USMB ideology test. Which way do you lean?

Generally speaking which way do you lean?

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i say i am center left.... not left central. i have voted for both (D)s & (R)s. i agree with certain issues that are traditionally considered both 'liberal' & 'conservative'.

People who are Centrists have no actual political opinion on anything, they sit the fence and make no commitment to anything and are prone to drifting whatever way the wind is blowing.

i believe in the right to choose. i want universal healthcare. i want english to be the official language. i believe that the death penalty should not be abolished. & i have voted according to the issue(s), not the candidate or the party. i think voting for the sake of the party is foolish.
I am laid back personally. No idea witch direction that would translate to, nor does it interest me.
So you are telling me you thought i was a christian for who i voted for?

Haslam was the choice of the white "Christian" preachers of TN.

I voted for him because he said he would go after businesses that employ illegals, he seemed very pro-gun(which i think was a lie) and he supported budget cuts. He was also EXTREMELY successful.
Anything else, bumpkin?
Upon further consideration, I upgraded to left.
Its just that the current Democratic party isn't left enough, but a good bit of the things they do that end up being considered "left" isn't my idea of left.
But personally, my political leanings are left.
LOL not left enough? They are full of nut jobs
I've found that most people who consider themselves center or center left are ULTRA far left~
Ive found that people are are moderate liberals get labeled as ULTRA far left without reason. Far left is socialism and communism. People like you grossly over use those words. You call people who support government programs in a capitalistic Republic as Far Left, but do you recognize the difference between that and full blown Socialism? Complete government control over commerce... Bernie who is a pretty good example of solid Left progressive isn't even at that level. So if you call people like Bernie or Hillary or Obama ULTRA far left then where do you go for the true Socialists and Communists?

That is because many people cannot differentiate between a Liberal and a Leftist, they are different things, there is nothing Liberal about any Leftist.

Leftists are Totalitarian and Authoritarian eg. they will not tolerate any other opinion than the Leftist opinion. If someone has a different opinion it's met with name calling and an assault on Free Speech ie. attempting to shut people up and shut down all debate.
Interesting... What would you call a "Leftists" counterpart on the Right?
Keeping this one simple. Just want to gauge which direction members of this site lean.

In another thread a while ago, we were asked to take that Political Compass Test, this is my result, which I agree with.

I have always been on the Authoritarian Right, as I said here I'm to the Right of the Right of Genghis Khan.

I also strongly are pro-Capitalism and anti-Socialism so I think the Economic section is accurate also.

Since there appears to be disagreement on what the poll choices mean, perhaps the OP would consider defining the terms. You know, so his poll may have meaning beyond trollness.

I think the poll choices are not difficult.
The arguing suggests otherwise.

That is because LaDexter is totally Off Topic with regard to the OP.
Maybe. Still, call me a stickler, but I think polls have more meaning when the choices are clearly defined by the poller.
i say i am center left.... not left central. i have voted for both (D)s & (R)s. i agree with certain issues that are traditionally considered both 'liberal' & 'conservative'.

People who are Centrists have no actual political opinion on anything, they sit the fence and make no commitment to anything and are prone to drifting whatever way the wind is blowing.
I gotta disagree there. Just because somebody is moderate or centrists it doesn't mean they can't be passionate about issues. One can be fiscally conservative in favor of cutting government waste, which would be considered right leaning... but also be for personal liberty in support of LGBT issues and women's rights etc. One could be very passionate about their politics but not subscribe to everything that one side supports.
Since there appears to be disagreement on what the poll choices mean, perhaps the OP would consider defining the terms of his poll. That is, if he actually intended for his poll be something other than a troll thread.
I had considered that but I just wanted a simple self identification poll. Since we are already 8 pages deep i'll let this one settle them will try another in the future with more definitive terms: Socialist, Progressive, Liberal, Democrat, Moderate, Libertarian, Republican, Alt-Right... Would you suggest any revisions to the list?
I don't lean. I am full-blown conservative.

Are you a "W conservative" or a "Reagan/Gingrich conservative?"

The two are 180 degrees apart....
I'm a small government, Constitutional Conservative. Neither Reagan/Gingrich or W were. Though Reagan was My Commander in Chief when I was in the Air Force and I like many of the things he stood for with regard to foreign policy and taxes, he wasn't tough enough on the spending as he should have been.

So I guess neither.
The future? Hardly...


Gov. Haslam signs gas tax plan into law

Gov. Bill Haslam announced Wednesday afternoon that he has signed Tennessee's gas tax plan into law.

The plan, formally known as the IMPROVE Act, calls for increasing the tax on regular gasoline in Tennessee by 6 cents and diesel fuel by 10 cents incrementally over the next three years.
Upon further consideration, I upgraded to left.
Its just that the current Democratic party isn't left enough, but a good bit of the things they do that end up being considered "left" isn't my idea of left.
But personally, my political leanings are left.
LOL not left enough? They are full of nut jobs
I've found that most people who consider themselves center or center left are ULTRA far left~
Ive found that people are are moderate liberals get labeled as ULTRA far left without reason. Far left is socialism and communism. People like you grossly over use those words. You call people who support government programs in a capitalistic Republic as Far Left, but do you recognize the difference between that and full blown Socialism? Complete government control over commerce... Bernie who is a pretty good example of solid Left progressive isn't even at that level. So if you call people like Bernie or Hillary or Obama ULTRA far left then where do you go for the true Socialists and Communists?

That is because many people cannot differentiate between a Liberal and a Leftist, they are different things, there is nothing Liberal about any Leftist.

Leftists are Totalitarian and Authoritarian eg. they will not tolerate any other opinion than the Leftist opinion. If someone has a different opinion it's met with name calling and an assault on Free Speech ie. attempting to shut people up and shut down all debate.
Interesting... What would you call a "Leftists" counterpart on the Right?

Well I'm on the Authoritarian Right, but it wouldn't be people like me, we do accept that other people have different opinions and we do support Free Speech and do not attempt to shut people up and shut down all debate. Of course some things are not applicable and are outside of the boundary of Free Speech eg. the promoting of LGBTQ on children or any Subversion designed to indoctrinate young children in what we consider Psychologically Unhealthy Doctrines.

So I don't think we have a counterpart to the Leftists on the Right, essentially the Leftists are Marxists mixed in with Anarchists.

The Authoritarian Right are all about retaining and restoring of Cultural Traditions, the exact Cultural Traditions that the Leftist Cultural Marxists despise. We also fully support Law and Order and Discipline and Personal Responsibility, a society needs these things to hold it together, in conjunction with the promotion of strong Nuclear Family units and a deep sense of Community, again things that the Leftist Cultural Marxists despise.
whats the differences?

Gingrich as Speaker forced the GOP Congress to send Clinton budgets that CUT BOTH SPENDING AND TAXES.

W as President SOCIALIZED SENIOR DRUGS and outspent LBJ.

But if your preacher and Fox News don't point that out, you won't notice it...

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