UTOPIA under Trump

You’re a delusional cultist.

Europeans were dismayed that we would be so pathetic as to actually nominate Trump. To be more accurate, it wasn’t Trump that damaged our credibility but rather the share of the electorate that demonstrated we can’t be counted on to be rational leaders.

I can see were Europeans would be surprised that the USA would elect someone that wasn't a globalist dick sucker.

Making America great, while super fantastic for Americans is less great for the leeches in Europe.
Trump's economy in 2020 began the inflation bubble, starting with the shut downs and Covid giveaways from both parties. OPEC + finally cutting production at Trump's urging, when the world's economies was starting back up at the end of 2020, put pressure on all sectors.
In the real world he didn't attack any allies.
You are in a misinforming Cult.

In the real world he didn't coddle any despot or dictator.
You are in a misinforming Cult.

Iran never stopped developing nuclear weapons - that was the intention of the accord signed by Barack Hussein.
To allow them to keep pursuing, unchecked.
You are in a misinforming Cult.
The former 1-term fuckup coddled every rightwing dictator.
I can see were Europeans would be surprised that the USA would elect someone that wasn't a globalist dick sucker.
No. They were surprised that we would elect an ignorant and arrogant former reality show host to be a president. They were surprised that we couldn’t see through his obvious facade. They were surprised that we were just that foolish.
You are a retard who has no grasp of the facts.
I bet you believe the garbage that Trump tell you.

Trump worshipers have a poor grasp of reality. It’s rarely possible to even know if Trump knows he’s lying. Sometimes it’s not even possible if his worshipers believe his lies or if they are just trolling the entire nation.

Because that’s what Trump is. A troll. The biggest most powerful troll in the history of the nation
That's because you're not very well informed.

You should read sections 6 and 7 here, you might get a clue..might.

Well, this is section 4, but..

"the Secretary of the Interior shall, as appropriate and consistent with applicable law, place a temporary moratorium on all activities of the Federal Government relating to the implementation of the Coastal Plain Oil and Gas Leasing Program, as established by the Record of Decision signed August 17, 2020,"

He even cut off a program to get CA a stable water supply. Biden is a ginormous douchebag.

"(d) The Presidential Memorandum of April 12, 2018 (Promoting Domestic Manufacturing and Job Creation Policies and Procedures Relating to Implementation of Air Quality Standards), the Presidential Memorandum of October 19, 2018 (Promoting the Reliable Supply and Delivery of Water in the West), and the Presidential Memorandum of February 19, 2020 (Developing and Delivering More Water Supplies in California), are hereby revoked."

It appears you are the one that is not well informed. You place a lot of weight on this EO of Biden's,, and hey, I know it is not your fault. Those damn nutcase media sites like FOX news, or worse, PJ media, Townhall, and others, they ain't going to tell you the truth. And worse, you got Republican members of Congress out there making the same claim as you are. At best, well they are as ignorant as you. At worst, they are flat out lying. That EO, it never went into effect.

Oil companies sued immediately to stop that EO and they were successful.

And here is the real deal, those oil companies are not interested in those leases. The last major auction conducted at the close of the Trump administration, was a dismal failure. Half the lots didn't even get a bid, no major company showed up, and the revenue received, mostly from the State of Alaska--damn socialists, was less than ten cents on the dollar of anticipated revenue.

But blaming inflation on high gas prices, and then blaming those high gas prices on an EO that never went into effect and has since been reversed, is just stupid, it really is. And ignoring facts like this, which I heard on my commute from that terrible place called NPR. The savings rate, that is the percentage of their income Americans save, was 35% in April of 2020. Today, it is five percent.

I mean this shit is a nobrainer. Never mind about the supply chain problems, the War in Ukraine and it's impact on both the energy and the food sector. LOL, beat you have no idea how vital Ukraine is to the food sector. When people are stashing back one out of every three dollars they make, well not going to be many dollars out there chasing those goods. I mean you do know the definition of inflation, right? But when they are spending 19 out of every twenty dollars they make, well that is a whole lot more dollars chasing those goods.

Which brings us to the solution. We can't depend on Congress, hell they too worried about transgender people, what schools are teaching, banning books, and Hunter Biden's laptop. Just STOP FLIPPIN SPENDING. My son quit his job and I don't blame him. He moved back in, and it kind of pisses me off. But there is one good thing, he is eating this hord of food we have stored up and that pleases me because I wanted it gone a long time ago.

One month, one damn month. When every Americans stays home, refuse to eat out, buys a minimal amount of groceries and eats what they already have. When they refuse to go to the movies, refuse to go to sporting events, refuse to do anything other than go to work, eat what they have, buy only what they must have, and bank the rest, inflation will be snapped, immediately. We have the power, time we used it.
. I expect the Republicans in the house to submit their anti inflation bill any day now.
When the country falls into real chaos, they shouldn't be surprised if they begin being treated as such. Them AND their presstitute partners in crime...

The words Joy Behar used to blame the people of Palestine, Oh for the toxic train derailment disaster apply to snowflakes and the spiraling shit Biden and Democrats have dragged this country into, destroying us from within:

'Just remember, snowflakes, YOU VOTED FOR THIS - ALL OF IT!'
The words Joy Behar used to blame the people of Palestine, Oh for the toxic train derailment disaster apply to snowflakes and the spiraling shit Biden and Democrats have dragged this country into, destroying us from within:

'Just remember, snowflakes, YOU VOTED FOR THIS - ALL OF IT!'
I didn’t vote for Joy Bahar and I dodn’t vote for a train derailment.

You’re insane

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