Utah GOP Governor: Right-Wing Media Killing People

Trump has nothing to do with current debate.......more left wing hackism

It's the Trump Cult that keep claiming Fox News is no longer "right wing" because they had the audacity to call the Arizona election correctly on Election Night and not continue to spread the Trumpeteers' lies of a stolen election.
It's the Trump Cult that keep claiming Fox News is no longer "right wing" because they had the audacity to call the Arizona election correctly on Election Night and not continue to spread the Trumpeteers' lies of a stolen election.
They arent rightwing....,,if they were there wouldnt be FOX staff trying to shut Tucker up
It's the Trump Cult that keep claiming Fox News is no longer "right wing" because they had the audacity to call the Arizona election correctly on Election Night and not continue to spread the Trumpeteers' lies of a stolen election.
Funny those exact same statistical anomalies across 4-5 states....yeah no fraud there
It's the Trump Cult that keep claiming Fox News is no longer "right wing" because they had the audacity to call the Arizona election correctly on Election Night and not continue to spread the Trumpeteers' lies of a stolen election.
You can't be a right winger if you can't repeat ALL of trump's lies, and believe them.
Please quote where I said anything about the President sweety?

Is the president in any of the pictures darling?

Who did I address: "today's leftists" - does that mean the President in 1944 to you?

Try thinking for a change sugar.

However feel free to ask again when you need more help.

Try and keep up as best you can.

I know what public schooling has done to you.
Oh, someone's a little pissy.
Now you are asserting that they are asking who you voted for when you get vaccinated. Fuck off moron. Find a credible source--Affordable Care Act Signups? Get real. You're dumber than your graph.
That's what you got out of his post? Fuck, and you call him dumb...
Did your husband just slap you around some yet again?
Here you go. Now say 'thank-you'.
You're welcome.

Right-wing media continues to kill people.

View attachment 540039

Is there any type of human dumber in the world than a Trump Deplorable. It's like a race to the bottom - Deplorable 1: 'oh, I can do some really dumb shit, I voted for Trump. Twice!' Deplorable 2: 'wanna bet? I'm dumber. I just voted for Majorie Taylor Greene. You know, the chick who believes in Aqnon, that conspiracy theory that only true loons believe in'

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