UTOPIA under Trump

Name one action, one piece of proposed legislation, ANY DAMN THING, that Republicans have proposed to FIX THE FAWKING PROBLEM.

Hell, inflation ain't a damn problem to Republicans. The problem is "woke", transgenders seeking therapy, gays getting married, and let's not forget, Hunter Biden's laptop. The problem is an AP class on African American History, Disney being "woke", and colleges seeking to increase diversity--we can take that from the actions of the number one candidate for the Republican nomination, outside of fatass Trump.

Hell, Democrats didn't create this problem, but if they did, then WHAT THE FAWK HAVE REPUBLICANS DONE ABOUT, other than bitch and moan.
I see, so we're changing the subject now? Dumbass.
So, Utopia for you is a pandemic on the loose, people holed up in their homes afraid to venture out, no family get togethers, unemployment at the highest rate since the Great Depression, empty movie theaters, Broadway shut down, empty hotels, empty planes, bars closed, restaurants for to go orders only
…among other disasters, such as Trump’s reckless, irresponsible foreign policy of attacking our allies and coddling despots and dictators.

The Trump years were a nightmare; much of the damage Trump caused is irreparable.
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…among other disasters, such as Trump’s reckless, irresponsible foreign policy of attacking our allies and coddling despots and dictators.

The Trump years were a nightmare; much of the damage Trump caused is irreparable.
I will take Trump's America over anything you fucking Communist dogs have to offer. You are the enemy.
So, Utopia for you is a pandemic on the loose, people holed up in their homes afraid to venture out, no family get togethers, unemployment at the highest rate since the Great Depression, empty movie theaters, Broadway shut down, empty hotels, empty planes, bars closed, restaurants for to go orders only. Yeah, a fawking utopia alright.

Wait, you probably one of those worthless shits that sucked up all that unemployment money, sitting on your ass at home collecting six hundred bucks a week while the rest of us busted our ass to keep the place afloat. Bought a big screen TV with your first stimulus check and a new mattress, replacing your 25 year old one, with the second. Guess it was a utopia for a lazy ass fool like you.

I am sick and tired of this ranting and raving about inflation. What really pisses me off is worthless Republican's calling it "Biden's inflation". When Trump was president the economy hit rock bottom. Unemployment through the roof, GDP sinking like a lead balloon, and yet, personal incomes went up. WTF? Yeah, with all those stimulus checks and that nice unemployment bonus personal incomes actually went up, the first time in history that happened in an economic downturn. Even a damn amateur Economist could figure out that was going to come back to bite us in the ass.

So yeah, we got inflation when the economy heated back up. And I got news for you, corporations love inflation. They raise prices, but they also inflate their margins, attempting to cash in and use "inflation" as an excuse. And that is all panning out. Consumers adjust their spending, and now, those margins are beginning to shrink.

The FED is going to screw the pooch, they always do. Reactive instead of proactive. They live in their ivory towers and have no clue as to what is going on on the ground. But one thing is for sure, Biden has done a helluva a job with no help from Republicans. Tell me one thing, one damn thing, Republicans have done to combat inflation? Are they working on it in Congress, hell no, they are working on the next election.
the pandemic was far more under control during trumps last year then when xiden took over and caused record deaths…and that was without three vaccines

try again
I am sick and tired of this ranting and raving about inflation.
Well, it's the easy attack.

It appears that at least 90% of them don't actually know what caused this inflation, but they don't NEED to know. They have their story, from their informational ecosystem, and that's enough for them. They're sure as hell not going to go looking for the details outside of their world.
Well, it's the easy attack.

It appears that at least 90% of them don't actually know what caused this inflation, but they don't NEED to know. They have their story, from their informational ecosystem, and that's enough for them. They're sure as hell not going to go looking for the details outside of their world.
You mean like a day one Biden EO that drives the cost of fuel up higher than it's ever been before in America Mac?

You mean like the price of diesel is tied to every shipped good in America Mac?

It's not hard to figure out what caused inflation, there's other factors too, but restricting America's fuel supply and driving fuel prices through the roof is the

majority percentage of it.
You mean like a day one Biden EO that drives the cost of fuel up higher than it's ever been before in America Mac?

You mean like the price of diesel is tied to every shipped good in America Mac?

It's not hard to figure out what caused inflation, there's other factors too, but restricting America's fuel supply and driving fuel prices through the roof is the

majority percentage of it.
You are ignorant, and it's boring.

Recent oil price spikes, per barrel:
  • March, 2008: $98.44
  • April, 2008: $106.64
  • May, 2008: $118.55
  • June, 2008: $127.47
  • July, 2008: $128.08
  • August, 2008: $112.83
  • April, 2011: $108.80
  • May, 2011: $102.46
  • November, 2011: $100.18
  • February, 2012: $102.04
  • March, 2012: $105.42
  • April, 2012: $103.62
  • July, 2013: $101.41
  • August, 2013: $102.96
  • September, 2013: $102.32
So why didn't inflation explode then, too?

Because the economy can absorb energy price increases. That isn't what caused this inflation, regardless of what MAGA media is ignorantly claiming, and what the rubes are obediently believing.

Source: U.S. Crude Oil First Purchase Price (Dollars per Barrel)
You are ignorant, and it's boring.

Recent oil price spikes, per barrel:
  • March, 2008: $98.44
  • April, 2008: $106.64
  • May, 2008: $118.55
  • June, 2008: $127.47
  • July, 2008: $128.08
  • August, 2008: $112.83
  • April, 2011: $108.80
  • May, 2011: $102.46
  • November, 2011: $100.18
  • February, 2012: $102.04
  • March, 2012: $105.42
  • April, 2012: $103.62
  • July, 2013: $101.41
  • August, 2013: $102.96
  • September, 2013: $102.32
So why didn't inflation explode then, too?

Because the economy can absorb energy price increases. That isn't what caused this inflation, regardless of what MAGA media is ignorantly claiming, and what the rubes are obediently believing.

Source: U.S. Crude Oil First Purchase Price (Dollars per Barrel)
QE is why there wasn't inflation then. Biden let the Fed jack interest rates. The expensive fuel and lack of supplies from manufacturing factor combined with rising interest rates?

It's a recipe for disaster.

"The economy can absorb", you're so full of shit.

The highest gas price before in 2008 was $4.26, what's the highest gas got after Biden was elected, hmm?

The highest ever, you fucking retard!

"Gas prices are the most expensive in US history, breaking record from 2008"

Now, clown shoes, bibble babble some more bullshit so I can smack you a second tyme. Putin had nothing to do with it, Biden EO had everything to do with it.

This is before Putin invaded Ukraine:

And when they said Colonial Pipeline's computers got taken over by ransomware? That was a lie. The US ran out of gas then

as a culmination of Biden's policies.

Another factor about 2008 is a lot of people were staying home, collecting unemployment, and not driving anywhere, reducing the demand for fuel.
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