USMCA: Pelousy Shows Her Hatred For America

When Obama said "those jobs aren't coming back" and claimed "Trump would need a magic wand" it's clear that Obama completely misjudged the situation and how much Trump would improve it.
The slope on the graph has barely changed.
Over the first 3 years, Trump has added 550,000 manufacturing jobs..
Over Obama's final 3 years, he added 252,000.

Trump's rate is more than double Obama's. "More than doubling" is not "barely changed".

Trump's done a hell of a job and to claim it's no better than Obama's is known by manufacturing employees and those that know them as delusional.


You should show yourself more respect!
Why don't you try and Google it, or are you going to be lazy like grump and want someone else do it for you.
Should have known you'd be as much use as tits on a bull.
Why are you lefties so lazy? I guess it's the nature of wanting everything for nothing.
Why don't you try and Google it, or are you going to be lazy like grump and want someone else do it for you.
Should have known you'd be as much use as tits on a bull.
Kudo's to you, I misread a site and got bad info.
Over the first 3 years, Trump has added 550,000 manufacturing jobs..
Over Obama's final 3 years, he added 252,000.
The slope of the graph has barely changed.
Over Trump's first 3 years, Trump has added 550,000 manufacturing jobs..
Over Obama's final 3 years, he added 252,000.

Trump's increase rate is over double Obama's. "Over double" is much different than "barely changed" especially to our manufacturing workers.

Any momentum Obama may have one had, had pretty much died in his final year that ended in 2016, and it was a loss of momentum that Obama saw as inevitable and unchangeable. Trump though otherwise, and as is often the case, the fellow that can, is the fellow that thinks he can.


As Obama's manufacturing employment flattened out in his final year, and Obama urged workers to accept this dismal performance as the wave of the future, manufacturing Capacity Utilization was plummeting, in a truly ugly performance as Obama's presidency slowly ground to a full stop.


Trump assured Manufacturing Workers that he could bring those jobs back, that close factories would reopen, that unlike Obama claimed, THOSE JOBS WOULD COME BACK, and then Trump delivered. In addition roaring employment, Manufacturing Capacity Utilization went from Obamaian decline to powerful Trumpian Growth:

And at 76% utilization, there is still a lot of room for this boom to run.
The actual slope of the graph has barely changed, cherry pick data ranges and y axes as you will.
The actual slope of the graph has barely changed...
Are you sure?

Here's Obama's final year:

And now since Trump took over:


I guess where you see "same", other folks see "different".
Kudo's to you, I misread a site and got bad info.
No worries, I'll just ignore your assertions hence forth as you can't/won't support them.

Not only that, he makes assumptions and refuses to post links to back it up (the normal etiquette on all messageboards) and then accuses others of being lazy. Typical neocon, Deplorable whackadoodle - fucks things up and then blames others. And he's lazy to boot! No surprises there.
Over the first 3 years, Trump has added 550,000 manufacturing jobs..
Over Obama's final 3 years, he added 252,000.
The slope of the graph has barely changed.
Over Trump's first 3 years, Trump has added 550,000 manufacturing jobs..
Over Obama's final 3 years, he added 252,000.

Trump's increase rate is over double Obama's. "Over double" is much different than "barely changed" especially to our manufacturing workers.

Any momentum Obama may have one had, had pretty much died in his final year that ended in 2016, and it was a loss of momentum that Obama saw as inevitable and unchangeable. Trump though otherwise, and as is often the case, the fellow that can, is the fellow that thinks he can.


As Obama's manufacturing employment flattened out in his final year, and Obama urged workers to accept this dismal performance as the wave of the future, manufacturing Capacity Utilization was plummeting, in a truly ugly performance as Obama's presidency slowly ground to a full stop.


Trump assured Manufacturing Workers that he could bring those jobs back, that close factories would reopen, that unlike Obama claimed, THOSE JOBS WOULD COME BACK, and then Trump delivered. In addition roaring employment, Manufacturing Capacity Utilization went from Obamaian decline to powerful Trumpian Growth:

And at 76% utilization, there is still a lot of room for this boom to run.

Not to be picky, but notice the competing FRED graphs on manufacturing jobs from you and CNN, each VERY different, each stating what the poster desires. This was my point yesterday.
Over the first 3 years, Trump has added 550,000 manufacturing jobs..
Over Obama's final 3 years, he added 252,000.
The slope of the graph has barely changed.
Over Trump's first 3 years, Trump has added 550,000 manufacturing jobs..
Over Obama's final 3 years, he added 252,000.

Trump's increase rate is over double Obama's. "Over double" is much different than "barely changed" especially to our manufacturing workers.

Any momentum Obama may have one had, had pretty much died in his final year that ended in 2016, and it was a loss of momentum that Obama saw as inevitable and unchangeable. Trump though otherwise, and as is often the case, the fellow that can, is the fellow that thinks he can.


As Obama's manufacturing employment flattened out in his final year, and Obama urged workers to accept this dismal performance as the wave of the future, manufacturing Capacity Utilization was plummeting, in a truly ugly performance as Obama's presidency slowly ground to a full stop.


Trump assured Manufacturing Workers that he could bring those jobs back, that close factories would reopen, that unlike Obama claimed, THOSE JOBS WOULD COME BACK, and then Trump delivered. In addition roaring employment, Manufacturing Capacity Utilization went from Obamaian decline to powerful Trumpian Growth:

And at 76% utilization, there is still a lot of room for this boom to run.

Not to be picky, but notice the competing FRED graphs on manufacturing jobs from you and CNN, each VERY different, each stating what the poster desires. This was my point yesterday.
Not to be "pickey" but more than twice as much is not "the same".

I went back 5 pages in the discussion and I don't see the CNN graph. There is graph that goes back 15 years and while it compresses the vertical axis, it does not change the fact that Manufacturing job growth has more than doubled since Trump took over, after Obama claimed that "those jobs weren't coming back" and mockingly asked if "Trump had a magic wand".

You also haven't addressed my point that folks in these trades absolutely have felt the difference, in fact, the trades are booming. If you're physically healthy, and in a skilled trade, especially if you are articulate to be customer facing, these guys are making a LOT of money, there's work everywhere and unemployment is closer to zero than it has been in anyone's lifetime.

The Left seems to think that they can make false claims, hammer us with their propaganda, shut everyone up by calling anyone that disagrees with them names and threatening them with their insidious cancel culture and actually change reality.

But that's not what happens. They can control the discussion because they control the Fake News Media, but, folks still know the truth and they vote it, which leaves the Left gasping when the votes are counted.

But hells bells, if you want to claim that "more than double" is "no real change:" why, be my guest. Your insistence on this does not reflect on me.


Reality, it's where the sun shines!
The actual slope of the graph has barely changed, cherry pick data ranges and y axes as you will.
If you compress the vertical axis, you can make the rise more difficult to see, but, the reality that manufacturing employment has more than doubled, remains just a true. Are you disputing this?

Are you disputing that more than doubling manufacturing growth has had a very positive effect on the daily lives of manufacturing employees and those that love and depend on them?

Are you angry at their good fortune or the great job that Trump has done with them? What exactly are you so upset about?


Rejoicing in the good fortune of others warms the soul!
Over the first 3 years, Trump has added 550,000 manufacturing jobs..
Over Obama's final 3 years, he added 252,000.
The slope of the graph has barely changed.
Over Trump's first 3 years, Trump has added 550,000 manufacturing jobs..
Over Obama's final 3 years, he added 252,000.

Trump's increase rate is over double Obama's. "Over double" is much different than "barely changed" especially to our manufacturing workers.

Any momentum Obama may have one had, had pretty much died in his final year that ended in 2016, and it was a loss of momentum that Obama saw as inevitable and unchangeable. Trump though otherwise, and as is often the case, the fellow that can, is the fellow that thinks he can.


As Obama's manufacturing employment flattened out in his final year, and Obama urged workers to accept this dismal performance as the wave of the future, manufacturing Capacity Utilization was plummeting, in a truly ugly performance as Obama's presidency slowly ground to a full stop.


Trump assured Manufacturing Workers that he could bring those jobs back, that close factories would reopen, that unlike Obama claimed, THOSE JOBS WOULD COME BACK, and then Trump delivered. In addition roaring employment, Manufacturing Capacity Utilization went from Obamaian decline to powerful Trumpian Growth:

And at 76% utilization, there is still a lot of room for this boom to run.

Not to be picky, but notice the competing FRED graphs on manufacturing jobs from you and CNN, each VERY different, each stating what the poster desires. This was my point yesterday.
Not to be "pickey" but more than twice as much is not "the same".

I went back 5 pages in the discussion and I don't see the CNN graph. There is graph that goes back 15 years and while it compresses the vertical axis, it does not change the fact that Manufacturing job growth has more than doubled since Trump took over, after Obama claimed that "those jobs weren't coming back" and mockingly asked if "Trump had a magic wand".

You also haven't addressed my point that folks in these trades absolutely have felt the difference, in fact, the trades are booming. If you're physically healthy, and in a skilled trade, especially if you are articulate to be customer facing, these guys are making a LOT of money, there's work everywhere and unemployment is closer to zero than it has been in anyone's lifetime.

The Left seems to think that they can make false claims, hammer us with their propaganda, shut everyone up by calling anyone that disagrees with them names and threatening them with their insidious cancel culture and actually change reality.

But that's not what happens. They can control the discussion because they control the Fake News Media, but, folks still know the truth and they vote it, which leaves the Left gasping when the votes are counted.

But hells bells, if you want to claim that "more than double" is "no real change:" why, be my guest. Your insistence on this does not reflect on me.


Reality, it's where the sun shines!

I'm talking CNM, the poster.
Over the first 3 years, Trump has added 550,000 manufacturing jobs..
Over Obama's final 3 years, he added 252,000.
The slope of the graph has barely changed.
Over Trump's first 3 years, Trump has added 550,000 manufacturing jobs..
Over Obama's final 3 years, he added 252,000.

Trump's increase rate is over double Obama's. "Over double" is much different than "barely changed" especially to our manufacturing workers.

Any momentum Obama may have one had, had pretty much died in his final year that ended in 2016, and it was a loss of momentum that Obama saw as inevitable and unchangeable. Trump though otherwise, and as is often the case, the fellow that can, is the fellow that thinks he can.


As Obama's manufacturing employment flattened out in his final year, and Obama urged workers to accept this dismal performance as the wave of the future, manufacturing Capacity Utilization was plummeting, in a truly ugly performance as Obama's presidency slowly ground to a full stop.


Trump assured Manufacturing Workers that he could bring those jobs back, that close factories would reopen, that unlike Obama claimed, THOSE JOBS WOULD COME BACK, and then Trump delivered. In addition roaring employment, Manufacturing Capacity Utilization went from Obamaian decline to powerful Trumpian Growth:

And at 76% utilization, there is still a lot of room for this boom to run.

Not to be picky, but notice the competing FRED graphs on manufacturing jobs from you and CNN, each VERY different, each stating what the poster desires. This was my point yesterday.
Not to be "pickey" but more than twice as much is not "the same".

I went back 5 pages in the discussion and I don't see the CNN graph. There is graph that goes back 15 years and while it compresses the vertical axis, it does not change the fact that Manufacturing job growth has more than doubled since Trump took over, after Obama claimed that "those jobs weren't coming back" and mockingly asked if "Trump had a magic wand".

You also haven't addressed my point that folks in these trades absolutely have felt the difference, in fact, the trades are booming. If you're physically healthy, and in a skilled trade, especially if you are articulate to be customer facing, these guys are making a LOT of money, there's work everywhere and unemployment is closer to zero than it has been in anyone's lifetime.

The Left seems to think that they can make false claims, hammer us with their propaganda, shut everyone up by calling anyone that disagrees with them names and threatening them with their insidious cancel culture and actually change reality.

But that's not what happens. They can control the discussion because they control the Fake News Media, but, folks still know the truth and they vote it, which leaves the Left gasping when the votes are counted.

But hells bells, if you want to claim that "more than double" is "no real change:" why, be my guest. Your insistence on this does not reflect on me.


Reality, it's where the sun shines!

I'm talking CNM, the poster.
Well, you said CNN.

But, I described how extending the graph back 25 years compressed the vertical axis and made the more than doubling under Trump more difficult to spot.

Are you claiming that compressing the graph by extending the time period changes the reality that under Trump manufacturing employment more than doubled?

You do understand that the graph REPRESENTS reality, it's NOT reality?

You again have failed to answer my questions:

i) Do you think compressing the graph changes the reality for the manufacturing workforce that manufacturing employment has more than doubled?

ii) Do you think claiming "more than doubled" is the same as "barely changed" negatively affects your credibility with the manufacturing workforce?


Reality is its own reward!
We send over 4 billion to Australia, and for what?
Really? The US has a trade surplus with Australia from what I understand. What are you talking about?
Why don't you try and Google it, or are you going to be lazy like grump and want someone else do it for you.

You are a typical Deplorable. Lazy arse...
A proud deplorable, Grump, very proud. You have me confused with socialists on being lazy.
Remember, you need to have others do the leg work for your lazy ASS.
Kudo's to you, I misread a site and got bad info.
No worries, I'll just ignore your assertions hence forth as you can't/won't support them.
Kudo's to you, I misread a site and got bad info.
No worries, I'll just ignore your assertions hence forth as you can't/won't support them.

Not only that, he makes assumptions and refuses to post links to back it up (the normal etiquette on all messageboards) and then accuses others of being lazy. Typical neocon, Deplorable whackadoodle - fucks things up and then blames others. And he's lazy to boot! No surprises there.
Speaking of lazy...looked in the mirror lately, Ass?
You asked for achievements from our president, and I gave you a list of sources to look at, and you ignored them, just like I stated about the game lazy asses like yourself play.
It's no surprise, dawg, it's what you do. POS
We send over 4 billion to Australia, and for what?
Really? The US has a trade surplus with Australia from what I understand. What are you talking about?
Why don't you try and Google it, or are you going to be lazy like grump and want someone else do it for you.

You are a typical Deplorable. Lazy arse...
A proud deplorable, Grump, very proud. You have me confused with socialists on being lazy.
Remember, you need to have others do the leg work for your lazy ASS.

I haven't had much to do with you over the past 5 or so years. There was a time when we crossed swords regularly. I forgot that one of your 'things' was that you were too lazy to back up your POV with links like everybody else does (on both sides of the political spectrum) on this board. But, you are a Deplorable. And if there was one trait that sums up Deporables, it's their laziness. Be proud! :happy-1:
We send over 4 billion to Australia, and for what?
Really? The US has a trade surplus with Australia from what I understand. What are you talking about?
Why don't you try and Google it, or are you going to be lazy like grump and want someone else do it for you.

You are a typical Deplorable. Lazy arse...
A proud deplorable, Grump, very proud. You have me confused with socialists on being lazy.
Remember, you need to have others do the leg work for your lazy ASS.

I haven't had much to do with you over the past 5 or so years. There was a time when we crossed swords regularly. I forgot that one of your 'things' was that you were too lazy to back up your POV with links like everybody else does (on both sides of the political spectrum) on this board. But, you are a Deplorable. And if there was one trait that sums up Deporables, it's their laziness. Be proud! :happy-1:
Did you say something, comrade? I did my work and provided you with links, but you were too lazy to read you ignore them?
Your lazy, and blame others for being lazy. Games socialists play never ends. Carry on, comrade.

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