UTOPIA under Trump

Fact, assface. He did a lot of things that did nothing but affect Americans negatively.

For 1 instance, the "Cash 4 Clunkers" program. Remember that? Or does your memory suck ass?

Or were you like 9 at the time?
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Reduced unemployment is just a natural occurence of the pandemic lockdowns ending. That would have happened no matter who was elected, probably faster under a Trump administration.
And there it is again, that damn fantasy, if Trump were president. Hell yeah, if Trump were president we would all be shitting gold turds and cashing them in, and even with all that money, well there would be zero inflation because Trump, well Trump is flippin God. He could end the war in Ukraine in less than 24 hours. Hell, he has the cure for cancer if he could just find it amongst all the empty McDonald's containers.
What a stupid thing to say, and a perfect example of Newt Gingrich’s doctrine of demonization.
Sorry sweetie, but in this day and age, that's the truth. Not all Democrats are, but the powers behind the Democrat party are.

You're free to disagree, and I'm going to think that you're mistaken about that, ok?
At leasr three heads (above) should be sawed off, the insides scraped out (like a pumpkin) and those rotten insides put thru an industrial microwave to ensure not one brain cell could possibly infect another living human. Incenerate the carcass(s). Feed the microwave chum to kill off alligator infestations or feral Hogs.
Reduced unemployment is just a natural occurence of the pandemic lockdowns ending. That would have happened no matter who was elected, probably faster under a Trump administration.

Where are all these roads being "built"? It's the end of Winter and the roads are crumbling everywhere I've been.

How many chips have that plant produced so far? They don't even begin production until 2024.

Social Security and Medicare are still bloated, full of theft, and insolvent.

If NATO has been strengthened, why are we having to "defend" Ukraine with billions of dollars? We have an administration that can't even defend its own borders.
Reduced unemployment is just a natural occurence of the pandemic lockdowns ending. That would have happened no matter who was elected, probably faster under a Trump administration.

--Hilarious. More people have been employed in America for the last 8 months over anytime in the former administration. Also, unemployment is currently 3.4%

Where are all these roads being "built"? It's the end of Winter and the roads are crumbling everywhere I've been.

--Just because you live some fucking where doesn't mean no roads will be repaired this summer. Hell, President Biden has been to red states to announce projects.

How many chips have that plant produced so far? They don't even begin production until 2024.

--Wow, just wow. Sniff it's not happening fast enough...

Social Security and Medicare are still bloated, full of theft, and insolvent.

--SS and Medicare have been solid programs delivering for the American people for decades. And they're not insolvent fuckup.

If NATO has been strengthened, why are we having to "defend" Ukraine with billions of dollars? We have an administration that can't even defend its own borders.

--Are you seriously asserting that we're the only country defending Ukraine? idiot.
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At leasr three heads (above) should be sawed off, the insides scraped out (like a pumpkin) and those rotten insides put thru an industrial microwave to ensure not one brain cell could possibly infect another living human. Incenerate the carcass(s). Feed the microwave chum to kill off alligator infestations or feral Hogs.

Happy Thanksgiving!
Fact, assface. He did a lot of things that did nothing but affect Americans negatively.

For 1 instance, the "Cash 4 Clunkers" program. Remember that? Or does your memory suck ass?

Or were like 9 at the time?
And the ACA, Affordable Care Act. Saved 2.3 TRILLION dollars. Yes, TRILLION with a "T".

Here is the reality, Obama, lounging by his pool in Hawaii, contributed more to GDP growth during Trump's presidency than Trump did, gorging on Big Macs and watching FOX news.
Fact, assface. He did a lot of things that did nothing but affect Americans negatively.

For 1 instance, the "Cash 4 Clunkers" program. Remember that? Or does your memory suck ass?

Or were you like 9 at the time?
Yeah, that program took tens of thousands of gas guzzling vehicles off the roads.

great program.
All facts roddy

Can you post the current unemployment rate for all of us to judge your grasp of facts.

Facts seem to be something that eludes you folks.

"Biden's definition of job creation conflates the generation of new jobs with the natural return of workers to the workforce following the government's shuttering of businesses that ravaged U.S. industry and drove working-class Americans home. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the nation lost more than 20 million jobs between March 2020 and April 2020. Though we're adding jobs back, Biden's jobs creation claim doesn't calculate net gain.

Biden was inaugurated when the nation recovered from the sudden job losses that stemmed from the government-mandated pandemic lockdowns in 2020. The jobs recovery began under former President Donald Trump, but because his tenure ended only eight months into the economic-revival cycle, much of the job gains accrued during Biden's time in office.

"This is literally evidence that Biden was handed something on a golden platter," Douglas Holtz-Eakin, head of American Action Forum, a think tank, told PolitiFact. "This recovery from a deep recession would have happened no matter who was president."

But, while Biden is benefiting from the waning of the COVID-19 pandemic's effects on the economy and the rehiring of workers who lost their jobs during the shutdowns, the labor-force participation rate is still trailing pre-pandemic levels. The proportion of adults who either had a job or were looking for one edged to 62.4% in January, which is below the pre-pandemic level of 63.4%, according to a Feb. 3 summary of America's employment situation released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Meanwhile, most Americans—60% of them—believe that Biden has not created more "good jobs" in their communities, a Washington Post-ABC News poll published on Feb. 3 found. Compare that to just a third of Americans who think otherwise."

Did the Biden Admin Actually Create '12 Million New Jobs'?
Facts seem to be something that eludes you folks.

"Biden's definition of job creation conflates the generation of new jobs with the natural return of workers to the workforce following the government's shuttering of businesses that ravaged U.S. industry and drove working-class Americans home. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the nation lost more than 20 million jobs between March 2020 and April 2020. Though we're adding jobs back, Biden's jobs creation claim doesn't calculate net gain.

Biden was inaugurated when the nation recovered from the sudden job losses that stemmed from the government-mandated pandemic lockdowns in 2020. The jobs recovery began under former President Donald Trump, but because his tenure ended only eight months into the economic-revival cycle, much of the job gains accrued during Biden's time in office.

"This is literally evidence that Biden was handed something on a golden platter," Douglas Holtz-Eakin, head of American Action Forum, a think tank, told PolitiFact. "This recovery from a deep recession would have happened no matter who was president."

But, while Biden is benefiting from the waning of the COVID-19 pandemic's effects on the economy and the rehiring of workers who lost their jobs during the shutdowns, the labor-force participation rate is still trailing pre-pandemic levels. The proportion of adults who either had a job or were looking for one edged to 62.4% in January, which is below the pre-pandemic level of 63.4%, according to a Feb. 3 summary of America's employment situation released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Meanwhile, most Americans—60% of them—believe that Biden has not created more "good jobs" in their communities, a Washington Post-ABC News poll published on Feb. 3 found. Compare that to just a third of Americans who think otherwise."

Did the Biden Admin Actually Create '12 Million New Jobs'?

Facts seem to be something that eludes you folks.

"Biden's definition of job creation conflates the generation of new jobs with the natural return of workers to the workforce following the government's shuttering of businesses that ravaged U.S. industry and drove working-class Americans home. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the nation lost more than 20 million jobs between March 2020 and April 2020. Though we're adding jobs back, Biden's jobs creation claim doesn't calculate net gain.

Biden was inaugurated when the nation recovered from the sudden job losses that stemmed from the government-mandated pandemic lockdowns in 2020. The jobs recovery began under former President Donald Trump, but because his tenure ended only eight months into the economic-revival cycle, much of the job gains accrued during Biden's time in office.

"This is literally evidence that Biden was handed something on a golden platter," Douglas Holtz-Eakin, head of American Action Forum, a think tank, told PolitiFact. "This recovery from a deep recession would have happened no matter who was president."

But, while Biden is benefiting from the waning of the COVID-19 pandemic's effects on the economy and the rehiring of workers who lost their jobs during the shutdowns, the labor-force participation rate is still trailing pre-pandemic levels. The proportion of adults who either had a job or were looking for one edged to 62.4% in January, which is below the pre-pandemic level of 63.4%, according to a Feb. 3 summary of America's employment situation released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Meanwhile, most Americans—60% of them—believe that Biden has not created more "good jobs" in their communities, a Washington Post-ABC News poll published on Feb. 3 found. Compare that to just a third of Americans who think otherwise."

Did the Biden Admin Actually Create '12 Million New Jobs'?

The BLS counts unemployment the same under every president.

You can look at their numbers here...


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