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The US beat Mexico in soccer 2-0 yesterday USA USA!

US clinched the WC spot after Honduras later tied.

Yea, and their most important midfielder was hurt. Their starting striker was out on a yellow card. Mexico played well at the start, but then had no heart when they got down. They're tied for the fourth (third within reach). If they get 4th place, they have to do a playoff with New Zealand for the WC spot. If they get third, they're in. But, they'd have to likely win out for that. If they get 5th, they're out.

Two games left. Mexico plays Panama at home, who they're tied in 4th. That's a big game. I want to watch that one. Then the go to Costa Rica, who hates them and is playing better than them. They clinched the WC too.

I've said all along that the Perkins trade was stupid. But, this wasn't on Ainge. It was on the C's cheap-ass mgmt, who told him to marginally cut payroll in the midst of a potential championship era.

That 2010/2011 Celtics team had the best record in the NBA before the trade and had whupped Miamis ass 3 times, that trade put us in rebuilding mode in the middle of a championship run, wow. I think thats the first time thats happened in NBA history.
This is crazy. Apparently, the USA sailing team had to win their final eight races to win 9-8 in the America's Cup ("The Oldest Trophy in International sports"). They actually won eleven races, but were penalized two races for some sort of 'cheating' and had a negative one scoreline at one point. But winning the final eight races!

Here is a full broadcast of the final race:

[ame=]Replay: AMERICA'S CUP FINAL - RACE 19 - YouTube[/ame]
There's talk that the Sacramento Kings won't extend Jimmer Fredette's contract by the Oct 31 deadline and that he'll be an unrestricted free agent after this season. Great news for Boston fans.
I have a feeling someone on Boston is getting traded, either Green or Rondo.

They're probably both on the table. But, I don't think it's imminent.

If that happens we will be a basement lottery chasing team for sure, especially with Rondo he's all we have at this point.

They'd have to want more than a lottery spot in the case of Rondo. They could just milk his injury and sit him out for most or all of the season. And, it might be a similar thing with Green. Cos although he can put up some numbers, he's not the type of guy will just will a ton of victories. He doesn't have the frame to take the hard beatings night after night and he's not that silky smooth on the perimeter either.

Lob City wasn't the problem. The problem was that Griffin was not a great scoring option during crunch time. CP3 has been clutch, but it's easier to defend a team with a shoot first PG at the end of games. The Showtime Lakers were great; but they still weren't winning rings if they didn't have Kareem to dump the ball to at the end of games in the post.
They're probably both on the table. But, I don't think it's imminent.

If that happens we will be a basement lottery chasing team for sure, especially with Rondo he's all we have at this point.

They'd have to want more than a lottery spot in the case of Rondo. They could just milk his injury and sit him out for most or all of the season. And, it might be a similar thing with Green. Cos although he can put up some numbers, he's not the type of guy will just will a ton of victories. He doesn't have the frame to take the hard beatings night after night and he's not that silky smooth on the perimeter either.

We got all these players on the roster, why not put together a package for Kevin Love?

Lob City wasn't the problem. The problem was that Griffin was not a great scoring option during crunch time. CP3 has been clutch, but it's easier to defend a team with a shoot first PG at the end of games. The Showtime Lakers were great; but they still weren't winning rings if they didn't have Kareem to dump the ball to at the end of games in the post.

Thats very true, at crunch time Chris Paul is it for the Clippers, to win Blake has to step up.
If that happens we will be a basement lottery chasing team for sure, especially with Rondo he's all we have at this point.

They'd have to want more than a lottery spot in the case of Rondo. They could just milk his injury and sit him out for most or all of the season. And, it might be a similar thing with Green. Cos although he can put up some numbers, he's not the type of guy will just will a ton of victories. He doesn't have the frame to take the hard beatings night after night and he's not that silky smooth on the perimeter either.

We got all these players on the roster, why not put together a package for Kevin Love?

I wouldn't build a team around Kevin Love. He puts up an ungodly amount of 20/20 games. But, I don't see him leading a team to anything.

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