USMB Mafia Booster Pack


Easygoing Conservative
Jun 11, 2013
Good evening, everyone.

I'm making this thread because I'm set on starting another series of Mafia games here, in order to bring more activity into our USMB forum. The more the merrier, and I'd like to offer everyone here a larger selection of games to play in.

On that note, my aim is to mod four Mafia games at once.

If you don't know what Mafia is, there are quite a few members here who are willing to explain it and play with you. Basically, it's a game played within a thread. Let's say 13 people wanna play. Well, once the game starts, you try to deduce who the bad guys are, and lynch them. The Mafia are the bad guys, and the Townies are the good guys. The Mafia are bad guys who look like good guys. All you have to do, Townies, is figure out who the Mafia are... and get them lynched.

...the only problem, however, is the fact that the Townies don't know who each other are. The Townies are the uniformed majority. The Mafia are the informed minority, and they will use all manner of sneaky, devious trickery in order to manipulate and kill the Townies.

Honestly, Mafia's a lot simpler than it sounds.

Here's a link on how to play Mafia: MafiaWiki


Quick Guide to Mafia


I'm not the best guy to explain things, but Mafia's really freaking fun, and is a nice break from all the political discussion.

The game is broken up into two stages. The Day phase, and the Night phase. During the 'Day Phase,' you're given a certain amount of time (a real-life week, etc) to talk amongst yourselves on who's the Scummiest (most suspicious) peep in your Town. Every one of you has the right to cast one vote against someone during the Day, and you can change your vote or take it back whenever you want, as long as it's not the final vote. Let's say Bob is really behaving suspiciously, and you figure he's gotta be scum. You'll post "Vote: Bob" and he'll have a vote on him. How he reacts to it can be analyzed and used to determine whether he's an innocent Townie, or an evil impostor. If a majority vote is reached like, say, a 3/5 majority against Bob, that guy's gonna get lynched. He'll die, and then upon death the game moderator (me) will reveal what his alignment was, and whether he had an ability (role) or not.

Then the Night phase will start, and the thread will be locked. The evil Mafia will enter their special discussion thread that's kept hidden, and they'll scheme their evil britches off on who to murder. Once the deadline for the Night phase expires, the murder will be carried out, and the victim's alignment and role will be revealed.

This cycle continues until either all the Mafia have been lynched, or the Mafia's numbers equal to or exceed that of the Town. It's a game filled with paranoia and suspicion. If you're ever watched a movie called The Thing, it's that sort of sleuthing where you don't know who's good, and who's bad. Process of elimination plays a pivotal role in narrowing down who the baddies are, and there's no greater feeling then rising triumphantly against the Scummy Mafia and taking them out. :D


If you want to be a detective like Sherlocke Holmes, this is the game for you. Like the game of Clue, it's a murder mystery.

The game of Mafia comes in many different themes, structures, and ways. If you want to look over some of our completed games, please check them out in the Mafia forum of USMB. Cereal_Killer graciously allowed us to play Mafia here, and I'd like to keep our forum active and rolling. For our games we'll be using the Matrix6 variant. This particular build is very Newbie-friendly.

Importantly, with these four simultaneous games, each player can only sign up for, at most, two games. You can decide who you'd like to play with, and this will allow you the possibility to play as both Town in one game and Scum in another, for various perspectives and insights to the theories of the game.

There are players both old and new I am thinking of, and I would like to have you join our party and play the game with us. The games can be somewhat of a time-commitment. If you play in one game, it shouldn't be bad at all, so long as you can post at least three times a days, if only a paragraph or two.

Each game will have 13 players.

I'll be adding more parts to this thread soon. Adding four Newbie games with various themes. One of them will be centered around the classic movie Jurassic Park. :D If you want to enter into specific games, you can post "/in" and select any two of the four games available. By doing this, it's far easier for players to decide who they wanna play with. Each new personality brings in new dynamics and strategies. If I can do five at one time, I will. This is a rough list of the currently available games:

USMB Newbie #1: Jurassic Park
USMB Newbie #2: Supernatural (Season 7)
USMB Newbie #3: Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
USMB Newbie #4: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Shaitra teapartysamurai TheOldSchool Avatar4321 House Wolfsister77 BlackSand AngelsNDemons CaféAuLait strollingbones RosieS FA_Q2 Sgt_Gath ika tn5421 Grandma lulz Asclepias ChrisL AyeCantSeeYou Mertex Moonglow ★Arden MeBelle60 TemplarKormac R.D. Ropey Dajjal Derideo_Te Roadrunner JakeStarkey Disir DriftingSand dblack Harry Dresden Hossfly Mr. H. Dante Zander AVG-JOE shart_attack Delta4Embassy Dont Taz Me Bro

Mafia is the subtlest and most complex and fun messageboard game out there. It's highly addicting, and puts your skills to the test when it comes to lying, analyzing, and other things like that. :p
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Jurassic Park Mafia


Players (0/13)


Supernatural (Season 7)

Players (0/13)


Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

Players (0/13)
(01) Avatar4321


The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Players (0/13)
(01) Avatar4321
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Anyone can join. Young or old, man or woman, adolescent or adult. The more the merrier!
I might be able to be in one of the games as an active player but I'll have to get back to you on that but for sure put me on the replacement list for now Wake.
/in for Zelda and Pirates
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Will bbl. Dealing with cold and work marathon. Thanks guys. :)

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