USMB is my favorite liberal web site.

Petulant, lying IM, the welsher, wants to talk about integrity? :lol:

I am neither petulant nor a welsher, as Fakey would know if he had ANY ability to deal with facts, honesty or reality.

But since Fakey's just an abject liar, those notions elude him.

But I DO think it's of value to discuss the TOTAL lack of integrity inherent in all things Fakey.

Say, Fakes, tell us again that rollicking funny story about how YOU are supposedly a "Republican." :lmao: It never gets old.

Or believable.
Yep, now we have two petulant liars, one a birther and the other a welsher, trying to gang up on me.

Old times. And, like before, they are getting their asses kicked.
Yep, now we have two petulant liars, one a birther and the other a welsher, trying to gang up on me.

Old times. And, like before, they are getting their asses kicked.

Repeating your lie, Fakey, particularly since you are an established and well known unabashed liar, won't assist your cause.
:lol: Bend over, bub, birfer boy is waiting for you.
:lol: Bend over, bub, birfer boy is waiting for you.

Fakey is babbling some more. But it hardly matters. Just as we all know that the poseur is not actually a "Republican," so too we know that he is generally just a dishonest hack bitch. His constant babbling is not much of a sin in that light.
Yep, now we have two petulant liars, one a birther and the other a welsher, trying to gang up on me.

Old times. And, like before, they are getting their asses kicked.
Sorry, if you'll have to stick with your butt buddies if you're looking for a fag ass packing train pulled on ya.

How does it feel to be pretty universally laughed at here on the board?

How does it feel to know that everyone here knows full well that you're a little game playing pussy?
birfer boy, the above shows how far out of touch you are with reality.

Consider the respect you had years ago on the board compared to now.

You are the one who suffers being laughed at.
birfer boy, the above shows how far out of touch you are with reality.

Consider the respect you had years ago on the board compared to now.

You are the one who suffers being laughed at.

We don't laugh at him, we watch you use the same tired lines with all moderate right to far right posters, and wonder just how stupid you are for not knowing we don't suffer your rants, we find them hilarious!

YOU are simply entertainment, a jester in a court full of brilliance!
It's my favorite conservative website! Don't know what you are seeing but I see conservatives EVERYWHERE!

You, sir, are as blind as a bat.

What is the majority of the board, IlarMeilyr? Democrat or Republican? What is the make up of the moderators? I see both sides represented. What kind of time do you think it takes them to read through posts, moderate, fix technical issues, run a board of this size? Would you do it? For free? Would you work on creating a new and better board - as this second one is - only to listen to complaints for months on end about how they liked the old one better? Answer. You would have to love the idea of message boards - free speech - opinions from both sides - to put up with all of it. You'd have to.

I would not be a moderator / work on a board/ for all the tea in China - unless God split the sky open and audibly told me to do such a thing - I wouldn't do it - it is the most thankless job on the internet. Bar none.

If it were me and someone was talking to me the way I saw someone talking to Westwall the other day? I'd ban them for life! Westwall has the patience of a saint. And then some!!!

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