USMCA: Pelousy Shows Her Hatred For America

Fight your own battles, pay for your own stuff.
I love the way deplorables ignore that the US is the only NATO participant to call on other members to fight in its wars. Specifically Afghanistan, where NATO dead are not even recognised.
and what goes on here in the United States directly affects me, my family and future generations of my family.

And it affects the rest of the world.

Well, we are tired of being the world's sugar daddy. That is just another reason why a lot of us support President Trump and will vote for him again in 2020, in spite of your insults. If I thought isolationism was possible in today's day and age, I would be ALL in with that. Fight your own battles, pay for your own stuff.

There would be very little tears shed if the US did become isolationist. The US stopped being something other countries coveted to be just after 1945. It had a lot of good will up until Ronnie Raygun. It has gone seriously downhill since then.
The less we do for Australia the more your taxes go up. How much for a liter of gas these days?
and what goes on here in the United States directly affects me, my family and future generations of my family.

And it affects the rest of the world.
Kind of one of those tough titty said the kitty moments, huh?

Tell that to Chris. Shes the one pissing and moaning about it.
Your right there with her, grump. I wouldn't be pointing fingers at anyone if I were you.
and what goes on here in the United States directly affects me, my family and future generations of my family.

And it affects the rest of the world.

Well, we are tired of being the world's sugar daddy. That is just another reason why a lot of us support President Trump and will vote for him again in 2020, in spite of your insults. If I thought isolationism was possible in today's day and age, I would be ALL in with that. Fight your own battles, pay for your own stuff.

There would be very little tears shed if the US did become isolationist. The US stopped being something other countries coveted to be just after 1945. It had a lot of good will up until Ronnie Raygun. It has gone seriously downhill since then.
The less we do for Australia the more your taxes go up. How much for a liter of gas these days?

Meh, I don't care. I'm sick of sending all of these countries our hard earned tax dollars to make their lives better, while we ignore our problems here at home. We should take care of our own and maybe throw a few dollars to those who are friendly towards us if we have some leftover, IMO.
and what goes on here in the United States directly affects me, my family and future generations of my family.

And it affects the rest of the world.
Kind of one of those tough titty said the kitty moments, huh?

Tell that to Chris. Shes the one pissing and moaning about it.
Your right there with her, grump. I wouldn't be pointing fingers at anyone if I were you.

The funny thing is, I am not on a European or Australian message board bitching and moaning about them. LOL. I am on a United States message board talking about and discussing things that affect me and my life and my family's life.
The funny thing is, I am not on a European or Australian message board bitching and moaning about them. LOL. I am on a United States message board talking about and discussing things that affect me and my life and my family's life.
You're on a US message board bitching about supporting Australia. Dumber than a box of rocks.
We send over 4 billion to Australia, and for what?
Really? The US has a trade surplus with Australia from what I understand. What are you talking about?
Why don't you try and Google it, or are you going to be lazy like grump and want someone else do it for you.

Thankfully, these asses have no say in United States policy. :D Once I find out they are foreigners, they are irrelevant and I ignore them for the most part. They are only here to start trouble obviously. They are hostile and full of hatred for us and our country. I hope President Trump starts addressing all the foreign aid we send, because we really should stop sending them so much money, IMO. I would prefer to not try and buy their cooperation.
We send over 4 billion to Australia, and for what?
Really? The US has a trade surplus with Australia from what I understand. What are you talking about?
Why don't you try and Google it, or are you going to be lazy like grump and want someone else do it for you.

Foreign aide to Australia

U.S. Foreign Aid by Country

NAFTA was two things.....a lowest-labor dollar possible for the Fortune 500 and the Rat's goal of deindustrializing North America. 60.000 factories closed by these fucking creeps....what kind of people do that to their country?

Total utter crap. Most factories went off shore because your corporate masters didn't want to pay US workers US hourly rates. Also, automation has had much more of an effect on closing factories than any trade deal.
Well as Obama was ending his Presidency, certainly MFG wasn't seeing much growth:

But, then Trump!

I see you weren't able to compare oranges with oranges. Deplorable much?
The claim was made that Obama handed off manufacturing labor growth as strong as Trump's and that is simply not the case. 2016 was pretty flat, but things took off nicely once Trump was elected.

When Obama said "those jobs aren't coming back" and claimed "Trump would need a magic wand" it's clear that Obama completely misjudged the situation and how much Trump would improve it.
What is with these anti-American democratic pukes?
They are as deranged as The Fake News Media

A NEW LOW for #FakeNews — Media Spins 100% Negative on Trump Defense Team — 95% Positive Spin on Schiff and his Dopes

Next Week Trump will hold the SOTU Speech and after the Dems act like spoiled disrespectful children because all their obvious lies collapsed, the American People will determine that they are pathological.

We make a serious mistake if we attempt to draw a distinction between the media and the democrat party. They are one and the same. The media only reports things that will serve the party.

The media sure seems to be a tool of the democrats. Not to mention, they are mostly owned and run by democrats, and most of their staff are probably democrats as well. It's pretty obvious by now.
The Fake News Media is corporate propaganda for the DNC. There is simply no question about it.
When Obama said "those jobs aren't coming back" and claimed "Trump would need a magic wand" it's clear that Obama completely misjudged the situation and how much Trump would improve it.
The slope on the graph has barely changed.


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