USMB Rightwingers: WHY do you think the dems will lose this election?

Okay I get it. You hate Hillary and right now her favorability ratings aren't great among the general public, but neither are republicans. However, America is only moving left on virtually all political issues. WHY do you think repubs will win this election? Explain the merits of voting republican and why it would happen nationwide.

Right America is moving left as evidenced by the left getting the living shit kicked out of them in elections losing over 1200 seats nationally. Man when you libs go into denial you go all the way. :laugh:
Actually, the talking points were the same talking points Democrats have used in the past elections. The same boogeymen. Again, it's the mean old corporations, the dastardly super rich, and the criminals of Wall Street. Clinton has added Big Pharm into the mix. They speak the same tired and worn out dialog to their same brain-dead masses. Tax and spend. Tax the corporations and the wealthy and spend it on gifts to the underachievers.
Can't stand the bitch but she would be miles better than Obabble....because she is a bitch.
One can see the Democrats losing right here on USMB. Following the Republican debates, the Libs come out in full force, not attacking the platforms of the Repub candidates but making personal attacks concerning their looks, the way they appeared and so forth. Following the Democrat debates, Conservatives come on here attacking the platforms of the candidates. There is a vacuum of Libs on here defending the platforms of the democrat candidates. That's a realu sign there is little substance at all to the platforms of the Democrat candidates.
The more I see from the right wing, the more confident I am of a Clinton landslide.

The more convinced you are, the more convinced I am the liberals are all delusional. I fail to understand how anyone can believe that Hillary is a good candidate or that she has an appealing message.
Okay I get it. You hate Hillary and right now her favorability ratings aren't great among the general public, but neither are republicans. However, America is only moving left on virtually all political issues. WHY do you think repubs will win this election? Explain the merits of voting republican and why it would happen nationwide.

Right America is moving left as evidenced by the left getting the living shit kicked out of them in elections losing over 1200 seats nationally. Man when you libs go into denial you go all the way. :laugh:
That is primarily because of gerrymandering and liberals not voting in midterm elections. They do, however, vote in presidential elections.
Okay I get it. You hate Hillary and right now her favorability ratings aren't great among the general public, but neither are republicans. However, America is only moving left on virtually all political issues. WHY do you think repubs will win this election? Explain the merits of voting republican and why it would happen nationwide.

Right America is moving left as evidenced by the left getting the living shit kicked out of them in elections losing over 1200 seats nationally. Man when you libs go into denial you go all the way. :laugh:
That is primarily because of gerrymandering and liberals not voting in midterm elections. They do, however, vote in presidential elections.

How do you gerrymander entire states?
Well, I think the dems will win this election. Mainly due to brainwashed asshats like the OP. There are more than 47% of the morons who do not know or care the constitution protects we the people from those who govern us.

No, instead the morons on the left fall for the same stupid cliches that are nothing more than the victimology strategy that the democrats have used to seduce the naive minds for more than 50 years.

The morons on the left like the OP buy into the robinhood myth that evil republicans are ALL RICH and all of the democrats are ALL POOR and truly care.

Not sure how they get away with such bullshit. They buy into the utopia that the democrats sell and think "socialism" is this great answer. Not the free market that has given those snot nosed morons like the OP virtually all of the things they enjoy. Including the computer or Ipad that the OP is using his snot covered fingers on.

I have asked this before and I will ask it again. Name all of the things that socialism has given humanity? Name the medicines. I will be waiting for that.

Any of you morons know how much money it takes to develop drugs? Want to know why those "evil drug companies" spend they money they do to develop those? Yeah, the profit incentive. You dumb pieces of shit. Go ahead and explain to all of us ALL of the innovative products those socialist countries have developed.

You are all fucking morons and since there are more than 47% of you out there that are too brainwashed by Hollywood, the music industry and the mass socialist media, the democrats will win. Does not matter that the republicans won in 2010 and 2014. They do not represent me or the free market.

The country is done. You fucking left wingers are too stupid to know that you are all to blame. Fuck you, you ignorant morons.

As far as medicine, most of the early stage development is funded by government and that information is taken by drug companies to use in later stage development. If the development doesn't show promise in the government funded early development stage, the drug companies rarely attempt to develop it.
Current Model for Financing Drug Development: From Concept Through Approval - Breakthrough Business Models - NCBI Bookshelf
Okay I get it. You hate Hillary and right now her favorability ratings aren't great among the general public, but neither are republicans. However, America is only moving left on virtually all political issues. WHY do you think repubs will win this election? Explain the merits of voting republican and why it would happen nationwide.

Right America is moving left as evidenced by the left getting the living shit kicked out of them in elections losing over 1200 seats nationally. Man when you libs go into denial you go all the way. :laugh:
That is primarily because of gerrymandering and liberals not voting in midterm elections. They do, however, vote in presidential elections.

How do you gerrymander entire states?

It was a vast right wing conspiracy led by Dick Cheney :laugh:
What happened to all the Liberals on USMB following last night's Democrat debate? They're scarcer than hen's teeth. LOL!!
Okay I get it. You hate Hillary and right now her favorability ratings aren't great among the general public, but neither are republicans. However, America is only moving left on virtually all political issues. WHY do you think repubs will win this election? Explain the merits of voting republican and why it would happen nationwide.

Right America is moving left as evidenced by the left getting the living shit kicked out of them in elections losing over 1200 seats nationally. Man when you libs go into denial you go all the way. :laugh:
That is primarily because of gerrymandering and liberals not voting in midterm elections. They do, however, vote in presidential elections.

Why on earth wouldn't the liberal base turn out to vote why would they throw Obama under the bus like that? OOOOOOOOOOOOH SNAP!!
Dems also can manufacture votes in big shithole urban areas in key swing states

Which is why the right has worked so hard to limit the ability for all citizens to vote.

What citizen have been deprived of their right to vote? My state has required a photo id to vote for years. The elderly (myself included), the Blacks, Cubans, Hispanics, and all the other citizens have no trouble at all in voting in any and all elections. We do try to prohibit the dead from voting though.
Well, I think the dems will win this election. Mainly due to brainwashed asshats like the OP. There are more than 47% of the morons who do not know or care the constitution protects we the people from those who govern us.

No, instead the morons on the left fall for the same stupid cliches that are nothing more than the victimology strategy that the democrats have used to seduce the naive minds for more than 50 years.

The morons on the left like the OP buy into the robinhood myth that evil republicans are ALL RICH and all of the democrats are ALL POOR and truly care.

Not sure how they get away with such bullshit. They buy into the utopia that the democrats sell and think "socialism" is this great answer. Not the free market that has given those snot nosed morons like the OP virtually all of the things they enjoy. Including the computer or Ipad that the OP is using his snot covered fingers on.

I have asked this before and I will ask it again. Name all of the things that socialism has given humanity? Name the medicines. I will be waiting for that.

Any of you morons know how much money it takes to develop drugs? Want to know why those "evil drug companies" spend they money they do to develop those? Yeah, the profit incentive. You dumb pieces of shit. Go ahead and explain to all of us ALL of the innovative products those socialist countries have developed.

You are all fucking morons and since there are more than 47% of you out there that are too brainwashed by Hollywood, the music industry and the mass socialist media, the democrats will win. Does not matter that the republicans won in 2010 and 2014. They do not represent me or the free market.

The country is done. You fucking left wingers are too stupid to know that you are all to blame. Fuck you, you ignorant morons.

As far as medicine, most of the early stage development is funded by government and that information is taken by drug companies to use in later stage development. If the development doesn't show promise in the government funded early development stage, the drug companies rarely attempt to develop it.
Current Model for Financing Drug Development: From Concept Through Approval - Breakthrough Business Models - NCBI Bookshelf

Okay I get it. You hate Hillary and right now her favorability ratings aren't great among the general public, but neither are republicans. However, America is only moving left on virtually all political issues. WHY do you think repubs will win this election? Explain the merits of voting republican and why it would happen nationwide.

Right America is moving left as evidenced by the left getting the living shit kicked out of them in elections losing over 1200 seats nationally. Man when you libs go into denial you go all the way. :laugh:
That is primarily because of gerrymandering and liberals not voting in midterm elections. They do, however, vote in presidential elections.

Why on earth wouldn't the liberal base turn out to vote why would they throw Obama under the bus like that? OOOOOOOOOOOOH SNAP!!
Your guess is as good as mine.
Okay I get it. You hate Hillary and right now her favorability ratings aren't great among the general public, but neither are republicans. However, America is only moving left on virtually all political issues. WHY do you think repubs will win this election? Explain the merits of voting republican and why it would happen nationwide.
Kentucky and Texas aren't "moving left"...they moved right. After Kim Davis was jailed for her faith by pressure from the new LGBT cult machine, for the first time in 40 years a republican sits at the Governor's seat come January in Kentucky. Purple states are turning back bright red and you predict a win for the dems next Fall? Next Fall is going to put 2014 to shame in the same direction.

It turns out people's tolerance for insanity does have limits. Too rapid change, too forcefully means the democrats encrusted with rainbow-cult barnacles are going down in a bitter defeat. Mark my words. And it won't just be the POTUS race either.
Okay I get it. You hate Hillary and right now her favorability ratings aren't great among the general public, but neither are republicans. However, America is only moving left on virtually all political issues. WHY do you think repubs will win this election? Explain the merits of voting republican and why it would happen nationwide.
Kentucky and Texas aren't "moving left"...they moved right. After Kim Davis was jailed for her faith by pressure from the new LGBT cult machine, for the first time in 40 years a republican sits at the Governor's seat come January in Kentucky. Purple states are turning back bright red and you predict a win for the dems next Fall? Next Fall is going to put 2014 to shame in the same direction.

It turns out people's tolerance for insanity does have limits. Too rapid change, too forcefully means the democrats encrusted with rainbow-cult barnacles are going down in a bitter defeat. Mark my words. And it won't just be the POTUS race either.

The last time the GOP held the KY Governor's seat was in 2007. Now I am not John Nash Jr. but 2007 wasn't 40 year ago. Stop pretending you have the slightest clue as to what you are talking about.
Why did Obama win in 2008? You had Republican President for eight years who was not very popular you had a new face in Obama who was fresh and energetic running against an older McCain who was seen as outdated and part of the past you have same dynamic in play in 2016 except with Hillary now seen as the outdated one who is part of the past.

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