Utah man fasting for nullification

What kind of an idiot starves themselves because they are so opposed to two people who love each other being joined in marriage?
What kind of an idiot starves themselves because they are so opposed to two people who love each other being joined in marriage?

The kind of "idiot" who understands human behavior and has read these scientific journals, understands that Harvey Milk, gay pedophile, is the icon of the LGBT movement "across the nation and the world"...:
Mayo Clinic 2007:

One of the most obvious examples of an environmental
factor that increases the chances of an individual becoming
an offender is if he or she were sexually abused as a child
This relationship is known as the “victim-to-abuser cycle”
or “abused-abusers phenomena.”

why the “abused abusers phenomena” occurs: identification with the aggressor,
in which the abused child is trying to gain a new
identity by becoming the abuser; an imprinted sexual
arousal pattern established by early abuse; early abuse
leading to hypersexual behavior; or a form of social learning took place

Do you know what an "imprinted sexual arousal pattern" is? I do. It's called "sexual orientation". We imprint sexual arousal patterns in male stud animals in the ag business and zoos for the species-preservation efforts all the time. In fact, you wouldn't have the quality of beef on your table if it wasn't for artificially orienting bull cattle to become sexually aroused to the castrated steer mounts they use to collect prized semen they ship to herds all over the world. You can think about "imprinted sexual arousal patterns" the next time you are eating a Big Mac...

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

Remember what the Mayo Clinic just told us: "One of the most obvious examples of an environmental
factor that increases the chances of an individual becoming
an offender is if he or she were sexually abused as a child"

And, Harvey Milk is the "embodiment of the LGBT movement across the nation and the world", according to LGBT ground-zero [California] law forcing kids to idolize him in schools on a special celebration day. Harvey Milk was documented and openly preyed upon orphaned teen boys on drugs to sodomize. He discarded one after the other as they aged beyond his "appetite". One for sure was a minor; who later killed himself on Milk's birthday.

There, now put the two together...

Monkey see, Monkey do....

The years gay marriage and frankly gay-everything has made a big push in the media/normalized and in the several states it was forced upon by judicial fiat/activism against the will of the governed: pay attention: 2004 to present. The big push for gay marriage and gay everything began just around the new millenium: 2001, culimating in the 2004 "victory" for the LGBTreligion. Some victory...

Troubling Trend in HIV/AIDS Diagnoses

June 26, 2008 -- HIV diagnoses in the U.S. are on the rise among men who have sex with men, especially among males aged 13-24.

That news comes from the CDC, which tracked HIV/AIDS diagnoses reported by 33 states from 2001 to 2006....

...The youngest men, those aged 13-24, had the steepest estimated annual increase -- 12% in HIV/AIDS diagnoses...

...Men who have sex with men were the only high-risk group to show an increase in HIV diagnoses during 2001-2006. HIV diagnoses dropped during that time among heterosexuals who have high-risk sex, injection drug users, and men who are injection drug users who also have sex with men....

...But the new HIV/AIDS diagnosis statistics may be a red flag that HIV infection is rising among men aged 13-24 who have sex with men.

"Because these men probably have not been sexually active for a very long period of time, there's reason to believe that these diagnoses probably represent fairly recent infections and so it's an indication that infections may be increasing in this population," Richard Wolitski, PhD, acting director of the CDC's division of HIV/AIDS Prevention, tells WebMD.

Increased HIV testing probably doesn't explain the trend, according to the CDC CDC: HIV/AIDS Diagnoses Up Sharply in Young Men Who Have Sex With Men

And the trend keeps climbing "coincidentally" as kids see gay being normalized in every part of the country. Hey, wait a minute...I thought "gay" is "born that way" and as such is a steady fixed percentage of the overall population? How could "gay" be increasing proportionately???? {rhetorical question: it's because it's behavioral and catching on with the kids.. for those brilliant statisticians out there and behavioralists sitting on their hands, mute, while kids die...oh and the CDC too}

In 2010, the CDC tracked 47,500 new HIV infections across the country. Infection rates among young gay and bisexual men ages 13-24 increased 22 percent over 2008 infection rates - See more at: Dramatic increase in HIV infection rates among gay men, youth | San Diego Gay and Lesbian News

That guy in Utah staving himself isn't crazy. He's the sanest person in this country IMHO. You know how young adolescents hate to appear abnormal. When gay is the new normal, being straight is frowned upon. I've actually heard kids talking about the pressures they get in school from the increasingly aggressive new recruits to LGBT urging them "to at least try out" being gay when they're experimenting/grafing their sexuality at impressionable ages....

Making gay "normal" via the vehicle of marriage is the same as teaching kids in school "when you're experimenting sexually, you should give gay a try unless you don't want to be normal".
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Wow some of the replies from the liberals in this thread are revealing, Mr Clean.
Wow some of the replies from the liberals in this thread are revealing, Mr Clean.

I'm not going to hide my feelings towards an asshole who will intentionally starve himself over a matter like gay marriage.

If that's the way he wants to go out then adios muchachos.
Adios, is right. Dont let the door hit ya in the ass on the way out, bigot.
Spoken like a true Nazi

How do you know? :)
By your name and your post.

This exchange is worth it's weight in gold!!

What kind of an idiot starves themselves because they are so opposed to two people who love each other being joined in marriage?

An idiot who is so bound up (captured) by his ideology and/or religion that he is willing to destroy himself for a "cause".

I know other people who have been like that. Their organization's name:

El Quaida.

Scary, eh?
Fights not over.

If you are getting married for benefits given to you from the government then your marriage is doomed to failure.

its over..it will legal in all 50 soon enough and your kind will be pushed out like you should be.

And that right there is why people like you should be kept from power. Because you can't help but abuse it.

So those who insist on equal rights under the law are abusing power. Someone should really tell you how dumb you sound because you're setting records here.
Clearly you do or you wouldn't have said something.

And no matter what position you take it's absolutely true that demanding the government regulates same sex relationships gets the government more involved in same sex relationships. Meanwhile, right now gay couples can determine how long the relationship is, what they call it, when and if it will end.

So please, stop pretending gay marriage is about getting government out of the relationship.

but zero benefits. we are an equal na...wtf this doesnt matter, you lost get over it.

Fights not over.

If you are getting married for benefits given to you from the government then your marriage is doomed to failure.


People marry for a combination of reasons – all equally valid having nothing to do with the ‘success’ of the marriage.

Indeed, one of the many reasons for a couple to contract with the state in a marriage agreement is to realize the benefits the state can afford the couple; and that’s the case whether the couple is same- or opposite-sex.
Yes I embrace all of the above. I believe in Eugenics and making a better race,jews I hate because they are the enemy of my race. There has been a war for the soul of civilization and there always will be until either all jews or all whites are dead. Hitler was a great man I think he should have left the military stuff up to his generals and I wish he had embraced more anti capitalist policies but understand why he didn't. Yes I embrace the left wing section of the party and no I don't blame the Strasser brothers,I blame the capitalist backers of Hitler for forcing him to choose their backing or what he truly believed.

Interesting. Very interesting.

So, quick follow up questions. I don't want to get too into the details here. You are welcome to give long responses if you like, but I'd just like some quick thoughts.

Which race is best and how do you know?

How are Jews the enemy of your race? Your best example would be fine. I don't particularly want a long list of grievances.

Why aren't you more angry at Hitler if messed up your great National Socialist utopia?

Oh, how do you feel about Christianity?
The kind of "idiot" who understands human behavior and has read these scientific journals, understands that Harvey Milk, gay pedophile, is the icon of the LGBT movement "across the nation and the world"...:
Mayo Clinic 2007:

One of the most obvious examples of an environmental
factor that increases the chances of an individual becoming
an offender is if he or she were sexually abused as a child
This relationship is known as the “victim-to-abuser cycle”
or “abused-abusers phenomena.”

why the “abused abusers phenomena” occurs: identification with the aggressor,
in which the abused child is trying to gain a new
identity by becoming the abuser; an imprinted sexual
arousal pattern established by early abuse; early abuse
leading to hypersexual behavior; or a form of social learning took place

Do you know what an "imprinted sexual arousal pattern" is? I do. It's called "sexual orientation". We imprint sexual arousal patterns in male stud animals in the ag business and zoos for the species-preservation efforts all the time. In fact, you wouldn't have the quality of beef on your table if it wasn't for artificially orienting bull cattle to become sexually aroused to the castrated steer mounts they use to collect prized semen they ship to herds all over the world. You can think about "imprinted sexual arousal patterns" the next time you are eating a Big Mac...

Remember what the Mayo Clinic just told us: "One of the most obvious examples of an environmental
factor that increases the chances of an individual becoming
an offender is if he or she were sexually abused as a child"

And, Harvey Milk is the "embodiment of the LGBT movement across the nation and the world", according to LGBT ground-zero [California] law forcing kids to idolize him in schools on a special celebration day. Harvey Milk was documented and openly preyed upon orphaned teen boys on drugs to sodomize. He discarded one after the other as they aged beyond his "appetite". One for sure was a minor; who later killed himself on Milk's birthday.

There, now put the two together...

Monkey see, Monkey do....

The years gay marriage and frankly gay-everything has made a big push in the media/normalized and in the several states it was forced upon by judicial fiat/activism against the will of the governed: pay attention: 2004 to present. The big push for gay marriage and gay everything began just around the new millenium: 2001, culimating in the 2004 "victory" for the LGBTreligion. Some victory...

Troubling Trend in HIV/AIDS Diagnoses

June 26, 2008 -- HIV diagnoses in the U.S. are on the rise among men who have sex with men, especially among males aged 13-24.

That news comes from the CDC, which tracked HIV/AIDS diagnoses reported by 33 states from 2001 to 2006....

...The youngest men, those aged 13-24, had the steepest estimated annual increase -- 12% in HIV/AIDS diagnoses...

...Men who have sex with men were the only high-risk group to show an increase in HIV diagnoses during 2001-2006. HIV diagnoses dropped during that time among heterosexuals who have high-risk sex, injection drug users, and men who are injection drug users who also have sex with men....

...But the new HIV/AIDS diagnosis statistics may be a red flag that HIV infection is rising among men aged 13-24 who have sex with men.

"Because these men probably have not been sexually active for a very long period of time, there's reason to believe that these diagnoses probably represent fairly recent infections and so it's an indication that infections may be increasing in this population," Richard Wolitski, PhD, acting director of the CDC's division of HIV/AIDS Prevention, tells WebMD.

Increased HIV testing probably doesn't explain the trend, according to the CDC

And the trend keeps climbing "coincidentally" as kids see gay being normalized in every part of the country. Hey, wait a minute...I thought "gay" is "born that way" and as such is a steady fixed percentage of the overall population? How could "gay" be increasing proportionately???? {rhetorical question: it's because it's behavioral and catching on with the kids.. for those brilliant statisticians out there and behavioralists sitting on their hands, mute, while kids die...oh and the CDC too}

In 2010, the CDC tracked 47,500 new HIV infections across the country. Infection rates among young gay and bisexual men ages 13-24 increased 22 percent over 2008 infection rates - See more at

That guy in Utah staving himself isn't crazy. He's the sanest person in this country IMHO. You know how young adolescents hate to appear abnormal. When gay is the new normal, being straight is frowned upon. I've actually heard kids talking about the pressures they get in school from the increasingly aggressive new recruits to LGBT urging them "to at least try out" being gay when they're experimenting/grafing their sexuality at impressionable ages....

Making gay "normal" via the vehicle of marriage is the same as teaching kids in school "when you're experimenting sexually, you should give gay a try unless you don't want to be normal".

Interesting facts. I don't think anybody could reasonably argue, unless every set of studies I've ever heard on the subject is in error, that homosexuality is an equally healthy lifestyle to heterosexuality. There is clearly a higher degree of the types of infections you mentioned. That being said, it's still homosexuals decision as to how they want to live their lives. If they want to engage in a behavior that makes them happy but gives them some greater biological risks, it's just as much their choice as it is for people to choose to eat fast food.

The stats on the increase of homosexual behavior proportionate to the rise of community acceptance of homosexuality is interesting, but you could easily make the case that the predisposition to be gay is biological and steady and it is only the willingness to act on your predisposition that has been increasing. I'm not sure if you could really isolate the variables to tell which of these to possibilities is the truth.

Finally, I'm not sure why you mention all the pedophilia stats. You seem to be implying an association with homosexuality, and yet you never make the direct leap. I think I might know where you are going with it, but I'd rather you clarify it than to put words in your mouth.
I'm not going to hide my feelings towards an asshole who will intentionally starve himself over a matter like gay marriage.

If that's the way he wants to go out then adios muchachos.

Agreed. I'm not antagonistic towards people who oppose gay marriage, but I'd say the same thing if it were gay guy starving himself to get gay marriage legalized in his state. If an idiot decides he's going to kill himself, it's on his own head.
Fights not over.

If you are getting married for benefits given to you from the government then your marriage is doomed to failure.

its over..it will legal in all 50 soon enough and your kind will be pushed out like you should be.

To bad, government has no business in anyone's marriage. Another way for the government to get money and get into our lives. I have yet to see a marriage license revoked or made invalid. Another government intrusion.

So...you have not ever had a civil marriage license.
The kind of "idiot" who understands human behavior and has read these scientific journals, understands that Harvey Milk, gay pedophile, is the icon of the LGBT movement "across the nation and the world"...:
Mayo Clinic 2007:

One of the most obvious examples of an environmental
factor that increases the chances of an individual becoming
an offender is if he or she were sexually abused as a child
This relationship is known as the “victim-to-abuser cycle”
or “abused-abusers phenomena.”

why the “abused abusers phenomena” occurs: identification with the aggressor,
in which the abused child is trying to gain a new
identity by becoming the abuser; an imprinted sexual
arousal pattern established by early abuse; early abuse
leading to hypersexual behavior; or a form of social learning took place

Do you know what an "imprinted sexual arousal pattern" is? I do. It's called "sexual orientation". We imprint sexual arousal patterns in male stud animals in the ag business and zoos for the species-preservation efforts all the time. In fact, you wouldn't have the quality of beef on your table if it wasn't for artificially orienting bull cattle to become sexually aroused to the castrated steer mounts they use to collect prized semen they ship to herds all over the world. You can think about "imprinted sexual arousal patterns" the next time you are eating a Big Mac...

Remember what the Mayo Clinic just told us: "One of the most obvious examples of an environmental
factor that increases the chances of an individual becoming
an offender is if he or she were sexually abused as a child"

And, Harvey Milk is the "embodiment of the LGBT movement across the nation and the world", according to LGBT ground-zero [California] law forcing kids to idolize him in schools on a special celebration day. Harvey Milk was documented and openly preyed upon orphaned teen boys on drugs to sodomize. He discarded one after the other as they aged beyond his "appetite". One for sure was a minor; who later killed himself on Milk's birthday.

There, now put the two together...

Monkey see, Monkey do....

The years gay marriage and frankly gay-everything has made a big push in the media/normalized and in the several states it was forced upon by judicial fiat/activism against the will of the governed: pay attention: 2004 to present. The big push for gay marriage and gay everything began just around the new millenium: 2001, culimating in the 2004 "victory" for the LGBTreligion. Some victory...

And the trend keeps climbing "coincidentally" as kids see gay being normalized in every part of the country. Hey, wait a minute...I thought "gay" is "born that way" and as such is a steady fixed percentage of the overall population? How could "gay" be increasing proportionately???? {rhetorical question: it's because it's behavioral and catching on with the kids.. for those brilliant statisticians out there and behavioralists sitting on their hands, mute, while kids die...oh and the CDC too}

That guy in Utah staving himself isn't crazy. He's the sanest person in this country IMHO. You know how young adolescents hate to appear abnormal. When gay is the new normal, being straight is frowned upon. I've actually heard kids talking about the pressures they get in school from the increasingly aggressive new recruits to LGBT urging them "to at least try out" being gay when they're experimenting/grafing their sexuality at impressionable ages....

Making gay "normal" via the vehicle of marriage is the same as teaching kids in school "when you're experimenting sexually, you should give gay a try unless you don't want to be normal".

Interesting facts. I don't think anybody could reasonably argue, unless every set of studies I've ever heard on the subject is in error, that homosexuality is an equally healthy lifestyle to heterosexuality. There is clearly a higher degree of the types of infections you mentioned. That being said, it's still homosexuals decision as to how they want to live their lives. If they want to engage in a behavior that makes them happy but gives them some greater biological risks, it's just as much their choice as it is for people to choose to eat fast food.

The stats on the increase of homosexual behavior proportionate to the rise of community acceptance of homosexuality is interesting, but you could easily make the case that the predisposition to be gay is biological and steady and it is only the willingness to act on your predisposition that has been increasing. I'm not sure if you could really isolate the variables to tell which of these to possibilities is the truth.

Finally, I'm not sure why you mention all the pedophilia stats. You seem to be implying an association with homosexuality, and yet you never make the direct leap. I think I might know where you are going with it, but I'd rather you clarify it than to put words in your mouth.
I'm not going to hide my feelings towards an asshole who will intentionally starve himself over a matter like gay marriage.

If that's the way he wants to go out then adios muchachos.

Agreed. I'm not antagonistic towards people who oppose gay marriage, but I'd say the same thing if it were gay guy starving himself to get gay marriage legalized in his state. If an idiot decides he's going to kill himself, it's on his own head.

[MENTION=46750]Knightfall[/MENTION] - good input.

This is complicated by three facts:

1.) There is no baseline data from the past to compare any current studies vis-a-vis rise in sexual orientation / acceptance within a population group.

2.) Many of these studies are "junk" studies, commissioned by people with a partisan/ideological goal in mind. Here, sorting out the wheat from the chaff is not easy.

3.) Do we need any of this data to begin with? And that question is coming from a dyed-in-the-wool statistics lover.

Your final parapraph: spot-on!

I allow everyone his or her choice to what he or she wants, provided others are not hurt in the process. This also means that they have the right to behave in a stupid manner. Only, if a guy digs his own grave, why should I expend energy to get him out of it?

Again, people as extreme as this dude in Utah really do remind me of El Quaida.
So basically the only reason why "gays" want to "marry" is so they gain access to one another's social security other than that what rights do they not have in a civil union?

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