right wing extremism" and "right wing bias". This board seems to me to reflect the real left/right ratio of our nation...lots of moderates who are labeled as "extremist right wingers" and "racists" and a minority of hysterical lefties who run multiple accounts to beef up their numbers.
So far there are no lefties on this site, HAHAHAHA.

They're dishonest with us and themselves. If they sound liberal they are liberal. There are plenty on this site, most of the threads are started by them. Their conscious seems to conflict with their ideology.
So far there are no lefties on this site, HAHAHAHA.
Proves what we've been saying all-along, USMB is a bastion of far rightwing radicals that are embarrassed to call themselves Republicans ever since Bush II soiled himself...and their name in the process.
Looks to me like the righties are perfectly fine with admitting they're righties.
Are there any lefties yet?
3 left to 8 right... if you want to push all the "centers" to the left then we are at 6-8.

You do realize that this poll is not going to end in a left majority don't you?

I was going to simply tell you that in the other thread but thought that numbers speak louder than words...

Left of Lenin on a couple of things...

Right of Attila the Hun on a couple of others...

Closer to the Center or Center-Right on most things...

Issue-by-issue, case-by-case...

When it comes to the Imperial Cheeto, I stand fairly far Left-of-Center...

When it comes to Illegal Immigration, I'm way-the-hell to the Right...

Etc... etc... etc...
Upon further consideration, I upgraded to left.
Its just that the current Democratic party isn't left enough, but a good bit of the things they do that end up being considered "left" isn't my idea of left.
But personally, my political leanings are left.
Mike Dukakis claimed he was a CONSERVATIVE during the 1988 Prez election.

Did that prove he was "conservative?"

Left of Lenin on a couple of things...

Right of Attila the Hun on a couple of others...

Closer to the Center or Center-Right on most things...

Issue-by-issue, case-by-case...
what issues are you "left of lenin" and "right of attila" on?
Upon further consideration, I upgraded to left.
Its just that the current Democratic party isn't left enough, but a good bit of the things they do that end up being considered "left" isn't my idea of left.
But personally, my political leanings are left.
LOL not left enough? They are full of nut jobs
Haslam is a JDAAC socialist big spending fraud and a disaster.

No wonder you like him...

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