USMB ideology test. Which way do you lean?

Generally speaking which way do you lean?

  • Total voters
Anyone ever notice the majority, possibly all haven't researched it. But every ideology test I remember is from a left wing poster. It's like they have a need to quantify your position on things based on if you think like them or not. Or maybe they are so insecure in their own positions they need to clarify who to side with on a basic level other than taking one topic at a time. These tests are pretty much finding who is a kindred spirit that won't fuck with your safe space and who you should automatically hate because they don't think like you do.

You really do live in an alternate reality.
I voted "left" but my political opinions are somewhat more complicated. I'm more like a libertarian without the absolutist shit and the racist shit and the social Darwinism shit.

The government should pretty much leave people alone if they want that but it should also do whatever it can to promote stability and keep misery to minimum.

I do not take taxes personally nor do I subscribe to a particular economic philosophy, just do what works be it socialist or free market.

I do not support gun control but at the same time despise the paranoid gun nuts who make that their only voting issue.

I support freedom of religion, any religion, but people should keep their superstition out of politics and out of my life.

I fully support the right to protest but no one has really gotten it right since MLK was killed. The man was a genius and people love him but rarely follow his very successful methods.

Above all else, I have no time for anyone right or left who tells me what to be angry about or to be afraid of. No thoughtful political opinion can possibly be based on negativity alone.
People who claim to be "Constitutionalists" are people that are passionate about their favorite parts of the constitution and couldn't care less about most of the other parts.

Much like the Bible, the constitution is a large document with many parts to it, most people tend to nitpick their favorite parts and run with it and call themselves "Constitutionalists", but when they buck up on a part they don't like and/or never read seem to have a big problem adhering to the constitution.

Looks like I'm one with Ghandi

The Political Compass
Show me one elected official that supports abolishing Medicare medicaid and social security. Just one... since their are none, are you claiming that they are all socialists?

The closest one that position might be Rand Paul but I cannot say for certain.
You're right, Rand is a pretty strict small government libertarian but still even he doesn't support abolishing SS and Medicare. The thing young pumpkin seems to fail to understand is the fact that a healthy capitalistic democracy can exist with social elements involved. Just because you support a social program does not make you a socialist. There are varying degrees which make up ones ideology. she doesn't seem able to distinguish between the varying degrees.

In general I agree. I am a conservative on most issues, but not all. Example, while I have problems with unions in certain cases I am not as anti union as most conservatives, but not nearly as pro union as most Democrats if you can grasp where I am coming from.
I totally get it and wish more people would consider that in their discourse. The thoughtless demonization and polarization that many do in there debate is so dishonest and destructive. The reality is even the most conservative of people should be able to see the benefit in smart regulation and social programs. The discussions shouldn't be an all or nothing thing, we should be discussing the degrees and effects of proposed policies.

I will give you another one, health care. I have no use for the single payer system most Democrats are backing. That being said I have posted a plan a couple of weeks ago which divided health care into 2 parts, insurance and maintenance. The insurance part would cover direct life threating situations and major rehab, That part would be covered under what I describe as macro payer system. Maintenance would be your normal once or twice a year check ups, out patient procedures such sprains, cuts and such. That part would be paid by the consumer in part on a scale decided by income. a 1 to 10 percent deductible. Insurance companies would bid for services across state lines and the consumer would choose their plan after reviewing relevant information. That is it in a nut shell. What would not be covered by this plan is elective procedures. You pay for that yourself or buy a insurance plan yourself that covers it.
That's similar to a solution ide support. Single payer catastrophic care and then private market supplementary plans
I attribute it to the rise of the tea party. This dramatically shifted the rightwing ideology. Bush by today's standards, was a centrist/moderate but at the time he was considered rightwing.

The rightwing like\ to think Obama was far left which is why they would believe the spectrum had shifted left, but the reality is that he was more moderate.
Obama was a center right President for the most part.

The crazies just screamed and howled he was a "leftist" because their overlords ordered them to. They are now cheering on the very things they screamed against mere months ago.

Take Executive Orders for 180. They're gonna be bring up some flimsy excuse that differentiates, but it's just that, a flimsy excuse. No substance.
I voted "left" but my political opinions are somewhat more complicated. I'm more like a libertarian without the absolutist shit and the racist shit and the social Darwinism shit.

The government should pretty much leave people alone if they want that but it should also do whatever it can to promote stability and keep misery to minimum.

I do not take taxes personally nor do I subscribe to a particular economic philosophy, just do what works be it socialist or free market.

I do not support gun control but at the same time despise the paranoid gun nuts who make that their only voting issue.

I support freedom of religion, any religion, but people should keep their superstition out of politics and out of my life.

I fully support the right to protest but no one has really gotten it right since MLK was killed. The man was a genius and people love him but rarely follow his very successful methods.

Above all else, I have no time for anyone right or left who tells me what to be angry about or to be afraid of. No thoughtful political opinion can possibly be based on negativity alone.
What's wrong with firearm ownership being the dominant voting issue?
I voted "left" but my political opinions are somewhat more complicated. I'm more like a libertarian without the absolutist shit and the racist shit and the social Darwinism shit.

The government should pretty much leave people alone if they want that but it should also do whatever it can to promote stability and keep misery to minimum.

I do not take taxes personally nor do I subscribe to a particular economic philosophy, just do what works be it socialist or free market.

I do not support gun control but at the same time despise the paranoid gun nuts who make that their only voting issue.

I support freedom of religion, any religion, but people should keep their superstition out of politics and out of my life.

I fully support the right to protest but no one has really gotten it right since MLK was killed. The man was a genius and people love him but rarely follow his very successful methods.

Above all else, I have no time for anyone right or left who tells me what to be angry about or to be afraid of. No thoughtful political opinion can possibly be based on negativity alone.
The MLK model of protest was incredibly submissive.

You do realize that right?
I attribute it to the rise of the tea party. This dramatically shifted the rightwing ideology. Bush by today's standards, was a centrist/moderate but at the time he was considered rightwing.

The rightwing like\ to think Obama was far left which is why they would believe the spectrum had shifted left, but the reality is that he was more moderate.
Obama was a center right President for the most part.

The crazies just screamed and howled he was a "leftist" because their overlords ordered them to. They are now cheering on the very things they screamed against mere months ago.

Take Executive Orders for 180. They're gonna be bring up some flimsy excuse that differentiates, but it's just that, a flimsy excuse. No substance.
Get your fucking head out of your ass... dip shit
I voted "left" but my political opinions are somewhat more complicated. I'm more like a libertarian without the absolutist shit and the racist shit and the social Darwinism shit.

The government should pretty much leave people alone if they want that but it should also do whatever it can to promote stability and keep misery to minimum.

I do not take taxes personally nor do I subscribe to a particular economic philosophy, just do what works be it socialist or free market.

I do not support gun control but at the same time despise the paranoid gun nuts who make that their only voting issue.

I support freedom of religion, any religion, but people should keep their superstition out of politics and out of my life.

I fully support the right to protest but no one has really gotten it right since MLK was killed. The man was a genius and people love him but rarely follow his very successful methods.

Above all else, I have no time for anyone right or left who tells me what to be angry about or to be afraid of. No thoughtful political opinion can possibly be based on negativity alone.
What's wrong with firearm ownership being the dominant voting issue?
Nothing I suppose, my priorities are different because I do not believe gun ownership is a guarantee of freedom or democracy. I am sure you differ on this and that's fine but freedom of speech is a far more powerful tool for democracy and freedom.
I voted "left" but my political opinions are somewhat more complicated. I'm more like a libertarian without the absolutist shit and the racist shit and the social Darwinism shit.

The government should pretty much leave people alone if they want that but it should also do whatever it can to promote stability and keep misery to minimum.

I do not take taxes personally nor do I subscribe to a particular economic philosophy, just do what works be it socialist or free market.

I do not support gun control but at the same time despise the paranoid gun nuts who make that their only voting issue.

I support freedom of religion, any religion, but people should keep their superstition out of politics and out of my life.

I fully support the right to protest but no one has really gotten it right since MLK was killed. The man was a genius and people love him but rarely follow his very successful methods.

Above all else, I have no time for anyone right or left who tells me what to be angry about or to be afraid of. No thoughtful political opinion can possibly be based on negativity alone.
What's wrong with firearm ownership being the dominant voting issue?
Nothing I suppose, my priorities are different because I do not believe gun ownership is a guarantee of freedom or democracy. I am sure you differ on this and that's fine but freedom of speech is a far more powerful tool for democracy and freedom. your opinion
I voted "left" but my political opinions are somewhat more complicated. I'm more like a libertarian without the absolutist shit and the racist shit and the social Darwinism shit.

The government should pretty much leave people alone if they want that but it should also do whatever it can to promote stability and keep misery to minimum.

I do not take taxes personally nor do I subscribe to a particular economic philosophy, just do what works be it socialist or free market.

I do not support gun control but at the same time despise the paranoid gun nuts who make that their only voting issue.

I support freedom of religion, any religion, but people should keep their superstition out of politics and out of my life.

I fully support the right to protest but no one has really gotten it right since MLK was killed. The man was a genius and people love him but rarely follow his very successful methods.

Above all else, I have no time for anyone right or left who tells me what to be angry about or to be afraid of. No thoughtful political opinion can possibly be based on negativity alone.
The MLK model of protest was incredibly submissive.

You do realize that right?
Perhaps, but it worked.
I voted "left" but my political opinions are somewhat more complicated. I'm more like a libertarian without the absolutist shit and the racist shit and the social Darwinism shit.

The government should pretty much leave people alone if they want that but it should also do whatever it can to promote stability and keep misery to minimum.

I do not take taxes personally nor do I subscribe to a particular economic philosophy, just do what works be it socialist or free market.

I do not support gun control but at the same time despise the paranoid gun nuts who make that their only voting issue.

I support freedom of religion, any religion, but people should keep their superstition out of politics and out of my life.

I fully support the right to protest but no one has really gotten it right since MLK was killed. The man was a genius and people love him but rarely follow his very successful methods.

Above all else, I have no time for anyone right or left who tells me what to be angry about or to be afraid of. No thoughtful political opinion can possibly be based on negativity alone.
What's wrong with firearm ownership being the dominant voting issue?
Nothing I suppose, my priorities are different because I do not believe gun ownership is a guarantee of freedom or democracy. I am sure you differ on this and that's fine but freedom of speech is a far more powerful tool for democracy and freedom. your opinion
Of course. Not looking to have a discussion solely about guns because I really don't care enough to argue about it.
I voted "left" but my political opinions are somewhat more complicated. I'm more like a libertarian without the absolutist shit and the racist shit and the social Darwinism shit.

The government should pretty much leave people alone if they want that but it should also do whatever it can to promote stability and keep misery to minimum.

I do not take taxes personally nor do I subscribe to a particular economic philosophy, just do what works be it socialist or free market.

I do not support gun control but at the same time despise the paranoid gun nuts who make that their only voting issue.

I support freedom of religion, any religion, but people should keep their superstition out of politics and out of my life.

I fully support the right to protest but no one has really gotten it right since MLK was killed. The man was a genius and people love him but rarely follow his very successful methods.

Above all else, I have no time for anyone right or left who tells me what to be angry about or to be afraid of. No thoughtful political opinion can possibly be based on negativity alone.
What's wrong with firearm ownership being the dominant voting issue?
Nothing I suppose, my priorities are different because I do not believe gun ownership is a guarantee of freedom or democracy. I am sure you differ on this and that's fine but freedom of speech is a far more powerful tool for democracy and freedom. your opinion
Of course. Not looking to have a discussion solely about guns because I really don't care enough to argue about it.
Ok, it just proves we do not need any more frivolous gun control laws…
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I voted "left" but my political opinions are somewhat more complicated. I'm more like a libertarian without the absolutist shit and the racist shit and the social Darwinism shit.

The government should pretty much leave people alone if they want that but it should also do whatever it can to promote stability and keep misery to minimum.

I do not take taxes personally nor do I subscribe to a particular economic philosophy, just do what works be it socialist or free market.

I do not support gun control but at the same time despise the paranoid gun nuts who make that their only voting issue.

I support freedom of religion, any religion, but people should keep their superstition out of politics and out of my life.

I fully support the right to protest but no one has really gotten it right since MLK was killed. The man was a genius and people love him but rarely follow his very successful methods.

Above all else, I have no time for anyone right or left who tells me what to be angry about or to be afraid of. No thoughtful political opinion can possibly be based on negativity alone.
What's wrong with firearm ownership being the dominant voting issue?

It's wrong because it's not an issue. You fuckers have been hoodwinked. Nobody wants your guns.
There are more libs. on this site than I thought. That validates all kinds of topics. It also says a lot for the number of people who cannot justify their liberal thought in rational terms.
I voted "left" but my political opinions are somewhat more complicated. I'm more like a libertarian without the absolutist shit and the racist shit and the social Darwinism shit.

The government should pretty much leave people alone if they want that but it should also do whatever it can to promote stability and keep misery to minimum.

I do not take taxes personally nor do I subscribe to a particular economic philosophy, just do what works be it socialist or free market.

I do not support gun control but at the same time despise the paranoid gun nuts who make that their only voting issue.

I support freedom of religion, any religion, but people should keep their superstition out of politics and out of my life.

I fully support the right to protest but no one has really gotten it right since MLK was killed. The man was a genius and people love him but rarely follow his very successful methods.

Above all else, I have no time for anyone right or left who tells me what to be angry about or to be afraid of. No thoughtful political opinion can possibly be based on negativity alone.
What's wrong with firearm ownership being the dominant voting issue?

It's wrong because it's not an issue. You fuckers have been hoodwinked. Nobody wants your guns.
Well, these childish motherfuckers should quit pushing for more frivolous gun laws.
They are absolutely unnecessary And they will not save one single life you clueless motherfucker. Lol
I voted "left" but my political opinions are somewhat more complicated. I'm more like a libertarian without the absolutist shit and the racist shit and the social Darwinism shit.

The government should pretty much leave people alone if they want that but it should also do whatever it can to promote stability and keep misery to minimum.

I do not take taxes personally nor do I subscribe to a particular economic philosophy, just do what works be it socialist or free market.

I do not support gun control but at the same time despise the paranoid gun nuts who make that their only voting issue.

I support freedom of religion, any religion, but people should keep their superstition out of politics and out of my life.

I fully support the right to protest but no one has really gotten it right since MLK was killed. The man was a genius and people love him but rarely follow his very successful methods.

Above all else, I have no time for anyone right or left who tells me what to be angry about or to be afraid of. No thoughtful political opinion can possibly be based on negativity alone.
What's wrong with firearm ownership being the dominant voting issue?
Nothing I suppose, my priorities are different because I do not believe gun ownership is a guarantee of freedom or democracy. I am sure you differ on this and that's fine but freedom of speech is a far more powerful tool for democracy and freedom. your opinion
Of course. Not looking to have a discussion solely about guns because I really don't care enough to argue about it.
Ok, it just proves we do not need any more frivolous control laws…
Whatever. I fully support your right to own the firearms of your choice. There you go now move on.
Of course I know what Socialism is, of course people who support it don't, otherwise they wouldn't. Social control of the means of production and equity. I'd also like to point out that Democratic Socialism is a completely pointless 'distinction', as Social control encompasses that 'brand' of Socialism.
So would you say that if you support social security and Medicare you are a socialist?
It's say both are Socialist in nature, as it's redistribution of wealth. I'd also probably call any nutroll that supports those things Socialist.
Show me one elected official that supports abolishing Medicare medicaid and social security. Just one
You know, there really aren't that many politicians who aren't Establishment lapdogs, and even fewer who are willing to tell everyone they want to take away their entitlements.
So they are all socialists then? It's ok to admit there was a flaw in your logic it is rather apparent by now.
Not removing and actively supporting a thing are completely different. It's okay to admit there's a flaw in your logic, it's rather apparent by now.

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