Uvalde Teacher Propped Open Door Despite School Being On Lockdown, Allowed Shooter Entrance

The door the gunman went through was still open but they had to retrieve keys from a school employee to go through the other door.
He had fired multiple times before entering the school & that's why they were on lockdown
Excuse my confusion, as the story the authorities tell about what happened keeps changing.
That's an idiotic lie.

You're a moron.
While it is true that any weapon can inflict as many injuries and fatalities as an AR-15. What is also certainly true is there is no comparison to the speed and easy of doing so. It took Derik Chauvin 9 minutes to kill George Floyd. At that rate the Texas school shooter would have only had time for at most 6 victims instead of 21.
Even though the Declaration of Independence says that all men are created equal, the same can't be said of firearms. Clearly the firearms of today are hundreds of thousands of times as dangerous as the firearms from the founding of the Constitution.

Hence the right to bear arms granted in 1791 pales in comparison to the right in 1891.
the ONLY way he was able to kill that many kids were because he had a AR 15 Assault Rifle that is meant to kill many. He could not have done that with a handgun.

Not true at all, the rifle used was a semi-auto, meaning when you pull the trigger only one bullet gets fired. Same deal as a semi-auto handgun but not as many bullets in the magazine. Which is no problem, you push the release button and the empty magazine drops out and you put in a fresh clip. A couple of seconds and you're back in business.
If you aren't pissed off enough already by this insane tragedy, this will make your blood boil.
The school was on lockdown because of shots fired in the area. A teacher actually opened a locked exit door & left it propped open after they panicked & ran back inside.
The psycho perp walked right in an unlocked door due to an idiot teacher making it as easy as possible.
Apparently, they had a locked down & at least semi-secure building up to this point. It might have stopped the perp from entering & allowed police to stop this outside the building.
WTF?! This is just one reason why arming ALL teachers is a bad idea. This one couldn't properly handle a door in a crises.

Based on the timeline of COL. STEVEN MCGRAW, DIRECTOR OF TEXAS DPS, today:

11:28: Ramos crashes into the ditch. The teacher runs to room 132 to retrieve a phone. The same teacher walks back to the exit door and the door remains propped open.

(No time given): Ramos opens the truck and two men from the funeral home, who were checking on him, take off running when they see a gun. They’re shot at but no one is hit.

11:30: The teacher runs back inside, panicked, and apparently calls 911. Door remains propped open. The use of the word “apparently” is peculiar. At this point in the investigation, with this detailed of a timeline, you would think that teacher has been identified, confirmed and a statement taken, that they did in fact call 911.

If you prop open a door like that during a lock down, you should be fired immediately.
If you aren't pissed off enough already by this insane tragedy, this will make your blood boil.
The school was on lockdown because of shots fired in the area. A teacher actually opened a locked exit door & left it propped open after they panicked & ran back inside.
The psycho perp walked right in an unlocked door due to an idiot teacher making it as easy as possible.
Apparently, they had a locked down & at least semi-secure building up to this point. It might have stopped the perp from entering & allowed police to stop this outside the building.
WTF?! This is just one reason why arming ALL teachers is a bad idea. This one couldn't properly handle a door in a crises.

Based on the timeline of COL. STEVEN MCGRAW, DIRECTOR OF TEXAS DPS, today:

11:28: Ramos crashes into the ditch. The teacher runs to room 132 to retrieve a phone. The same teacher walks back to the exit door and the door remains propped open.

(No time given): Ramos opens the truck and two men from the funeral home, who were checking on him, take off running when they see a gun. They’re shot at but no one is hit.

11:30: The teacher runs back inside, panicked, and apparently calls 911. Door remains propped open. The use of the word “apparently” is peculiar. At this point in the investigation, with this detailed of a timeline, you would think that teacher has been identified, confirmed and a statement taken, that they did in fact call 911.

The local school district should be sued for failing to provide Security 101 training to all teachers.

No screwing around - this is CHILDREN we're talking about. Yours. Mine.

Schools are REQUIRED BY LAW to keep children safe while they're on the premises. Failure to do so is gross negligence
Well they won't, that's why we train soldiers and NCOs thoroughly, instead of just giving them a gun and wishing them luck.
Yes. Well, back in the day we used to have military schools, so high school students could be properly trained in the the use and respect of firearms, instead of having to buy them from the local arms dealer and learning to use them at the local liquor store.
Nothing at all. This is a pretty cheap non sequitur, on your part. Try to do better.

I am suggesting you put something more behind it than vapid whining. Show us. Show us what is wrong about what he said. Show us why this does not represent or align with your values or ideas.

Else, why would someone think you are doing anything but paying lip service for convenient theater?

As of now, your only objection stated is that it gives others ammunition against you. That isn't an objection to the truth or value of his comments.

Or maybe you still aren't following. I can only do so much.
You stupid leftard moron, do us all a favor and DON'T DO ANYTHING

Everyone else on this board knows exactly what buttercup meant. It's only you retarded leftists that have trouble with reading comprehension.

We're going to crush your leftard agitation. We're going to make it painful for you. Because that's the only way you're going to learn. And YOUR whining is going to be music to a lot of ears.
A derogatory word for Hispanic. You know, like when the hateful Libtards call us White people "Crackers".
Maybe we could avoid being the initiators of hate?

I only operate reactively, to protect my kids.

Other than the foolish leftards who threaten children, I don't hate anyone.

And, the group that actually threatened my kids had everything but an Asian in it. I didn't see any Asians there. Everyone else was there though.

So like, I dont care about your skin color, I only care that my kids are crying.

Mexicans are mostly very family oriented, and I like that, I'm all for it. They, like me, will protect their children at all costs.

Besides, Beaners is so... 60's... :p
While it is true that any weapon can inflict as many injuries and fatalities as an AR-15. What is also certainly true is there is no comparison to the speed and easy of doing so. It took Derik Chauvin 9 minutes to kill George Floyd. At that rate the Texas school shooter would have only had time for at most 6 victims instead of 21.
Derick Chauvin did not kill anybody, dumbass. Floyd died from a drug overdose.

Furthermore, that punk down in Texas could have killed a lot more kids a lot faster and cheaper if he simply made some pipe bombs or other super cheap and simple to make IEDs and tossed them into classrooms.

You're an idiot.
Ive seen several articles that are saying that now. Im still not wanting that person drove over by a Greyhound bus. Shots were being fired through windows at this point and the teacher was probably rumning for her life.

2 minutes is the time frame in other stories. This happened fast
The teacher acted stupidly

Schools installed safety doors and instituted a lockdown procedure for a reason

We know that two teachers were killed

I only hope one of them was the teacher that left the door oprn

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