USMB Rightwingers: WHY do you think the dems will lose this election?

Why did Obama win in 2008? You had Republican President for eight years who was not very popular you had a new face in Obama who was fresh and energetic running against an older McCain who was seen as outdated and part of the past you have same dynamic in play in 2016 except with Hillary now seen as the outdated one who is part of the past.

Also had a democrat controlled congress (House and Senate) in 2008 who deliberately ignored ALL of the Bush's warnings about the housing bubble. 18 warnings. They did that in order to ensure that they get a super majority in that critical election year.

They knew the American idiots (the ignorant asshat liberal voting base) would blame the entire problem on BOOOOOOOSH. They did. It worked.

You have to really stand in awe and the lengths the pathetic left will go in order to gain power. In order to keep power. In order to LEAN FORWARD with their intent on CHANGE. Meaning, making this country a pure socialist country.

Oh I know. I am just being paranoid. The democrats really actually love the free market system. They are not socialists. :shock:
Okay I get it. You hate Hillary and right now her favorability ratings aren't great among the general public, but neither are republicans. However, America is only moving left on virtually all political issues. WHY do you think repubs will win this election? Explain the merits of voting republican and why it would happen nationwide.

Shhhh, leave them to their smugness. Maybe they'll spend 11/8/16 playing GTA and gloating and skip the election entirely. ;)
Why will they lose?

Hillary will be in jail where she belongs, and no American is going to vote for a Socialist Party member using the Democratic Party to try to get elected...and once Obama's Syrian 'Refugees' pull a 'Paris' in the U.S., Democrats will become the 2nd most hated group behind ISIS....
Okay I get it. You hate Hillary and right now her favorability ratings aren't great among the general public, but neither are republicans. However, America is only moving left on virtually all political issues. WHY do you think repubs will win this election? Explain the merits of voting republican and why it would happen nationwide.

I don't think you have to worry about Hillary Clinton losing this election.

1.--Clinton has a 6 to 10 point lead in this race being the 1st woman POTUS in 200 years. Women are the majority voters in this country today at 54%--they outvote men by 10 points. Women will be voting very heavily for her.

2. Republicans are the minority party today at 41 million. Democrats are stronger at 46 million. The largest party are Independents representing 40% of the electorate.

3. Since the far right of the party (tea party/rino/establishment groupies) have already ran off 17% of the population (Hispanics.)--This when the GOP nominee, since Reagan, needs to capture at least 40% of this vote--these numbers only spell one thing.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study


The 2016 election will look something like this: Just move the states around, replace Reagan's name with Clinton, and Carter's name with who ever the GOP nominee is.

2016 is already looking like a Landslide victory for Hillary Clinton. Until the right wing of the Republican party stops chasing off large voting blocks (women in 2012 now Hispanics in 2016) they will continue to lose Presidential elections from here on out.

The Ballooning Importance Of The 'Latino Vote,' In 3 Charts

Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance
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The old Socialist inferred that we should dismantle our nuclear stockpile and transform our military into small and quick teams of Seals and Special Force types. Right. Dismantle our nuclear stockpile right after Obama gave the bomb to Iran? Both Hillary and Bernie echoed Obama's failed "lead from behind" policy.

Obama will be under a lot of pressure now from the Democrats to finally engage ISIS. Should he continue to refuse to engage, the American people will elect a Republican in order to have a President that will do his job. No American can possibly rely upon either Hillary or Bernie to be viable and strong Commander-in-Chiefs. America always turns to a Republican in matters of national defense.
Conservatives, do not listen to the lefties; in fact, you should be extremely confidant! Why?
1. Hispanics are grouped by our friends on the left, when in fact, they are from diverse countries and do not vote in lockstep. FLORIDA! Hispanic population there is Cuban for the most. The Cuban population despises the Castro brothers, and Obama and the Dems love them. If you find any liberal willing to put cash on the line that the Dems will win Florida this time around, take the bet; and tell them for every point it is won by for either side, the losing side has to pay double. You will get rich, because of Obama and the Castro love affair, figure GOP by 7 to 8 points in Florida.

2. GOP always runs wooden candidates like Dole, Mcain, Romney. Now tell me those guys are likable, lol. Left runs John Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Obama. Forget what you know about any of them, you have to admit, they can charm the veil off a nun. NOT THIS TIME! Unless something changes, you have either a nasty person that nobody trusts named Hilly, or a cranky old guy named Bernie who is an avowed Socialist. This is exactly why Trump is NOT the guy for us, because he could actually make Hillary look likeable. Put up Hilly against Carson, Cruz, Fiorina, or Rubio, and at the very least, you are = in likability, but waaaaaay ahead in the trust factor. Extreme advantage, GOP!

3. Believe it or not, the reason that independents have become the largest voting block in this country is...........because the republican base left the repub party and became independent. The conservatives reside there, libertarians, and many in the bible belt. It is exactly why independents went BIG for Romney last time, but not enough independents voted. They didn't see anything but a RINO sitting there. Also, Ron Paul supporters got hosed by the establishment last election, they got dissed. They stayed home. This time, they are in as long as it is not a RINO. Democrats know this, which is why they try and push you towards Bush or Kasich. It would keep a lot of voters home, so don't pay any attention to them.

4. The left is going to tell you that you winning is not possible, always. They are lying through their pearly whites! On every MAJOR issue in the news, the Dems are on the wrong side by a huge amount. Illegal immigration, the ACA, and tax rates. This means that if EVERY one of their legal voters cast a ballot, YOU still have the votes to beat them, and all you have to do is convince them to vote! That is up to the GOP, but if it is NOT an establishment candidate, I have little doubt that on the GOP side, the voting % will be historic. Not only will the outsider draw more votes, but the fact that the Democratic candidate is sooooo disliked will just add to it.

5. When the left tells you that the only reason you won was because they were out eating lobster and crab legs because an off year election is just not important so they could not be bothered, you should not be drinking anything because when you burst into laughter, you might choke, lol. These people have excuses for everything, then try to convince you their excuses are accurate. BULLSHIT! Do you realize that if the GOP holds the senate, and it will hold the House........that if the Dems do NOT win the Presidency, they are so far out of power, they look like Supergirl surrounded by kryptonite! They have very little state presence what so ever, they would not have any national power, they would be OVER!

That is exactly why you should laugh at the lefties. They are hoping you buy into their propaganda, and stay home! They insist they want MORE voters voting, but the only extra voters they want is ILLEGALS, because every issue poll says they are the party that needs to suppress the vote!

Wake up, get involved just a little, and you may bury these lefties TOTALLY in 16. The Presidency and 1 or 2 senate races mean everything. If that happens, you will be laughing at the lefties for many years to come, because under conservatives, it will get much better, and the young generation that the Dems have brainwashed, will turn on them quickly!
The old Socialist inferred that we should dismantle our nuclear stockpile and transform our military into small and quick teams of Seals and Special Force types. Right. Dismantle our nuclear stockpile right after Obama gave the bomb to Iran? Both Hillary and Bernie echoed Obama's failed "lead from behind" policy.

Obama will be under a lot of pressure now from the Democrats to finally engage ISIS. Should he continue to refuse to engage, the American people will elect a Republican in order to have a President that will do his job. No American can possibly rely upon either Hillary or Bernie to be viable and strong Commander-in-Chiefs. America always turns to a Republican in matters of national defense.

Hillary Clinton stated last night that ISIS cannot be contained it needs to be destroyed. So your argument on this point is MUTE.

Since she was a HUGE player in getting Osama Biin Laden--I believe what she says. She is a HAWK when it comes to the defense of this nation. And she's actually more conservative than most people think she is. She used to be a Republican.


The Democrats' Hawk
The old Socialist inferred that we should dismantle our nuclear stockpile and transform our military into small and quick teams of Seals and Special Force types. Right. Dismantle our nuclear stockpile right after Obama gave the bomb to Iran? Both Hillary and Bernie echoed Obama's failed "lead from behind" policy.

Obama will be under a lot of pressure now from the Democrats to finally engage ISIS. Should he continue to refuse to engage, the American people will elect a Republican in order to have a President that will do his job. No American can possibly rely upon either Hillary or Bernie to be viable and strong Commander-in-Chiefs. America always turns to a Republican in matters of national defense.

Hillary Clinton stated last night that ISIS cannot be contained it needs to be destroyed. So your argument on this point is MUTE.

Since she was a HUGE player in getting Osama Biin Laden--I believe what she says. She is a HAWK when it comes to the defense of this nation. And she's actually more conservative than most people think she is. She used to be a Republican.


The Democrats' Hawk

Just what actually did she do to get Bin Laden? Gave the President her opinion? LOL!! What good did it actually do to get Bin Laden? Even George Bush said killing Bin Laden was not a priority because it would accomplish very little.
The old Socialist inferred that we should dismantle our nuclear stockpile and transform our military into small and quick teams of Seals and Special Force types. Right. Dismantle our nuclear stockpile right after Obama gave the bomb to Iran? Both Hillary and Bernie echoed Obama's failed "lead from behind" policy.

Obama will be under a lot of pressure now from the Democrats to finally engage ISIS. Should he continue to refuse to engage, the American people will elect a Republican in order to have a President that will do his job. No American can possibly rely upon either Hillary or Bernie to be viable and strong Commander-in-Chiefs. America always turns to a Republican in matters of national defense.

Hillary Clinton stated last night that ISIS cannot be contained it needs to be destroyed. So your argument on this point is MUTE.

Since she was a HUGE player in getting Osama Biin Laden--I believe what she says. She is a HAWK when it comes to the defense of this nation. And she's actually more conservative than most people think she is. She used to be a Republican.


The Democrats' Hawk

Just what actually did she do to get Bin Laden? Gave the President her opinion? LOL!! What good did it actually do to get Bin Laden? Even George Bush said killing Bin Laden was not a priority because it would accomplish very little.

It was her pressuring Leon Panetta--and working with him to convince Obama to go into Pakistan and do the raid. Joe Biden was 100% against it, along with his senior political advisor Valerie Jarett.
I remember when Hillary Clinton got in trouble with Obama.

The news reported her getting off a plane--and very angrily she stated--with a mic open-- "I know they know where Osama Bin Laden is." This was directly after a meeting she had with Pakistani's. She got in trouble for that comment from the Obama administration.

Leon Panetta: Obama Ignored Panetta and Clinton's Advice

Leon Panetta and Hillary Clinton: It's Complicated
The old Socialist inferred that we should dismantle our nuclear stockpile and transform our military into small and quick teams of Seals and Special Force types. Right. Dismantle our nuclear stockpile right after Obama gave the bomb to Iran? Both Hillary and Bernie echoed Obama's failed "lead from behind" policy.

Obama will be under a lot of pressure now from the Democrats to finally engage ISIS. Should he continue to refuse to engage, the American people will elect a Republican in order to have a President that will do his job. No American can possibly rely upon either Hillary or Bernie to be viable and strong Commander-in-Chiefs. America always turns to a Republican in matters of national defense.

Hillary Clinton stated last night that ISIS cannot be contained it needs to be destroyed. So your argument on this point is MUTE.

Since she was a HUGE player in getting Osama Biin Laden--I believe what she says. She is a HAWK when it comes to the defense of this nation. And she's actually more conservative than most people think she is. She used to be a Republican.


The Democrats' Hawk

Just what actually did she do to get Bin Laden? Gave the President her opinion? LOL!! What good did it actually do to get Bin Laden? Even George Bush said killing Bin Laden was not a priority because it would accomplish very little.

It was her pressuring Leon Panetta--and working with him to convince Obama to go into Pakistan and do the raid. Joe Biden was 100% against it, along with his senior political advisor Valerie Jarett.
I remember when Hillary Clinton got in trouble with Obama.

The news reported her getting off a plane--and very angrily she stated--with a mic open-- "I know they know where Osama Bin Laden is." This was directly after a meeting she had with Pakistani's. She got in trouble for that comment from the Obama administration.

Leon Panetta: Obama Ignored Panetta and Clinton's Advice

Leon Panetta and Hillary Clinton: It's Complicated

So? She didn't go. Again, what did it accomplish?
I think she's going to win, but if you are looking why she could lose, they are

- she's a lousy campaigner
- she's old and a throwback from the past
- the Clinton's invoke a lot of exhausting drama
- emails, the Clinton Foundation
- a strong Republican campaign
- political parties usually don't win three elections in a row
- a push to the Left by the base
The old Socialist inferred that we should dismantle our nuclear stockpile and transform our military into small and quick teams of Seals and Special Force types. Right. Dismantle our nuclear stockpile right after Obama gave the bomb to Iran? Both Hillary and Bernie echoed Obama's failed "lead from behind" policy.

Obama will be under a lot of pressure now from the Democrats to finally engage ISIS. Should he continue to refuse to engage, the American people will elect a Republican in order to have a President that will do his job. No American can possibly rely upon either Hillary or Bernie to be viable and strong Commander-in-Chiefs. America always turns to a Republican in matters of national defense.

Hillary Clinton stated last night that ISIS cannot be contained it needs to be destroyed. So your argument on this point is MUTE.

Since she was a HUGE player in getting Osama Biin Laden--I believe what she says. She is a HAWK when it comes to the defense of this nation. And she's actually more conservative than most people think she is. She used to be a Republican.


The Democrats' Hawk
You believe what she says. There's your problem right there.
The more I see from the right wing, the more confident I am of a Clinton landslide.

The more convinced you are, the more convinced I am the liberals are all delusional. I fail to understand how anyone can believe that Hillary is a good candidate or that she has an appealing message.

Best record of any candidate since Bush 41. Clearly superior to anyone else in the race.
One can see the Democrats losing right here on USMB. Following the Republican debates, the Libs come out in full force, not attacking the platforms of the Repub candidates but making personal attacks concerning their looks, the way they appeared and so forth. Following the Democrat debates, Conservatives come on here attacking the platforms of the candidates. There is a vacuum of Libs on here defending the platforms of the democrat candidates. That's a realu sign there is little substance at all to the platforms of the Democrat candidates.

There were four threads about rounding up 11 million people and deporting them. Your post is factually incorrect.
I think she's going to win, but if you are looking why she could lose, they are

- she's a lousy campaigner
Really? She's been on message like never before since the beginning of this campaign.

- she's old and a throwback from the past

She's 68.
Trump is 69.
Carson is 64.
Jeb Bush is 62
Marco Rubio is 44

She's not much older than and in fact is younger than some of her potential opponents. Rubio is the outlier.

- the Clinton's invoke a lot of exhausting drama
Drama? Yeah...she's been calling her opponents losers and talking about the times when she tried to stab someone.

- emails, the Clinton Foundation
Non-stories. Ask Trey Gowdy.

- a strong Republican campaign
One could materialize. So far, the GOP campaign has been Clinton's best ally.

- political parties usually don't win three elections in a row
True. Obama fatigue will be on the ballot.

- a push to the Left by the base

The Dems are much more pragmatic than the GOP.

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