USMCA. Mexico will pay for the wall. Another promise kept.

Wow, no tariffs on cars made in Mexico or Canada. Wow, this will surely fund the wall.
Let me explain it again

NAFTA = Total ass raping of America


For every net dollar that enters this country through jobs, taxes, imports/exports is a net dollar over NAFTA

Net dollar over NAFTA = 1 net dollar towards the wall

Trump = Maga

This is all algebraic
It idiotic. Sounds like a crack pipe dream to me. Nice fantasy. I still haven't seen what is in the actual agreement. Pardon me if I don't jump on the bandwagon and start buying drinks. Post a link to the actual agreement.

Sorry Obama, But It's Trump's Economic Boom, Not Yours

Barack Obama is on the road attempting to claim credit for the booming economy under President Trump. But the only thing Obama deserves credit for is making it easy for Trump to undo Obama's anti-growth policies....
Obama presided over the worst economic recovery in modern times. For six years, he blamed Republicans in Congress for thwarting his spending agenda and hampering growth. In his last two years in office, he claimed that 2% growth was the best we could hope for. And in his last year in office, while the economy was again stalling out, Obama claimed that Trump's tax cuts and deregulation would only make things worse. But now that we're in the midst of a booming economy — which kicked in after Trump reversed almost all Obama's economic policies — we're supposed to believe that it's Obama who deserves all the credit. Yep. That's precisely what Obama and his Amen Chorus in the press want us to believe
How does one explain seven years of growth, 13 million jobs , stock market that almost tripled under the Great Obama?

All after the Great Obama prevented a Depression

The big boy banks screwed up in the derivative market. They should never have been in the derivative market. they go caught with a lot of worthless or devalued paper. Pyramid collapsed. Panic ensued. Obama elected. Used Keynesian economics to stabilize supply side economics. Propped up the banks, investment houses, big auto by passing out the money back to the plutocracy to cover their crooked shell game fuck-ups. Lots of money back in circulation brought economy back from brink. Everybody took a breath, said lets go again (we don't need no stinking regulation) and we went back to work as little bits of the largess trickled down to the peons, but not nearly as fast as supply side theory sent it back to the top. We're playing she shell game now. The game did not change under Obama, just the application of the currently maligned Keynesian solution for which he was equally maligned for 8 years, but it worked. Trump's economic engine is running on the fuel put in by his predecessor and the Fed is pouring staggering amounts of water through a sieve to keep it afloat. Obama was not "The Great Obama". He just did the job necessary at the time. Been voting since 72. Haven't seen a great president yet, just those that took their best shot. Hillory's economics might have worked. Glad she didn't get the chance. Got all the money I'm going to need. But, I am ashamed at what this current corrupt son-of-a-bitch-n-cheif has embarrassingly let loose and breahed validity into, in this country and what he has shown us to be around the world. I probably missed the subtlety of your post this time. I'll probably get a lot of shit for this post. But, if you get right down to it, I don't have to give a shit.
Sounds like a crack pipe dream to me. Nice fantasy. I still haven't seen what is in the actual agreement. Pardon me if I don't jump on the bandwagon and start buying drinks. Post a link to the actual agreement.
Can't you liberals do an internet search?
Instead of being brutally A raped for yrs by NAFTA, Trillions will pour in from Mexico to the US.

Trump was right and wrong. Not only will Mexico pay for it, so will Canada.

A whole year wasted because Pelosi sat on it for a year. Disgraceful. The wall would have been paid for by now.

Merry Christmas to all.
How does a thread like this get by in the politics forum without a link? Are you blowing a moderator?
How does a thread like this get by in the politics forum without a link? Are you blowing a moderator?
Put "NAFTA USMCA Mexico pay border wall" in any internet search engine. You will find articles explaining how Mexico will pay for the border wall.
How does a thread like this get by in the politics forum without a link? Are you blowing a moderator?
Put "NAFTA USMCA Mexico pay border wall" in any internet search engine. You will find articles explaining how Mexico will pay for the border wall.
Trump negative threads are routinely closed here for having no link in the OP. Even front page #1 news stories.
How does a thread like this get by in the politics forum without a link? Are you blowing a moderator?
Put "NAFTA USMCA Mexico pay border wall" in any internet search engine. You will find articles explaining how Mexico will pay for the border wall.

And they are all total bullshit. The difference between NAFTA and the USMCA are nothing but minor tweaks.

Even the Trump admin predicts it will only create 176,000 jobs over the 16 year lifespan of the deal.
So........ Everything in the entire video, from the statistics to the actual border patrol agents, is all say consistently that you are wrong....

but you are just going to randomly blurt out, with no support, no facts, no collaborating witnesses.... a Mexican will take 30 seconds to get over it.

If you truly stand by what you just said... that would make you an idiot.

That’s about right...30 seconds

right... well I think I'll believe the statistics, the people actually working in the field.... as opposed to some random person on a forum.

The people working in the field have said the wall is useless.

What Border Agents Say They Want (It’s Not a Wall)
Border Patrol agents overwhelmingly support Trump’s wall in new survey 89%

The Moonie Times is not a creditable source.
“I asked the border patrol agents I met on my visit if they thought the wall would help. These are the people who see the mess that is our southern border every single day. They told me yes, the wall will help in their efforts to combat illegal immigration and other activity along the border.”
We need to build the U.S.-Mexico border wall. It will work: Rep. Lesko
Sounds like a crack pipe dream to me. Nice fantasy. I still haven't seen what is in the actual agreement. Pardon me if I don't jump on the bandwagon and start buying drinks. Post a link to the actual agreement.
Can't you liberals do an internet search?
So I didn't know they had a website. I thought this was somethin I would get from one of the dot. gov websites I keep in my bookmarks. Sue me. Asking for more information to better understand opposing view is part and parcel to the discussions here. Someone smoother than you posted it to me within 15min. I am still not onboard. It is a lot to read. Have you read from front to back or do you just parrot opinion of the echo chamber of choice?

Take a Mexican 30 seconds to get over that

So........ Everything in the entire video, from the statistics to the actual border patrol agents, is all say consistently that you are wrong....

but you are just going to randomly blurt out, with no support, no facts, no collaborating witnesses.... a Mexican will take 30 seconds to get over it.

If you truly stand by what you just said... that would make you an idiot.

That’s about right...30 seconds

Prove it.
Climb the wall and time it.....of course you should climb the wall on our side and if you make it dont come back.
Instead of being brutally A raped for yrs by NAFTA, Trillions will pour in from Mexico to the US.

Trump was right and wrong. Not only will Mexico pay for it, so will Canada.

A whole year wasted because Pelosi sat on it for a year. Disgraceful. The wall would have been paid for by now.

Merry Christmas to all.
How does a thread like this get by in the politics forum without a link? Are you blowing a moderator?
The reason this got by is because of responses like yours.
Sounds like a crack pipe dream to me. Nice fantasy. I still haven't seen what is in the actual agreement. Pardon me if I don't jump on the bandwagon and start buying drinks. Post a link to the actual agreement.
Can't you liberals do an internet search?
So I didn't know they had a website. I thought this was somethin I would get from one of the dot. gov websites I keep in my bookmarks. Sue me. Asking for more information to better understand opposing view is part and parcel to the discussions here. Someone smoother than you posted it to me within 15min. I am still not onboard. It is a lot to read. Have you read from front to back or do you just parrot opinion of the echo chamber of choice?
By the way, I have still found nothing to indicate that Mexico is paying for a wall. You guys got took on that one.
Instead of being brutally A raped for yrs by NAFTA, Trillions will pour in from Mexico to the US.

Trump was right and wrong. Not only will Mexico pay for it, so will Canada.

A whole year wasted because Pelosi sat on it for a year. Disgraceful. The wall would have been paid for by now.

Merry Christmas to all.
How does a thread like this get by in the politics forum without a link? Are you blowing a moderator?
It is the norm these days with RW OP's.
How does a thread like this get by in the politics forum without a link? Are you blowing a moderator?
Put "NAFTA USMCA Mexico pay border wall" in any internet search engine. You will find articles explaining how Mexico will pay for the border wall.

Yes, written by idiots and bloggers like you. The economists and business people say you and your kind are LYING, again.
Instead of being brutally A raped for yrs by NAFTA, Trillions will pour in from Mexico to the US.

Trump was right and wrong. Not only will Mexico pay for it, so will Canada.

A whole year wasted because Pelosi sat on it for a year. Disgraceful. The wall would have been paid for by now.

Merry Christmas to all.
Another rightwing lie.

There’s nothing in the agreement compelling Mexico to pay for Trump’s ‘wall’ of fear, bigotry, and hate.

“To be clear, there is nothing in the USMCA spelling out that Mexico will pay for any border wall.”


Kent Smetters, a professor of business economics and public policy at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, told us none of the concessions won by U.S. negotiators amounts to enough to offset the cost of a border wall.”

Is Mexico Paying for the Wall Through USMCA?
Mexico is our numero uno trade partner. Sorry. The profit from Mexico over the yrs will be immense. Just googling smetters name tells me all I need to know.
Just anyone with a last name like that tells me so so so much....MAGA New Year.
He just got another Billion and a Half for the wall BTW with The Defense Bill.

Instead of being brutally A raped for yrs by NAFTA, Trillions will pour in from Mexico to the US.

Trump was right and wrong. Not only will Mexico pay for it, so will Canada.

A whole year wasted because Pelosi sat on it for a year. Disgraceful. The wall would have been paid for by now.

Merry Christmas to all.

I thought The money was coming from Mexico? Why are you in favor of stiffing the military?

The Democraps prevented him from getting the money from Mexico. He had no choice but to use the funds he had control over.

Stop preventing the government from protecting our borders, which is a constitutional duty of the Federal government, and we won't have this problem.
He just got another Billion and a Half for the wall BTW with The Defense Bill.

Instead of being brutally A raped for yrs by NAFTA, Trillions will pour in from Mexico to the US.

Trump was right and wrong. Not only will Mexico pay for it, so will Canada.

A whole year wasted because Pelosi sat on it for a year. Disgraceful. The wall would have been paid for by now.

Merry Christmas to all.

I thought The money was coming from Mexico? Why are you in favor of stiffing the military?

The Democraps prevented him from getting the money from Mexico. He had no choice but to use the funds he had control over.

Stop preventing the government from protecting our borders, which is a constitutional duty of the Federal government, and we won't have this problem.
How’d they prevent him? Please tell us
immigration: going down...wall: going up!


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