Utah Dads To Be Required To Pay Half Of Pregnancy Costs

I wonder if this is specifically for unwed pregnancies.....

However, I think DNA testing should be mandatory for all pregnancies....

It isn't necessary here in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Biffski. And it is an expensive service, you know.

Here in PA, if a couple are legally married, any issue that cometh forth from the broad is the child of the dude, as a matter of law.
Do Utah dads get to choose abortion?
Not alone. They do get to choose where to deposit their male reproductive fluid... that's what counts!!! :)

On your abortion question, they have to pay half the abortion cost if they agree to an abortion, I believe the article said?
And if he doesn't want the woman to have an abortion he doesn't have to pay right?
Yes, I believe so.

Yes. From the article:
If the paternity of the child is disputed, fathers won’t be required to pay until after paternity is established. The father also wouldn’t be financially responsible for the cost of an abortion received without his consent unless it’s necessary to prevent the death of the mother or if the pregnancy was the result of rape.
How can a guy be forced to pay for a fetus? Liberals are stating killing a fetus up until birth is okay. Sorry can't have it both ways.
This is a lie.

Liberals support no such thing.
Hillary quoted a baby has no rights even up till birth.
They do not have rights, under our law, until they are birthed, born, taken their first breath....acknowledged with a govt issued birth certificate.... No tax right off for a fetus either....only for a born baby, under our laws....

So, technically under the law, she is correct.
Not sure how I feel about it. Need to ruminate over this a little longer...
How do you do a DNA test on an unborn baby?

Can you really comment comparing the photo of the baby daddy with the ultrasound photo of the baby?

When will the first case make it to Maury Povich?

If you actually wanted to know the answer to your question you would have done a simple search to find the answer.

I did your work for you:

You're welcome.
Do Utah dads get to choose abortion?
This will probably prevent a lot of abortions. Conservatives should be cheering.

If the conservatives on this thread had actually read the article they would know that preventing abortions is one of the main reasons for the law.

It's supported by both Planned Parenthood and the republicans in the Utah congress.

The only thing that abortion as to do with this bill is to prevent abortions.

Not cause them or force any man to pay for one.

I wouldn't be surprised if some men would want the woman to have an abortion since now they will be financially responsible for half of the costs of the pregnancy.
How do you do a DNA test on an unborn baby?

Can you really comment comparing the photo of the baby daddy with the ultrasound photo of the baby?

When will the first case make it to Maury Povich?

If you actually wanted to know the answer to your question you would have done a simple search to find the answer.

I did your work for you:

You're welcome.

I looked it up, its very expensive to do however.

I guess Maury can afford it, but I don't see the average bum being able to afford this or the state thinking it would be a worthwhile investment.

This is a very good idea and law.

I hope more states pass laws like this.

Can’t agree – this is clearly Trojan Horse legislation, a bad faith measure intended to undermine the right to privacy and the right of women to reproductive autonomy.

The authoritarian right will use this law as ‘justification’ for allowing men to prohibit women from lawfully terminating a pregnancy, which is in fact un-Constitutional.

I don't see how the right can do that. The law doesn't say that a man can force a woman to carry a pregnancy to term. All it does is make the man pay for half the costs if the woman doesn't get an abortion.
How do you do a DNA test on an unborn baby?

Can you really comment comparing the photo of the baby daddy with the ultrasound photo of the baby?

When will the first case make it to Maury Povich?
That's easy. DNA is present upon conception. If they can perform surgery on an unborn child they can get DNA.

This will result in badly beaten women, dead women and men that run. These kinds of laws are the good intentions that pave the road to hell.
If this were attemted in Baltimore or D.C. ,the same people applauding it would be calling it racist.
Do Utah dads get to choose abortion?

My money, my choice.
So you have to pay half for the abortion?

I'm a gentleman... I ALWAYS pay for the abortion.
But should you if you paid for the dinner, movie and drinks?

Being a gentleman comes with responsibilities


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