Utah man fasting for nullification

Meacham tells Reporter Brian Carlson he's fasting to convince Utah to exercise the option of “nullification.” It's posted on Meacham's blog. According to his interpretation of states’ rights, Utah can nullify the recent federal court ruling by simply choosing not to follow it.
It’s unfortunate that so many are so ignorant:

Though Cooper simply reiterated constitutional principles that were already accepted, the decision affirmed the power of the federal courts to enforce federal civil rights laws and court decisions against the states, and the primacy of the Supreme Court in defining what the Constitution requires. As the Court declared, the states' compliance with the principles of civil rights, as articulated by the federal courts, is "indispensable for the protection of the freedoms guaranteed by our fundamental charter for all of us. Our constitutional ideal of equal justice under law is thus made a living truth."

The Supreme Court . The Court and Democracy . Landmark Cases . Cooper v. Aaron (1958) | PBS

Of course the ‘fast’ has nothing to do with ‘states’ rights,’ and everything to do with hatred toward gay Americans.
Utah man fasting to stop same sex marriages - 4Utah.com

I am going to preface my comments by saying I completely believe in fasting. i believe that fasting, like Gandhi engaged it can change things. I also believe there is power in fasting for our daily struggles.

With that said, I find this incredibly foolish. Nullification has never been considered a legitimate state policy in the history of the United States. Fasting for nullification to be used for the first time in US history is not a prudent.

Gandhi's use of fasting was not to change laws. He fasted to get people to stop being violent. He fasted to change people's hearts. Moreover, Gandhi was already a well beloved person. A random stranger doing a fast to change people would never have the same effect.

Also, Christ taught those of us with Christian backgrounds not to fast publically. We are supposed to fast in secret not to be praised in the world. I could see a small group of people fasting for change, but public fasting just isn't something Christians should be doing in most situations. (Obviously, inspiration of the Spirit is the general rule).

I think perhaps we should pray for this young man to see that other methods would be more prudent if he wants to accomplish a goal.

I remember bein' young, idealistic, and dumb as a box of rocks...

fortunately I grew out of it, to where I'm old, realistic, and not quite as dumb as a box of rocks... :)
are you going to totally ignore the thread you made about cops pulling you over

but accidentally linked this story?

It's a pretty sick and disturbed mind that would prefer starvation over the government keeping its nose out of people's private lives.

What are you talking about? Gay marriage is about government getting involved in the private lives of people. Right now, homosexuals can enter into any relationship they want to for as long as they want without any interference with the government. Gay marriage gives the government power to regulate same sex relationships. It creates more regulation for same sex relationships. It gives the government power to determine when it sanctions the relationship and when the relationship is disolved.


There is no such thing as ‘gay marriage,’ there is only marriage law afforded to all persons who are eligible to access that marriage law – same- or opposite sex.

Marriage is contract law, it’s a contract among the two equal partners and the state, where the state participates in that contract as well.

The states write the contract (marriage) law, and administer that law in their courts. The issue has nothing to do with “government getting involved in the private lives of people,” because the people are willingly entering into these contracts, the state is not compelling them to do so.

The 14th Amendment requires the states to allow residents of the states – citizens of the United States first and foremost – access to all the laws of the state, including marriage law. And because the marriage laws in all 50 states are written to accommodate two persons – same- or opposite-sex – there’s no rational, objective, factual reason to deny same-sex couples access to a given state’s marriage law.

Consequently, opposition to same-sex couples’ equal protection rights is predicated solely on fear of change, diversity, and dissent, as well as animus toward same-sex couples.

This is why the Federal courts are invalidating state laws designed only to violate gay Americans’ civil liberties.
Faggots shouldn't expect their degeneracy to be welcomed. Just like race mixing,homosexuality is another degeneracy that must be shoved down the throats of the American people,pushed in the media,books,schools etc. Attack the young with the brainwashing bullshit that's how you change opinion.

The disapproval of a Nazi piece of trash like you is sufficient to legalize gay marriage.
The judge is responsible because he has usurped the power of the people to vote and control their own affairs and put his opinion above everyone else's about homosexual marriage. The man is doing the right thing and the judge did the wrong thing. The SC already ruled its up to the states. Well Utah already voted on homosexual marriage and they don't want it. Yes I am a NS. Not mocking it. I consider myself a Social Nationalist which is what the NSDAP was supposed to be but the socialist wing of the party was eradicated under Hitler. Otto Strasser and his Brother were the main pushers behind it.

Ah, I see what you are saying about the judge's ruling now. It does indeed seem bad for the judge to throw out what the people have decided, but I'll admit to not being educated on this case, so I'm blowing smoke. I still don't agree that this makes the judge responsible for the fasting man's death, however. I disagree with the past two president's handling of the NSA, (among many other things) but if I decided to kill myself unless they changed their ways, it would still be on my head for committing suicide. There are better ways to object to a practice rather than slowly killing yourself.

Interesting that your a National Socialist. It seems like I've encountered one or two online previously, but its been quite some time. Follow up questions, do you embrace the hatred of Jews, non-Aryans races, homosexuals, the mentally retarded and such? If not, why not? Do you consider Hitler a hero, misguided or a villain? If I'm understanding you right, you prefer the more left-wing aspects of the National Socialist party which was destroyed under Hitler and you blame the Strasser brothers for the destruction of the left-wing, yet a quick wikipedia search seemed to say that the Strassers broke from Hitler in favor of more left-wing policies. Are you saying you align with the Strassers point of view?

Thanks for the thoughts.
but zero benefits. we are an equal na...wtf this doesnt matter, you lost get over it.

Fights not over.

If you are getting married for benefits given to you from the government then your marriage is doomed to failure.

its over..it will legal in all 50 soon enough and your kind will be pushed out like you should be.

To bad, government has no business in anyone's marriage. Another way for the government to get money and get into our lives. I have yet to see a marriage license revoked or made invalid. Another government intrusion.
Unless you're in a jail cell, or being watched 24/7 like Ghandi, nobody can be sure you're not cheating.

Hence, expect this guy to do what the leader of the Breatharians did in 1983.

MetroActive News & Issues | A Year of Nüz
Locals may remember Brooks from a 1983 scandal in which the internationally known Breatharian leader was allegedly busted sneaking out of Laurel Street's 7-Eleven with a hot dog, a Slurpee and a box of Twinkies.
The judge is responsible because he has usurped the power of the people to vote and control their own affairs and put his opinion above everyone else's about homosexual marriage. The man is doing the right thing and the judge did the wrong thing. The SC already ruled its up to the states. Well Utah already voted on homosexual marriage and they don't want it. Yes I am a NS. Not mocking it. I consider myself a Social Nationalist which is what the NSDAP was supposed to be but the socialist wing of the party was eradicated under Hitler. Otto Strasser and his Brother were the main pushers behind it.

Ah, I see what you are saying about the judge's ruling now. It does indeed seem bad for the judge to throw out what the people have decided, but I'll admit to not being educated on this case, so I'm blowing smoke. I still don't agree that this makes the judge responsible for the fasting man's death, however. I disagree with the past two president's handling of the NSA, (among many other things) but if I decided to kill myself unless they changed their ways, it would still be on my head for committing suicide. There are better ways to object to a practice rather than slowly killing yourself.

Interesting that your a National Socialist. It seems like I've encountered one or two online previously, but its been quite some time. Follow up questions, do you embrace the hatred of Jews, non-Aryans races, homosexuals, the mentally retarded and such? If not, why not? Do you consider Hitler a hero, misguided or a villain? If I'm understanding you right, you prefer the more left-wing aspects of the National Socialist party which was destroyed under Hitler and you blame the Strasser brothers for the destruction of the left-wing, yet a quick wikipedia search seemed to say that the Strassers broke from Hitler in favor of more left-wing policies. Are you saying you align with the Strassers point of view?

Thanks for the thoughts.
Yes I embrace all of the above. I believe in Eugenics and making a better race,jews I hate because they are the enemy of my race. There has been a war for the soul of civilization and there always will be until either all jews or all whites are dead. Hitler was a great man I think he should have left the military stuff up to his generals and I wish he had embraced more anti capitalist policies but understand why he didn't. Yes I embrace the left wing section of the party and no I don't blame the Strasser brothers,I blame the capitalist backers of Hitler for forcing him to choose their backing or what he truly believed.
It's a pretty sick and disturbed mind that would prefer starvation over the government keeping its nose out of people's private lives.

Probably because the government on behalf of gays sticks its nose in everybody's private lives.

How so?

The issue has nothing to do with the government ‘interfering’ with individuals’ private lives.

The issue concerns the government refusing to allow American citizens access to marriage law they’re eligible to participate in, absent any rational basis, objective evidence in support, or a proper legislative end, in violation of the 14th Amendment.
It's a pretty sick and disturbed mind that would prefer starvation over the government keeping its nose out of people's private lives.

What are you talking about? Gay marriage is about government getting involved in the private lives of people. Right now, homosexuals can enter into any relationship they want to for as long as they want without any interference with the government. Gay marriage gives the government power to regulate same sex relationships. It creates more regulation for same sex relationships. It gives the government power to determine when it sanctions the relationship and when the relationship is disolved.

WooooooHoooo! It's the Suoer Spin Ride at Jesus Camp! Three rides for a dollar!
Probably because the government on behalf of gays sticks its nose in everybody's private lives.

How so?

The issue has nothing to do with the government ‘interfering’ with individuals’ private lives.

The issue concerns the government refusing to allow American citizens access to marriage law they’re eligible to participate in, absent any rational basis, objective evidence in support, or a proper legislative end, in violation of the 14th Amendment.

And the propaganda rolls on....
It's a pretty sick and disturbed mind that would prefer starvation over the government keeping its nose out of people's private lives.

What are you talking about? Gay marriage is about government getting involved in the private lives of people. Right now, homosexuals can enter into any relationship they want to for as long as they want without any interference with the government. Gay marriage gives the government power to regulate same sex relationships. It creates more regulation for same sex relationships. It gives the government power to determine when it sanctions the relationship and when the relationship is disolved.

WooooooHoooo! It's the Suoer Spin Ride at Jesus Camp! Three rides for a dollar!

Still on that Obama ride I see.
It's a pretty sick and disturbed mind that would prefer starvation over the government keeping its nose out of people's private lives.

What are you talking about? Gay marriage is about government getting involved in the private lives of people. Right now, homosexuals can enter into any relationship they want to for as long as they want without any interference with the government. Gay marriage gives the government power to regulate same sex relationships. It creates more regulation for same sex relationships. It gives the government power to determine when it sanctions the relationship and when the relationship is disolved.

Everything you said is true for any marriage. We heteros demanded that much government involvement in our marriages.
Yes I embrace all of the above. I believe in Eugenics and making a better race,jews I hate because they are the enemy of my race. There has been a war for the soul of civilization and there always will be until either all jews or all whites are dead. Hitler was a great man I think he should have left the military stuff up to his generals and I wish he had embraced more anti capitalist policies but understand why he didn't. Yes I embrace the left wing section of the party and no I don't blame the Strasser brothers,I blame the capitalist backers of Hitler for forcing him to choose their backing or what he truly believed.

You must be fun at parties. :eusa_eh:

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