USMB @Mention EXCLUDE/INCLUDE Preferences


Je Suis Charlie
Mar 2, 2013

The purpose of this thread is to give all of us a single place to add our names to whichever @Mention list we prefer to be on. The lists are as follows;

  • Please EXCLUDE me from all MASS @Mentions!

  • Please EXCLUDE me from all INDIVIDUAL @Mentions!

  • Please INCLUDE me in all MASS @Mentions!

The Rules are as follows.

  • Quote the previous post and add/edit your name in the appropriate list.

  • Please put a comma and a space between your name and the previous one.

  • Do not use the @ sign before your name.

  • The last post is always the most up to date list.

  • If you start a new thread and want to use Mass @Mentions you must use the list from the last post in the thread.

  • The onus is on the person creating the new thread to add the @ sign before the names on the INCLUDE list. (Replace comma-space with comma-space-@ in an off line editor is the quick and easy way to do it.)

  • This thread is intended purely keeping a current list of preferences when it comes to @Mentions.

  • Please note that this thread is the property of USMB and not the OP.

  • No petty bickering or other off topic posts will be allowed.

  • If you have a problem with another poster take it elsewhere.

Thank you for your cooperation and support.

Please EXCLUDE me from all MASS @Mentions!

AquaAthena, Amelia, Gracie, Toro, Pogo, Sarah G, Gracie, Little-Acorn, NLT, Rat in the Hat, Amelia, Foxfyre, Dot Com, DriftingSand, BDBoop, Ernie S., rightwinger, Iceweasel, Ringel05, cereal_killer

Please EXCLUDE me from all INDIVIDUAL @Mentions!

AquaAthena, Ringel05

Please INCLUDE me in all MASS @Mentions!

Derideo_Te, Mertex, Spoonman, Sherry, aaronleland, Wolfsister77, Luddly Neddite, RosieS, Wake, Statistikhengst, Ropey, Zander, shart_attack, pacer, Esmeralda, Howey, Jeremiah, Kondor3, pacer, drifter
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Looks great, Derideo! Thanks for all the effort you put into this! Very thoughtful of you! - Jeri
Agreed with Jeremiah. It's a good idea.
The purpose of this @mention is simply to ask you to check and make sure that I entered you into right lists. Obviously you will be excluded in future so this should be the last time it happens if this concept actually works.

[edit] removed @mention list.

I will edit and remove this list after I have posted it so that there is no copy of this @mention in this thread.
Please EXCLUDE me from all MASS @Mentions!

AquaAthena, Amelia, Gracie, Toro, Pogo, Sarah G, Gracie, Little-Acorn, NLT, Rat in the Hat, Amelia, Foxfyre, Dot Com, DriftingSand, BDBoop, Ernie S., rightwinger, Iceweasel, Dot Com
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Please EXCLUDE me from all MASS @Mentions!

AquaAthena, Amelia, Gracie, Toro, Pogo, Sarah G, Gracie, Little-Acorn, NLT, Rat in the Hat, Amelia, Foxfyre, Dot Com, DriftingSand, BDBoop, Ernie S., rightwinger, Iceweasel,

Please EXCLUDE me from all INDIVIDUAL @Mentions!


Please INCLUDE me in all MASS @Mentions!

Derideo_Te, Mertex, Spoonman, Sherry, aaronleland, Wolfsister77, Luddly Neddite, RosieS, Wake, Statistikhengst, Ropey, Zander, shart_attack, pacer, Esmeralda, Howey, Jeremiah, Kondor3, pacer,

Added pacer!
I got the 'mention'... I'm fine with those, personally, for now, at least, so long as I don't start getting inundated with the things. As with anyone else, I reserve the right to change my mind, over time. ;-)
Looks good to me too.

Yes, a good idea. If I should unintentionally include a member, please PM me, and give me a spanking. I only do the Mentions if I know the person doesn't object. I seldom do Mentions. :)
AA, you can put me at the head of the spanking list.


I don't mind being mentioned alone or with a few others and summoned to threads that OP knows I would be interested in, but please exclude me from the huge lists.
Please EXCLUDE me from all MASS @Mentions!

AquaAthena, Amelia, Gracie, Toro, Pogo, Sarah G, Gracie, Little-Acorn, NLT, Rat in the Hat, Amelia, Foxfyre, Dot Com, DriftingSand, BDBoop, Ernie S., rightwinger, Iceweasel, Ringel05

Please EXCLUDE me from all INDIVIDUAL @Mentions!

AquaAthena, Ringel05

LOL, thanks DT. I have mixed emotions about it and even the part I don't like I really don't care enough to make a big deal of it one way or the other. Part of me doesn't want to take the time to investigate @mentions that don't involve me, and especially when they are quoted and requoted by others, but part of me doesn't want to get left out of something that might be of interest too. But I'll leave it to your discretion what you think I really do need to see. :)

The purpose of this thread is to give all of us a single place to add our names to whichever @Mention list we prefer to be on. The lists are as follows;

  • Please EXCLUDE me from all MASS @Mentions!

  • Please EXCLUDE me from all INDIVIDUAL @Mentions!

  • Please INCLUDE me in all MASS @Mentions!

The Rules are as follows.

  • Quote the previous post and add/edit your name in the appropriate list.

  • Please put a comma and a space between your name and the previous one.

  • Do not use the @ sign before your name.

  • The last post is always the most up to date list.

  • If you start a new thread and want to use Mass @Mentions you must use the list from the last post in the thread.

  • The onus is on the person creating the new thread to add the @ sign before the names on the INCLUDE list. (Replace comma-space with comma-space-@ in an off line editor is the quick and easy way to do it.)

  • This thread is intended purely keeping a current list of preferences when it comes to @Mentions.

  • Please note that this thread is the property of USMB and not the OP.

  • No petty bickering or other off topic posts will be allowed.

  • If you have a problem with another poster take it elsewhere.

Thank you for your cooperation and support.

Please EXCLUDE me from all MASS @Mentions!

AquaAthena, Amelia, Gracie, Toro, Pogo, Sarah G, Gracie, Little-Acorn, NLT, Rat in the Hat, Amelia, Foxfyre, Dot Com, DriftingSand, BDBoop, Ernie S., rightwinger, Iceweasel,

Please EXCLUDE me from all INDIVIDUAL @Mentions!


Please INCLUDE me in all MASS @Mentions!

Derideo_Te, Mertex, Spoonman, Sherry, aaronleland, Wolfsister77, Luddly Neddite, RosieS, Wake, Statistikhengst, Ropey, Zander, shart_attack, pacer, Esmeralda, Howey, Jeremiah, Kondor3,

You can include me :)

Please EXCLUDE me from all MASS @Mentions!

AquaAthena, Amelia, Gracie, Toro, Pogo, Sarah G, Gracie, Little-Acorn, NLT, Rat in the Hat, Amelia, Foxfyre, Dot Com, DriftingSand, BDBoop, Ernie S., rightwinger, Iceweasel, Ringel05

Please EXCLUDE me from all INDIVIDUAL @Mentions!

AquaAthena, Ringel05

Please INCLUDE me in all MASS @Mentions!

Derideo_Te, Mertex, Spoonman, Sherry, aaronleland, Wolfsister77, Luddly Neddite, RosieS, Wake, Statistikhengst, Ropey, Zander, shart_attack, pacer, Esmeralda, Howey, Jeremiah, Kondor3, pacer, drifter

Foxfyre excluded from Mass @Mentions, Drifter included :)
The purpose of this @mention is simply to ask you to check and make sure that I entered you into right lists. Obviously you will be excluded in future so this should be the last time it happens if this concept actually works.

[edit] removed @mention list.

I will edit and remove this list after I have posted it so that there is no copy of this @mention in this thread.
Notice To All Posters

You can mention Hossfly with the stipulation that he be mentioned in your will. Cash, checks and money orders accepted upon termination.

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