Usual Politics: Hillary slipping in polls - time to announce a new free giveaway!!!!

Except she's reallly not.

sorry, man, a 29-41% advantage over your nearest rival is not "slipping".
Except she's reallly not.

sorry, man, a 29-41% advantage over your nearest rival is not "slipping".
It is if you were waiting for your coronation and your nearest rival is a dingbat socialist who doesn't have a chance at becoming president.

Guy, this is political reporters trying to find SOMETHING to write about...

Because "Hillary will easily beat Jeb Bush" is probably going to be the end result in November 2016, but you have to write about something in the 15 months until then.

It would be nice if they actually filled that content with actual SUBSTANCE about issues and policies, but we will spend the next six months talking about Sanders and Trump like they are serious candidates until they get creamed in the primaries.
Except she's reallly not.

sorry, man, a 29-41% advantage over your nearest rival is not "slipping".
She has been slipping a little at a time. Biden I truly think is going to enter and THAT will destroy her.
Except she's reallly not.

sorry, man, a 29-41% advantage over your nearest rival is not "slipping".

she's slipping in popularity among Americans, not within her Party necessarily leftard. but then again snders drew 28,000 the other day. hillary is still roping off the press
Following the the typical Democrat get elected plan, when in trouble - just announce a new free giveaway to bring in the votes. YAY!!

Hillary Clinton to roll out 350 billion college plan -

She's trying to make college more affordable and trying to alleviate the crisis of crushing student debt. What's wrong with that?

you're too stupid to admit government involvement in tuition IS one of the biggest reasons college tuition is so high
She's trying to make college more affordable and trying to alleviate the crisis of crushing student debt. What's wrong with that?

Following the the typical Democrat get elected plan, when in trouble - just announce a new free giveaway to bring in the votes. YAY!!

Hillary Clinton to roll out 350 billion college plan -

She's trying to make college more affordable and trying to alleviate the crisis of crushing student debt. What's wrong with that?
We don't have the 350 billion.

Then why is every Republican running talking about MORE tax cuts?
Except she's reallly not.

sorry, man, a 29-41% advantage over your nearest rival is not "slipping".

she's slipping in popularity among Americans, not within her Party necessarily leftard. but then again snders drew 28,000 the other day. hillary is still roping off the press

Yawn, guy. so what? I remember in 2012, there was the "Not Romney" of the week who drew huge crowds, but Romney still got the nomination and Obama still beat him.

Here's the reality. The same things that doomed Romney in 2012 will doom whoever the GOP nominee (probably Bush) in 2016. There just aren't enough angry old white guys to win the election.
Here's the reality. The same things that doomed Romney in 2012 will doom whoever the GOP nominee (probably Bush) in 2016. There just aren't enough angry old white guys to win the election.
You seem to be the angriest old white guy on these boards Joey. Probably the stupidest too.

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