UTOPIA under Trump

Biden's heavy tax (inflation) is $4000 more per year for average earner than under Trump. We had UTOPIA under Trump at 1.4% inflation (see chart), but Democrats wanted POWER, not goodness, so they flippped out with hate: "F--- Trump. .Impeach the motherf------. .Trump is worse than Bin Laden. . .Putin is Trump's surrogate." Democrats have lost their way and they are dragging America down.

Even Democrats know that.
Power and control
QE is why there wasn't inflation then. Biden let the Fed jack interest rates. The expensive fuel and lack of supplies from manufacturing factor combined with rising interest rates?

It's a recipe for disaster.

"The economy can absorb", you're so full of shit.

The highest gas price before was $4.26, what's the highest gas got after Biden was elected, hmm?

The highest ever, you fucking retard!
You're an uninformed idiot.

Can you post specifically what policy caused egg prices to rise.
QE is why there wasn't inflation then. Biden let the Fed jack interest rates. The expensive fuel and lack of supplies from manufacturing factor combined with rising interest rates?

It's a recipe for disaster.

"The economy can absorb", you're so full of shit.

The highest gas price before was $4.26, what's the highest gas got after Biden was elected, hmm?

The highest ever, you fucking retard!
Biden didn't "let" them increase interest rates. The President has no say in that. True story. Obviously you didn't know that. No surprise.

The economy absorbed those price spikes. Inflation didn't soar.

The inflation was not about Biden. It was about what happened before he got into office. And speaking of the Fed, your orange hero BEGGED the Fed for MORE inflationary QE, AND even begged them to DROP interest rates, ALSO inflationary. I guess you didn't know that.

You are ignorant and boring.

And there it is again, that damn fantasy, if Trump were president. Hell yeah, if Trump were president we would all be shitting gold turds and cashing them in, and even with all that money, well there would be zero inflation because Trump, well Trump is flippin God. He could end the war in Ukraine in less than 24 hours. Hell, he has the cure for cancer if he could just find it amongst all the empty McDonald's containers.

The Country and the world were so much better during President Trump's time in the White House.

Almost Utopia for most people.

You hate The USA being like that.

I get it.
I think we all get it.
Trumpsters won't understand this, but here is the chronology on inflation in Normal World:
  1. Trillions and trillions and trillions in stimulus are pumped into the economy since 2009
  2. We ALL go all those years waiting for all this stimulus to create MASSIVE inflation
  3. COVID hits and the economy falls into complete structural disarray
  4. COVID subsides
  5. Demand explodes globally coming out of the COVID lockdowns
  6. Supply chains immediately collapse worldwide
  7. Inflation hits and quickly compounds on itself with supply chains paralyzed
  8. The Fed waits far too long (maybe 8 to 12 months) to gradually control the inflation
  9. The inflation has now had time to feed on itself, and off we go
That's what actually happened.
Biden's heavy tax (inflation) is $4000 more per year for average earner than under Trump. We had UTOPIA under Trump at 1.4% inflation (see chart), but Democrats wanted POWER, not goodness, so they flippped out with hate: "F--- Trump. .Impeach the motherf------. .Trump is worse than Bin Laden. . .Putin is Trump's surrogate." Democrats have lost their way and they are dragging America down.
Explain to us how Biden increased inflation to those levels?

Who was in charge when the supply chain was broken and did nothing to insure it stayed in tack.

Biden is just guilty of improving the economy...

Your OP just shows us how gullible you are... One day you will figure out that you are useful fool, there is no line of bullshit they could sell that you don't believe...
Trump’s fellow racists and bigots may have perceived America as a ‘utopia’ under Trump; Trump supporters were emboldened to pursue their racist, bigoted, anti-immigrant nativist agenda seeking to disadvantage Americans of color, immigrants, and gay and transgender Americans.

The neo-fascist racist, bigoted right flourished under Trump.
In addition to attacking our allies and coddling despots and dictators, Trump’s reckless, irresponsible withdraw from the Iran nuclear containment accords has resulted in Iran pursuing the development of nuclear weapons unchecked.

In the real world he didn't attack any allies.
You are in a misinforming Cult.

In the real world he didn't coddle any despot or dictator.
You are in a misinforming Cult.

Iran never stopped developing nuclear weapons - that was the intention of the accord signed by Barack Hussein.
To allow them to keep pursuing, unchecked.
You are in a misinforming Cult.
Biden didn't "let" them increase interest rates. The President has no say in that. True story. Obviously you didn't know that. No surprise.

The economy absorbed those price spikes. Inflation didn't soar.

The inflation was not about Biden. It was about what happened before he got into office. And speaking of the Fed, your orange hero BEGGED the Fed for MORE inflationary QE, AND even begged them to DROP interest rates, ALSO inflationary. I guess you didn't know that.

You are ignorant and boring.

Nobody was driving in 2008 because they were staying home and collecting unemployment. FACT!
That decreased the demand for fuel, no subcontractor trucks on the road, everybody all hunkered down collecting free Uncle Sam money.

You are ignorant, boring, and intentionally dishonest.

and Trumpsters won't understand this, but here is the chronology on inflation in Normal World:
  1. Trillions and trillions and trillions in stimulus are pumped into the economy since 2009
  2. We ALL go all those years waiting for all this stimulus to create MASSIVE inflation
  3. COVID hits and the economy falls into complete structural disarray
  4. COVID subsides
  5. Demand explodes globally coming out of the COVID lockdowns
  6. Supply chains immediately collapse worldwide
  7. Inflation hits and quickly compounds on itself with supply chains paralyzed
  8. The Fed waits far too long (maybe 8 to 12 months) to gradually control the inflation
  9. The inflation has now had time to feed on itself, and off we go
That's what actually happened.
Now I won't deny there is something to that, that's the other percentage of the equation, but the fuel thing is the larger piece of the pie.

The fuel shortage exacerbated supply shortages, dumbfuck.
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Trump’s fellow racists and bigots may have perceived America as a ‘utopia’ under Trump; Trump supporters were emboldened to pursue their racist, bigoted, anti-immigrant nativist agenda seeking to disadvantage Americans of color, immigrants, and gay and transgender Americans.

The neo-fascist racist, bigoted right flourished under Trump.

In addition to attacking our allies and coddling despots and dictators, Trump’s reckless, irresponsible withdraw from the Iran nuclear containment accords has resulted in Iran pursuing the development of nuclear weapons unchecked.
Biden's heavy tax (inflation) is $4000 more per year for average earner than under Trump. We had UTOPIA under Trump at 1.4% inflation (see chart), but Democrats wanted POWER, not goodness, so they flippped out with hate: "F--- Trump. .Impeach the motherf------. .Trump is worse than Bin Laden. . .Putin is Trump's surrogate." Democrats have lost their way and they are dragging America down.
Yeah, inflation hasn't been a good thing; that's for sure.

I wish I could come up with a catalyst for this inflation but it must be simply because Biden bad.
Yeah, inflation hasn't been a good thing; that's for sure.

I wish I could come up with a catalyst for this inflation but it must be simply because Biden bad.
That's because you're not very well informed.

You should read sections 6 and 7 here, you might get a clue..might.

Well, this is section 4, but..

"the Secretary of the Interior shall, as appropriate and consistent with applicable law, place a temporary moratorium on all activities of the Federal Government relating to the implementation of the Coastal Plain Oil and Gas Leasing Program, as established by the Record of Decision signed August 17, 2020,"

He even cut off a program to get CA a stable water supply. Biden is a ginormous douchebag.

"(d) The Presidential Memorandum of April 12, 2018 (Promoting Domestic Manufacturing and Job Creation Policies and Procedures Relating to Implementation of Air Quality Standards), the Presidential Memorandum of October 19, 2018 (Promoting the Reliable Supply and Delivery of Water in the West), and the Presidential Memorandum of February 19, 2020 (Developing and Delivering More Water Supplies in California), are hereby revoked."

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Yeah, inflation hasn't been a good thing; that's for sure.

I wish I could come up with a catalyst for this inflation but it must be simply because Biden bad.

I wish I could come up with a catalyst for this inflation but it must be simply because (every single one of) Biden('s policies are) bad.

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