USMB poll who won tonight?

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The tax cuts in question are CORPORATE taxes.....we are the highest in the world with a 35% rate. Our companies are offshoring not only OUR JOBS but trillions in earnings, putting their corporate headquarters in places like Ireland to take advantage of a much lower rate. Trump is saying cut corporate taxes to 15% which will make us competitive with the going rate. The Rats hate big business and big inheritances.....Hillary wants to raise the death-tax to 65%...that means the first 2/3rds of an estate, which has already paid income taxes, property taxes, and sales taxes on every dollar, then has to pay the government AGAIN, leaving you with a measly's theft, plain and simple.
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When she hit him with the tax return punch, he could have easily said,

My returns will be released at sometime BECAUSE I NEVER DELETED THEM, now let's talk a little bit about those 33,000 EMAILS YOU DID! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU HIDING BITCH.

Pay attention pop.... the question is about tax returns. He failed miserably. What is he hiding anyway?
No one give a shit about those emails.

You wish!

Pay attention pop. Tax returns. Not the emails.

Hey dimwit, the question is about transparency.

She wants it, yet deletes her documents.

She stated a fair question that also applies to her.

What are you hiding?

Hey fuck face....... Transparency? Where is Trump tax returns?
The whole tax code probably needs to be overhauled.

I also would like more accountability from the government on where exactly our money goes. I would like them to buckle down on government wasteful spending. Giving grants for ridiculous projects because of cronyism is such a waste! They shouldn't be allowed to do that anymore. As a taxpayer, I never gave my permission to use our money to study the behavior of gays in Latin America!
When she hit him with the tax return punch, he could have easily said,

My returns will be released at sometime BECAUSE I NEVER DELETED THEM, now let's talk a little bit about those 33,000 EMAILS YOU DID! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU HIDING BITCH.

Pay attention pop.... the question is about tax returns. He failed miserably. What is he hiding anyway?
No one give a shit about those emails.

You wish!

Pay attention pop. Tax returns. Not the emails.

Hey dimwit, the question is about transparency.

She wants it, yet deletes her documents.

She stated a fair question that also applies to her.

What are you hiding?

Hey fuck face....... Transparency? Where is Trump tax returns?

Somewhere where they can be found.

Clintons emails? DESTROYED

What the fuck is she hiding? Dimwit
As for your "trickle down economics"? Trickle down doesn't exist. It's a liberal talking point and when you accuse someone of proposing that you're simply showing that you know nothing about business or economics. Profits have ALWAYS trickled up in free market economies...they have NEVER trickled down!
Trump is going to slash tax rates across the board and that is not "trickle down" economics in any sense of the term.

You are right, this is just another inane Dimbocrat talking point that they think the rest of America is too stupid to understand.

I am looking forward to keeping more of our family income and not losing it to federali stupidity and inefficiency.

Stupid? Are you talking to yourself again dumbo?
Independent well known economists ( with S ) blasting Trump economic plan. So far I have not seen blasting Hillary economic plan. Why is that? So tell me who are the stupid Americans?
Trump def. won the grumpy old men demographic! Not that it's a surprise.
Look, Trump is a misogynist. Period. Anyone that denies that is a fool. Is he racist? Maybe, but I say at least a little, more of a reformed racist. Can he relate with middle class Americans? Nope. He wants to cut taxes, but he wants to spend more money on infrastructure and military... that money has to come from somewhere.

Clinton, I actually like her new tax increase on the wealthy and bringing down the income floor from like $5 million to $3.5 million. I just hate about everything else there is about her.

Very good point.... Trump followers will never understand that. All these tax cuts and spend more that trump keep farting has to come from somewhere.
Well know independent economist are blasting Trump economic policy exactly the same what you are saying.
When she hit him with the tax return punch, he could have easily said,

My returns will be released at sometime BECAUSE I NEVER DELETED THEM, now let's talk a little bit about those 33,000 EMAILS YOU DID! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU HIDING BITCH.

Pay attention pop.... the question is about tax returns. He failed miserably. What is he hiding anyway?
No one give a shit about those emails.
We know you don't give a shit about Hillary breaking the law. That's because you're a douche bag. You're a sleazy low-life, cock sucking, mother fucking, shit stained douche bag.

Any questions?

Did I hurt your weak feeling? All you've got is email email emails...... that's all you've got........... we don't give a flying fuck about your emails.
Trump on the other hand....... he's been indicted, facing a multiple law suit, bribing AG.
A bigot, racist asshole...... like you. Why is he not releasing his tax returns? Definitely he is hiding something.

That's not all he has! The emails were deleted. Nobody has them


anyone who did what she did is a first class ass to ask transparency from ANYONE ELSE.
Charwin is a douche bag who defends Hillary's criminality. That's all you need to know.
When she hit him with the tax return punch, he could have easily said,

My returns will be released at sometime BECAUSE I NEVER DELETED THEM, now let's talk a little bit about those 33,000 EMAILS YOU DID! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU HIDING BITCH.

Pay attention pop.... the question is about tax returns. He failed miserably. What is he hiding anyway?
No one give a shit about those emails.
We know you don't give a shit about Hillary breaking the law. That's because you're a douche bag. You're a sleazy low-life, cock sucking, mother fucking, shit stained douche bag.

Any questions?

Did I hurt your weak feeling? All you've got is email email emails...... that's all you've got........... we don't give a flying fuck about your emails.
Trump on the other hand....... he's been indicted, facing a multiple law suit, bribing AG.
A bigot, racist asshole...... like you. Why is he not releasing his tax returns? Definitely he is hiding something.

That's not all he has! The emails were deleted. Nobody has them


anyone who did what she did is a first class ass to ask transparency from ANYONE ELSE.
Charwin is a douche bag who defends Hillary's criminality. That's all you need to know.

Dude you are a fucking ignorant. Criminality? Was she indicted or charges of any wrong doing? NONE. You are one fucked up scumbag dude.
Trump has been indicted, charge currently facing civil action lawsuit for fraud. Go take your meds and stay in your bed.
Pay attention pop.... the question is about tax returns. He failed miserably. What is he hiding anyway?
No one give a shit about those emails.
We know you don't give a shit about Hillary breaking the law. That's because you're a douche bag. You're a sleazy low-life, cock sucking, mother fucking, shit stained douche bag.

Any questions?

Did I hurt your weak feeling? All you've got is email email emails...... that's all you've got........... we don't give a flying fuck about your emails.
Trump on the other hand....... he's been indicted, facing a multiple law suit, bribing AG.
A bigot, racist asshole...... like you. Why is he not releasing his tax returns? Definitely he is hiding something.

That's not all he has! The emails were deleted. Nobody has them


anyone who did what she did is a first class ass to ask transparency from ANYONE ELSE.
Charwin is a douche bag who defends Hillary's criminality. That's all you need to know.

Dude you are a fucking ignorant. Criminality? Was she indicted or charges of any wrong doing? NONE. You are one fucked up scumbag dude.
Trump has been indicted, charge currently facing civil action lawsuit for fraud. Go take your meds and stay in your bed.
He wasn't indicted, moron. He was sued. Like a typical leftwing dumbass, you don't know the difference. Furthermore, if someone is raped, then they generally have the perpetrator arrested. Rape accusations look ridiculous when the victim doesn't want the perp arrested.

The fact that Hillary hasn't been arrested only proves that a Democrat is in office.
Well trump said he won....
So I guess that's it....

He referenced a few polls that don't exist....

But does that matter to any of the Trump Bots?

Online polling.....
So funny....
Trump killed it with online polling....
Very scientific....

jack nicilson laughing.jpg
We know you don't give a shit about Hillary breaking the law. That's because you're a douche bag. You're a sleazy low-life, cock sucking, mother fucking, shit stained douche bag.

Any questions?

Did I hurt your weak feeling? All you've got is email email emails...... that's all you've got........... we don't give a flying fuck about your emails.
Trump on the other hand....... he's been indicted, facing a multiple law suit, bribing AG.
A bigot, racist asshole...... like you. Why is he not releasing his tax returns? Definitely he is hiding something.

That's not all he has! The emails were deleted. Nobody has them


anyone who did what she did is a first class ass to ask transparency from ANYONE ELSE.
Charwin is a douche bag who defends Hillary's criminality. That's all you need to know.

Dude you are a fucking ignorant. Criminality? Was she indicted or charges of any wrong doing? NONE. You are one fucked up scumbag dude.
Trump has been indicted, charge currently facing civil action lawsuit for fraud. Go take your meds and stay in your bed.
He wasn't indicted, moron. He was sued. Like a typical leftwing dumbass, you don't know the difference. Furthermore, if someone is raped, then they generally have the perpetrator arrested. Rape accusations look ridiculous when the victim doesn't want the perp arrested.

The fact that Hillary hasn't been arrested only proves that a Democrat is in office.

You don't know shit old man. Your dog got his ass kicked. Then you come down with your low life fucked up attack. Scumbag. Go gurgle your mouth with potty water then come back to me when you know what you are talking about.
Pay attention pop.... the question is about tax returns. He failed miserably. What is he hiding anyway?
No one give a shit about those emails.

You wish!

Pay attention pop. Tax returns. Not the emails.
Pay attention.

Not releasing tax returns is not the same thing as committing a crime by destroying government property (emails). More people care about Clinton's criminal acts than Trumps private tax returns.

And none of it matters. People seem to be focusing only on what doesn't matter. Policies should matter, no one seems to care that much
Well, I agree with that. But then, policies and candidates have not mattered much in over 20 years it seems. Much more important to demonize the opponent rather than discuss solutions without name-calling.

Good luck with that.

it's become entertainment. You watch them perform and then you get to vote at the end of it to see who stays in the house or on the stage. It's ridiculous.
Pay attention pop.... the question is about tax returns. He failed miserably. What is he hiding anyway?
No one give a shit about those emails.
We know you don't give a shit about Hillary breaking the law. That's because you're a douche bag. You're a sleazy low-life, cock sucking, mother fucking, shit stained douche bag.

Any questions?

Did I hurt your weak feeling? All you've got is email email emails...... that's all you've got........... we don't give a flying fuck about your emails.
Trump on the other hand....... he's been indicted, facing a multiple law suit, bribing AG.
A bigot, racist asshole...... like you. Why is he not releasing his tax returns? Definitely he is hiding something.

That's not all he has! The emails were deleted. Nobody has them


anyone who did what she did is a first class ass to ask transparency from ANYONE ELSE.
Charwin is a douche bag who defends Hillary's criminality. That's all you need to know.

Dude you are a fucking ignorant. Criminality? Was she indicted or charges of any wrong doing? NONE. You are one fucked up scumbag dude.
Trump has been indicted, charge currently facing civil action lawsuit for fraud. Go take your meds and stay in your bed.

Destruction of evidence sure do make the criminal hard to prosecute!

Du ya think buckwheat?
Hey fuck face....... Transparency? Where is Trump tax returns?

So sorry the debate wasn't available on TV in your country. If it had been you'd have known the answer. Trump has his tax returns, against legal advice, ready to publish immediately after Mrs. Clinton releases those mysterious emails.

Actually he said he'd release them after she releases deleted emails. Crucial adjective.
Gotta pay attention. I didn't need to hear the statement but once.

Anybody yet figure out how you '"release" something that's been "deleted"?

---- Exactly.

Say did you know he has "the best words"?

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